Super Vision

1512 1512 Delayed Trap

Almost fifty huge humanoid fighter armor "airborne" from the "Xueyue", without a shot and a shot, the building of Sanxi Village collapsed by more than half.Dozens of humanoid fighter armor surrounded the mountain village, forming a copper wall and iron wall.

A small troop carrier flew out of the Evil Moon and landed slowly on the square in the center of the village.

Xia Lei's eyes were fixed on the small troop carrier, expecting Lan Sidi and Xieyue Army Commander to appear.If these two characters appear, even if it will be more troublesome later, he will use the zodiac energy sniper rifle to kill these two targets.

The rear hatch of the small troop carrier was opened, and an extremely gigantic Blue Moon man cat walked out of the hatch with his waist.His face is exactly the same as the face of Xia Lei's head seen from Lele's memory. He is the head of Xieyue Legion.Whether his original name was Xieyue is not known, but it is not important.The giant man with a height of almost three meters is in control of the Xieyue Legion. He is also the strongest opponent Xia Lei encountered at this stage.

Lan Sidi didn't show up. Following Xieyue came several same giant blue moon warriors. They should be regarded as Xieyue's guards.

Xia Lei secretly said: "Le Lele said that there were 200 people in the Xieyue Legion, but more than 50 people came to the ground. It seems that there are more warriors in the Xieyue Legion. Born or something else? "

With the shock of the giant body shape of Xieyue Legion soldiers weakened, Xia Lei also had targeted thinking.

Above Sanxi Village Square, Xieyue came to the body of a Blue Moon Special Forces head shot by Xia Lei. He looked at the characteristics of the body and moved slightly.The Blue Moon's special forces were protected by armor helmets on their heads, and even the grenade could not explode, but his head was blown away with a punch.Obviously, Xia Lei's power also shocked Xieyue.

"Lan Sidi doesn't show up, then you are." Xia Lei held the Lele Le posture, and then raised the zodiac energy sniper rifle flat, the muzzle locked Xieyue.He is about four kilometers away from Xieyue, but he never needs a sighting device to use a sniper rifle. His eyes are enough.

His left eye locked the evil moon four kilometers away, his right eye scanned synchronously, and a series of data was immediately given in his brain.Accurate distance to millimeter, wind direction, wind speed, height and weight of Xieyue, etc.That is the scan, he was jumped by a set of data.The height of Xieyue estimated by his brain is 2 meters 95, and the weight is 500 kg.Five hundred pounds, this is really a terrible weight.

The strength of a person is proportional to its weight. The heavier the person, the greater the body's strength.And these Evil Moon Corps soldiers obviously do not know that they have physical strength. They are likely to have special abilities like the branded soldiers.In terms of size and strength, the Xieyue Legion soldiers are obviously more powerful than the branded soldiers.If a branded warrior fights with a evil moon legion warrior, from an intuitive point of view, the evil moon legion warrior is obviously stronger than the brand warrior.

Moreover, the number of Xieyue Legion is twice that of Branded Legion.Two hundred versus one hundred. If the two legions are at war, the bad results do not seem difficult to imagine.

"It's that guy, that person named Xia Lei." Xie Yue said: "The rock spirit should be his associate just now." After a pause, he pointed to the gap in the energy wall. "His purpose was to save the villagers. , Those villagers cannot escape very far. I will not believe that he will not show up after chasing down the villagers. "

Dozens of humanoid fighter mechas started simultaneously and went straight to the direction of the villagers' escape.

Before Xieyue lowered his arm in the direction of the gap, Xia Lei pulled the trigger.An energy sniper ammunition flew out of the muzzle, dragging a dazzling white light into the void.

There is a very obvious difference between the launch of energy weapons and the ordinary weapons of human beings, that is, the sound of energy weapons is very small, and it is not the kind of bang, but the sound of an arc.However, although the sound is very low, the light is very strong. Once the gun is shot, the position of the sniper is easy to find.

However, even if the position was exposed, it was found that such a price could be exchanged for the commander of the Xieyue Legion, which was worth it, and Xia Lei was willing to take this risk.

However, most good ideas are just ideas, and will not become a reality.

A second ago, at the moment when Xia Lei pulled the trigger, Xie Yue suddenly looked in the direction of Xia Lei, and then his feet kicked on the ground. The three-meter-high behemoth was like a The spirit ape swam away.


A large pit was exploded at the location where Xie Yue had just stood, and stones and mud shrapnel were generally flying.

"He's there! Kill him!" Xieyue shouted in the direction of Xia Lei.

Dozens of mechas suddenly changed their direction and rushed towards Xia Lei together.Xieyue and several of his guards quickly chased them. They were surrounded by giant fighter mechas that were more than ten meters high, but their speed was a bit slower than giant fighter mechas.The running of Xieyue and several guards is simply a cheetah in the jungle, and his clothes and hair are completely blown to the level of his body!

How could Xieyue find him just before he shot?

what happened?

Xia Lei didn't know at all, but what he knew was that he had to be transferred.He put away the zodiac energy sniper rifle and ran in the opposite direction as the villagers fled.He carried a woman on his shoulder, but his speed was faster than that of the giant fighter armor of the evil moon army, evil moon and the guards.

Bang!Bang ...

As soon as Xia Lei left the hillside, a piece of energy ammunition poured onto the hillside.The towering ancient trees in the violent explosion were shattered and overturned.The fragments of rock flew tens of meters high, and the exploding smoke and fire instantly engulfed the hillside.

Such an explosion, if the soldiers of the Resistance Army and the Black Market Major League are on the hillside, this blink of an eye may have been wiped out.

The first encounter with the elite troops of the Blue Moon, although a bit embarrassed, these experiences are also very precious to Xia Lei.These experiences can help him train the human army and develop targeted weapons.More importantly, these experiences can reduce the casualties of ordinary human fighters.

It took only two minutes for dozens of mechas to reach the hillside where Xia Lei shot, a distance of four kilometers, a jungle, more than thirty meters a second. If converted to a speed, it would be almost two hundred an hour. Kilometers!This is simply the speed of the sports car on earth, and the ZTZ100 main battle tank that Reima Group is proud of is also unmatched!

"Report! No target found!" The voice of the mech pilot was heard from the Yang sound system of a giant fighter mech.

"How is it possible?" Xieyue frowned, "Is your thermal breath scanning device broken?"

"Report the head of the army, my thermal scanning device is not bad, I can scan all animals within two kilometers, including warm-blooded insects." The reported warrior of the evil moon army said.

As soon as his words fell, a white light suddenly flew from the void and instantly hit the cockpit of the giant mech.


The sniper energy ammunition exploded in the cockpit, the cockpit was exploded in an instant, and the giant humanoid fighter armor was knocked to the ground.

"But so, such a huge giant mecha is simply the best target on the battlefield." Xia Lei put away the sniper rifle and escaped the sniper point at the fastest speed.

Three seconds later, the sniping point was blown up again within a hundred meters.

Xia Lei stopped at another high point, his gaze moved to the hillside again, and then he saw the giant mech that he fell down stood up again.He blasted the cockpit with sniper energy ammunition, but failed to kill the driver inside.The cockpit of that giant fighter armor has even remained 90% intact, and it has not been destroyed to an uncontrollable level!

Although it is a modified energy sniper rifle, it is obviously not enough to change the giant combat armor of the Xieyue Legion.

Dozens of giant fighter armor quickly pointed the muzzle of the energy machine gun on the hillside where Xia Lei shot for the second time, but this time they did not shoot.

Xia Lei's heart moved, and his eyes moved to Xieyue's body again, and then locked his lips.

"Don't shoot!" Xieyue said: "When his gun is charged, and then lock him to let Xieyue use the naval artillery to bombard him, I don't believe he can run into the bombardment range of Xieyue's naval gun."

The ship gun of Xieyue blasted a mountain just a moment ago. Unless it has the flying ability like Shanpu, it can't escape the bombing range of the ship gun at all.

Xia Lei suddenly understood why Xieyue was able to avoid his sniper kill just now. It takes about two seconds to charge his energy sniper rifle without firing.This is the disadvantage of energy weapons. The more powerful the energy weapon, the longer the energy storage time.Although he has made the biggest optimization improvements, he still can't shorten the charge time of the Zodiac Energy Sniper Rifle to one second.

"He actually can sense the energy weapon storage. This is not an ability that can be obtained by military training. This must be one of the special abilities of the Warriors of the Evil Moon Legion. They and the branded warriors have evolved far beyond the same kind. They He also has some incredible abilities! "Xia Lei has taken a different look at the soldiers of the Xieyue Legion.

On the hillside opposite, dozens of giant mechas quietly waited for Xia Lei's third attack.

Xieyue also ordered the crew on the Xieyue to prepare to fire through the communicator.

There was a sneer in the corner of Xia Lei's mouth, "You ran after me so far, I don't look back at you. How can I pass it? Since you have the ability to capture energy gun storage, then I will satisfy you."

Xia Lei put his zodiac energy sniper rifle on a rock, and then cut two branches with an ice dagger, one peeled and one circled into the trigger.A minute later, a simple time-lapse trap was completed.

After leaving the trap of delayed shooting, Xia Lei carried Lele to leave the highland.

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