Super Vision

1288 1288 The humanoid fighter armor also fell.

"He's chasing us down!" A humanoid fighter armor shot in the direction of the arrow, but he didn't even see the target anywhere.

Fear spread among the three humanoid fighter armor.

Ivanov fled in the direction of the stone bridge while shooting. At this time, he couldn't think about anything in the future, because he couldn't pass this level in front of him, and he didn't even have a grasp in his heart!

boom!Another humanoid fighter armor fell.

The metal arrow made of the fragments of the Blue Moon's spacecraft has become a life-threatening arrow. Every time it appears, it will harvest a humanoid fighter armor.

There are two remaining eight humanoid fighter mechs. How will this chase end?

no one knows.

Stone bridge is in front of you, that is the only way to survive.

Ivanov and the last member of the Gamba team rushed towards Shiqiao.

"Roar!" A roar suddenly came from the side.

The last member of the Gamba team glanced across the run and suddenly saw a behemoth rushing at him.He instinctively raised his arm and shot.

Da da da……

The heavy machine gun fired.

The bullets hit the blue dragon's body, but they couldn't penetrate the scale armor.

Rihua approached fast, carrying a huge impact. When approaching the humanoid fighter armor, he suddenly jumped from the ground, the front paw pushed, and suddenly a few tons of the humanoid fighter armor fell to the ground.

The operator in the cockpit was already scared to death, he screamed, trying to raise the arm of the fighter armor to shoot at the blue dragon.But the blue dragon was like a mountain pressed against the fighter armor. Every time he made an arm-raising movement, the blue dragon shot down with a paw and knocked down the arm of the fighter armor.


Blue Dragon's claws can break a tree, and you can imagine how terrible its power is.Although the mechanical strength of the fighter armor is great, it is not comparable to it.After a few taps, the right arm of the fighter armor was actually snapped and fell to the ground!


Blue Dragon roared, raised his predecessor, and slapped his claws fiercely towards the cockpit of the humanoid fighter armor.

The first time, there was a crack in the bulletproof glass of the humanoid fighter armor.

The second time, the cracks in the cockpit bulletproof glass of the humanoid fighter armor expanded.

Third time ...


The cockpit bulletproof glass of the humanoid fighter armor was all shattered, and a pair of claws of Nisshua also extended.

"No--" The last member of the Gamba team made a desperate howl.

This was the last voice he called out in his life, and after that, Rihua slapped his head with a paw.Brain plasm and blood exploded from the bursting head, burning the cockpit red and white.

Ivanov finally ran across the stone bridge.In front of him, Ping'an Village is still burning, and the blazing firelight rises to the sky with thick smoke, which can be seen far away.

Crossing the stone bridge, Ivanov looked back.The blue dragon didn't catch up, and Xia Lei disappeared.This relieved him slightly.

"Damn, who is that guy? No, he's not a person ..." Ivanov muttered to himself and kept on walking, sprinting in the way he came.

In the direction of arrival, there is a retreat point that has been set in advance. The lecherous cat's transport plane will fly to pick up the retreat in a few minutes.When fleeing to the retreat point, Ivanov had made up his mind, that is, after getting on the transport plane, the driver of the transport plane was killed, and then the transport plane fled the area 51.

What will happen in the future?

He hadn't imagined that much.


A silver arrow suddenly flew out of a blaze of fire, plunged into the cab of the humanoid fighter armor in a flash.

"Ah--" Ivanov burst into a scream.

The metal arrow that suddenly plunged into the cockpit didn't kill him with one arrow, but plunged fiercely into his right shoulder.At the moment of the arrow, his entire right shoulder was scrapped, and the severe pain almost made him pass out.

Da da da……

Ivanov raised the left arm of the fighter armor and shot in the direction of the arrow.

Click, click, click!

The barrel of the heavy machine gun turned, but no bullets were ejected.

"Damn!" Ivanov couldn't help but scolded, and he felt his luck was terribly bad.

A man and a woman came out from behind the fire, and the man had a heavy metal bow in his hand.There are also two arrows in his arrow barrel, which is a pitiful reserve of ammunition.But Ivanov knew that the man didn't need much ammo at all, he only needed an arrow to kill him!

Ivanov's luck was really unlucky. After chasing for so long, I finally saw the target but there was no bullet in the gun.There is one more weapon on the entire battlefield mecha that can be used. That is a war sword made of alloy. It is a cold weapon used by mecha fighters.But Ivanov did not have the courage to fight the terrible opponent with a knife.Because he is very clear about the strength of the man he is facing, not to mention a sword, even if he is full of swords, he is definitely not an opponent!

Ivanov opened the cockpit of the humanoid fighter armor. He wanted to get out of the cockpit, but after struggling for a while, he realized that he could n’t pull the shoulder of the arrow from the arrow, even gently. It hurts to tear your heart and lungs when you move.

Xia Lei and Li Ni walked towards the humanoid fighter armor operated by Ivanov.At this time, Li Ni's face was no longer the tension and fear before, but his eyes were full of flames of revenge.

"Give him to me." Li Ni said.

Xia Lei nodded.

At this time Ivanov raised his left hand in the cockpit, "Don't kill me, this is a misunderstanding."

Xia Lei and Li Ni walked over.

Ivanov said: "I'm the man of the lecherous cat, I received the wrong information, so I have what happened just now. This is my fault, and I am willing to compensate you. Those seven fighter armor damage The degree is not great, I am willing to give them to you, which is enough to make up for your losses. How about, let me go? "

Li Ni stopped in front of the cockpit, then raised her assault rifle and pointed the muzzle at Ivanov.

"No, no ..." Ivanov blocked his left hand in the direction of the muzzle. His eyes were full of panic and fear. "You can't kill me. I'm the man of the lecherous cat. You If you kill me, the lecherous cat will kill you, and all the survivors in your village will die! "

"Shut up!" Li Ni shouted at Ivanov: "When you slaughtered those innocent villagers, why didn't you think you still have to beg for mercy?"

Ivanov quibble: "I have explained it clearly, it was a misunderstanding, and I am willing to compensate you. Promise me, let me go, this is good for everyone, you certainly don't want to talk to the horny cat Is it right? "

"Shut up!" Li Ni's hand holding the gun was shaking.

"You're afraid, that means I'm right." Did Ivanov see a glimmer of hope, "Let me go, I'm willing to leave my fighter armor as compensation."

Xia Lei said: "Village chief, let me come."

"No, you promised me, you have to give it to me for disposal." Li Ni said.

Xia Lei smiled bitterly, "How long do you intend to listen to his nonsense?"

Li Ni said: "Anything he said was sick, and I didn't want to listen to him at all."

"So what are you waiting for?" Xia Lei said.

Li Ni put the assault rifle in her hand and said to Xia Lei: "Can I borrow your saber?"

Xia Lei froze a little, then pulled out the saber in the scabbard and handed it to Li Ni.

Li Ni walked to the cockpit with a saber. The height of the humanoid fighter armor was almost three meters, and the cockpit was almost 1.5 meters above the ground. At this height, Ivanov's lower abdomen was also above her head.

"You, what are you going to do?" Ivanov suddenly became nervous.

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