Super Vision

1292 1292 Small Town Gangster

Three days later, Rihua carried Xia Lei out of the desert.This desert is placed on the earth, it is definitely the Sahara desert.Counting from Ping'an Village, Rihua ran a total of more than 2,000 kilometers before running out of this desert, and the total length of the north and south of the Sahara Desert was only more than 1,900 kilometers.

And a huge desert like this is unknown on the planet a thousand times as large as this planet.

The night fell, and the blue moon of the sky still exuded a cold blue radiance.Xia Lei couldn't see the energy hood on the sky, but he knew that it always existed, imprisoning everything in this world.

Out of the desert, in front of an open plain.

Xia Lei sat on Rihua's back and looked into the distance. He saw a building, which seemed to be a small town, and a road that stretched deep in the plain of the town.However, both sides of the road were covered with barren grass, and the land next to the town was covered with weeds and shrubs. It was a barren scene.

Although it is a small town, there is obviously no one living.

Xia Lei secretly said: "If it wasn't for the invasion of the Blue Moon people, that town should be prosperous, right? I don't know if the people living in that town became the food of the Blue Moon people, or the pressure of survival. Escaped here? "

Touching the scenery and feelings, Xia Lei's heart was sentimental.

Not waiting for Xia Lei to greet, Rihua crossed the desert grass, stepped on the road, and then walked down the road to the town.

A wind suddenly blew, shaking the billboard on a telephone pole, making that kind of crunching sound.Some light-weight garbage scattered on the highway was suddenly blown up by the wind and flew in the air.

A piece of garbage suddenly floated in front of Xia Lei, and Xia Lei reached out and grabbed it in his hand.It was a piece of plastic with Chinese characters on it.

The plastic fragments have been severely weathered, and the handwriting above is also very vague, but Xia Lei's brain reconstructed the content based on the information seen by his eyes. After the restoration, it was this sentence: Sheng Lei brand gum, brought to you Freshen your mouth and take care of your oral health ...

A strange feeling suddenly appeared in Xia Lei's heart, "Sheng Lei Gum? This is probably something that only appeared in the time when the Lei Lei era is about to collapse? If Sheng Lei is still alive, how can he allow unscrupulous businessmen to casually Use his name? "

"Roar." A low voice came from Rihua's mouth.

Although he couldn't understand the language of Rihua, Xia Lei was already familiar with it, and he also smelled a vigilant smell from its voice.His reaction was quick, he threw away the piece of plastic in his hand, and then pulled the assault assault rifle that he modified from his backpack.

This gun was obtained from the treasure trove of the Yellow War. It is very popular on the black market, but the performance is average, the effective range is only about 500 meters, and the accuracy is also very poor, probably about AK47.In fact, the performance of weapons produced on the black market is not as good as it is.

Withdrawing the gun, Xia Lei jumped from Rihua's back.Then he gave a sign to Rihua, who also left the highway with a heart, and quietly dived into the desert grass on the roadside.

Xia Lei walked along the edge of the road, and the Sunflower slowly sneaked from the desert grass to the center of the town.It is huge, but it is definitely a sneak master.It makes good use of the night wind that is blowing in the town. It moves in the wild grass, but it gives the impression that the wind blows those tall grasses.

Crunch, crunch ...

A commercial at the entrance of the town was shaken by the night wind and made a sound.

Xia Lei stopped walking under the telephone pole holding up the billboard, and then protruded his head from the side of the telephone pole.

call out!

A bullet suddenly flew from a building in the town, hitting the inductor of Xia Lei hiding.The bullet hit the telephone pole and splashed a puff of sparks, and several sparks flew to Xia Lei's cheeks, with a little burning sensation.

At that moment, Xia Lei slammed into the grass on the side of the road.

Bang Bang Bang ...

Da da da……

Gunshots were heard all over the town, and the raindrops of bullets generally flew over.The old, dilapidated concrete telephone pole failed to sustain for thirty seconds before it crashed to the ground.

Shooting indiscriminately in this way, the gunman in the town is obviously not a good person.

"Get out!" A gunman suddenly appeared on the rooftop of a building with a commando assault rifle in his hand. He shouted in the direction of Xia Lei: "This is the black-bearded site, Follow the rules of the black beard, keep your weapons and money, and then cut off one of your palms and get out! Otherwise-- "


There was a gunshot.

The shouting gunman hadn't said "otherwise", a bullet flew past Xia Lei's hiding place, plunged into his mouth, and then flew from the back of his head.

What the hell is black beard?

Xia Lei didn't care at all, but the opponent's act of cutting the diameter had angered him.Humans in the whole world are in dire straits. These guys do not fight the Blue Moon people, but rob similar people here.Rescue and rob, you have to force people to cut off their palms to survive!These robber bullies shouldn't be blamed, who should be blamed?

"Damn it! He killed our people! Kill him!" Someone in the building shouted.

In a flash, dozens of gunmen rushed out of the buildings in the center of the town.The gunmen pressed against the corner to Xia Lei's side, and the gunmen in the building pressed against Xia Lei's direction.Armed personnel operating on the ground, plus those armed with gunfire in the buildings to suppress the fire, there are at least thirty such black-bearded gangsters.

Bullets flew overhead and Xia Leiping was lying behind a rock in the grass. He was not worried about being hit by bullets at all, because he was wearing the blue moonlight light armor seized from the Yellow War , And he even has the invulnerable blue dragon beast as a helper.In the swishing rain of bullets, he even had an interesting thought about a question, "This town may have water, but there must be no food. How could dozens of gangsters choose this place as a stronghold? Do they just pass by? Just their temporary stronghold? "

"He's there! Surround him!" Someone shouted.

"Damn, wait a minute, I must cut off his stuff! Then stuff it in his mouth!" Someone was filthy.

"It's not bad to grab him and enjoy it for the boss, ha ha ha!"

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up and get rid of him! We have to hurry!" Someone said.

The gunman surrounded from the ground apparently didn't take Xia Lei seriously, because he had only one person, even the most powerful sharpshooter would have to die when facing this group of wolves tactics!

But just as dozens of gunmen spread out from the corner to prepare for the final siege of Xia Lei, Xia Lei suddenly stood up from the grass.A horizontal leap, the body straightened in the air, a swing of the right arm, the assault assault rifle in his hand burst out a loud sound.

Bang Bang Bang ...

The bullets had no eyes, and several gunmen rushing to the front were suddenly hit by the bullets and fell to the ground.

The remaining gunmen were about to shoot, but Xia Lei's body had fallen into the dense barren grass several meters away and could no longer be seen.

"Kill him!" A gunman shouted, and then pulled the trigger wildly against the grass that Xia Lei fell.

Bang Bang Bang ...

Dense gunshots sounded, and the raindrops of bullets hit the wild grass, and the stems of the wild grass flew into the sky one by one.

This kind of intensive shooting, not to mention that there is a person hidden in the grass, even if a mouse is hidden, it will be beaten to pieces!

After a round of crazy shooting, the remaining gunmen quickly surrounded the place where they were shot.However, everyone was dumbfounded.They thought they had made Xia Daida a sieve, but there was nothing in that place.

"Roar!" A loud animal roar suddenly came from the side grass.

"What's that?" A gunman turned and panicked.

But before he could see clearly what was roaring, a gust of wind came and his body was bitten off alive at that moment, generally entered the belly of Rihua, and was generally thrown away by Rihua .

Broken legs and intestines flying in the sky.

"Blue Dragon--"


For a time the barren grass was full of horrified voices and screams, but no matter how the gunmen struggled, they could not escape the fate of death.Their guns can't hurt the Blue Dragon at all, and their speed is so ridiculous in front of the Blue Dragon Rihua.

When Rihua slaughtered the ground gunman, Xia Lei quietly sneaked into the three-story building in the center of the town.

"Blue Dragon! Blue Dragon! Damn, why is there a Blue Dragon here?" A sturdy bald man shouted at a young man.

The young man was obviously not a gang of bald men, he had no weapons in his hands, and his hands were still tied back.

The age of a young man looks like he is in his early twenties. He has a thin figure, very white skin, and is very handsome and handsome. He can see at a glance that he is a carefree person.

Xia Lei hidden in the dark area was curious, "These gunmen just passed by, this young man is probably their hostage. So many gunmen escort a hostage, this young man's identity should not be simple ..."

Just when Xia Lei secretly thought about it, a gunman came down the stairs and looked panic: "Head, people outside have been eaten up by the blue dragon! It is coming here! We ..."

"Go lead it away!" The bald man pointed his gun at the gunman's head. "Go! I'll get the car, and I'll pick you up again!"

Where did the gunman believe in the bald and strong man, he begged: "Head, please ... me, me ..."


The bald man pulled the trigger, and there was a bloody hole in the gunman's head.

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