Super Vision

1473 Chapter 1473

The Black Market Grand Alliance and the Resistance Army have entered a period of integration.

Xia Lei's name frightened some people, but not everyone is willing to integrate. They are used to the emperor of the soil. How can they give away the benefits of the hand?For the sake of interests and rights, people sometimes take risks.This situation did not exceed Xia Lei's expectations. For the relatively simple characters, he let the Black Star Island get rid of it, and the tricky characters were shot by himself.

One after another, the recalcitrant city host and the generals of the rebel army were killed, including cronies.For almost a month, Xia Lei's hands didn't know how much blood was stained.As the number of people he killed increased, his name was also known to more people, and his name would make a three-year-old crying child stop crying.It was against this background that his leadership position was gradually recognized by more people and he did not dare to violate it.

If Sheng Lei created the image of a wise leader, Xia Lei created the image of a tyrant like Qin Shihuang.This is not what he wants to see, but it is necessary, he has no choice.

Starting from the Renaissance Dungeon, in just one month, the integration of the Resistance and the Black Market Major League reached 90%, and 70%. This is a miracle, and this miracle belongs to Xia Lei.

During this month, Xia Lei did not meet the special team of the Blue Moon Man's intelligence system, the ability soldier of the evil moon team.What puzzled him even more was that Lie Zhengye, who was picked up by Lan Siti, had no news, and did not return to the ground to compete with Li Rushui for the position of president of the Black Market Major League.

Lanyue was in the sky and could not get the information above, which made Xia Lei feel a little passive.However, he still decided that even if the Black Market Alliance and the Resistance had not yet completed the integration, he would return to the Rest Forest and let the Queen of Rest rest to help him return to Earth to take a look.For more than a month, everything he did was for this "soul journey", which was very important to him.

Castle One.

In the circular fighting arena.

Many important figures in the Black Market Major League Union sit in the auditorium of the circular fighting arena and watch the three characters standing in the field, Master Neo and Xingyue, and Xia Lei.

Xia Lei stood empty-handed in the middle of the circular fighting field, facing Master Neo and Xingyue.He was naked and his white muscles gave a nice but powerful feeling.His skin was crystal clear, making the woman jealous of wanting to die.

"Is this good-looking person so scary as the legend?" A woman whispered, her two eyes staring slightly at Xia Lei's eight abs, and she didn't know what was going on in her heart. thing.She is a city owner in the western region of the Black Market Major League. She came to see the new president not far away.

"Legend, you all know it's a legend, of course half believe it or half believe it." Said a man beside the woman, who was also a city owner in the western region of the Black Market Major League.

"If it were n’t for Master Neo and Xingyue, I would n’t listen to that woman ’s orders. What can she do? Can she be the president of the Black Market Major League? Maybe we should have a democratic election. Long. "Said an old man.He is the head of a corps of the Black Market League.

"Do n’t just talk about it, that Xia Lei ... he is now the leader of the entire human race. The rebels listen to him, and the Tianzhu Academy listens to him. Now we all have to listen to him. You know how many people he killed Has anyone counted him, thousands of people! Now everyone privately calls him a thousand butcher, you do n’t want him to be a ten thousand butcher? "

"Why did he and Liru Rushui call us here? Would you like him to fight?"

Arguments like this have never been short.

Xia Lei summoned the city masters and legion chiefs of the Black Market Major League to deter collectively once, and then he would return to rest in the forest.This should be the last thing in his trip to the Holy Underground City.

In a buzzing discussion, Xia Lei said to Xingyue: "It's time to start."

Xingyue looked at the assault rifle in his hand and said daringly, "Master, really ... do you really want to shoot?"

Xia Lei said: "Let you shoot, you shoot, this is the order!"

"Okay!" Xingyue raised the gun and pointed at Xia Lei.

"Oh my god, what is he going to do?"

"Does he want to harden the bullet with his body?"

"Does he think he is faster than a bullet?"

A new round of discussion broke out suddenly in the auditorium of the circular fighting arena, and the city masters and legion chiefs were very surprised.Some people also secretly prayed that Xia Lei was too big this time, and then fell to the ground by a shuttle of Xingyue, and then they could return to their respective territories to become emperors.

In a voice of suspicion and discussion, Xingyue pulled the trigger.


There was a gunshot.

A bullet whistled away and instantly hit Xia Lei's chest.

Xia Lei left a dot-like red mark on his chest, but his skin was not broken!


The warhead fell from Xia Lei's chest, but the little voice was particularly loud because of everyone's daze, and everyone heard it.

The bullet was hardly connected with the chest, and the warhead was deformed, but the chest did not even have a skin!

Almost all people are still using their own eyes, and some people even think this is a scam.

Xia Lei suddenly shouted: "Shoot, finish your magazine!"

"Yes! Master!" Xingyue roared, pulling the trigger quickly with his finger.

Bang Bang Bang ...

Bullets hit Xia Lei's chest, shoulders, arms and lower abdomen, but he didn't break a piece of skin!

"Ah!" An old man in the auditorium fell to the ground, covering his chest.He just said that he was here because of fear of Master Neo and Xingyue.

Xia Lei looked back at the old man who fell in the pool of blood, and then looked at Xingyue again.

Xingyue shrugged, "I'm sorry, Master, the recoil is too great, and the muzzle is biased."

The audience was dead.

The one who should hear the apology most is the unlucky old man, but he is already dead, and even if he is not dead, Xingyue does not bother to apologize to him.Xingyue only apologized to Xia Lei, this is already sending a signal to all branches of the forces present-not to mention real resistance, even the discussion will be killed!

This was definitely a deliberate shooting. The representatives of the various branches of the presence were actually aware of it. With the strength of the chief killer of Black Star Island, would she control the gun well?

But this is not what makes them most afraid, what makes them most afraid is the strength that Xia Leidang showed to them!

"Okay, die if you die." Xia Lei didn't pursue it, his eyes swept across the auditorium of the circular fighting arena, then said aloud: "You come from afar, I performed this show for you, is it good-looking ? "

Collectively stunned for a second in the circular fighting field, then suddenly there was a round of applause, and finally a cry of applause,

"it is good!"

"good looking!"

"This is the best show I have ever watched in my life!"


A smile appeared on Xia Lei's face, "Will you listen to the new president in the future?"


"Who doesn't listen to who I killed!"

"I am willing to carry out all the orders of the new president!"


"Okay, this is good, then this is the case, the new president will give you a meeting, I will take a shower." Xia Lei turned away.

Lie Rushui came in from the door, and she smiled slightly from Xia Lei as she passed by Xia Lei.She was used to Xia Lei's strength, and she was used to blood.

The representatives of the forces in the circular fighting field watched Xia Lei leave in cold sweat, and when the fierce water came in and stood in the middle of the field, they all stood up, bowed, and shouted respectfully: "Chairman!"

This is what Xia Lei wants.

Back in the room, Xia Lei opened a chest, and there was some Yilin spirit ore left in the chest.These spirit ores, as well as those spirit ores that have been consumed by him in large quantities, are the strength he used to harden the bullet with his body.

This month, he almost insisted on using the way of Shenglei to improve the evolution of his body.In this month's time, there were several boxes of the single product of spirit ore he consumed.All use of Yipin Ling ore to promote evolution, I am afraid that Saint Lei did not have such treatment.

The result of several large boxes of Yipin Ling ore is that his bones have crystallized to a third of a degree. This result shocked him.The higher level of crystallization of bones brings the most direct benefit is the improvement of strength and the improvement of the body's defense capabilities.His current body can withstand bullet attacks without wearing a blue tank.Even the Blue Moon's energy ammunition can only hurt him lightly. He has now become an invulnerable person!

Xia Lei took those first-grade spirit ores out of the box and then sat on them.The imprint of the universe emerged in the depths of the soul, expanding and collapsing, time and time again, like the birth, expansion and destruction of the universe, and each process will give his body a magical change.

This month's hard work is actually preparing for the journey back to earth.

How is Long Bing?Has Xia Long mischievously made her angry?

How is Shen Tu Tianyin?Are Xia Yang and Xia Yue good?

How is Liang Siyao?I do n’t know how well Liang Jiayu ’s Yongchun Boxing has been learned?

How is Fanfan?Had Xia Fan stole her lipstick again?

Is Jiang Ruyi alright?Is Xia Jiang a good boy?

Is Tang Yuyan alright?Does Xia Dawang miss his father?

There are so many people, and the Lehma Group, those people, those things he can not let go.He has stayed in this world longer and longer, but the emotion of missing his hometown has become stronger and stronger.

I'm finally going home!

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