Super Vision

1446 Question 1446

No one killed, but Xia Lei's entry into the No. 1 castle is not without gain.He found the treasure of the martyrs, which was more valuable than how many people he killed.In addition, he also figured out one thing, that is as strong as water is not a bad person, he is also glad that there is no indiscriminate killing, otherwise he will kill such a good person by mistake, his conscience will never be peaceful.

There are no more pedestrians on the streets of the Holy Underground City, and some are only the armed men of the Grand Union who patrol and search the black market.The checkpoint was destroyed, and the Holy Underground City had a curfew throughout the city.

Along the way, Xia Lei. Anyone who meets the armed forces of the Black Market Alliance will steal the information in their brains. He wants to find the whereabouts of the gale. Unfortunately, he has met so many armed forces of the Black Market Alliance, but none of them knows. Where the gale is hiding now.

He was not surprised at this result.

Gale is now hiding from him, how could ordinary soldiers know his whereabouts.

In a dark alley near the headquarters of the Resistance, Xia Lei found Contunana. For safety reasons, he entered the alley before ending his invisible state.Contunana, who was hiding in the alley, was startled by him, "You ..."

Xia Lei hurriedly reached out and covered Contunana's mouth. "Be quiet, there are soldiers from the Black Market Major League everywhere, and there are no reconnaissance planes in the sky."

Kantunana's mood had stabilized, and she nodded.

Xia Lei loosened her mouth and said another sentence, "Don't the Resistance even respond to such a big move in the Black Market Major League?"

"Yes." Contunana said, looking at the direction of the rebel headquarters.

"What action?"

"They are drinking and celebrating."

Xia Lei, "..."

Kantuna Nana said angrily: "They know you are here, maybe they know that I am here. They know that you are going to kill the gale and get rid of the gale. When the gale is dead and the house is destroyed, it is their turn to take charge They think they are the biggest beneficiaries, how can such a great good thing not celebrate with drinking? This group of scumbags, the Blue Moon people can attack here at any time and destroy this dungeon, but they only have their own hearts in mind Interests!"

"Look at it lightly, those scum are not worth your anger. You are so angry that it's easy to get old." Xia Lei said.In fact, he was also very angry in his heart, but his ability to deal with emotions was better than that of Contunana.

"Okay, I'm too lazy to be angry. By the way, how are you doing? Did you kill the martyrs?"

"I entered the No. 1 castle, and I met the people of the martyrs, but I didn't kill any of them." Xia Lei said.

"Ah?" Kantunana said with surprise: "You have all entered the No. 1 castle, and you have met the people of the Martyrs, so you don't start so?"

Xia Lei will enter the castle and meet the fierce water and the fierce Zheng after a brief talk, and then he smiled bitterly, "A child, a kind woman, who am I killing? I am not a butcher, nor an executioner, not a person All succeeded. "

"I knew it."

"What do you know? You are not present again."

Kantuna Nana curled her lips, "It must be very beautiful like water? The figure is hot too? You, a man, the beautiful woman has soft legs and soft hands at first glance. How can you still get it?"

Xia Lei, "..."

"That means you have nothing to gain?"

"No, I found the treasures of the Martyrs." Xia Lei's mouth was filled with a smile, and he couldn't bear the excitement in his heart. "Aren't we going to rebuild the army? But we don't have money, now that's good , As long as we snatch the money of the Martyrs, then we have money in our hands. "


"Under Saint Lei's clothes mound, it is in this underground city." Xia Lei said.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Contunana is more anxious than Xia Lei, "we're going now!"

Xia Lei grabbed her hand, "What are you doing so anxiously? How much can we two get? You can't take a hundred gold bricks to give you. We have to have a plan, a careful plan."

"Do you have any thoughts in your heart? Tell me quickly." Contunana is still very anxious.

"Let's find a place to stay first. It's better to be near here. I want to go to the headquarters of the Resistance Army tonight to get familiar with the environment." Xia Lei said.

Kantuna Nana thought for a while, "Go to my house, there is no one living there now. However, as the commander-in-chief of my rebel army, there must be frequent cleaning in that place. If you live there should be no problem.

"Then let's go to your house." Xia Lei said.

Kantunana didn't move. She looked at Xia Lei with a strange look. "When are you going to hold my hand?"

Xia Lei reacted, and he hurriedly released Contunana's hand.Kantunana's residual temperature remained on his palm, and there was a delicate and soft feeling.

"Pervert." Kantunana scolded, and then walked towards the alley.

Xia Lei shook his head silently, and then followed.

Kantunana had just walked out of the alley, and a bright light came.It was a searchlight for an armored car parked on the street, and Kantunana's body was exposed to the light at that moment.

But at that moment, Xia Lei suddenly rushed forward, slamming Kantunana to the ground, and his branding power wrapped him and Kantuna at that moment, reflecting and Absorb the light and enter the invisible state.

Kantuna was terrified and was about to speak. Xia Lei covered her mouth with one hand. "Don't be nervous, they can't see you."

At this time, the patrolling special forces next to the armored vehicle said, "Damn, I just saw a person just now, did you see it?"

"Are you dazzled? Why didn't I see it? Did anyone see it?"

"I didn't see it, maybe it was the projection of the light, don't doubt it, why is that guy stupid enough to show up here?"

"Don't carelessly, the chairman said, the kid is very powerful, no matter who killed him, nearly a ton of gold. Those who provide clues, reward 500,000 blue moon coins, plus four virgins.

"I rely on! I hope I can have that good luck, not to mention killing that guy, just to find out where he settled."

The armored vehicle started again, heading towards the other side of the street.

The accompanying special soldiers also left, and they have been talking about the sky-high bonuses from the strong wind.

A cold sweat came from Kantuna Nana's forehead, and the vest and palms were no exception. They were all wet with cold sweat.But the time just past was very wonderful and magical. She was pressed by Xia Lei on the street. Under the bright lights, nobody saw her.She even had a very weird feeling that she was bathing naked on the street but no one could see her.

A minute passed ...

"Everyone is gone, should you get up?" Said Contunana.Although it is a special case, it can be pressed down by a man, and that man does not seem to be willing to get up, which is problematic.

Xia Lei still pressed her to death, "Don't move."

"You?" Kantunana had already felt what belonged to the man. If that was the case just now, she wouldn't feel anything, but the armored vehicles and special forces of the Black Major League had already left. , It should be very bad.

But I don't know why, after the word "you", she didn't say anything and let Xia Lei press.Her face was getting red, but she didn't know it.

After another minute, Xia Lei got up from Kantuna.He reached for La Contunana, but Contunana swept away his hand and climbed up from the ground.

"Sex wolf." Kantunana blushed with a blush. "You take advantage whenever you have a chance. Don't you want to miss a chance?"

Xia Lei shrugged his shoulders, then raised his finger to the top of his head.In the direction of his finger, an unmanned aircraft was flying to another place, clearly showing the tail lights and the indicator lights of the camera working.

Kantunana saw the unmanned plane, her face suddenly turned redder.But this time it was not because of the shame of being taken advantage of, but because of misunderstanding Xia Lei and blushing.

"You ... how did you do it?" Contunana changed the subject. "I mean how can't they see us?"

"Now is not the time to say this, go, now go to your house." Xia Lei said.

"Well, come with me." Kantuna walked in one direction against the wall.

Xia Lei followed Contenana behind the streets and walked through the streets. When he met with armed men from the Black Market League, he used stealth abilities to avoid.Although physical contact is indispensable in this way, both brief contact with him and Kantunana are acceptable.

About half an hour later, Xia Lei followed Kantulala to a residential area.This place does not have armed patrols similar to the major alliances, because almost all the rebel soldiers and their families live in this place.

The headquarters of the Resistance Army is in front of this residential area. It is a seven-story building with a majestic sense of standing out in this area.

Led by Kantunana, Xia Lei entered a two-story building.

As soon as the door opened, a musty smell came, and there was a thick layer of ash on the floor and furniture, and a lot of garbage.

Xia Lei smiled, "Commander Kantou, is this a place where you often clean it? They really take care of your commander."

Kantuna Nana's face was slightly red again. "It's not surprising that no one has cleaned. After all, I haven't lived here for many years."

"Then where do we sleep tonight?" Xia Lei asked.

Kantuna Nana said: "Sleep here, I will clean it myself. Are you going to take a look at the Resistance Headquarters, go, and wait until you come back."

Xia Lei said: "Then I will take a look at the headquarters of the Resistance Army, you don't want to come out, just stay at home."

"Hmm." Kantunana replied.

After the series of invisible experiences before, she will no longer worry about Xia Lei, even if he is going to the headquarters of the rebels.

Leaving Contunana's home, Xia Lei once again entered an invisible state, and then quietly wanted to sneak past the resistance headquarters building.

In which building are some scumbags celebrating drinking?

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