Super Vision

1561 1561 The Bailing and Morse Code

It was already dark, but a lamp was still lit in a laboratory at Dzizhu College.Xia Lei has been in this laboratory for two full days, and he hasn't even returned home in these two days.

The Blue Moon man will attack any dungeon at any time, and before that he must research the communication system that belongs to human beings.

The communication devices of the Blue Moon people obtained from Song Zhe and Le Lele were disassembled by him and turned into parts and electronic components.

After two days of research, he has discovered that Lanyue's communication is actually transmitted by means of energy resonance.The energy vibration generated by the Blue Moon's communicator is the same as the energy vibration frequency of the sky curtain.Therefore, the information transmitted by the Blue Moon people's communicator can be transmitted freely under the intervention of the sky, because it is part of the sky.If it is another radio signal or something, it cannot be transmitted without the intervention of the sky.To solve this problem, the easiest way is to copy the blue moon people's communicator, but in this case, there is no secret in the information transmitted between human beings. Once sent, it will be captured by the blue moon people.

The set of communication technologies on Earth cannot be used on Star of Hope at all, and if the communication technologies on Earth are followed, the radio base station is a good solution, but the communication satellite cannot be solved.How could the Blue Moon Man let human satellites fly around in the sky?

"The problems of infrastructure and satellites cannot be solved. Wired calls are not only inconvenient but also impossible at all. How can I solve the problem of communication?" Xia Lei looked at the drawings and two on the workbench. His several eyebrows were frowning in the several plans made by God.The situation is becoming more and more urgent, and he seems to have wasted two days.Before he started, he was confident. He felt that his brain could easily solve the problem, but after thoroughly studying the principles of the Blue Moon people's communicator, he discovered that it was an almost unsolvable problem.

Boom Boom Boom.

There was a knock on the door, and then a woman's voice came again, "Her husband, it's me, Braun, can I come in?"

Xia Lei saw his newly-married wife Bailing at night.She was wearing a white skirt, and the weather was already a little cold, but her skirt did not have the function of cold protection, and was a relatively thin fabric.Her graceful figure protruding forward and back was outlined, but she seemed to be a little cold. She stood outside and waited for the door to open as she rubbed her hands.

This is really a beautiful frozen person.

Xia Lei's heart smiled, he got up and walked over to open the door.As soon as the door opened, Bailing couldn't wait to drill into the room and said, "It's so windy and cold outside."

Xia Lei smiled, "Don't you know that you should wear more? It's winter soon, and it's cold at night. You should wear more clothes."

"Wearing is fat and your body is gone." Bailing said.

Xia Lei, "..."

He thought these heartwarming words were in vain.

In front of beauty and warmth, ten women will choose the former.

But when he thought this way, Bailing got into his arms, hugged his waist tightly, and said coquettishly: "If you hold me, I will be warm."

The fragrance is tangy, and nephrite is full, and the troubles accumulated by Xia Lei in the past two days are gone.Women are always men's lubricants, sheltered from the wind.A man without a woman is not a complete man, nor is a woman without a man a complete woman.

Perhaps these two days were exhausted, and Xia Lei also wanted to relax. When Bailing was spoiling in his arms, he hugged her around her waist and returned to his chair.He placed Lark on his thigh and used her thigh and chest as a chair for her.

Bailing sat on Xia Lei's lap and snuggled in his arms, a beautiful face full of shy blush.Married to Xia Lei, the first wife, although she has experienced everything, but still inevitably shy.She buried her face on Xia Lei's chest, and she had a lot to say in her heart, but at this time her mouth was stupid, and she didn't know what to say.

Xia Lei said with a smile in her ear: "If you don't go back to bed so late, will you let me hug you when you come here?"

Bailing raised his head from his arms, his eyes and voice were very gentle, "You haven't gone home for two days, people miss you. Sister Lan and Rushui are very worried about you, and made me deliberately when I was off work Come and see you, then take you home to eat. "

Go home for dinner?

Xia Lei subconsciously glanced at the two communicators that had been disassembled into parts, as well as the drawings and design plans he drew. The trouble that had just disappeared reappeared.

Bailing also glanced at the parts of the communicator on the table, as well as the drawings and design schemes drawn by Xia Lei. She seemed to understand Xia Lei's troubles. She said softly, "Her husband, I know the situation is urgent. But you also have to take care of your body. You have been working here for two days and two nights. What if you are tired? "

Xia Lei said with a smile: "Your husband and my body will not collapse after two nights ..."

He did n’t wait for him to finish Braun before interrupting him. “I do n’t care. Sister Lan and Rushui have given me orders. I have to take you home anyway tonight. No matter how important your current job is, you have to Go home and rest. "

Xia Lei thought for a moment, then nodded.The reason why he is willing to go back is not because of what orders Lan Ji'er and Lie Rushui gave Bailing, but he felt that his thoughts had entered a dead end, even in this state, he would sit for two days and two nights It doesn't help.Another reason is that he just married the three of them, and now he is in the time of the newly-married Yaner. He is staying in the laboratory day and night, and the three of them are equal to staying alive. How can they bear a wife?

"Then let's go back." Bailing saw Xia Lei nodded, and a beautiful face suddenly burst into a flowery smile.

"Well, give me a few more minutes, I will clean up here, and then we will go home." Xia Lei said.

What he meant was obvious, that was to make Bailing get out of his arms, and then he packed up and went home with her.But he said the words, but Bailing couldn't stand up in his arms.

Xia Lei smiled bitterly, "I can't pack my things when I hold you, you get up first, and wait for me to hold you enough, OK?"

"Not good." Bailing said coquettishly: "After going back, I can only occupy a third of the position, but now you are all mine. You hug me for a few more minutes, and then pack up things, okay?"

Xia Lei, "..."

Facing the fragrant and gentle professed Prof. Bai, which man is willing to push her away from her arms?

But when Xia Lei was speechless, Bailing suddenly came over and kissed his lips with a kiss.

This was originally a soft and sweet kiss, but it was upgraded somehow.Maybe it's because Xia Lei's hand that didn't know the reason for reaching into Professor Bai's skirt, or maybe it's because of the pale and the strange sound coming from the throat, which put oil on the fire ...

"Wife, I'm hungry. Feed me some food." Xia Lei said.

Braun nodded shyly, responded softly, and then began to unbutton the skirt coat.

When Xia Lei said such things in the past, she would go to get her baby bottle, but now she is married to Xia Lei, Xia Lei's justified wife, and it's okay to drink anything directly.In fact, not only her, but the other two Xia family women, such as Li Rushui and Lan Ji'er, had the choice of squeezing and drinking directly. Their choice was also the latter.

Under the silver light, a piece of snow was exposed.Bai Shengxue is as charming as a bud.Xia Lei couldn't help himself, and could not wait to bury his head to drink Xiangxiang milk.But when he was most urgent, in need, and excited, a small soft hand suddenly reached over to cover his mouth.

Braun glanced nervously at the door, and then at the window again.

Xia Lei took her small hand over his mouth and smiled and said, "Don't be nervous, the doors and windows are closed, and the curtains are closed. No one will see us. The couple are doing bad things here. "

"You ... want to do bad things here?" Bai Ling's pretty face was flushed, and the beautiful eyes under his glasses were full of shyness, and a little bit of desire and excitement.Why did she not want to be her first wife?

Xia Lei didn't think in that direction, but she said that the beautiful wife in her arms was so charming, and he was excited at once.

Bailing leaned into his ear, "Sex Wolf husband, then you go in and drink."

Xia Lei was stunned for a moment, still remembering the meaning of "go in and drink".The woman in her arms has changed her sitting posture, and the white long dress has slipped from her legs ...

Maybe this kind of body language should be understood by Tang Seng?

It may be the sentence "Go in and drink", but it brings to Xia Lei not only provocation and seduction, but also excitement and excitement, and a sudden inspiration.

Before, he had such an inspiration. It was on the earth. During his research on the artillery of the Hell Dog, Long Bing's sentence "Give me in" inspired him, and there was also the Rema Group. Hellhound individual artillery.Now Bai Ling's words also inspired him. The feeling was like breaking through the clouds and seeing the eternal day.

"Why do I need to develop a communication system by myself? Blue Moon shields the entire world. There is no way for humans to send their satellites into space. How can wireless communication be achieved in such a situation? But Blue Moon itself is a The huge moon, Blue Moon people also use it to complete the communication. Blue Moon people can, why can't I? I am responsible for the Blue Moon people's communicator, and I only need to research a set of passwords that only we humans know Just like the Morse code during World War II! "Xia Lei was very excited." I don't even need to study a complete set of passwords. I just need to investigate whether there is a Morse code in this world. If not, I just copy it over! "

"Her husband, you ..." Bailing looked at Xia Lei with nervous, shy and curious eyes.

"Hahaha ..." Xia Lei suddenly laughed, "Wife, I love you!"

"what happened to you?"

Xia Lei said: "Wife, do you know the Morse password?"

"What Morse code?" Braun looked curious.

"Have you never heard of it?"

Bailing shook his head, "No."

"That's great, now all problems have been solved!" Xia Lei said with excitement.

"What's wrong with you?" Bailing said with concern.

"I'll tell you again when I get home. Now I'm hungry. I'm going to drink." Xia Lei stared at Bailing, his eyes full of love and desire.

Bailing nodded shyly, then closed his eyes, waiting for something ...

The most troublesome problem has been solved, it is time to relax.

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