Super Vision

1284 Question 1284

The sudden explosion also scared Lin Qing. She panicked and said: "What happened?"

"I don't know you stayed in the house. I went out to have a look." Xia Lei put down the kettle and quickly put on his pants, and even rushed out of the door before he could pull it up.

"Ms. Xia, are you still coming back?" Lin Qing's voice came from the house.

Xia Lei's footsteps paused. Lin Qing's words seemed to be magical, and he was supposed to pull him back.But he just hesitated for a moment and then ran in the direction of the explosion.

In the room, Lin Qing lay softly on the quilt.There was a hint of conspiracy smile on her lips, "Li Ni, you want to compete with me for a man, you have no experience with me, you lose."

In her mind, Xia Lei's things comparable to artworks are constantly emerging, and her lips still have his taste, so strong and exciting.Then, one of her apple faces was getting red and red, you said that the big white legs exposed in the air also slowly closed together, secretly exerting force ...

She had forgotten the explosion outside.

She was immersed in a certain kind of happiness, her mud feet were deep, unable to extricate herself.Knowing that there was a sudden gunshot outside and someone panicking for help, she suddenly woke up.She hurriedly put on her pants and ran out of the door. Just in a flash, there was a sudden burst of fire outside her woods, as well as a violent explosion and the screams of people.

"Teacher Xia!" Lin Qing exclaimed and rushed out of the woods.

She had just ushered in the second man in her life, which gave her a miserable life. She seemed to have a glimmer of hope. Happiness seemed to be within her reach, but she did n’t expect that she was going to accomplish good things with Teacher Xia This happened.If Teacher Xia died like this, what hope would she have in her life?

Da da da!


The sound of assault rifles and machine gun fire from the head office shattered the tranquility of the night sky. The bullets were like half-storms flying towards Ping'an Village, houses collapsed and villagers died.

Lin Qing, who had just rushed out of the woods, was suddenly scared and silly. In her view were a large group of fierce armed men and several humanoid combat armor.

It was one of the most expensive equipment sold on the black market. A combat armor steel cost more than one million blue moon coins, and it still has a price but no market.If you want to cash, often need to increase the price by 10% to 20%.Liang Tao searched a lot of wealth and equipment in the treasure trove of the Yellow War. If he discounted all the equipment and added cash, he could not replace a humanoid fighter armor.

In this remote and remote village, there are suddenly several expensive fighter mechas, and unscrupulous fire and slaughter. Such a thing is not normal.

An armed man suddenly issued Lin Qing who had just rushed out of the woods. The guy suddenly roared in excitement and rushed towards Lin Qing with his legs dropped.As he ran, he shouted: "I found that woman! Who the hell fuck me with who I killed!"

Women are also a kind of wealth in this chaotic world. The younger and more beautiful women are, the more valuable they are.According to this standard, Lin Qing is obviously a first-class product.

The fierce armed man ran to Lin Qing, but Lin Qing was still at a loss for a while.She was really scared and stupid, she couldn't even escape her life.

The armed men ran to Lin Qing in the blink of an eye and grabbed Lin Qing's hand.Lin Qing recovered, and she kicked instinctively.Her foot just kicked between the legs of the armed man, but she didn't have much strength on her feet, and she couldn't really hurt the armed man at all.

"Damn it!" The armed men slapped Lin Qing's face with a slap.

A crackling sound!

The armed men were extremely ruthless and slapped Lin Qing to the ground with a slap.

"Dare to kick me, Lao Tzu will do you here! Let you taste the taste of Lao Tzu's big bird!" The armed men opened the zipper and pounced on it.

"Go away!" Lin Qing kicked over, but this time she was unsuccessful. The armed man grabbed her foot and then separated her foot.

"Bitch! Lao Tzu is going to fuck you to death!" The armed men rashly rushed up.

But at the moment when Lin Qing was shy and anxious, panicked and frightened, a burst of hot blood suddenly spewed out of the armed men's heart and poured her face.Only then did she see a silver metal arrow pierce through the armed man's heart and stab him alive.

Grabbing the armed man's neck with one hand, he fell to the ground.A familiar face was exposed in front of Lin Qing. This face made her feel kind and safe.At the moment when Xia Lei appeared in front of him, Lin Qing burst into tears suddenly, and the fear and despair that had accumulated in his heart suddenly vented.She scrambled up from the ground desperately, and then fell into Xia Lei's arms.

The hero saves the beauty, and then doesn't provoke the embrace, this is a thousand-year-old stalk on the earth, but this old stalk also exists in this new world.And Xia Lei was already used to it all.

Before Lin Qing could speak, Xia Lei hugged her little waist and threw her down on the ground.At that moment, a humanoid fighter armor suddenly turned to face the grove and opened fire on the grove.


The raindrops of the cannon's ammunition generally flew towards the grove, the trees fell one by one, and Lin Qing's dilapidated bark house collapsed.

"No--" Lin Qing's entire world seemed dark at the moment when the bark house fell, and there was no light at all.

The bark house was where she and her children lived, and it is now destroyed.

"It's not the time to distress your house now! Flee with me!" Xia Lei rolled around Lin Qing on the ground, his voice full of anger.

He had just hugged Lin Qing away, and there was a pile of dirt and rock fragments on the ground.The humanoid fighter armor has adjusted the shooting direction of the machine gun. If he takes a step further, he and Lin Qing have turned into a pile of meat sauce at the moment.

Avoiding the firepower of the humanoid fighter armor, Xia Lei rolled over and climbed up from the ground.Pulling the bow and arrow, a full bow instantly flew out with a silver metal arrow.The arrow draws a silver track in the air, and the red heat effect produced by the rapid friction of the air suddenly appears above the arrow. It feels like the arrow is burning!


The metal arrow broke through the bulletproof glass of the combat armored cockpit and directly pinned the operator in the cockpit to the back panel.

The operator died almost immediately in the middle of the arrow. The humanoid combat armor that had lost control shook and then fell to the ground, making a dull sound.

This sudden change stunned the remaining humanoid combat armor.You have to know that their humanoid combat armor can't even fire heavy machine guns. Ordinary machine guns can only hurt humanoid mechas. It is impossible to kill humanoid fighters suddenly.But they never imagined that in such a small mountain village in the backcountry, someone had turned their humanoid mecha with bows and arrows!

What bow is that?

Who is that person?

Just when the operators of several humanoid mechas were dumbfounded, Xia Lei had pulled Lin Qinghua to the depths of the woods.

"Teacher Xia, what happened?" Although it was temporarily safe, Lin Qing was still in shock.She knew very well that if Xia Lei didn't save her in the last few seconds, she might have died several times.

Xia Lei said: "It is not clear for the time being, but I suspect that the stubborn skeleton and the lecherous cat teamed up to attack our Ping An Village."

"Ah?" Lin Qing's apple face was suddenly bloodless, pale, and his voice shivered. "We can't win a stubborn stone tribe, plus the infamous lecherous cat, but he is Even the rebels took the bully he couldn't help! This time we are dead, I don't want to die, I don't want to die ... "

"You calm down!" Xia Lei slapped Lin Qing's buttocks, "Your child has been taken to the shelter by Aunt Zhang, you should know that place, go! Li Ni is already transferring villagers ! "

The hot feeling from the buttocks finally made Lin Qing awake. She suddenly remembered her child and she turned and ran.But she only ran two steps and suddenly turned back again, plunging into Xia Lei's arms, "Be careful, don't die, I haven't given you a woman's most precious thing."

Xia Lei suddenly had several black lines on his head.

The world of women is really difficult for him to interpret. He also doubts whether the main component of the young nerve is steel rope or hemp rope, otherwise how could it be so powerful?At this time, she still remembers what a woman's most precious thing is!Is it the navel or the armpit?

Lin Qing let go of Xia Lei but kissed him quickly on his face. After finishing this, he turned around and ran away in a direction in the depths of the woods.

Xia Lei wiped the wet marks on his face, and then moved quickly to the side.

Da da da……


Assault rifles and humanoid combat armoured machine guns frantically fired at the grove, and the trees fell to the ground like they were cutting wheat.It is not difficult to see how much they want to kill Xia Lei from the frequency with which ammunition and fighter armor operators fire ammunition.

But there were only fallen trees and broken stones in the woods, and there was no figure of Xia Lei at all.Xia Lei was like a ghost, suddenly appeared after killing a humanoid fighter armor, and then disappeared suddenly, leaving no trace of it.

"Damn, where did he go?" A humanoid combat armor cockpit was lifted, and a white young man with a stout figure poked his head out of the cockpit and shouted to the armed men of the Hard Rock Horde nearby, " Skeletons, what are you doing with your people behind? Do n’t go to the woods to find out that guy! If you let that guy escape this time, you should know how angry the lecherous cat is, and you should know that the lecherous cat is angry. What are the consequences! "

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