Super Vision

1581 1581 Man Bomb Crisis

"Who is outside?" Lan Jier, who was feeding the breakfast man, frowned slightly, and the good things were interrupted, and she was a little unhappy in her heart.

Xia Lei had seen the man, it was an ordinary Ashim civilian.

"Daddy Bluewood, haven't you come home?" The common man of Ashimis standing outside the courtyard door said aloud again.

"My father ..." Lan Jier recovered.

Xia Lei said: "My father-in-law didn't go home overnight. The people outside must have been with his father-in-law last night. I'll take a look." He got up and walked to the door.

Lan Jier also hurriedly crawled out of the bed, dressing and wearing shoes.She was already a little uneasy in her heart, and her desire to become a mother in her body was swept away by the uneasiness.Although she often quarreled with Blue Mud and gave people a feeling of bad relationship, it was definitely an illusion. She and Dad Mud lived together and her father and daughter were in love.

Xia Lei opened the door with his forefoot, and Lan Jier also got his body and came to the entrance of the courtyard.

After seeing Xia Lei and Lan Ji'er, the common people of Ashimisi bowed respectfully, and then said: "Dear Princess Sheng Bing, Mr. Xia, I ... I came to see Dad Lanmu Not home. "

"Is he with you last night?" Lan Jier said anxiously.

"Yes, there are a few other friends who often drink together." Ashimis said on the screen: "We drank a lot of wine, and then fell asleep. When I woke up, I found that Blue Wood was missing, so I Come over deliberately to see if he has returned home. "

Xia Lei said: "He didn't come back."

"Ah?" Ashemis civilians were anxious all at once, "So where will he go?"

"Do you often drink together?" Xia Lei asked again.

"Yes, we often drink together, we are very good friends." Ashimisi civilians said.

"Then you should know where he often loves to go, and then call some people to find him separately. Whether you find it or not, you have to come back and tell Princess Sheng Bing." Xia Lei said.

"Then ... I'll call someone right away." The common people of Ashimis turned and ran.

"Where will my father go?" Lan Ji'er looked worried.

Xia Lei grabbed her hand and comforted: "Don't worry, he is probably drunk, he went to the wrong door when he went home, went to someone's home to sleep. I also went to him, you go to the palace wait for news."

"No, I'll go find him with you." Lan Jier said.

Xia Lei said: "You went to the palace and overthrew the nobility's rule yesterday. There are still many things you need to deal with. Don't let the civilians who support you be disappointed, go, do what you should do, I will find my father-in-law of."

"Then you should be careful." Lan Ji'er got into Xia Lei's arms, she could not bear to leave her man for a moment.

"I'll send you over first, and I'm a little uneasy about letting you go in the past." Xia Lei reached out and patted on her hips, "Go."

Lan Ji'er's buttocks had a beautiful ripple on her hips, and her heart also slightly rippled.But she just flicked Xia Lei's eyes in shame, and then followed him obediently.

A large number of civilians and soldiers gathered in the square in front of the palace. They were all waiting for their new leader.They saw Lan Ji'er and Xia Lei appear, and a burst of cheers and shouts of "Holy Ice Princess" burst out on the square.

Lan Ji'er looked nervous.

Xia Lei said to her: "Go, you have to adapt to this situation. I will stand behind you to support you, no matter what difficulties you encounter, I will help you solve it."

"Well, then I'm going." Lan Ji'er walked towards the palace.

Xia Lei watched her leave, the cosmic brand shuddered, the power of the brand surged like a tide in all directions, and covered the entire square in the blink of an eye.His branding power is like a big net, and the thinking of everyone in the square is in his net.If someone wants to assassinate Lan Jier at this time, he will be able to lock in his target instantly.

There are no such characters, but the energy roots reborn in the brand of the universe have become active.It trembled slightly, pointing in the direction of the sky temple.It has obviously sensed the energy of the star stone.Its response once again proved Xia Lei's previous conjecture, that is, when this energy root is strong enough, he can build and open the Star Gate without relying on Lan Ji'er's help!

There may be other abilities, but it is still very weak, just like a newly germinated seed, once it grows, he can discover and master the ability evolved from it.

But just as Xia Lei was about to finish controlling the square and the palace, he caught an abnormal thinking.He moved his eyes and locked the man from the crowd.

It was an ordinary Ashimis civilian who was walking from the square towards the palace.Because the square was full of people, he was very crowded.

"I'm going to pass, I'm going to pass, I must pass ... My baby daughter, Dad will see you soon." This is his thinking activity, which is very strange.

Xia Lei's eyes locked on the Ashims civilian, he also captured the emotions of the Ashims civilian, his inner despair and pain.

A man in pain and despair squeezed in the direction of the palace, what did he want to do?

Xia Lei did not capture the thought of assassination of Lan Ji'er and some people from his thinking. The first feeling he gave was that he was going to find Lan Ji'er as a sad thing for this civilian of Achimis. help.But when this feeling came out, the trace of energy in the brand of the universe suddenly pointed to the civilian.At that moment, it detected a large amount of energy fluctuations.

Xia Lei's eyes moved slightly and penetrated the man's clothes instantly.

There were no weapons or explosive devices behind him under the clothes of the Ashims civilian, and there were no obvious injuries on his skin.

However, the trace of energy in the brand of the universe is still trembling, capturing a lot of energy fluctuations.

"What's going on?" Xia Lei's heart was strange. His eyes penetrated the body of the Aximis, and the perspective suddenly shocked him.

There is an explosive device hidden in the abdominal cavity of the Ashims civilian who is desperately squeezed towards the palace. The explosive device has four energy bars, and the energy stored is enough to even the square!

There is no timer on the explosive device, and most of them are remote-controlled explosions.The person holding the remote control is hiding somewhere, and once he is close to Lan Ji'er and Wang Dian, he will activate the explosive device in the abdominal cavity of that civilian!

The explosive device is the explosive device of the Blue Moon.

Lan Yueren finally shot, but in this mean way.

Xia Lei quickly walked towards the common man of Ashim, and at this time he raised his mental strength to the extreme.He walked quickly, his mental power affected the people of Ashims around him and in front of him. Those who blocked the road gave way, but it was not that the tide generally separated left and right, but it was a natural step forward. Or take a step back so that he can just walk over.

The person holding the remote control must be using the telescopic device to observe the whole square. If the tidal wave of the civilians in the square is generally spreading to the left and right, give him a way to allow him to get closer to the abdominal cavity faster If the Ashims civilian hiding the explosive device, maybe the person with the remote control will activate the explosive device now!

The civilian was getting closer and closer. He was squeezed very hard. When Xia Lei found him and moved towards him, he only advanced a few steps.

There were no obvious scars on his abdomen, but there was a trace of pale color.That's where the explosive device was put. Xia Lei went to Lanyue. He knew the advanced medical cabin of Lanyue. He could use a biological torch to weld surgical wounds, leaving no scars at all.

The traces of the welding of the explosive device and the biological welding torch in the abdomen all pointed to the Blue Moon Man, but now Xia Lei did not even see half of the Blue Moon Man.The invisible enemy is the most dangerous, which makes him extremely nervous.

Before approaching the civilian bomber, Xia Lei's trace of power entered the brain of the civilian bomber with deep hypnotic instructions.As soon as he entered, he realized that the Ashimite civilian had been hypnotized. There was only one thought in his consciousness, that is, he kept talking about "I want to go", and there was also a vague thought. About his daughter.

This thought about his daughter is very strong, and the person who hypnotized him obviously has no ability to cover or clear this thought.

Xia Lei ’s branding power entered the brains of human bombers and immediately covered the hypnotic command of “I want to go”, then changed it to “I want to leave the square to see my daughter, she was in the city Wait for me ".

This action will be completed in one second, the man stopped the civilians, and then turned and walked in the direction of the direction.

During this process, Xia Lei was extremely nervous. He also mobilized the power of the brand to form an energy shield.He had to defend, because the person who controlled the remote control could activate the explosive device in the abdominal cavity of civilians at any time.

At the same time, Xia Lei expanded the energy field of the branding power and quietly spread to the periphery of the square.

The man who controls the remote control must be nearby, he must find the guy!

The energy field of the branding power spread out, and Xia Lei suddenly looked in one direction after ten seconds.It was a street heading towards the city gate, and a middle-aged Asimis in civilian clothes was watching nervously as he bombed civilians.Although he wears ordinary civilian clothes on his body, his skin is very smooth, and there is no cocoon skin on his hands.At a glance, he can see that he is in fact a noble with respect.Moreover, Xia Lei also saw a remote control from his body, the remote control of the Blue Moon.

Xia Lei's branding power instantly locked him, and his thinking activities were also arrested at that time.

"Damn, how did he come back? What should I do? If I detonated the explosive device, would I be killed? Damn, didn't the Blue Moon say that there was no problem?" This is the middle-aged Axi The thinking activity of the Misi.

He did not dare to detonate because it was impossible for him to judge the extent of the explosive device in the abdominal cavity of civilians.

Despicable people are often cowardly and timid.

The tension in Xia Lei's mind also eased a little, and the civilians walked away from the Icefield City, that is, toward the person who controlled the explosive device.The distance between the two is getting closer and closer, and the aristocrat who controls the explosive device is even more afraid to detonate the explosive device.

"Damn! Why is that? I should be the slut in the sky temple! I want her to die!" The middle-aged aristocrat's heart was filled with hatred, and the "little bitch" in his heart was obviously It was Lan Ji'er, but under this psychological activity, he turned and walked towards the gate of the city.

Xia Lei's mouth sneered.

The middle-aged nobleman seemed to be the mean priest in the mouth of Polis. He left the icefield city at the moment. He wanted to activate the explosive device in the abdominal cavity of the civilians outside the city.

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