Super Vision

1281 1281 The Bad Explorer

The night was already very deep, but the village was still lively and lively, not quiet at all.Huang Zhan is dead, and Blue Dragon will no longer hurt the people in Ping'an Village. These are good things that people in Ping'an Village should celebrate.They danced and sang beside the campfire, venting all the emotions accumulated in their hearts.

But the people who should be the most involved are not here.

At Li Ni's home, Xia Lei turned over a book brought out of Huang Zhan's treasure house.This book looks hundreds of years or even thousands of years old, very old.

The book's name is "Hope Travels" and the author is a man named Han Fang.From the author's profile on the page, it can be seen that he is an explorer and has visited many places.He wrote in the book what he saw during the trip. Some of the content is more exaggerated, but there are also some real content.

The oil lamp was burning quietly, exuding a faint flame, and Xia Lei's eyes swept across lines of text ...

I set off from the holy city, called the Titan Cruise, to the border town.It was the closest place to the no man's land. I heard that the folk customs were tough, and I deliberately took a gun to defend myself.Anyway, I hope I do n’t need that stuff.Walking with me is my assistant, Miss Pang Ting.There is her story in the last book, I believe everyone is familiar with her.She is still so sexy, with a sexy figure that excites men.But I revealed one of her secrets privately. After the last expedition, she passed a comfortable back, and ended up gaining three pounds. The meat seemed to grow on her butt ...

We finally reached the border town, this place is not the same as the wild city I imagined.It is an emerging city with a high technological content. My opinion is that it is second only to the Holy City.I really like the statue of Saint Lei standing on the Plaza of Hope. He is powerful and powerful, and has excellent wisdom and vision.Shenglei is my idol and I am very proud of it.However, I always have a question. I believe many people have the same question as me, that is, what is the name of Sheng Lei, what is his name, no one actually knows.If someone tells me this secret, I am willing to split the manuscript cost of this book to half, and never say anything ...

Xia Lei moved secretly and said secretly, "I have heard the character" Sheng Lei "no less than ten times. People who know him call him" Sheng Lei ", but no one knows his real name. What is going on here? In the new world, Sheng Lei is obviously an extremely great person. He created a new era of mankind. With such great merit and such great glory, no one knows his real name. This is abnormal. "

On the earth, any great man, his name, birth date, spouse's children, etc. will be recorded in history, and even the eighth generation of great men's ancestors will have detailed records.But in the new world, Sheng Lei, a great leader, seemed to be emerging from the mud, and no one even knew his real name.Is this normal?

He continued to watch.

Ms. Pang Ting and I rented an ATV and went to the dark forest.Many people advised us not to go in, and some people told us some terrible stories.I summed it up to the point that no matter who it is, as long as it enters the dark forest, it cannot live out.To be honest, I was also a little scared and hesitated, but entering the dark forest adventure is the dream of every explorer's life.I have reached the edge of the wasteland and the dark forest is in front. How can I give up my dream and be a coward?

We left the border town and drove for two weeks before we reached the edge of the dark forest.This place is too big.We ran into the first difficulty and lost our way.To enter the dark forest, we still need to travel 100 kilometers. Fortunately, our ATV performance is very good, even in the wilderness without roads.We continue to advance towards the dark forest, I think Sheng Lei will bless me and Miss Pang Ting to successfully complete this expedition.If I enter the dark forest and discover the secrets inside, then I will be the first person in human history to enter the dark forest and explore or live out ...

We finally saw the dark forest, it is really a vast and endless forest.I looked with an optical telescope, but the sky above the forest was shrouded in endless dense fog. The visibility was very low, and I couldn't see the situation inside the forest.A bad situation happened, our car broke down, and the communicator lost its signal, unable to contact the outside ...

The night came and we camped next to the ATV.Pang Ting raised a campfire with the dry branches, and then began to barbecue.The last piece of meat, along the way, we have exhausted our food reserves.I personally feel nothing, because I am a natural optimist.But Miss Pang Ting was too young after all, she was a little scared.Although she didn't say it, I can tell.I comforted her and made a suggestion for her to go back, but she refused, and she wanted to join me into the dark forest.I am very touched, I hold her in my arms.People can easily get out of control in a dangerous environment, and I get out of control.Miss Pang Ting's body was warm and plump, and soon evoked my original desire. I pressed her down and took off her pants, but she did not refuse me.We release our passions and desires in nature, the feeling is like being integrated with the whole world, very wonderful ...

Xia Lei frowned, because what he saw next was no longer an adventure, but the full content of XXOO.There are not only detailed organ descriptions, but also detailed and exaggerated movements.I have to say that the guy named Han Fang had a good writing. Looking down on this part, Xia Lei has stood up and nodded to the author Jun.

The author of a thousand years ago also struggled to sell.

After that unsightly content, Xia Lei continued to read it.

It was dawn and I crawled out of my sleeping bag.I awakened Miss Pang Ting, and she also crawled out of her sleeping bag.The eternal sun shone on her, her ass was still white, and her chest was white.I had a great night with her last night, and I seemed to be many years younger.She looks a little shy and wears clothes on my back.But when she bent over, I still saw her maturity ...

Xia Lei frowned again, this guy has endless?Do you write travel notes or Huang Na's novels?

Fortunately, after a description of dressing, the Korean book finally returned to the right path and entered the story of adventure.

After discussing with Miss Pang Ting, we finally decided to enter the dark forest adventure.We know what kind of risks we are about to face, but there is a well-known sentence in ancient Chinese.We do not enter the dark forest, how can we crack the secrets that have plagued mankind so far?So we entered the dark forest ...

I cannot describe in words what I saw in the dark forest.Ms. Pang Ting and I entered from the edge of the forest. Within a hundred meters, we could not see dozens of human bones and some weathered relics.Some of the bones and relics are the bones and relics of the armed bodyguards, and some are the bones and relics of my colleagues.Do you know who I found among those bones?The famous legendary explorer, One-eyed Jack.It is rumored that he was unevenly distributed after death and treasure hunt, but he did not expect his bones and relics to appear in the dark forest ...

Miss Pang Ting and I were even more nervous when we discovered the bones and relics of One-eyed Jack.We discussed it and finally decided to continue to go deep into the dark forest.I swear that if I were given another chance, I would never make that choice.I thought that if it was n’t for later, Miss Pang Ting and I would have died in the dark forest ...

The dense fog always enveloped the dark forest, and the visibility was always low.Ms. Pang Ting and I are very slow and want to move quickly.The night here came especially fast. This time I picked up dead branches in the forest and raised a bonfire.The bonfire will make us an obvious target, but it can also drive out the beasts.This is the basic common sense of exploration, so I won't say much.Let me talk about me and Miss Pang Ting, we have sparked a passion in the forest again.She said she was urinating and wanted to relieve her hand, but she dared not leave the fire, so I let her pee beside the campfire.She took off her pants in front of me and squatted in front of me.The tempting scene stimulated me, and I lost control again. When she wanted to lift her pants and stood up, I threw her on the ground, and then we started up beside the campfire ...

Xia Lei smiled bitterly. Is this guy specializing in erotic adventure novels?

He dared to look down.

The next morning, Pang Ting and I crawled out of the sleeping bags.The normal procedure is to pack up sleeping bags and salute to move on, but this time it is impossible to proceed normally.We found that we were surrounded by a dozen blue dragons, including triangular blue dragons, giant tooth blue dragons, flying wing blue dragons and overlord blue dragons.These horrible creatures could only be seen in books before, but I didn't expect to see so many this time.Pang Ting and I were desperate, and no one could defeat the Blue Dragon, because the scale armor on them was impenetrable by bullets.I should have thought that we would have such an ending, but I am not reconciled at all, because I will die if I have not found any secret.Pang Ting cried. She hid behind me and hugged me tightly. I could feel the squeeze on her chest, but I was not interested at all.Just when we thought that we would become the snack of the blue dragon, the gods gave birth to a strange sound suddenly.That sound seems to be the sound of an ancient tree ...

Xia Lei was shocked.

The sound of the old tree?

Is this the blue energy tree?

He looked down anxiously.

Those voices seemed to be saying something, but I couldn't understand it at all.I hugged Miss Pang Ting and wanted to give her the last warmth before she died.We kissed, and it was a passionate kiss.I like the taste on her tongue, like the strawberry and cream, sweet and refreshing ...

However, those blue dragons did not attack us in the end, they just surrounded us.Miss Pang Ting and I couldn't escape at all.I took out my notebook and wrote this part.I think that if I were to die, this note might have a chance to leave this forest and turn the last story of my life into text, which is also my last words ...

As I wrote the last paragraph of text, a huge aircraft suddenly appeared in the sky.It flies very low, I see very clearly, I swear, I definitely admit it, it is actually the sky eagle carrier of the great holy thunder flying from the holy city!Pang Ting and I saw the hope of alive, we shouted at the spaceship, hoping to attract the attention of the people on the sky eagle carrier, but ...

The full text is over here.

The following page reads this passage: This is the last expedition of the lustful explorer Han Fang, who died in the dark forest.His notes were finally found in the stool of a giant blue-toothed blue dragon, which was outside the dark forest.The reason why it can be preserved is that it has a condom on the outside. This condom, which has been used by the Korean side, has entered the museum and has become another precious cultural relic.The dark forest continues to maintain the record that no one can survive. It is a dangerous human restricted area.In this article, I would like to warn those who try to explore the dark forest, do not be illusory!Of course, if you have the ability of Saint Ray, you can try it!

Xia Lei's eyes moved again to the text written by the Korean side: a huge flying aircraft suddenly appeared in the sky.It flies very low, I see very clearly, I swear, I definitely admit it, it is actually the sky eagle carrier of the great holy thunder flying from the holy city!

"Sheng Lei went to the dark forest? What is he going to do?" His heart was full of conjecture.

Footsteps suddenly came from outside the door.

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