Super Vision

1554 1554 Simple and Romantic Wedding

The twilight was vast, the golden afterglow and the darkness that swept over rendered the sky, and a magnificent color on the sky.Darkness will come soon, but it cannot take away the magnificence of the sunset.

The cave is filled with flowers, no roses, lilies or tulips, all wild flowers picked from the forest.Some of them are bigger than the bowls and bloom luxuriantly; some are pure and white, exuding a natural fragrance; some are a little bit like blossoming stars, and there are many more.The flowers are as strong as water and the spirits are used to decorate the entire cave with fresh flowers. Various colors, various floral fragrances, and a romantic atmosphere are strong.

Lan Ji'er, who cut the grass, cut a lot of grass. She spread three floors, one for her, one for water, and one for spirits.Only if there is no Xia Lei, as Comrade Xia Lei, who will soon become the groom, does he need a single shop?

Xia Lei's labor is also rewarding.He hunted a horned deer and cooked it.The golden barbecue, with oil and fragrance.Its presence adds a bit of a wedding banquet to this wedding. Although it is simple, it does not have the atmosphere of an outdoor wedding.

After all the preparations were done, Xia Lei split the barbecue with Lanjier's knife and said with a smile: "Wifes, are we holding the wedding now, or will we hold it after eating the barbecue?"

Lan Ji'er rolled Xia Lei's eyes. "You can't wait any longer?"

"Sex wolf." Bai Ling and the sound of water were small, and his face was red.

Xia Lei coughed awkwardly, "Well, you are the master, I will listen to your arrangement."

Bailing said: "We are tired and sweaty, and we smell bad. I don't want to hold my wedding like this. I'm going to take a shower. The clean and fragrant wedding is only for you."

Li Rushui also said: "I also want to take a picture. The wedding is more important to a woman than anything. I also have to wash it cleanly before the wedding."

Lan Ji'er said: "Bath and pray before we get married. This is the tradition of our Achimeans." After a pause, she said again: "Also, you won't want to marry us with sweaty smell and greasy hands Right? You have to wash it well. Go and take a bath, um, you go down, we wash up. "

Xia Lei shrugged his shoulders, grabbed a piece of horned deer barbecue, and gnawed while walking, said, "Hurry up, it's getting dark."

Lan Ji'er said: "We have to slow down."

Xia Lei, "..."

The clear stream gurgled on the grass in the forest, and the deepest part of the water was less than one meter, which only submerged the thighs.It is obviously unrealistic for such a stream to want to swim happily, but there is no problem washing it.

Xia Lei looked at the dirty clothes on his body. He was too lazy to take off his clothes. He even jumped into the deep water in the stream, washing people and doing laundry.He is about to become their bridegroom. It is also a kind of respect for them to clean up his body cleanly.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, his appearance was projected onto the calm water in the Backwater Bay.Junxiu's face, white muscles, perfect lines.Everything about him is so perfect.

Xia Lei looked at his own projection, but in his mind some of the faces in another world emerged, Liang Siyao's face, Tang Yuyan's face, Long Bing's face, Shen Tu Tianyin's face, Fan Fan's face, Jiang Ruyi's face, and his children's faces.Their faces, as well as the faces of the children, also seemed to be projected into his projection, blending with him, regardless of each other.

Three beautiful women are about to marry him and become his wife.He should be happy, but there was a trace of sadness in his heart.

"I'm sorry, my wives. I know that for whatever reason, you can't forgive me for marrying in this world, but I have no choice. That mission, if I can't accomplish it, is not only that I can't come back, the human civilization on earth Will also be destroyed, become a cornerstone of that mission, and enter the next reincarnation. I need their milk, so ... forgive me. I am not a good man, I am the only one. "Sadness brews in my heart, Xia Lei's eyes Some are wet.

This time, he did not control his lacrimal glands.

Yes, he is not a good man.

He is the only one, his fate is not under his own control.For that mission, in order to protect his beloved women and children, as well as the civilization of the earth and humans in this world, he was willing to become a butcher, a pervert, and a pervert.As long as he can accomplish that mission, he is willing to do anything!

After eating a little horn deer barbecue, the three women also got up and walked towards the creek next to the cave. This place was not far from where Xia Lei bathed. They could see Xia Lei standing in the stream and bathing.In the afterglow of the setting sun, Xia Lei's skin is slightly reflective, and the lines of his body and muscles are full of beauty and power, which is perfect.The three women were obviously irritated, blushing quietly one by one, daring not to see, but secretly watching again.

The three women took off their clothes, cats on their waists, quickly walked into the stream, and then squatted in the stream to bathe.

"He must be peeking at us." Bailing said.

"Do you still say that? He is so lustful." Lie Rushui said.

Lan Ji'er smiled, "Then do you still marry him?"

Bailing and Lieru looked at Lan Ji'er together.

Lan Ji'er said, "Don't get me wrong, I don't mean to be. He can't do without us and our milk, we can't do without him, so we formed this family. We are going to marry him, everything is It ’s normal for him to take a peek. Well, I mean, do n’t be so nervous. "

Bailing said blushingly: "Then you stand up and wash, you stand up and wash, I admit you are not nervous."

As soon as her words fell, Lan Jier suddenly stood up from the water.The afterglow of eternal day fell on her, and the skin with blue and black stripes was like jade and jade.Her body is much taller than the average human woman, coupled with the plump granary and plump blue buttocks, she gives a very sexy visual impact.

"Do you have anything else to say?" Lan Jier said provocatively.

Suddenly, Bailing stood up from the water, and the white and delicate skin hung with drops of water. She was like a lily blooming from the water.

Li Ruhe hesitated for a moment, and hesitated to stand up from the water, his waist and hips alluring, and the curves were tempting.

Three women, three beautiful scenery.

The downstream Xia Lei was clearly unclear what was going on, and a lot of stimulating secret scenery broke into his eyes.He opened his mouth wide, stunned, but looked very carefully.

Lan Ji'er glanced at Xia Lei's direction, gave a soft sip, and then said loudly, "Hey! No peeping!"

Xia Lei spread his hand and smiled and said, "We are getting married, can we see what is wrong?"

Bailing stooped down and picked up a small stone from the stream, and then threw his hand at Xia Lei. "Even if your wife has the right to privacy, don't read it or not!"

Ding Dong!

A small stone crashed into the water and a splash of water splashed.

But stone is not the point at all. The point is the posture and movement of Bailing's stone throwing. The beauty and sexiness are far more than ten thousand times more powerful than the stone.Xia Lei was already irritated to be unnecessary. Now he has turned into a gunpowder barrel, and it only takes a little bit of Mars to explode.

But at this moment, Li Ruo also stooped and picked up a small stone from the stream. He threw it at Xia Lei after learning from the spirits.

Her stone-throwing pose is also beautiful and sexy.

The stone flew out of her catkin, drew a parabola in the air, and then hit Xia Lei's shoulder.

"Yeah?" Lie Rushui covered her mouth nervously. "I didn't mean it."

Xia Lei suddenly pulled her legs and walked towards the three women.

The three women froze for a moment, and suddenly realized what they were, screaming one by one and fled the creek.

Xia Lei stopped, "What are you running for? I won't eat you, I just want to come over and rub your back."

"The ghost believes you!" Lan Ji'er took a sip and she ran faster than anyone else holding her clothes.

Bailing and Lieru also ran away with their clothes in their arms, and they ran like a big white rabbit, bouncing around.

Xia Lei sighed, "Hey, only the ignition does not extinguish the fire, do women love to play this game? They are getting married soon, what are they running for?"

The eternal sun sank to the west ridge, and only a touch of white remained on the sky.

A bonfire burned in the cave, and the blaze of fire dispelled the darkness.

Xia Lei and three women kneeled on the ground covered with flowers and petals in front of the cave. He said: "I Xia Lei married Lan Jier, Bai Ling and Lie Ru Shui as his wife today. Please go to heaven and ask the earth to be our witnesses. I Xia Lei vowed that he would love them, cherish them, give them happiness, and do all the responsibilities of being a husband. I will not give up regardless of poverty and wealth. "

After he finished, he kowtowed.

"My Bailing married Xia Lei as his wife today. Please go to heaven and ask the earth to be our witness. I swear by Bailing that I will love my husband in this life, cherish my husband, give him happiness, and do everything I can to be a wife. Responsibility. Regardless of poverty, wealth and nobility, until death. "Bailing also bowed his head.

Li Rushui looked up at the sky, tears shining, "I will marry you today, you are the best gift that God has given me, I will cherish it. Please heaven and the earth to be our witnesses, I swear I will All my best is devoted to my husband. In the future, regardless of poverty or wealth, we will all be together, the sea is dry, and we will never change our minds. "After she finished, she also kowtowed.

Lan Ji'er clutched her towering heart and said in Ahemis: "Great God of the sky, please bless me and my husband Xia Lei. I will marry him as my wife today. Everything belongs to him. My child will be named after his surname and progeny. Please ask the god of the sky to witness our wedding, I am your devout believer, and my child will follow you. Tonight, I will set me down The oath never breaks. "After she finished, she kissed her right hand over her heart, then palm up, and put her head on the ground.

Different races, different beliefs and customs, Lan Ji'er's wedding vows will certainly not be the same as those of Bailing and Lieru.But the same is their love for Xia Lei, and love has no race or any other boundary.

Xia Lei pulled the three women over, took them in his arms, and said emotionally: "From now on, I am your husband. I swear, I will definitely give you happiness."

Lan Ji'er's lips moved, and she thought of Lele and what poison Xia Lei had, but she didn't say it in the end.Tonight is a good day for her and Xia Lei to marry. She does n’t want to think about the things that make her worried.

Bailing and Lieru have the same worries and fears, but they endure as much as possible, without showing up.

Xia Lei said with a smile: "Don't be unhappy. Today is our happy day. Well, our wedding is over, let's go to the cave."

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