Super Vision

1265 1265 Battle of the Valley

"Teacher Xia, what did you find?" Li Ni looked at Xia Lei nervously.

Xia Lei did not explain, took Li Ni's hand, turned around and ran out of the door.Although the soldiers in Ping'an Village didn't know what happened, Xia Lei had established absolute prestige in their hearts. Xia Lei said that when they left here soon, they were instinctively prepared. Xia Lei held Li Ni When they ran out, they also ran out.

When the soldiers of Ping An Village just ran out of the wooden house, there was a loud noise behind the wooden house, and a violent explosion suddenly blasted the wooden house into pieces.

If a few seconds later, everyone in the cabin will be killed.

In the moment before the explosion, Xia Lei threw Li Ni on the ground and pressed her to the ground.The shock wave of the explosion whizzed past the back, and the hot waves almost scorched the clothes.

The shock wave of the explosion disappeared, and Xia Lei loosened Li Ni. He climbed up from Li Ni and looked at the chalet that had been razed to the ground, feeling terrified.

"How did you find out?" Li Ni's face was pale and her voice was trembling. She was obviously terrified.

Xia Lei said: "Just now I heard the chirping sound, which is the sound of the explosive lead burning." He walked towards the back of the cabin, and since there was a sound of the explosive lead burning, it means that someone lit the lead.

Behind the chalet is a hillside with dense trees growing on it.

Xia Lei took the Avengers 1000 in his hand and walked carefully towards the hillside behind the cabin.Stepping over the ruins of the cabin, he soon found traces of burning wires left on the ground.The linear trace stretched all the way into the woods on the hillside, but there was nothing in the woods.

Li Ni and the soldiers in Ping'an Village followed.

"Sure enough, there are leads!" Li Ni said angrily: "It must be the guys of the stubborn stone tribe, they want to blow us up!"

"Kill them!" The soldiers in Ping'an Village roared angrily.

"Retreat!" Xia Lei suddenly shouted, and then quickly backed away.

The soldiers of Ping An Village followed Xia Lei to retreat in the direction of Ping An Village.

At this time, a group of armed men rushed out of the hillsides on both sides of the road, with more than fifty people.These armed personnel are very well equipped, and some of them also wear body armor.

The number of people has an absolute advantage, and the equipment also has an absolute advantage. As soon as the armed personnel of these stubborn stone tribes show up, the scene on the side of Ping'an Village is suddenly not enough to watch.

The soldiers in Ping'an Village didn't dare to be exposed to each other's firepower. As soon as the armed men of the stubborn stone tribe showed up, they hid in the stone piles on both sides of the road.They aimed their guns at the armed men, but they did not dare to shoot.

Xia Lei also hid behind a stone on the right side of the road, and his eyes locked on a leading figure.The guy was wearing a black protective suit and looked like protective armor made of plastic and metal.This black protective armor not only covered his body tightly, but also protected his head intact.

Although he can't see that guy's face, Xia Lei knew he was Huang Zhan.

"People in Ping'an Village listen, put down your weapons and submit to us, otherwise I will kill you, and all the people in your village!" The man in black as if in armor shouted, his voice was really yellow The sound of battle.He is Huang Zhan.

"Huang Zhan, leave here!" Li Ni shouted to Huang Zhan, "otherwise we are welcome!"

"Hahaha!" Huang Zhan laughed loudly.


There was a gunshot, and a bullet flew out of the muzzle of the Avengers 1000. There was almost no time interval. When the bullet flew out of the muzzle, it hit the head of the Yellow War.


A metal collision sounded, Huang Zhan's body shook, but did not fall.His protective armor protected his head from being shot by Avengers 1000 bullets.

The person who shot the gun was Xia Lei. If he wanted to kill him, he didn't want to talk nonsense to the people of Huang Zhan and Wanshi Tribe.The people of the Wanshi tribe first slaughtered a small warrior in Ping'an Village, and then buried explosives behind the cabin to prepare to kill the people in Ping'an Village.In such a nature, what other words did he waste with the people of Huang Zhan and the Wanshi tribe?

Xia Lei's idea was to capture the thief first, and then kill Huang Zhan first, but he didn't expect that even the bullets of the Avengers 1000 could not penetrate the protective armor of Huang Zhan!Sniper rifles can't shoot Huang Zhan, let alone those tattered guns of the soldiers in Ping'an Village.Now it seems that he knew he was still alive, but Huang Zhan dared to bring people here to kill him, and appeared openly. He relied on the black protective armor on his body. He came prepared. !

"Don't shoot!" Li Ni, who was lying beside Xia Lei, said nervously: "He is wearing the light armor of the Blue Moon Man, and our bullets are useless!"

"Blue Moon Man's light armor?" Xia Lei's brow furrowed suddenly.Fortunately, however, among the fifty or so armed members of the Hard Rock Horde, only Huang Zhan had a set of such armor, and no one else had it. Otherwise, the battle would not be fought.

At this moment, the armed men of the Wanshi tribe also fired, dozens of guns fired one after another, and the bullet raindrops generally flew over.For a time the gunshots were banging, the bullets were roaring, the fragments of stones fluttered around wildly, and the powerful firepower suppressed the soldiers in Ping'an Village from dare to show their heads.

Huang Zhan raised a hand, and the gunshots suddenly stopped.Huang Zhan's hand then waved forward.More than fifty armed men from the Hard Rock tribe have taken out from the left and right sides, and armed men wearing body armour walked to the front.Some even held a metal plate over one meter high as a shield to prevent people in Ping'an Village from returning suddenly.

"Li Ni, surrender, and follow me to the Wanshi tribe, I will treat you well. Don't look at me as a ferocious one, but I am gentle with women, hahaha ..." Huang Zhan smiled.

The insulted Li Ni wanted to get up, and Xia Lei pushed her down.

"Let me go, I'm going to kill him!" Li Ni was pressed around by Xia Lei, and she struggled hard.

Xia Lei suddenly released her, but didn't wait for her to get up from the ground. He slapped on Li Ni's hips.With a snap, the plump buttocks suddenly made a beautiful ripple.

"You ..." Li Ni was shocked on the spot. It was strange that the anger in her heart had been swept away by Xia Lei. She only had shame in her heart, and there was something she didn't understand.

Xia Lei discovered that he had lost his gait. He was hitting women's ass and hitting his habit. When he was disobedient, he couldn't help but slap him.But he beats his women, and those women beaten by him will not care about him.But Li Ni is not his woman, how can he beat Li Ni's ass?And still in front of so many soldiers in Ping'an Village.

Sure enough, his slap attracted the eyes of most of the soldiers in Ping'an Village, and those soldiers also looked here with strange eyes.

Xia Lei's heart was embarrassed, but there was a serious look on his face, "You calm down, he is wearing the blue moon man's armor, and your gun can't kill him at all."

"They will rush over soon, and it will be a death!" Li Ni said angrily.

"Calm down, calm down." Xia Lei said: "Leave it to me."

I don't know why. When he heard such words, Li Ni became quiet, and she was not so nervous and scared.She also found that staying by the man's side, she would not be afraid even if the sky fell.Is this the sense of security most women want?She didn't know. Her heart was messed up.

"Li Ni! I will give you one last chance!" Huang Zhan's voice came, "Hand over that guy, I'll let you go."

That guy obviously refers to Xia Lei.

The sights of the soldiers in Ping'an Village all gathered on Xia Lei and Li Ni, and their eyes looked very complicated.They seem to be facing the choices they faced in the garbage site again last night. They chose to betray that time, this time?

"Think about the children and loved ones in your family. They need your protection. Give the sharpshooter, and I will let you go back. It is a very cost-effective deal to exchange his life for all of you." Huang Zhan's voice.

His words have affected some of the soldiers in Ping'an Village, and they look a little hesitant, which shows that they are struggling inside.

Li Ni looked at Xia Lei, "You can rest assured that we won't betray you. I don't believe that guy at all. His plan is to kill you and then kill us. Give it to you and we will die faster."

Although this was said to Xia Lei, it was also given to the soldiers in Ping'an Village.

At this point in time, Xia Lei already had an idea in mind, he said: "I never thought you would betray me, if you believe me, do what I say."

"Huh." Li Ni nodded.

Xia Lei said: "You said to Huang Zhan, you promised to trade, but stop his people and don't shoot."

"What do you want to do?" Li Ni was nervous again.

Xia Lei put down the Avengers 1000 in his hand, and then removed the ugly metal bow from his shoulder. "I said I would like to show you the power of this bow. I will show you it later. Power. "

Li Ni suddenly understood Xia Lei's motives. She hesitated and nodded.

"Li Ni, I don't have that much time!" Huang Zhan's voice said.

Li Ni raised her hands over the hiding stone, and then slowly stood up, facing Huang Zhan, and said aloud: "Huang Zhan, I promise your transaction! But you have to stop your people, don't open gun!"

"Humph!" Huang Zhan snorted coldly, then said: "Stop! Don't shoot!"

The people of the Wanshi tribe stopped, but the gun was still aimed at the front of Ping'an Village.

"Let him come out!" Huang Zhan roared.

Xia Lei put a metal arrow on the bow string, then pulled the metal bow to the full bow.

Li Ni looked at Xia Lei at her feet and was so nervous, "He did as he did, the people of the Naishi Tribe stopped, OK ..."

Xia Lei suddenly stood up and locked Huang Zhan within a second.


The bowstring bounces.

A metal arrow shot out angrily--

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