Super Vision

1426 1426 Epiphany on the road to evolution

In a canyon on the west side of the kingdom of heaven.

A large amount of spirit ore keeps part of the valley from growing grass, but it does not look desolate, but it feels a little blue dream.

Shanpu put Xia Lei in this valley full of spirit minerals. "Boss, this is our domain of rock spirit. This spirit mine is also our rock spirit. I will give it to you."

This relationship is beautiful.

Xia Lei smiled and sent a message to Shanpu, "Thank you, you can go home and see, then come and pick me up."

"Okay." Shan Pu swish away again.

Xia Lei walked between the spirit ores at random, and finally chose a place with a higher grade to stay.He sits on a piece of spirit ore and thinks about the problem, "The energy of Shenglei refines the spirit ore to upgrade and evolve. I eat milk and absorb the energy that nurtures the life-growth energy. The evolution of Shenglei later made mistakes, and I The original side effects were the same. The body had no temperature and was tired of normal food. And I corrected this error by feeding milk, and now I am all right. So, should I try the wrong path of evolution? "

If you know it is wrong, you still have to try it. It takes a little courage and you need to convince yourself.

I don't know why, Xia Lei also has a very strange intuition, but he can't explain exactly what it is.

"Okay, my intuition is rarely wrong, I should try it. Once, it will not bring me serious consequences. If there are side effects, I can correct it by feeding milk." Xia Lei quickly made Decided.

A decision was made, but new problems appeared again.That was when talking with Saint Lei, because he knew that the evolutionary path of Saint Lei was wrong, so he did n’t ask in detail how Sheng Lei absorbed the psionic energy in the spirit ore. Now he wants to try it. He I don't know what to do.

"Wouldn't it be to smash the spirit ore into powder, and then eat it in the stomach?" Xia Lei smiled bitterly, "It should be some other way, um ..."

Just when this idea was born, his brain cut into extraordinary patterns and began to analyze and simulate every possibility.Grind the spirit ore into powder and eat it.Make energy conversion equipment, and then assist the body to absorb psionic energy ...

These possibilities emerged one by one, and then one by one was ruled out.

Finally, his brain pointed the direction of analysis to the imprint of the universe.At that moment, the cosmic brand shocked, and the power of the brand in the body of mercury poured out of the body.

He did not allow the cosmic brand to do this. The actions of the cosmic brand were completely influenced by subconscious commands.But it was such a reaction of yin and yang that made him find a way for Shenglei to absorb the energy of the spirit ore.

This time the cosmic brand unleashes the power of the brand, and the formation of the energy field is not to capture the thinking of any target, nor to imprison anyone. It is affected by the subconscious command and does nothing from his body, just like in Staying in the body for a long time, panic, and then want to come out to hang out.

Since you are hanging out, you have to take a look here and walk around there.This time, the energy of the imprinting force leaving the body is different from all previous actions. It does nothing, but it flows aimlessly between the pieces of spirit ore, just like the spring water flows between the rocks, First, it scours the surface of the rock, then fills the gaps between the rocks, and finally infiltrates the rock.

Everything happened spontaneously. He didn't have anything to manipulate, or even think about.A feeling of being integrated with the spirit ore is so natural and peaceful. He was immersed in this feeling, unwilling to come out, forgetting the existence of time, and having no intuition about time.

I don't know how long it has passed, the power of "slipping" between the spirit ores suddenly becomes active.If the original branding power is likened to a clear spring, then it is now turning into a surging tide, scouring the spirit ore vigorously.At the same time, the cosmic brand deep in the soul slowly chose.

The imprint of the universe in the depths of the soul is an oval shape, with billions of sparkling energy substances, like countless stars in the endless starry sky, and it is like the epitome of the entire universe.Such a shape, such a rotation, it seems to become a microcosm.And its rotation produced a magical pulling force, pulling the energy of the spirit ore into its core!

The imprint of the universe directly pulls the energy of the spirit ore into its core, something that has never happened before.His evolutionary path is the simultaneous evolution of the body and the soul. The body has always absorbed energy, then purified the energy, nourished and strengthened the soul.Now that the brand of the universe sets aside his body and directly absorbs psionic energy, what changes will it bring?

Xia Lei's heart was surprised, but this did not affect the movement of the universe's brand.

After some time, the cosmic brand suddenly collapsed inward and disappeared.

"Huh?" Xia Lei's heart suddenly surprised, "disappeared?"

But at this moment, the brand of the universe suddenly appeared again, and instead of appearing a little bit, it burst out suddenly.

Xia Lei's heart was horrified. "This disappears and explodes. Doesn't it correspond to the birth and destruction of the universe?"

Before he could relax from the horror, a trace of extremely pure and soft spiritual energy was suddenly released from the brand of the universe and merged into his soul.

The universe was born in the Big Bang and then destroyed in the collapse. This is the reincarnation of the universe.

The cosmic brand explodes and collapses. This is the reincarnation of the cosmic brand, and there is only regeneration when there is destruction.Each rebirth will correct the mistakes made in the last reincarnation. Rebirth and destruction are actually the road of evolution!

All the horrors have disappeared, and Xia Lei has the feeling of "epiphany" in his mind, "Sheng Lei is wrong, how can I be correct? The path of evolution cannot be correct, only to find the correct one after another Answer, and then reached the end of this road. I have been afraid of that terrible sequelae and refused to quickly improve my branding power and improve my evolution, so I chose the mild evolutionary path of feeding. Although this avoids mistakes But is this not a mistake? Humans were born on the earth, and the initial average life expectancy was less than thirty, but now the average life expectancy has more than doubled. The brain ’s capacity and the body ’s motor function have doubled. The growth of human beings is not exactly the evolution of the body that is completed by death after death? "

Death is actually the ultimate hurdle of evolution!

"Am I going to die? Or, do I need to die once to open the door to my ultimate evolution?" The strange movement of the cosmic brand inspired Xia Lei, but this inspiration shocked him all.

After the Universe Brand released its spiritual energy, it began to collapse into the interior.

Of course it is not a death and a new life, because unless Xia Lei died, it would die.Its current action is to absorb the energy of the spirit ore and nourish and strengthen his soul in the way of holy thunder!

The effects of nourishment and fortification quickly manifest themselves.

That trace of spiritual energy entered Xia Lei's soul, and the feeling that the soul was leaving the body suddenly became stronger.It is like a prisoner trapped in a cage. If he wants to go out, he can always be imprisoned by the cage.It hit the cage holding it again and again, but he was too weak to break the cage at all.

That cage is Xia Lei's body.

This seems to be a dead end.

The soul is coming out, the body is a prisoner dragon.Open the prison dragon, the soul can come out, but the body is dead.

how to solve this problem?

The imprint of the universe still repeats the actions of explosion and collapse, each time it will release spiritual energy to nourish and strengthen the soul.But this nourishment and growth is a very slow process, to meet the requirements of the Queen of Rest, that is, how long will it take for the soul to leave the body.

But Xia Lei's heart calmed down slowly.

It was an idea that calmed him down, "Sheng Lei's evolution is wrong, and mine is also wrong. We humans are not correcting ourselves from mistake to mistake to make the evolutionary genes more perfect? ​​Sheng Lei is Wrong, I ’m wrong, I ’m negative and I ’m going both ways! I made two mistakes at the same time, maybe I can step on a correct evolutionary path that belongs to us humans! ”

Sheng Lei's evolutionary path, Xia Lei never thought of trying it out.If it wasn't because he wanted to go home and take a look in the form of soul, he would definitely not try it.But after a try, he was inspired to feel that he took two evolutionary paths at the same time, Sheng Lei's and his own!

He didn't know what would happen.

But he is not afraid anymore, because human beings have been correcting themselves from mistake to mistake, and have evolved from mistake to mistake!

Time flows away a little bit, and Xia Lei has no slight intuition about its passing.Until it was too dark and the light disappeared, he ended the absorption and release of the cosmic brand.He summoned him, and he took him back to the camp.

In one day, Haofang and the engineering robot have built several houses.Stone walls, wooden roofs, all materials are natural, and the shape is also an antique building designed by Xia Lei, which looks very warm and comfortable.

"My beautiful boss, I have built your room. Do you want to sleep in the new house tonight?" Haofang saw Xia Lei coming back and ran over immediately, lowering his voice, "Three bosses, Whose brand do you turn over? I give a name and I will do it immediately. "

Xia Lei slapped on the square head of Haofang, "Go do things, don't talk nonsense."

What the good side wanted to say, but Shan's tail caught it all at once, and swept it away with a swish.

A few seconds later, there was a clattering voice in the woods, and a good cursing voice, "Fat cat! You have a species to fight me without claws, tails, and teeth !!"

Xia Lei's eyes moved to the direction of the three tents, then he sighed softly and turned to the spacecraft Huaxia.

They did n’t come to him, did they give up together?

If that's the case, it's fine.

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