Super Vision

1590 1590 The Most Asymmetrical Campaign

The leader of the Xieyue Legion wears the blue moon man's boots, made of alloy, but in front of the Frost Blade, it is as crisp as a radish.Xia Lei just waved his hand back, and the frost blade in his right hand cut in from the right side of the left foot ankle of Commander Xieyue Legion, and then came out from the right side.There was no slight damping in the whole process, and he could not even feel the feeling of cutting people with a knife.

But the commander of the Xieyue Army did not seem to be cut by anyone. The frost blade in Xia Lei's hand had cut through his left ankle, but he was still doing the backward jump and dodge action.

The commander of Xieyue Army succeeded, he jumped up after success, but his left foot and ankle remained on the ground.

Blue blood was sprayed from the broken leg, and the fountain was as beautiful.

"Ah--" Even if he was as strong as the commander of the evil moon army, his feet were suddenly cut off, but the fear and pain were unbearable, and a screaming voice broke out in his mouth.

Xia Lei suddenly turned from the ground and jumped up, grabbing with his left hand, and the heraldic shield of flames falling on the ground returned to his left hand.That shield actually he deliberately disengaged, in order to lead the commander of the evil moon army to his side, in order to assassinate the commander of the evil moon army.

The leap of the Xieyue Legion Commander and Xia Lei's turn-up and jump took place almost at the same time, so that when the Xieyue Legion Commander screamed, Xia Lei had turned over and stood up. Zhang Dun has entered his strongest fighting state ever since!

An evil moon legionnaire instinctively raised his gun and prepared to shoot.

Xia Lei waved his sword, and the Frost Blade instantly cut through the waist of a three-meter-high Evil Moon Legion soldier.The evil moon legionnaire was wearing the blue moon man's alloy armor, but it was as crisp as a radish in front of the frost blade.


A weird voice, just a voice.

Xia Lei's frost blade was cut from the waist of the evil moon legion warrior who was about to shoot, but the evil moon legion warrior was still standing, without bleeding or even screaming.

It feels like Xia Lei's knife-slashing movement is just an illusion, not real.

But the left foot left by the commander of the evil moon army told the blue moon people who saw this scene very realistically, which is true.

The right foot of the commander of Xieyue Army fell to the ground.

"Ah--" The sabre evil moon legionary soldier made a screaming sound. He instinctively wanted to step back and avoid Xia Lei.But after this twisting movement to dodge, his upper body moved and turned away, but the lower body remained in place.

The blue blood, intestines, and internal organs rushed out of the torn wound. The upper body of the Xieyue Legionnaire fell to the ground, but his lower body remained in place, maintaining a standing posture.

Frost Blade is indeed the fastest knife Xia Lei has ever seen, and Ice Soul Dagger is a scum compared to it.

Who made the Ares suit?

Xia Lei does not think that he is the Holy King Blue Spirit.

"Kill him--" Xieyue Army Chief roared.

His voice had just exited, and Xia Lei had rushed at him, and the head and half of the shoulder of the evil moon legionary soldier who was standing in front of him slipped from his body.

The blue knife flashed like a blue meteor.Blue's popular starting point is Xia Lei's right hand, and the ending point is the right leg of Xieyue Army Chief.


The right leg of Commander Xieyue also left his body, and he could no longer keep his balance on the ground.

"Sacrifice!" A roaring voice.

Not waiting for the command of the Xieyue Legion, some of the Xieyue Legion soldiers have already made the most difficult decision in their lives.Sacrifice yourself, save their robe, and their army commander.


The sound of the energy assault rifle, a dozen rounds of energy ammunition fell on Xia Lei's body instantly.The flame coat of arms in Xia Lei's left hand blocked several shots, but his body was inevitably shot.The blue energy light surges and absorbs the energy of the blast shock wave.Not only is the Holy Spirit's armor absorbing the explosive shock wave of the energy ammunition, but the Fire Emblem Shield is also absorbing the explosive shock wave.And the Flame Emblem Shield absorbs the explosion shock wave is the blue vortex composed of blue energy, and the middle flame pattern.The feeling for Xia Lei is that the blue energy vortex sucks in the explosive energy shock wave, and then the flames burn that energy!

Under a violent explosion, Xia Lei's body was thrown up.Those evil moon legion soldiers standing beside him were not spared, and they were also wounded.Using such an energy rifle as a weapon at such a short distance is actually a very dangerous thing for themselves.

The battleships in the sky are covered, and the evil moon corps, known as the blue moon ’s strongest, is on the ground. In the face of such force, even a human army of 100,000 people, or the army of the Ashimis ca n’t compete. Only the life of being slaughtered.But now the situation is quite the opposite, but the evil moon legion is being slaughtered, and the blue moon battleship in the sky has no way to take Xia Lei!

Shelled with ships?

Xia Lei will not be killed, but the soldiers of the Xieyue Legion will definitely be killed!

Swarms of fighter planes generally flew from several huge battleships.

A blue shadowless shadow suddenly flew out from behind a snowy peak, and bumped into the face of the bee colony.

A rock spirit, a human.A fleet, a powerful army.This is the most asymmetric battle encountered by the Blue Moon people invading the Star of Hope.There is also the most asymmetric result, because they are still the passive side.

On the ground, dozens of giant destroyer fighter mechas with a height of more than ten meters also took a heavy step towards Xia Lei, preventing him from continuing to hack them down.


The energy machine gun fired wildly, and most of the energy ammunition fell on Xia Lei's body and his side.Several Xieyue Legionnaire soldiers were destroyed by destroyer fighter armor into minced meat, but even this did not stop their robes from firing.

To kill the head of the Xieyue Army, the first obstacle to overcome is the Xieyue Army.

Wow!Xia Lei's body fell to the ground.But the next second he jumped from the ground and jumped up, holding the flame coat of arms against his chest, lowering his head, and the cat on his waist, pushing the flame coat of arms forward.This is the standard posture of a heavy armor infantry defensive archer on the ancient battlefield, but he is defending against energy bomb rain today.


The violent explosion continued, but this time Xia Lei was not blown up by energy ammunition.The blue energy vortex of the flame coat of arms slowly rotates, absorbing the energy shock wave of explosion and burning the energy of shock wave.He found that the defense of the Flame Emblem Shield is different from the Holy Spirit Armor, the latter is purely hard resistance, and the former has the ability to absorb and burn energy.As a result, the explosion acting on the shield could not blow him away.And if it acts directly on the Holy Spirit's armor, under the purely hard-back, his body must be blown away by the energy released by the energy ammunition.This is not because he is not strong enough, but because his body weight is so light that he can never reverse the physical laws of the universe.

Steady, Xia Lei suddenly raised his shield and rushed towards a destroyer fighter armor.Although his speed is not as fast as when he is not wearing armor, he is also fast.The route he rushed into was not a straight line, but an S-shaped route transformed.

Bang!Bang ...

Raindrop-like energy ammunition exploded beside Xia Lei and the flame coat of arms. Xia Lei's weak body was overwhelmed by the explosion of light and fire and energy shock waves.But his footsteps did not stop for a while, still rushing, rushing, rushing!

Get close to the target!

Xia Lei jumped up, and the right arm of the knife waved violently. The frost blade in his hand split off from the head of a destroyer fighter armor, and instantly cut into the armor cockpit below the head.The alloy that made the mecha was cut open, and the parts inside were cut, even the evil moon legion soldiers in the cockpit were cut in two!

The Destroyer Fighter Armor, which was more than ten meters high, stopped suddenly, and it fell to the ground in a second.

Xia Lei's feet stepped on the split head of the fallen Destroyer Fighter Armor, over the last obstacle, and flew towards the head of the Xieyue Army.

The commander of Xieyue Army stepped on his three feet and asked him to cut his foot. He cut the two feet of the commander of Xieyue Army.With this knife, he wanted to draw a blood-stained period on the life of Commander Xieyue.

"Sacrifice!" The head of Xieyue Army burst into a roar.

Even the commander of the legion must awaken the ability to sacrifice, even if Xia Lei can be wiped out, this is a shame for Lan Yueren, no matter how much blood is used, it will not be washed.


The wreckage of a fighter jet fell from the sky and exploded among the rubble.


A Xieyue Legion soldier who had completed his sacrifice cut across and punched Xia Lei.

The first time he fought with the soldiers of the Xieyue Legion who entered the state of sacrifice, although Xia Lei killed the opponent, he played harder.

But this time ...

The blue knife flashed, and a head full of blue sarcomas flew from the victim's neck.The blue blood fountain usually sprays from the cut neck into the sky, but the headless body still maintains a posture towards Xia Lei.

Xia Lei circumvented the headless body and slashed towards the head of the Xieyue Army, which was rapidly changing.

"Roar!" Two more Xieyue Legion soldiers who had completed their sacrifices rushed to Xia Lei desperately, blocking Xia Lei's knife with their bodies.

Although it is a relationship between life and death, it is also in a state of fighting, but at this moment, Xia Lei gave a little respect to these evil moon army soldiers.However, it is just one point.The knife in his hand did not hesitate.


A victim was cut off by the waist.

Another victim threw himself in front of Xia Lei from the other side, and punched Xia Lei's flame coat of arms.


There was a muffled noise.

The flame heraldry shield is not moving, and Xia Lei is also moving, not moving like a mountain!

The blue knife flashed and cut through the victim's neck again. The next second, his head fell from his neck to the ground.

More victims, Xieyue Legion soldiers, and Destroyer fighter mechs pounced on Xia Lei.

"You retreat!" A roaring voice suddenly shouted from the mouth of the commander of the evil moon, but this was determined and angry.

Xia Lei's eyes moved to the head of the Xieyue Army. He was surprised to find that the feet he had cut off had grown again.Moreover, the speed of the change of the head of the evil moon legion is several times faster than that of the ordinary warrior of the evil moon legion, and his size is larger. He who has ended the state of change is already higher and larger than the ordinary victim!

"This is a command!" The head of the Xieyue Army roared upwards, "Long live the blue moon! My king Shenyue is ten thousand years old!"

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