Super Vision

1296 Question 1296

There are residential areas and industrial areas, and Blackbeard's territory is like a small self-sufficient city.

"He attacked Professor Pompeii and caught Han Yifei. Was he trying to acquire AE's technology and build his own kingdom?" When observing the black-bearded territory in the valley, Xia Lei's thought was a bit absurd.

After the observation, Xia Lei was well aware of the situation in the territory.On both sides of the valley, there are mountains that emit poisonous gas, but the middle canyon is normal, and no poisonous gas is released.In addition, the wind in the canyon is very large, and the air circulation speed is very fast. Even if the toxic gas flows from both sides, the wind in the canyon will quickly dissipate the toxic gas and have little effect on people.

Of course, there will be some effects, but for these desperate people, what is a little poisonous gas that affects health?No one cares.

Xia Lei moved to the "city tower" of the pass.

His plan was simple, kill the armed gangsters on the "city tower", and then open the big iron gate to let Rihua and Han Yifei pass quickly.This plan was not made before he came, but decided after observing the situation in the valley.The black-bearded town is built on the side of the road, and most of the armed gangsters are also guarded by the more valuable oil wells and refineries, and few people patrol the road.As long as you are careful enough, it ’s not impossible for God to sneak into the territory without knowing it, and then pass through the canyon.

A few armed men were chatting on the narrow pass piled up with tanks and spacecraft debris. No one noticed that someone was sneaking towards them from the high hillside.It is normal for them not to care about the condition of the mountains on both sides, because no one has ever been able to climb those hillsides and still come here alive.They had done experiments and drove the living people to the hillsides on both sides. They shot and forced those people to climb up. They died in the fastest five minutes, but their physical resistance was only ten minutes. Just died.In such a harsh natural environment, who would care about the situation on the slopes on both sides.

"The two bald guys should be here tonight, but he has missed the time to hand over the task to the chief," said an armed bandit.

"That guy is going to suffer again this time. I guess the leader will let someone cut a knife on his Tintin." An armed bandit's smirk smirked, "Last time Tintin was cut a knife, okay It can be used reluctantly, but if it is cut again this time, haha ​​... his woman may have asked me to solve the problem. "

"Will something go wrong?" Someone said.

"This 800-kilometer radius is our site. Except for the rebels in the Frontier City, who dares to provoke us? No, it must have been delayed by the two bald guys." Some people said.

"I am afraid that the leader is now setting fire in his tent, the women are guilty again." Some people said.

"What tent? That mushroom called Wang." An armed gangster corrected.

"Hahaha ... yeah, I fucking actually forgot. The leader's tent was called the king's mushroom, haha!" An armed gangster's smile was very low, and he smiled very exaggeratedly, "I don't know the boss How could a mighty man give his tent such a name. "

The conversation on the pass was captured by Xia Lei's ears, and there was a sense of urgency in his heart.The "two bald heads" in the mouths of these armed gangsters obviously refer to the bald man who was eaten by Nisshua. The time for him to hand over his task is tonight.He certainly can't come back to hand over the task any more. If Blackbeard suspects something is wrong, he may send someone to pursue it, and at the same time will strengthen the road blockade.It was very difficult to cross this canyon at that time.

The muzzle of the Avengers 1000 is quietly protruding from behind a rock, and the muzzle is equipped with a finished silencer.It can not only eliminate the sound of shooting, but also increase the speed and range of the warhead.

Xia Lei quickly set a goal.

There are a total of five goals on the "city tower" of the pass.It is not difficult to kill them, but it is very difficult to kill all the targets after killing one or two targets without shooting.

Xia Lei ’s brain started the relevant calculation, "The rate of fire of the Avengers 1000 is 0.5 seconds per bullet, shooting five targets, I need at least 3.5 seconds, but once I kill the first and second The target, the third, fourth and fifth targets have enough time to shoot. Once there is a crossfire, the black-bearded person will definitely come over ... "

At this moment, the locked target walked in front of the second target and borrowed fire from the second target to smoke.The third also moved a step, leaning on the metal railing to chat with the fourth target.The fifth target walked into a corner and unzipped to pee outside the pass.

The best shooting opportunity has appeared, just at this moment.


The body of the Avenger 1000 shuddered, and a bullet flew out, instantly striding across the space of tens of meters into the back of the first target, then flew from his forehead, and penetrated again. The head of the second goal!


Almost without any gap, the second bullet flew out of the muzzle again, piercing the head of the third and fourth targets on the same line!

Blood and brain splatters splashed, and the four targets fell to the ground one after another in 1.5 seconds.

The sound of the corpse hitting the ground alarmed the fifth target peeing in the corner. He had no time to close the zipper and turned back to check the situation.At that moment, a bullet pierced his right eye and flew out of the back of his head.

All goals fell to the ground.

With three shots and five targets, Xia Lei spent only two seconds!

The armed bandits on the pass were all cleared, and Xia Lei stood up from his hiding place, quickly slid down the hillside, and came to the "city tower" of the pass.He found the switch to open the iron door, but just as he was about to open the iron door, a bright light suddenly appeared in the sky.

Xia Lei looked up and was taken aback.It was a blue moon man's dish-shaped flying machine. It was very fast. When he saw it, it had roared and flew over the circular town in the canyon.

"Are Blue Moon people attacking here?" Xia Lei speculated in his heart, and then his mouth not only showed a smile of luck, "If that's the case, it's a good thing for us. I, Rihua and Han Yifei can take advantage Walk through this gorge to the desert city with chaos. "

However, when Xia Lei secretly rejoiced and felt that there would be a battle between the hunter and the prey, the saucer slowly landed on the ground.

Several people came out of the round tent, as if welcoming the Blue Moon who was about to land.

Over a long distance, both eyes lost their ability, and Xia Lei could not clearly see the features of those people.He then lifted the Avengers 1000 and observed it with a sight.This time he saw clearly, a man in a black robe and a black hat, and a few women.

The man in a black robe and a black hat is almost 2.4 meters tall, and is so strong that it is almost perverted.His face was rueful, without eyebrows, but there was a thick black beard on his chin.His black robe was slightly open, and his exposed chest rose high. The muscles were made of steel, giving a very strong visual impact.

No further observation is required, just the characteristic seen at this glance, Xia Lei can determine the identity of the man, he is black beard.

Behind the black beard were four women, two yellow women, one white woman, and one black woman.Although it was a cold night, they didn't have many clothes on their bodies, they exposed a lot of skin, and they all bulged forward and back, and their bodies were very hot.The sexy body and the bright colors formed by the complexion make them a beautiful and beautiful scenery.

After discovering the black beard, Xia Lei's heart suddenly had an urge to shoot the black beard, but the other party was at a distance of almost 4000 meters. If you use the XL2500 sniper rifle, there is no problem. You can use the Avengers 1000. That is the problem. .Without 100% certainty, he did not dare to shoot rashly.Because once the shot was fired and the black beard wasn't dead, the joke was big.

The dish-shaped aircraft hovered at a height of about two meters from the ground, and a gangway was placed under the aircraft.In the blue light, the two went down.

Two women, a human woman and a blue moon woman.

The blue moon woman wears a blue long dress, big eyes, a small nose and mouth, a delicate face and blue long hair, and looks like a second-dimensional girl.

The human woman is wearing a white tight leather jacket, which is like her second skin, so that certain characteristics of her body are very obvious.For example, the bumps on the two uncles, the mature bumps and dents between the long legs, the leather coat clearly outlines these characteristics that belong to the woman.Her face is exquisite and beautiful, her black eyes are bright and full of spirituality, giving a strange and cunning feeling.The only thing that is not in harmony with her sexiness is the two pony-tailed ponytails on the head, and the two ponytail braids that are casually put out give a little "nervous" feeling.

Through the sight of the sniper rifle, Xia Lei was shocked to see the two women coming down from the aircraft.The Blue Moon people regard humans as food, and humans are the "poultry" who provide energy nourishment for the evolution of the Blue Moon people. How could that human woman stay with a Blue Moon woman on an aircraft, and also came to this place?

At this time, the black beard greeted him, then knelt in front of the blue moon woman and kissed the blue moon woman's boots with his mouth.At this time, a giant villain behaves like a devout believer, kneeling down to his goddess, this picture is really very strange.

Xia Lei locked the black beard and the blue moon woman with the sight, as well as the human woman with a ponytail, ready to use lip interpretation to interpret the dialogue between the three people.

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