Super Vision

1492 1492 Evil Area 51

Whether it is heaven or hell, Xia Lei does not want to go.When the women in the paradise base guessed where he went, he was already where he should be.

District 51, Lincolnshire, southern Nevada, United States.

The last time Xia Lei came here, it took a lot of effort to mix into Area 51, but now it is different. He is just a mass of no physical energy. The security facilities in Area 51 have no meaning to him.

A new building, an ordinary three-story building, was erected on the ruins of the AE Research Center that he had bombed. He did not have any AE-related signs. It is a civilian building that has just been built.

But the more common, Xia Lei thought it was more suspicious.

Could this place be the place where the mutant hell dog virus was developed?With this thought Xia Lei entered the building.

The night in China and the daytime in the United States, this time is the time to go to work, many people entered this three-story building.There are men and women of different ages, but no one is a professional soldier.The places where these people work are also very common, and there is no special equipment, and there is no experimental site for studying viruses.Such a place also has these office workers, everything here looks normal, but the download soon discovered the strange place.

Almost all the staff here are using computers to browse reports about Hell Dog Viruses around the world, and some people choose to contact US intelligence personnel in which region by telephone to request more detailed intelligence content.

All the signs here indicate that this seemingly ordinary place is related to the variant Hell Dog Virus.

Sure enough, Xia Lei quickly found the descending elevator.He entered the elevator, then came from the elevator shaft to the underground space.As soon as he went down, he saw a huge experimental space filled with equipment, as well as scientific researchers wearing antibacterial suits, as well as their experimental mouse, the hell dog virus infected person.

There are dozens of iron cages in this experimental space, and buying an iron cage is confined to people with different ages and genders.Some cages are kept in several cages, and some cages only hold one hell dog virus infected person.

There are also several large glass containers in the experimental space filled with blood-colored liquids, as well as the bodies of people infected with the Hell Dog Virus.It is not difficult to see that everything here is related to the variant Hell Dog Virus.

Xia Lei still hasn't seen the familiar face here. After the reconstruction of the AE Research Center, it seems that new researchers have been employed.

As Xia Lei observed these, the descending elevator doors opened, and two soldiers with live ammunition escorted a black man and came in.The black man had a naked upper body, dark skin covered with tattoos, skulls, grim reaper and scythe of death, and a picture of a woman who did not know who it was.His muscles are also very developed, and with these greasy tattoos, the first impression he gives is a criminal, he is very dangerous.

"Let me go, you bitches!" The Negro shouted angrily: "This is not an immigration office at all. You liar, what do you want to do?"

"Shut up!" An escorted soldier kicked the black man and scolded: "Fak! Black Pig! You'd better be honest with me!"

"Asshole! I'm just smuggling. Why do you treat me like this? I'm going to court to sue you!" The black man struggled and roared angrily.But what he brought to him was not freedom and fairness, but more severe beatings.

The two escorted soldiers punched and kicked the black man, but he was not regarded as a human being.In just ten seconds, the strong looking black man fell to the ground with a swollen nose and a dying breath.

A researcher came over, "Take him to the No. 1 isolation room."

The black men who lost their resistance to the two soldiers set up and dragged them into the transparent isolation room.The two soldiers threw the individual on the ground. The researcher just pushed a tool cart into the isolation room, and then injected a bloody injection into the black man.

After the injection was completed, the researchers and the two soldiers quickly evacuated the isolation room.Many scientific researchers came to the isolation room and looked at the black people in the isolation room through the glass.

The black man eased from the pain, he climbed up from the ground, smashed the glass frantically, and shouted at the glass, but he clearly couldn't see the situation outside.

"The temperature of the subjects in the No. 1 isolation room is normal ..."

"The subject of No. 1 isolation experiment was emotionally unstable, and his heartbeat began to speed up ..."

"Preparing to release the experimental gas collected from the subway station ..."

In the huge experiment space, some people are reporting the immediate situation of black people, and some people are giving orders.This place looks like a rocket launch center, although it is very busy, but the whole scene looks methodical.

Xia Lei secretly said: "Experimental gas collected from the subway station? The subway station is the place with the largest flow of people. The air there is full of people's smell and the carbon dioxide that is breathed out. And it's considered polluted air, what kind of experiment are these guys going to use? "

"The countdown of the experimental gas release begins, 600, 599, 598 ..."

The ten-minute countdown is a long countdown.

Xia Lei did not take any action, he just quietly looked at the black man in the isolation room.That guy wouldn't be a good person, but the person who put him in the isolation room as a laboratory mouse was not a good bird.He came here only to find out the truth about the variant Hell Dog virus, not to save someone.

Little by little the time passed, the black man in the isolation room gradually became quieter.He probably knew that his roar had no effect at all. With the strength to smash the glass and roar, don't just leave it in a desperate battle after the door of the isolation room opens.

Just as the countdown reached five hundred seconds, the descending elevator doors opened again, and a group of soldiers walked in with an old man in military uniform.There were no ranks in his military uniform, but there were many medals on his chest.

Watching this old man Xia Lei's heart moved, "Is it he ... General Clichy?"

As soon as Xia Lei thought in this way, a scientific researcher strode up with a smile on his face, "General Clichy, welcome, welcome. I really want to call you and tell you the variant hell The good news that the virus has been initially perfected, I did not expect you to come so soon. "

This old man was indeed General Clichy, an important figure in the Asian Spring plan.

This Clichy looks tall, lean, and in his sixties, no matter what angle he looks at, he is just an ordinary white old man.But it was such a seemingly ordinary old man who was carrying out the most evil plan ever made by mankind.

Even if China and the United States are opponents, or even enemies, using the variant Hell Dog Virus against China, this behavior is in fact no different from terrorists or even worse.

Seeing this General Clichy appeared, Xia Lei's heart suddenly angered.He couldn't wait to kill him right away, in fact he did so.He came quietly to General Clichy's side, and then looked for the grenade on his followers.However, he soon discovered that they were all high-ranking officers, and they did not carry grenades at all.But even if there is, with the power of only two hundred grams he currently has, he can't actually pull the safety plug of the grenade.

The culprit is in front of him, but he has no way to take Clichy, and the depression in his heart is only clear to him.

Clichy came to the isolation room, he looked at the black man in the isolation room, "have he been injected with the virus?"

"Yes, General Clichy, the experimental air will be replaced soon."

"Uh? What experimental air?"

"The air we collected from the subway station is mixed with the smell of the human body and the carbon dioxide exhaled by people. The purpose of this experiment is to understand whether the improved variant of the hell dog virus will break out in a crowded place in advance, um , Our estimate is that it will break out in advance. "

General Clichy nodded and said to an entourage officer around him: "The mission of West China has failed, but this does not mean that the Asian Spring plan has failed. Once the variant of the Hell Dog virus is confirmed, immediately Start the next action plan. Find a few businessmen to go to Hua Guo to do business. Doesn't Hua Guo like someone to invest in them? "

The accompanying officer nodded, with a smile on his face that he understood.

The Indian special forces who died in the Himalayas did not know that they were injected with the virus until their death. Their mission was not to capture the paradise base, but to die.Clichy now has the merchant's idea again, to inject the mutant hell dog virus into the merchant's body.The two countries already have extensive economic and trade exchanges. Once Clichy aims at ordinary businessmen or desperately, then China will be invincible!

"Damn! This guy is hardly even alive. He never thought that the population density of China is so large. How many people will die in this way? Once the variant of the hell dog virus broke out in China, the epidemic is traced. Will it spread to the whole world, will the United States be spared? "Xia Lei was very angry.

"10, 9, 8 ... 1!" The system prompts, "The countdown is over and the test gas is released."

Several metal pipes were saved on the ceiling of the isolation room, and the experimental gas was sprayed into the isolation room.

"What do you want to do? Venom gas?" The Negro suddenly became nervous. He rushed towards the door of the isolation room, striking the metal door panel with his shoulder, and shouted: "Let me go! Let me go--"

No one responded to him. The people outside the isolation room just looked at him indifferently, observing all his reactions.

People outside are actually watching a death game, turning a living person into a hell dog virus infection more terrible than zombies.

Xia Lei's eyes suddenly moved to an iron cage, where several people infected with Hell Dog Virus were kept, and it was a door bolt on the iron cage that really restricted their freedom.Seeing the door bolt, an idea suddenly appeared in his heart.

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