Super Vision

1459 Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1459

This is Xia Lei's strength. He saw the victory, but he knew that this was definitely not Xia Lei's real strength, because the four opponents he sent in the past were too weak, and they were not opponents on a single level.

In the chariot, there was a silent and suppressed voice.

The sense of security protected by an army suddenly disappeared and disappeared.

In the holographic projection, Xia Lei raised his right arm and pointed at the chariot serving as the command center. His voice also came from the speaker, "Victory, the next one is you!"

Xia Lei's right arm, as well as his fingers, seemed to be a sharp spear that suddenly hit the heart of the victorious victory, and would plunge into his body at any time!

Fear quickly spread from every heart to every nerve in the whole body, Li Shengsheng did not realize that a cold sweat had come out on his back skin.

"Is the missile ready? Let them launch!" Liesheng suddenly anxiously shouted in panic: "And our tanks and snipers, let them fire!"

Just now he was calm and calm, thinking that Xia Lei could not help him at all, so he would let the army of the Black Market League back 100 meters, and then formulate a series of backers to put Xia Lei and the dead.But now it seems that no matter how smart he is or how cunning he is, it is naive and ridiculous in the face of absolute strength!

He suddenly understood now why Xia Lei would be standing there for so long, and what beverages to drink leisurely, Xia Lei also has his purpose, that is, to give the rebels time to retreat!

Yes, let the rebels retreat and avoid confrontation with the forces of the Black Market Alliance. He will solve all the troubles. This is why Xia Lei did nothing but just stood on the square and drink milk.

He also has a purpose for drinking milk, that is to enhance his ability to get super milk!

If you want to kill, just kill one!

If you want to kill, kill the enemy and bleed into a river, frightened!

This time it was a crisis, but for him it was also a world of Yang Ming, a great time to conquer the hearts of people and deter human traitors!


A tank fired!

However, before the chariot fired, Xia Lei's body suddenly rushed forward, and suddenly entered a distance of tens of meters.In the space behind him left a residual image of the body running at high speed, giving the impression that his speed is faster than the shells.Therefore, when the shell was still flying in the air, he had avoided the drop of the shell by dozens of meters.

At this speed, which sniper can lock?


The shells exploded, fragments of rock flew around, and a large crater appeared on the ground.The whole square was shaking, and the glass of the Resistance Headquarters building was crackling!

This artillery kicked off the most asymmetric war in history.

The reason why it is the most asymmetric war in history is that one side is an army, but the other side is just a person.

Bullets flew behind Xia Lei, some of them were energy bullets, and some were ordinary bullets, which were interwoven into a burning light net in the air.Such a firepower net can't even fly over the bird, but it can only chase Xia Lei instead of hitting him.

At the moment, Xia Lei is in the strongest state. Under the improvement of the ability of super milk, his cosmic brand is multiplied active. Scope.In this range, all brain waves, all sounds, all lights are under his absolute control!And his brain has been completely upgraded to the state of a supercomputer. The information captured and transmitted by the Brand Power Field can be analyzed, sorted and processed at a faster speed than instantaneously, and then give the correct results and give the body Instructions.In this state, he does not even have to deliberately think, his body knows what to do.Suddenly disguised, suddenly accelerated, suddenly invisible, etc., these actions are as natural as breathing!

Qi Hai Dan Tian also played a very important role at this moment. It became the engine of the branding power. It applied the branding power in his body to the extreme, and the power was also raised to the extreme.If the power of branding in his body is compared to fuel, then its energy efficiency conversion value for this fuel is close to 100%, and the loss and error values ​​are almost zero!

The combination of martial arts from the ancient Chinese country and the energy of the brand power is a miracle.

All of this, including the 100-meter distance between Xia Lei and the army of the Black Market Major League League, actually passed in just two or three blinks.

Xia Lei's body suddenly appeared from the invisible state, and at that moment, his legs kicked on the ground.The rock under his feet cracked, and his body hit a humanoid fighter armor like a shell.


The sound of huge impacts and metal fractures sounded, and the head of the heavy humanoid fighter armor weighing at least five tons was kicked alive and then fell to the ground.Without waiting for the mech combatant to escape from the cockpit, a big foot smashed the cockpit bulletproof glass, stomping him alive in the cockpit!

The multi-million-dollar heavy humanoid combat armor has been trampled by one foot, and the driver has been trampled to death. What a domineering!

But when the soldiers, mechas, and tanks next to the fighter armor adjusted their muzzles and muzzles to fire at Xia Lei, Xia Lei suddenly disappeared again and became invisible.One illusion is that Xia Lei's speed is as fast as light. He runs at the speed of light and cannot be seen, but when he appears, someone or equipment is destroyed by him!

Xia Lei certainly cannot be as fast as light, in fact his speed is only about the same as the wind.He used his stealth ability to create this illusion, suddenly appeared to kill a target, and then suddenly disappeared.In this state, although he is in the army of thousands of people, he is completely unrestricted, and the other party has no way to take him.Although the army of the Black Market Major League has thousands of guns, as well as a large number of chariots, mechas and energy weapons, but the enemy is among them, they ca n’t see them, they ca n’t shoot at their comrades?


A violent explosion suddenly sounded, a pile of minced meat and broken hands flying around the sky.

What exploded was an energy grenade, an expensive weapon from the Blue Moon Man, with great power.But how did it explode, those who were killed did not know, and those who were alive did not know.


After a few seconds, the second energy grenade was also activated and exploded, killing a large group of soldiers from the Black Market Major League.

The whole battlefield was in chaos.

"It's him! It must be that he is activating our grenades!" Finally, a wise man understood.

His words just fell, and a tank suddenly blew up again.It was still the energy grenade that exploded, but it was thrown into the tank from the barrel and exploded.This time the explosion was not just an energy grenade, but also a tank magazine.

In the rumbling explosion, the two humanoid fighter mechas beside the chariot were also destroyed, and a group of special forces beside the chariot were also blown to pieces.

Just now, everyone was waiting for Xia Lei to show up at once, and many people even made a terrible decision, that is, no matter who Xia Lei appeared around, he would shoot, even if he accidentally injured and killed his comrades, he should kill Xia Lei .But no one thought that when they had such an idea, Xia Lei did not show up, and assassinated them in such a frivolous way!

Xia Lei knows what they think in their hearts, what can they do in the face of such opponents?

In the chariot serving as the command center, the victorious victory finally collapsed. "Withdraw! Retreat!" The voice exited, he suddenly felt unsteady, and then shouted again: "All people and equipment cover me to retreat!"

Dozens of tanks and dozens of humanoid fighter armor were ordered to move closer to the tank where the victorious victory was held, and the forces of the Black Market Grand Alliance began to retreat during this period.All people are suffering from fear and panic.They are always worried that Xia Lei's next goal is himself. Some timid people even actively throw away the grenades and do not give Xia Lei the opportunity to pull out insurance.

But a Special Forces of the Black Market Major League had just thrown away his grenade. When he secretly rejoiced that he was smart enough, the energy grenade that he threw away suddenly flew back and fell under his feet.Moreover, four of the five lights are on.



Another large group of people was fried into minced meat.

Rumble, Rumble ...

Every explosion sound will reap a large amount of human life. Xia Lei is the god of death lurking in this army. Whoever he wants to die will have to die.

"Damn, he's not a person, he's a devil!" A warrior collapsed. He suddenly threw his gun away from the retreating team, and spread his legs like a residential area.

When someone takes the lead, someone follows.Between loyalty to the Black Market League and Survival, they can easily make the best choice for them.Fear and the desire to survive swept through this embarrassing army like tide, and more people joined the escape, and no one could stop it.

Behind the resistance headquarters building.

Kantunana put down the telescope equipment in her hand, and she looked excited. She shouted, "Warriors! The time has come to liberate the Holy Underground City, rush-kill!"

The tide of the soldiers of the rebel army generally surged up.

Their equipment is really bad when confronted head-on, and they are not at all opponents of the elite division of the Black Market Major League, but it is not a problem to fight a defeated army.The equipment of the warriors of their big-sighted black city has been too long. Who has not picked up the weapons on the battlefield?Under this idea, a lame's charge speed ran out of 100 meters and 20 seconds!

"He did it, he did it ..." Kantunana was excited, but she was grabbed by Tian Gu when she was ready to charge.

"Commander-in-chief, what are you doing?" Tian Gu said.

"Fight! I want to fight! This is an opportunity to liberate the Holy Underground City!"

"You calm down!" Tian Gu shouted: "You are our commander-in-chief, you can easily become the target of the opponent's sniper. If you are going to die, who will lead the overall situation?"

Tian Gu ’s words suddenly awakened Kantuna, and she also suppressed the enthusiasm in her heart, “You ’re right, I ca n’t die, if I die, Lan Ji’er ’s guy will definitely Scratch all the money from the leader and even abduct the leader! "

"what did you say?"

"Um ... immediately convey my order, all the soldiers are assembled in the holy dungeon, we are going to fight a full battle of liberation!" The command with a distracting nature was issued, and Contunana raised again The telescopic device in her hand was raised, but she still couldn't see Xia Lei.

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