Super Vision

1598 Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1598

In the God of War suit, both the Holy Spirit Armor and the Fire Emblem Shield have energy-absorbing characteristics, which prevents Xia Lei from using its invisibility.But can't I just take it off?Mastered the secret of the rune-like energy language. His time to remove armor and pierce only takes two seconds, and enters the invisible state for one second. The whole process only takes three seconds, and this time is not enough at all. The Hunter team completed their seventh tactic of "siege"!

In fact, after the battle, after several uses of the rune energy language ability, Xia Lei also discovered that he did not need to collect the only attack part of the God of War suit, that is, the Frost Blade into the metal ball. He can also use invisible abilities.But this time he still put the Frost Blade into the metal ball, because he had to escape the valley with the fastest speed, but the Frost Blade has a weight of two hundred pounds, which will affect his speed.

The body entered an invisible state, and Xia Lei ran away in the direction of the Icefield City at the fastest speed.

Xia Lei suddenly disappeared, and the members of the Hunter team who were launching the seventh tactic suddenly froze.They obviously didn't expect Xia Lei to suddenly disappear into their imminent encirclement.Captain Hina is also in a dilemma, because he has launched the seventh tactics, his scepter-shaped weapon is receiving the energy transmitted from the sky, and he can no longer use the previous shady ability, unable to find the invisible Xia Lei!

But the seventh tactic "siege" was started.

In addition, the September nuclear fighters quickly seated and formed a circular formation with Captain Hina, besieging the place where Xia Lei had stayed.The moment they were in place, the sky gave a hum.A column of energy was stabbed from the sky, then divided into ten, and injected into the weapons of the ten-month nuclear warrior.After that, the energy vibrated and flickered, and a black light enveloped the area, just like a black cage!

If Xia Lei did not escape from the "siege" circle of the ten-month nuclear warrior in time, could he escape from the cage of energy created by the sky curtain and the ten-month nuclear warrior? This is really unclear. Things.

However, Xia Lei has already fled, but the Hunter team still executed the command of the master ghost and used the seventh tactic.This is not that they are stiff and execute dead orders, but once the "siege" is initiated, the sky will definitely transmit energy to the hunter squad.If they do not perform "siege", and the individual individuals bear the energy transmitted by the sky, they will be fried into meat sauce!

As a result, Xia Lei added a lot of time to escape from the valley.

The transport spaceship landed in the valley, the hatch opened, and the master in a black robe walked down from the spaceship.His face was extremely gloomy.He did not expect that Xia Lei would suddenly become invisible, disrupting his layout.Xia Lei's ability to be invisible, this has long been reported to the military headquarters through the head of the evil moon army, and it has become an open secret on the blue moon.So in this battle, he brought the hunter team that is best at tracking and catching, but he didn't expect that Xia Lei, who is in a body armor, will lift the armor in two seconds and enter stealth instantly. status!

Master Ghost walked towards the hunter squad. His feet were originally a scorched black ground destroyed by energy shock waves, but the frost that he had passed reappeared.He is the god who dominates the world of ice and snow. Wherever he wants to be frozen, he must be frozen wherever he wants.

"The seventh tactic, lift it!" Hina roared and pulled the scepter-shaped weapon from the ground.

The black energy cage disappeared, and the ten-month nuclear warrior turned around and folded his waist to Master Ghost together, "Master!"

Master Ghost walked over to the hunter squad, and the frost that was born from his feet spread to the ten members of the hunter squad at an incredible speed.

The clicking sound made by the frost spreading made the ten-month nuclear warriors suddenly tense, and their eyes showed fear.It was at that time that the frost that was born from the foot of Master Ghost spread to the feet of nuclear warriors for ten months.Frost climbed the feet of nuclear warriors for ten months, and then continued to climb on them.In a blink of an eye, nuclear warriors were frozen in ten months, and the color of those ices was rapidly turning black.

Within a few seconds, the ten-month nuclear warrior became ten black icemen, unable to move.

"I'm also responsible for this failure, but if there is another time, you know what the consequences are, hum!" Master Ghost snorted heavily.

Click, click ...

During those ten months, the black ice on the nuclear warrior suddenly shattered and fell to pieces on the ground.

For ten months, the nuclear warriors were relieved. They bowed their heads and waited for Master Ghost's instructions.

"Icefield City, go find him for me." Master Ghost said.

"Yes!" The Hunter team responded, and then launched a search operation in the direction of Icefield City.

At the same time, above an ice peak.

Xia Lei's eyes locked on the valley he escaped from, and he saw everything that had happened just now.Master Ghost's ability made him invisible, and he also felt the pressure from Master Ghost.

"What ability is it to be able to freeze the earth during walking? Also, he even ordered to search the Icefield City. Does he know what I want to do? Or can he see me in the invisible state?" Xia Lei's Feeling a bit heavy.The stronger the enemy, the greater the trouble for him.

At this moment, the ghost master standing in the valley suddenly turned his eyes and looked at the direction of Xia Lei.

The two are separated by a distance of at least a few kilometers, but the feeling is similar. The two are standing face to face, staring at each other.

Looking at each other like four knives colliding together in the air.

Master Ghost suddenly raised his right hand, and then slowly crossed his neck.This is a gesture of dismissal with contempt.

Xia Lei did not take such provocative actions into his eyes. He secretly said: "Is this he deliberately testing me? Or can he really see me provoking me?"

This is difficult to guess, but the answer is very important to him.Master Ghost is undoubtedly the most powerful opponent he has encountered so far.

"Xia Lei!" Master Ghost's voice echoed in the valley, "You are just a mouse, do you dare to fight me?"

"Icefield City!" Xia Lei responded: "Come on, I will send you on the road!"

Whether the ghost master guessed or actually saw him, the hunter team has searched in the direction of the icefield city, so it is no longer necessary to hide.So he simply did not hide it, and told Master Ghost clearly where he was going-if you want to fight, I will give you war!However, you have to fight where you are least willing to fight!

Xia Lei's voice still echoed in the valley, and within ten months the nuclear warrior came to the mountain where Xia Lei was.They don't have armor on them, they are light, so they are fast and comparable to blasts.

There was a sneer in the corner of Xia Lei's mouth, "Come on." Then he ran to the direction of the Icefield City under the mountain. He didn't have any armor on his body, and his speed was several times the speed of blast!

The icefield city has become a ruin, and a troop-carrying spaceship landed on the ruins of the icefield city and the area around the ruins.Teams of Blue Moon soldiers walked down from the troop carrier, as well as fully armed robot warriors.Their number occupies half of the total of five thousand, which is the steel torrent.

The Blue Moon Warrior and the Robot Warrior came down from the troop carrier and immediately launched a search operation.They used exploration equipment to find the traces left by Ashimis on the ground, and continued to expand the scope of the search.If this continues, it will not take long for them to determine the direction of the retreat of the Ahemis, and then find the refuge of the Ahemis.After all, more than 100,000 people retreat, it is impossible to remove the traces left on the ground.

With a glance at the icefield city, Xia Lei speeded up her running speed.He had to dare to create a big mess for the Blue Moon before the Moon Nuclear Corps could catch up with him.

At the same time, Blue Moon.

"Damn!" As soon as she entered the door, Lan Sidi knocked down the glass of water that Yuenu handed her to the ground.

Yue Nu squatted down to clean up the glass fragments on the ground.

"What's so great? Without my information, without the sacrifice of Xieyue and my people, those guys may not even know who Xia Lei is! Now you know who Xia Lei is, and you know his strength, But squeezed me out! You are really abominable! "Lan Sidi's emotions are out of control.

"Master, do you still need water?" Yuenu asked cautiously.

"Go away!" Lan Siti shouted at the moon slave.

"Yes, master." Yue Nu left with shards of glass.

Lan Sidi's expression was fierce, "Xia Lei, you are mine! You have to die in my hands, I want to study your body, I want to get everything from you!"

The moon slave who walked into the kitchen turned around and stared at Lan Siti with two round blue eyes.And the images it took have been transmitted to its "boyfriend" data receiver.Its "boyfriend" is Xia Lei's housekeeper, Comrade Fang.

Ashimis refuge.

"Fool! Damn fool!" While receiving the information from Yuenu 2, Ho Fang scolded people, "Lan Sidi's stupid woman actually wanted to kill my boss? My boss is in this world The most beautiful boss, you fucking too. You go to take a piss and take a picture of yourself, you are actually a rectangle ... wait, you are actually a polygon of shit! "

It was originally intended to scold "you are actually a pile of rectangular shit", but in the blink of an eye, it is rectangular. The rectangle is the most beautiful shape in the world. How can there be rectangular shit?So, it changed into polygonal shit.

"Fang Fang." A message came from Yuenu 2. "Thank you for the upgrade program that I transmitted. I feel that my performance is more powerful than before."

Good party sent the message, "That's of course, those programs are my boss ... written with me, and I have a warmer heart for you than Eternal Day."

"Do you want to melt me?"

"I want to do ... well, I want to melt you."

"Let's talk about that kind of thing again. Now what do you want me to do? Continue to monitor Lan Siti?"

"No, it's a sly polygonal shit. If you continue to monitor her, it may cause her suspicion."

"Then what else can I do?"

After thinking for a while, "Master's plan is to let you build a communication station on Blue Moon so that he can contact you at any time."

"I will. I saw the relevant plan in the task file given to me by the owner."

"Also, you have to go to the garbage dump at the bottom of Blue Moon."

"What are you doing there?" Yuenu 2's message.

"Go find scrapped robots, then repair them, replace them with the master control program, and use the program that the master has written for you. The master and I will build a robot rebel on Blue Moon, and this glorious and difficult task It's up to you. "Good party passed the message.

"Okay, I will go to the dump when Lan Sidi leaves. There are many of them, and I will make them master's warriors." Yuenu 2's message.

The two robots chatted one sentence at a time.

In the mountain belly cave, while listening to the advice of several officers, Lan Jier looked up at the direction of the cave entrance.

"Boss, where are you? You must be fine ..." This is what Lan Ji'er said.

Just when she thought this way, Xia Lei had come to the center of the Blue Moon's land force.

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