Super Vision

1571 1571 The Ice Front Legion is dispatched to suppress!

People are vengeful, human beings are the same, and the Ashimis are no exception.As long as there is humanity on the body, there will be genes of hatred.

The civilians of the Icefields in the Icefields are usually oppressed and exploited. They are always inferior to the nobles. The anger and hatred that have accumulated in their hearts have not been vented. Once they find a way to vent, the anger and hatred in their hearts can burn everything. .

The Blue Mountain was beaten alive in the palace of the king, and the nobles were also dead and disabled, even if they were lucky to survive, it would not be much better, because it would be civilians waiting for their trial.

The whole icefield city is crazy.

In a mess, Xia Lei pulled Lan Jier into a corner, "Tell me, how many troops are there in Icefield City? Where is it stationed?"

Lan Ji'er said: "My father said there are five thousand, stationed in the valley behind the icefield city, named Bingfeng Legion, the head of the legion is a sergeant, named Lan Ri. He is a member of the nobility and also serves Noble class. By the way, he is still the rotating city owner of the previous world, I heard that the relationship with the Blue Mountain is very good. "

Xia Lei frowned slightly. "Now the city is in a mess. I'm afraid the news will soon reach Blue Sun's ears. He will come over when he knows."

Lan Jier suddenly became nervous, "What should I do? He is a noble himself, and represents the interests of the nobility. He will definitely let the soldiers fire on the civilians."

Xia Lei said: "Don't be nervous, everything is with me. Now you should stand up and make your voice, unite the civilians by your side. Also, this confusion subsides, otherwise it will burn like a fire This city. "

Lan Ji'er nodded.

Suddenly someone shouted, "Everyone is fleeing! The Ice Front Legion set out from the camp and will be here soon!"

The chaotic scene suddenly became quiet, and then entered a more chaotic state.Someone shouted, some fled, and fear began to spread among the ranks of civilians.

Xia Lei patted Lan Ji'er on the shoulder, "Go, they need you."

"Well, with you by my side, I'm not afraid of anything." Lan Jier walked to the square.

Xia Lei also went out, and when he was about to walk out of the palace, he glanced back.There were noble corpses everywhere in the palace. The worst death was not Blue Ice, which was stomped on his head by a foot, but the sergeant Blue Mountain, which was beaten to death by civilians.At least a hundred knives were stabbed with a knife, his ears were bitten off alive, his eyes were cut, and his nose was cut.If it weren't for his clothes, Xia Lei really couldn't see that he was Blue Mountain.

If you give Blue Mountain a little more time, he will definitely find a way to contact the blue captain of the ice front of the icefield city.But Xia Lei didn't give him such a chance at all.From the civilian riot to his death, it was actually only ten minutes, and he had no chance to send someone to contact Blue Sun.In fact, until he died, he didn't actually believe that such a thing would happen, let alone preventive measures.

There was chaos in the square.

Lan Ji'er came to the middle of the square, and Father Lan Mu had prepared a tubular speaker for her, and stood beside her.

Xia Lei thought about it, but after thinking about it, he changed his mind.It was now when Lanjier stood up and led the common people of Ashimis and became the new leader of the Ashimis, how could he get her limelight.If Lan Ji'er controls the Icefield City, in fact, it means that he controls the Icefield City. In such a situation, why should he be in the limelight?

Xia Lei stood in the crowd and looked at Lan Ji'er. While Lan Ji'er was speaking with a speaker, his eyes quickly scanned the faces around and around Lan Ji'er.He had to guard against a nobleman sending a killer to assassinate Lan Jier at this time, because that was the only way for the nobleman to make a comeback.

A familiar face suddenly entered Xia Lei's line of sight, and he also froze slightly.It was a woman's face, he was no stranger.It was the widow of Ashimis who had a dew relationship with him, Polisi.

Polisi wore a blue cleric's robe, almost uncut, and looked very simple, but even a simple robe, the curve formed by her chest and hips was so sexy. people.

Xia Lei couldn't help but see some scenes of helping her to heal her and drinking her milk in person.The past is like smoke, those memories are so beautiful.Seeing her here, his heart was full of intimacy.But that's all. He has cut off the abnormal relationship with her. She has now become a clergyman, and he can no longer disturb her life.What's more, he already has Lan Jier, as well as Bailing and Lieru.

"I wish you happiness." Xia Lei said secretly.

Polisi searched for something in the crowd. Others didn't know what she was looking for, but Xia Lei was very clear.Lan Ji'er returned, how could he not come back?She is looking for him.

"People in the Icefield City!" Lan Ji'er's voice, "I am your holy ice princess, I have the blood of the holy king blue spirit. Follow me, let us overthrow all this unfair! We have fallen More than three thousand years, it is time to awaken! We will rebuild our civilization, all people are equal and free ... "

Lan Ji'er's voice rang in the square.

The chaotic scene quickly calmed down, and people turned their eyes to Lan Ji'er's direction.People in the distance also came to this side, more and more people gathered around Lan Ji'er.

"Do n’t leave, do n’t run away, because we have nowhere to escape. We fled here from the Ice Star. Have you not had enough life in exile? Rebuild our civilization with me and return Star of Hope! "

"Long live Princess Shengbing!" Xia Lei shouted.

"Long live Princess Princess Ice!"

"Long live princess holy ice ..."

Those leaders took the lead in the square and shouted, "Long live Princess Shengbing".

Suddenly, Polis turned her gaze to the direction of Xia Lei, and then she saw Xia Lei standing at the innermost side of the crowd.At that moment, her eyes were filled with kindness and joy.She came to Xia Lei, but she stopped in only two steps, and there was a little sadness and loss in her eyes.

She seemed to realize that she had broken up with Xia Lei, and she was now a cleric, and she was no longer likely to be with Xia Lei.So, what's the use of finding him in the past?There may be a hint of solace in the soul, but then it is the pain of parting.

In the sound of cheering, the uniform footsteps of the army were coming from the north.Several small spaceships also appeared in the sky. They circled around the icefield city, monitoring the entire city and probably executing the order to block the icefield city.

The blue sun is here.

Representing the interests of the nobility, it is also a blue sun of the lord. How will he deal with the changes caused by Lan Ji'er this time?

Xia Lei's eyes moved to the direction of the running sound of the army. The universe deep in the soul shuddered, and the power of the brand was instantly released, wrapping his body.It was at that moment that his body disappeared on the ground.

A few Aximis standing behind him were shocked on the spot. They saw the husband of Princess Ice Bing standing in front of them a second ago, but disappeared after a second.

"Do you ... see?"

"No, but I, I know what you are talking about, well ... so scary!"

"Lan Bing and his son shot at the husband of Princess Sheng Bing, but the bullet didn't even break his skin!"

"Where did our holy ice princess find such a terrible human being?"

"What did you find? That was to marry him, and only such a man can match our Holy Ice Princess!"

"No wonder Princess Shengbing dared to come back and led us to overthrow the aristocracy. With such a strong husband, she can walk sideways like an eight-legged beetle in the icefield city!"

"Go to you, what analogy are you?"

"Who hits me?"

"Don't look at me, I didn't move."

"Damn, who shot me on the shoulder?"

In this corner, there are not only comments on Lan Jier and Xia Lei, but also a little confusion.That was the reason why Xia Lei jumped up and stepped on the shoulders of Ashims civilians.

With both feet on the ground, the square was left behind by Xia Lei.

In the opposite direction of the north corner of the square, an army was quickly marching towards the square.The civilians on the street dodge, an old man was knocked down on the ground, but the army did not stop, stepped on him directly ...

The fear spread quickly after that.

There is an armored vehicle in the middle of the army, which is not moving fast.As he approached the square, a man ’s voice was heard from the speaker system in the armored car, “The Blue Sun Commander ordered that all the people gathering in the square belong to the illegal assembly and immediately lie on the ground, waiting for investigation , Otherwise do n’t talk about killing! "

Some civilians were lying on the ground, and they had no courage to resist in front of the army.But some people were standing, ignoring the orders from the armored vehicles.

The armored car repeated again and again, and the army drove up to the square.In the direction of the army's march, the tide of civilians on the square generally spread to the left and right sides to make way.

At the end of this road is Lan Ji'er. There are only a few lonely people around her. She looks so lonely and fragile.

Boom Boom ...

The machine gun of the armored vehicle suddenly fired at the sky.

"Everyone lie down! Or kill!" The man in the armored car shouted angrily, his voice mixed with the sound of the machine gun, which brought a huge deterrent.

Lan Ji'er subconsciously looked in the direction of Xia Lei, but she failed to see Xia Lei, but instead saw the civilians who lay down like wheat.This scene made her suddenly nervous, but she quickly calmed down.How could her man leave her at this time?Whenever I think of Xia Lei, her heart is full of confidence and courage!

At the same time, Xia Lei moved quickly towards the rear of the army.He had already seen the armored car with the power of branding, and Lan Ri was not in it at all.Although he has never seen Blue Sun, he can judge such a character at a glance.

The Bingfeng Legion's team spread for hundreds of meters, and the number was several thousand. It seemed that the entire legion was dispatched.Xia Lei was not surprised at all in this situation. Now that it is time for the nobility to survive, the blue sun representing the nobility's interests cannot be left behind.

Xia Lei's sight suddenly locked at the end of Long Street, and a strange vehicle entered his sight.That car is very special, like an armored car and a car.The coating on the car is azure blue, with black stripes interspersed, just like the skin of the Aximis, very dazzling.

There was a smile on Xia Lei's mouth, "The noble is the noble, even the car is so angry."

The uniquely shaped armored vehicle came slowly, and around it were all armoured Ashimis warriors in metal armor, extremely well equipped.

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