Super Vision

1595 Chapter 1595 Action on land, escalating crisis!

Shamp looked at the changes that happened to Xia Lei in surprise.

However, what surprised him most was Xia Lei. In fact, he just moved the idea of ​​"disarming the armor" and it was tentative. As a result, the armor of the Holy Spirit was lifted from him.This process was very sudden, and he didn't even have a special feeling.

"I didn't expect it to be so simple to disarm the armor, so what should I put on it again?" Xia Lei had such a thought in his heart.

As soon as the thought moved, his cosmic brand shuddered and emerged, and those flashing blue light runes were constantly changing, as if they were constituting what instructions.Just after that little time, the metal ball above the head suddenly shuddered, and there was a very strong energy fluctuation.The feeling to him is what space boundary wall it is opening.

Xia Lei suddenly remembered the first encounter, he hurriedly got up from the ice, and then leaned his head to avoid the metal ball.The first time he was dizzy by the Holy Spirit's armor and the Fire Emblem Shield, he was almost cut off by the Frost Blade. Now the metal ball opens the wall again and releases the God of War suit it has stored. How can he be unguarded .

While leaning his head, Xia Lei thought to himself: "I've just set the first point of the metal ball, just put the God of War suit on the ground gently."

Something weird happened. When his mind was thinking like this, the flashing blue-mantled runes in his cosmic brand began to change rapidly again, and seemed to be programming the latest instructions.In the rapid changes of those runes, the metal ball suspended above his head suddenly left the top of his head and reached a height parallel to his knee.

After a strong wave of energy, the victory kit appeared on the ground.

Shan Pu stunned.

Xia Lei was also dumbfounded.But he already understood that it is now that he truly truly mastered the ability from the Holy King Blue Spirit.

That trace of energy with mysterious runes is like a tool, and Xia Lei, who possesses it, does not use it.Now that he has learned to use this tool, his evolutionary road has taken a big step and entered a new level.The most convincing evidence of the flashing blue-mangled "rune" that appears in his cosmic brand.

The metal ball released the Ares suits, but Xia Lei did not put them on, but put them away again.After he put it away, he released it again and put it in again.In this way to prove his guess, also in this way to familiarize and use the ability extended from the "rune".

But without waiting for his third attempt, Shanpu couldn't help it, and he transferred the message to Xia Lei, "Boss, what are you doing?"

Xia Lei put away the idea of ​​trying again. He said to Shanpu: "I just couldn't take off this suit of armor. Now I have found a way to get familiar with that way." After that, he reached out and grabbed The metal ball suspended in parallel with the knee.

Nothing unexpected happened this time. He caught the metal ball smoothly.The first time he approached this metal ball, he would have a strong hallucination, and now there is no hallucination when holding it. This further shows that his body has the same energy characteristics as it is, and it is regarded as " Yourself ".

The blue metal ball with big fists floats dazzling blue energy light, but it has no weight.Although nothing unexpected happened, it still looked so mysterious and powerful.

Xia Lei opened the equipment bag on Lantan's armor and put the metal ball into it.After he did so, nothing unusual happened, and it felt like he had a baseball in his pocket.

"Boss, I feel that the ball has a lot of energy. It makes me have some hallucinations." Shan Pu said to Xia Lei in Yanling language.It also began to use voice to communicate with Xia Lei. Spiritual communication is indeed very convenient, but it is also a very troublesome thing for it, and it is now very tired.

Xia Lei was a little surprised, "Did it hallucinate you?"

Shanp tapped his furry head. "Yes, I saw my mother, but I know it's not here."

"It's dangerous, don't approach it easily in the future." Xia Lei said.

"Boss, the armor contained in that ball is very powerful, why don't you wear it?" Shan Pu asked.

Xia Lei said: "I can't enter the invisible state by wearing it. I still can't exert the full power of the equipment, so I would rather sacrifice the defense ability, so that our first one can't see me."

"What are you going to do?"

Xia Lei was silent for a while before saying: "Wait for me to go invisible, go out first, you rest in this cave for a little more time, and then go to the spacecraft Huaxia to prepare them for the transfer of the Aximis."

"Okay, be careful." Shan Pu said.

Xia Lei climbed to the ground from the ice channel he dug. When he was about to climb out of the ground, he released the power of the brand to wrap his body, refract and change the light, and put the body into an invisible state.

As soon as Xia Lei climbed out of the ground, several fighters flew overhead.The roar of the engine and the wind blowing from the wings mixed and rolled down, and the snow flew on the ground.He glanced up at the sky, and several giant air warships were moving side by side, flying forward at a slow speed.Beside several giant warships, hundreds of fighters flew in and out in the sky.It is not difficult to see that the Blue Moon has not given up on chasing him and Shan Pu.

"It's really unwilling to wait. When I accumulate enough strength, I will let you taste the feeling of hiding from me, afraid of being discovered by me, and then killed by me." Xia Lei's eyes flashed a bit of coldness Hate.

At this time, a small troop carrier flew from the largest warship in the middle of the fleet.It quickly landed on the ground, escorted by dozens of fighters.

At the same time, more troop carriers were released from several warships, and suddenly hundreds of troop carriers appeared in the sky.

If calculated according to the standard carrying capacity of that small troop carrier, fifty people, this fleet actually dispatched 5,000 ground combat troops!For Blue Moon people, this is already a large-scale combat operation!

"Oops! Isn't this fleet going to send ground troops to search for the Ahemis? If the Blue Moon found the Ahimis refuge, it would be awful!" Xia Lei's heart was suddenly tense .

The first small troop carrier that appeared first quickly flew over here, and it was estimated that it would land in this valley in a minute.

Xia Lei suddenly realized something, and he sent a message to Shan Pu in the ice cave, "Shan Pu, I'm worried that a stronger opponent is coming. You're leaving here to go to Huaxia!"

"I'm leaving now!" Shan Pu swooped out of the cave, and he glanced at the sky, and then turned and ran to the direction of the Huaxia.

Not only can it fly fast, it can also run very fast, at least 400 kilometers per hour.In fact, it is more appropriate to use the name "beast of speed and power" to represent the rock spirit.

The small troop carrier flying towards here apparently found the fast-running mountaineer, and followed him.

Xia Lei did not intervene, because if Shan Pu wanted to leave, in the atmosphere of the Star of Hope, the Blue Moon had no such aircraft to catch up with it.

Sure enough, the small transport ship chased the direction of Shan Pu's escape for more than ten seconds, then reversed back, and then landed on the ground.At this time, Xia Lei had not yet had time to leave the valley.He also has a problem, that is, he does not know the exact location of the refuge of the Ashimis.But this is only a small trouble. As long as he goes near the icefield city, using the ability to sense psionic power, he can trace the traces of the Ahemis, and then find the refuge of the Ahemis.

The small transport spaceship landed in a frozen valley, only two or three hundred meters away from Xia Lei's location.The hatch of the spaceship opened, and a group of blue moon men in black robes came out of it.As they came down from the spaceship, the valley suddenly became colder, and even the screaming cold wind stopped strangely!

Xia Lei's eyes locked on the group of blue moon people, he quickly caught the cold and dark energy breath from those blue moon people.He had seen the dark energy from the brains of the warriors of the evil moon corps, but the dark energy of this group of blue moons was obviously purer and more powerful, so that no need to use the power of branding to invade their brains, just The dark energy can be felt from them.

Xia Lei's heart moved, "The men of the Moon Nuclear Corps still came, and the dark energy in them is obviously stronger than the men of the Evil Moon Corps. The men of the Evil Moon Corps have the ability to sacrifice. What kind of ability? No matter what kind of ability I have, I have to leave here quickly to destroy the search operation of the Blue Moon landing force. If you want to fight, you must also burn the fire into the Blue Moon landing force! "

Determined, Xia Lei sneaked in the direction of Icefield City.The men of the Moon Nuclear Corps were close to him, and he dared not move too fast.Because his speed is achieved by the power of the brand and the power of the body, faster speed means that more power of the brand is used, and that will produce very strong energy fluctuations.Even the commander of the Xieyue Army can judge his position by energy fluctuations, not to mention the more powerful Moon Nuclear Warrior?

Xia Lei carefully sneaked in the direction of Icefield City, while observing the movement of the troop carrier and the group of moon nuclear warriors.At this time, the last month of nuclear warriors came out of the hatch. After he came out, the number of moon nuclear warriors on the ground reached ten.

The last moon-nuclear warrior disembarked was holding a very strange weapon in his hand. It looked like a scepter with a long rod and a ball on top.

Xia Lei's heart is a bit strange, "The Blue Moon people don't like to use cold weapons, is the Moon Nuclear Warrior an exception?"

Suddenly, his cosmic brand sensed a very strong energy fluctuation.That is a sign that the energy device is accumulating energy and is ready to release it.This discovery made him suddenly tense, and at the same time he was surprised, because the energy wave that had been sensed before was the energy with a mysterious rune.Now that trace of energy has been fully integrated into his cosmic brand, and his cosmic brand actually inherited this ability!

This is also evidence that a cosmic brand has evolved to a new height!

But in a flash, the moon-nuclear warrior who finally came down from the small troop transporter drove the cold weapon in the shape of a scepter in his hand to the snow-bang!A violent energy release was born!

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