Super Vision

1272 1272 Uncle Poison

At the foot of the north peak, Xia Lei looked up, but he didn't see any traces of human architecture. His eyes were full of stones, not even a tree.The peaks near this mountain are also rocky, bare, and constitute a desolate scene.

Huang Zhan actually built his treasure house in such a place, it is really unimaginable.If it weren't for the rescue of Liang Tao by chance, Xia Lei would never dream that the treasure house of Huang Zhan would be in such a place.So sometimes doing something good will always pay off unexpectedly.

"Brother, come with me." Liang Tao climbed uphill.

There is no road on the hillside and the terrain is steep.

The two turned over the hillside and then moved laterally to the other side of the mountain.The road underfoot disappeared, but the terrain was flat.The mountain in this place suddenly dent.Its area is not very large, only a few hundred square meters, and it is steep on all sides. It feels like a god has shoveled off part of the mountain with a shovel, creating a natural "basement".

Xia Lei's eyes moved to the northwest corner of the "basement" where he saw a cave.The entrance to the cave is so small that only cats and cats can get in.There was a dark mass in the cave, and it was impossible to see what was inside.But he had a hunch that the cave was where Liang Tao was going to take him, and the treasure house of Huang Zhan was in that cave.

Sure enough, Liang Tao beckoned to him, and then took him to the cave.

"This place is really secret." Xia Lei said: "You said you had sex with Huang Zhan's woman, did his woman tell you what was hidden in the treasure house?"

Liang Tao said: "I didn't say that, because she didn't know that only Huang Tao could enter the treasure house of Huang Zhan, and even his woman was no exception."

"Don't you say that Huang Zhan sent a trusted guard to guard this treasure trove, how come I haven't seen anyone?" Xia Lei had a strange hunch in his heart, not to mention danger, but he always felt a little unrealistic.

"I don't know about this. To be honest, I have just escaped. The Huangshi tribe experienced a civil war after Huang Tao was killed by you. Huang Clan's cronies either died or fled, which may also not be here The reason why people guard. "Liang Tao said.

The two talked and reached the entrance of the cave. Liang Tao was about to enter, but Xia Lei suddenly caught him.

"What are you doing?" Liang Tao asked.

Xia Lei said quietly: "There are people inside."

Liang Tao suddenly became nervous. He leaned out of the cave and glanced into the cave, and then listened carefully to the sound inside with his ears.But all he saw was a dark mass, and all he heard was the whining wind, and nothing else.

"No one." Liang Tao said curiously.

"Follow me, don't make a sound." Xia Lei said.

Liang Tao nodded, and then came down carefully and asked to go inside the cave.He saw that Xia Lei, who was walking in front of him, released the metal bow on his shoulder, and then pulled out two metal arrows from the shaft.Xia Lei's reaction was obviously the reaction of the approaching battle, but until this time he still didn't see anyone in the cave, and he still didn't hear any voices from anyone.His heart grew stranger.

When I walked forward for about 20-30 meters, the entrance of the cave suddenly became wider and higher, and then after a corner, the space inside a cave entered the eyes. It was not very large, only a few hundred square meters. But it gives people a suddenly bright and majestic feeling.

Just after the corner, a burst of fire entered Xia Lei and Liang Tao's sight.That was the light released by the two torches, one torch was placed in the gap in the stone wall, and the other was held in the hands of one person.

There was really someone, Liang Tao looked at Xia Lei with strange eyes.He didn't know how Xia Lei found someone in this cave, because the corner of the cave blocked not only the fire but also the sound. At the entrance of the cave, the situation inside could not be seen at all, nor could it be heard.Under the same conditions, why didn't he find anything, but Xia Lei knew there was someone inside?

One of these two is a middle-aged man, and the other is a young woman.Both men and women carry weapons.In front of them was a rock wall, pits and pits, nothing.

At this time, the two had a conversation.

"I remember this position very well." The young woman said: "The treasure house of the dead ghost is here."

"Baby, this is a rock, are you sure you remember correctly?" Said the middle-aged man.

The young woman smashed the rock wall with the gun handle, but there was no loud sound. When the metal gun handle hit the rock surface, a few Mars popped out.

The sound of the gun handle hitting the rock wall and the fired Mars showed a problem, that is, it is indeed a rock wall, and there is nothing behind.

"Damn, obviously here, why is this so?" The young woman was very annoyed.

The middle-aged man said, "Baby, think again, is there something wrong?"

"I'm here for the first time, but I believe that the guy who told me on the pillow was true. Wudu was the most trusted cron of Huang Zhan during his lifetime, and the one who guarded the treasure house for Huang Zhan. But that The idiot actually competed with the skeleton and was killed by the skeleton. Huang Zhan died, and the venom also died. Only the two of them in the world know the secrets of the treasure house. And me, but I have never been here. " Said the young woman.

"Then we can only find it slowly, so I will start from the left and you start from the right. If there is a treasure chest behind the rock, there will be a loud sound. In addition, you should also pay attention to the cracks in the rock If there is a strange gap, it may also be a door gap. "The middle-aged man said.

The young woman and the middle-aged man acted separately, one with the gun handle constantly hitting the left rock wall, and the other with the gun handle constantly hitting the right rock wall.

Around the corner, Liang Tao leaned into Xia Lei's ear, "Brother, the woman who slept with me is her. The kung fu bed is so good that it sits on the ground and sucks soil."

Xia Lei, "..."

"The situation I just said is correct. The treasure house of Huang Zhan is here, but everyone who knows the secret of the treasure house is dead. Even the women of Huang Zhan don't know the specific location. We ..." Liang Tao said here There was no sound, and he had no idea in his heart.

Xia Lei said: "Look at it first, and wait for those two people to find it."

Liang Tao nodded.

Two people in the cave continued to smash the rock walls, continuously making sounds of collision, and Mars produced by the collision of metal and rock.

Xia Lei began to miss his perspective ability, if his perspective ability can still be used normally, this time he just need to glance casually to find the location of the treasure house.

At this moment the young woman stopped suddenly, staring straight at the rock face in front of her.

"Did she find it?" Xia Lei was excited.

But when Xia Lei secretly excited, the young woman suddenly took off her pants and squatted down.

Hush Lili ...

The sound of crisp water sounds particularly loud in this enclosed space.

Under the light of the fire, the woman's big white group is also very eye-catching, white and white, full of fat and plump, don't have a mature sexy.

Xia Lei quietly had several black lines on her forehead. She thought the young woman had found the location of the treasure trove, but she didn't expect that she actually stopped to pee.

"Huh, the little buttocks' buttocks are really sexy, and it feels so cool to talk." Liang Tao got into Xia Lei's ear again and said such a sentence.

Xia Lei glanced at the unscrupulous uncle.

However, Liang Tao vowed to say: "I am telling the truth, I did not lie to you, I don't believe you will try it yourself later. If you enter from the back, wow, that feels really great ..."

Xia Lei reached out and covered Liang Tao's mouth. He couldn't hear it.It's weird that he actually fantasized about Liang Tao's thinking.This put a few more black lines on his forehead.This is probably the one who is close to Zhu Zhe, the one who is close to Mexico is black?

"My dear, I've found it! Come and see what I found!" The young woman suddenly cried with excitement.

The middle-aged man ran along.

The young woman did not stand up, but took a step aside.At such an important moment she didn't finish peeing, there was still a water column pouring between her legs on the ground, making that very special sound.

The middle-aged man leaned in and raised the torch in his hand to take a look at where the young woman was peeing.In a flash, a straight crack appeared on the ground.

Xia Lei's eyes moved to the straight gap, and he couldn't help being excited.

That gap will not be a naturally formed gap, but a door gap into the door of the treasure house.Including that they are not on the rock wall, but on the ground under the rock wall.If it wasn't for the young woman who squatted in that place and spewed urine, the urine was washed out of the door and then flowed into the treasure house, I am afraid no one could find the website's treasure house.

This is a misunderstanding that one cannot avoid, because when one thinks of a door, a normal person usually thinks that the door is installed on a wall, but not the ground under his feet.With this alone, it is not difficult to see the cunningness and cleverness of Huang Zhan.

"Quickly, pee a little bit over here, and the other side!" The middle-aged man began directing the young woman to pee.

Hush Lili ...

The young woman kept moving his big white ball, and then pee in different places.As soon as she finished urinating, all four seams in the treasure house were poured out by her.

During this process, Liang Tao paid attention to it, and his eyes were round.Xia Lei did not miss any details, but he thinks he is doing the right thing, he is completely different from his goal.

The woman lifted up her pants and stood up, while tying her belt and said, "Hurry up on the explosive, blast it away, we take away the contents and then go away."

"You help me hold the torch." The middle-aged man passed the torch in his hand to the young woman.

The young woman took the torch from the middle-aged man's hand and then leaned into the middle-aged man's arms. She kissed the middle-aged man's lips. "My dear, we are about to get rich. Without me, you can't take it. To the treasure of the Yellow War, you have to treat me well in the future, you know? "

"You can rest assured that I will treat you better than I am to my mother in the future. Baby, I will listen to you in the future, okay?" The middle-aged man said sweet words.

"Really ..." The woman backed away suddenly, looking at a sharp knife stuck in her heart in horror.

The middle-aged man sneered: "You scam, do you think I really love you? I'm just for the treasure of the Yellow War. I have found it now. I don't need you anymore, so you die." If you die, no one will share the treasure with me. Isn't that good? "

"You ..." The young woman fell to the ground without saying a word. Yinhong's blood ran out of her chest, and her big wave was stained in the blink of an eye.

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