Super Vision

1592 1592 Ghost Master and Moon Nuclear Warrior

"Commander Shenshi, the armor worn by the man is probably the Holy Spirit's armor of the Blue Spirit of the Holy King. The shield and the sword in his hand are likely to be the Fire Emblem Shield and the Frost Blade. These three pieces of equipment are legendary. The sacred object has extremely powerful defensive ability and attack power. "The officer said.

"Who made it?" Shenshi asked.

The officer shook his head, "I don't know, the manufacturing of those three pieces of equipment is a mystery. But the legendary story presumes that it was made by God, it is God's equipment."

"God's equipment?" Shenshi sneered. "What I see is that they are almost destroyed by our artillery fire. Is God's equipment so bad? Our Blue Moon people's understanding of God is invincible, that Although human armor, shields, and war knives are very powerful, they are not indestructible. So I do n’t believe what God ’s equipment is, it is probably a mysterious material science. When we kill that guy, we can get The equipment on him, and then take it to study, we will get that material technology. "

Shenshi's eyes moved to a huge holographic projection in the bridge of the Blue Moon, where Xia Lei was being bombarded by warplanes and warships.Although he has not been blown to pieces, he is already like a candle in the wind, and the fire of life may be extinguished at any time.

That person is Xia Lei, and this has already been answered by the head of the Xieyue Army.

"Xieyue that idiot wants to snatch the battle, hum, don't think I don't know his thoughts, now he is fine, he even gave away his life." Shenshi's thoughts quickly moved from the officer's legend It opened and shifted to the fight for power and the battle in front.

A signal soldier approached and paid a military salute to Shenshi. He respectfully said: "Commander Shenshi, Master Lan Sidi requests to speak with you."

"What is she doing with me? It's not that she is directing this action." Shen Shi frowned and paused before he said, "Come on, I want to see what she's saying."

Lan Sidi's holographic projection appeared in front of Shen Shi. Her expression was dignified, and her eyes were also angry. "Shen Shi is that, the leader of Xieyue Army is dead, why?"

Shenshi snorted coldly, "Minister Lan Sidi, what do you mean?"

Lan Sidi said coldly: "How important is the commander of the Shenshi, the commander of the Xieyue Army and the Xieyue Army under his leadership to our intelligence department, but he follows your fleet to carry out the mission, he is dead now! Do you? Should n’t you give me an explanation? He is fighting Xia Lei below. Why are you and your people just watching, not going down to help? I know that your fleet carries the Moon Nuclear Corps! "

Shenshi said: "How is it? Your people want to snatch the battle, he can shell Xia Lei in the sky, just like what I do now, but he went down. He fights Xia Lei, and you are by your side Do the people of Xieyue Legion want to bombard them? "

"You can let the Moon Nuclear Soldiers of the Moon Nuclear Corps go down and help!"

"The men of the Moon Nuclear Corps are only under the command of the king. This has always been the case. How can I command them? They have their plans and I can't interfere."

"You ..." Lan Sidi was so angry that he could not speak.

"Speak, what do you want? Stop talking nonsense." Shenshi said.

"I want Xia Lei's body." Lan Sidi said.

"Then I want the equipment on him." Shenshi said.

Xia Lei is not dead yet, but Lan Yue's two important figures are already dividing him.

"That's the way to go." Lan Sidi's expression eased. "Commander Shenshi, I'm also watching Lanyue's surveillance video. How long do you think Xia Lei can persist?"

Shen Shi's gaze moved to the holographic projection of the battle, just as Xia Lei was bombarded by the energy shells fired by the naval gun.There was a sneer in the corner of his mouth, "up to a few minutes."

His voice had just fallen, and a blue phantom suddenly swooped down from high altitude, grabbed Xia Lei who had nowhere to borrow in the air, and could only lift his shield with his butt to protect his body. .The blue shadowless speed is faster than the speed of the fighter, and the hunted fighter is thrown behind him in the blink of an eye.There are missiles, even missiles can't catch up with it!

"Damn it! It's the Rock Spirit again!" Shen Shi's face was angry, "If you want all fighters to be dispatched, you must kill the Rock Spirit and Xia Lei!"

"Yes!" There was an answering voice in the bridge.

More warplanes flew out of several warships, chasing in the direction of the escape of Rock Spirit and Xia Lei.

In the holographic projection, Lan Sidi's somewhat relaxed look once again became ugly. "Commander Shenshi, you should be very clear that Xia Lei has become our greatest threat. This is the best chance we can get rid of him. I hope you don't ... "

"That's enough! I don't need you to point my fingers at the work of Shenshi! What should you do, don't disturb me!" Shenshi glanced at the communications soldier, and the communications soldier cut off the communication.

Lan Sidi's holographic projection disappeared.

A blue moon man in a black robe came from a corner of the bridge. He looked short and thin. The hood on the robe covered most of his face, making it impossible to see his entire face. .The exposed jaws and part of the cheeks are covered with black runes. What exactly do those runes represent? No one in this bridge except himself.

"Master Ghost." Shenshi's tone of voice seemed very polite. "I'm so sorry. The enemy is too cunning. He and the rock spirit have already escaped. I have sent all the fighters to chase. This is the pole of the Star of Hope, Without the forest, they have nowhere to hide. I believe it wo n’t take long for them to catch up with them. "

The man in black robe called Master Ghost said: "It's not that the enemy is too cunning, but that it is too strong. When the head of the Xieyue Army took his men down, I thought that the head of the Xieyue Army and his men could handle it, But I did n’t expect that the man actually defeated the whole evil moon army and killed the chief of the evil moon army. When you let warships and fighters bombard that human, I also think that he ca n’t sustain it a few times and will be killed soon. But I didn't expect him to stand hard and still have a back hand to escape from our siege. This man is the strongest enemy I have ever seen, and he is also the most cunning enemy I have ever seen. "

Shen Shi was silent for a while before saying: "Master Ghost, don't you think?"

The ghost master nodded slightly, "It's time for the boys to move their muscles, they have been far away from the battlefield for too long."

There was a smile on the corner of Shen Shi ’s mouth, “The Moon Nuclear Corps led by Master Ghost will attack, and the kid will definitely not be able to run. This is great, I will wait for the Master to go out in person.”

Master Ghost said lightly: "But I have to tell you, and Lan Sidi, that the armor on that human body is mine, and I will bring his body back to the Moon Core for research, neither for you nor for Lan Sidi. "

The smile of Shen Shi suddenly froze in the face, but soon returned to normal, "Master Ghost, you are one of my most respected people, what you say, what is."

"You can rest assured, I am not a person who likes to eat solitary food, because of your benefits." Master Ghost said.

The smile on Shenshi's face became natural again, "We cooperate, and once our king is resurrected, we will all gain greater rights."

"Lan Sidi, the woman who likes to have beautiful dreams, let her do it. That seed has already given her a lot of credit, but she is still not satisfied. Well, prepare the spaceship for my people, let them go Go on, "Master Ghost said.

"Immediately prepare the best troop carriers for the soldiers of the Moon Nuclear Corps." Shenshi followed the order.

Master Ghost turned around and walked to the corner where he had been, where the soldiers of the ten-month nuclear legion stood like statues.They are all dressed in black robes, and their appearance is similar to ordinary blue moon people.If you put them among a group of Blue Moon people, you can be sure that no one can recognize them as the most powerful and mysterious Moon Nuclear Warrior on Blue Moon.

But it is usually just an illusion. The soldiers of the ten-month nuclear legion stood there, and the gas field they formed was like a substance.They also have a cold and dark energy breath, even the water can be frozen!This is neither conjecture nor exaggeration, because there is a water diversion device next to this corner, which has been frozen.

Compared with the soldiers of the Xieyue Legion, they are nowhere near as tall and magnificent as the soldiers of the Xieyue Legion, giving people a sense of oppressive power and a sense of rage.The fighters of the Keyue Legion are all "manufactured" by biochemical technology, and the fighters of the Moon Nuclear Legion are all those who have the ability to advance, and the energy in them also has the characteristics of darkness!

Master Ghost came to that corner, and the ten-month nuclear warriors bowed their heads in unison.

The ghost master said: "You go to the ground, find that person, and catch him. If you can't catch it, then kill him, and then bring back the equipment and corpses on him. There is no time limit for this task until you complete it. . "

"Yes, master!" The voice of the ten-month nuclear warrior.

At the same time, in a canyon surrounded by ice peaks.


Shanp and Xia Lei fell together from low altitude, and then glide on the frozen ground for dozens of meters before they stopped on a hard ice.

"Poof ..." Yan Ling opened his mouth and spouted blue blood.

It was tired and injured.It faces the horde of blue moon men, which is more than a hundred times beyond the limit it can fight.Although it is the rock spirit that is the head of the four beasts in the resting forest, it is not invincible after all.It has the same limit as Xia Lei's body armor. If it exceeds that limit, it will be injured and damaged.

Xia Lei is not much better. Although he is protected by the Holy Spirit's armor and the flame coat of arms, he feels that his bones are almost gone now, and every movement brings severe pain.

"Hahaha ..." He was injured and could be found and besieged at any time, but in such an environment Xia Lei smiled and laughed loudly, "It's a pleasure! This battle is really a pleasure!"

The message came from Shanpu, "Boss, we have to leave here and go back to rest in the forest, where it is safe."

"No." Xia Lei said: "My purpose is to distract the Blue Moon people and give Ashimis a chance to escape. I'm close to accomplishing that goal, and I won't give up. If you want to go back, you can Just go back, you do n’t have to accompany me to die here. "

This time, Xia Lei did not pass on the message, because his mental energy consumption is very large, and that kind of spiritual communication is very troublesome.Therefore, he chose to communicate in language.During this period of accumulation, his Yanling language is already capable of ordinary communication.

Shanpu is still accustomed to the way of spiritual communication, and it has sent a message to Xia Lei, "Boss, your life is more important than mine. My mother asked me to protect you, I will die in front of you, I do n’t Will leave you now. "

Xia Lei said: "You don't have to leave, we all need to rest, we find a place to avoid it."

There was a message from Shanpu, "There is no forest in this place. Blue Moon fighters and warships control the entire sky. As soon as I fly, they will find us. Where do we go to hide? If they stay here, they will soon Discover us. "

Xia Lei thought for a moment, then struggled to get up, lifted the Frost Blade, and plunged into the hard ice under his feet.

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