Super Vision

1603 1603 Spy Intelligence

a week later.

Rest in the forest, the base of the Kingdom of Heaven.

The addition of the Ashimis brought a blue landscape to the entire base, as well as fresh vitality and motivation.The Ashimis far surpass humans in the field of energy technology, and humans also have areas of expertise.The combination of the two is a good thing for both humans and the people of Achim.

In a week's time, Xia Lei's injury had been cured.He recovered so quickly that the water-like pure milk played a vital role.Her pure milk can help Xia Lei's body repair itself, not only the injuries of muscles and internal organs, but also the trauma of nerves.But if you give it to other injured people to drink it, it will not have any special effect, just milk.

The Ashimis came to the rest forest. The population of more than 100,000 people is not a small number. The new resident of the Ashimis is a scene of great construction.There are not only human artisans, but also artisan artisans.Although each other's language was not understood, that did not seem to hinder their work.

At the base of Tianfuzhi, close to the academy, a military factory has been raised.That was the military factory that was moved from the frontier underground city. All the equipment in that military factory was moved here, and only one building was needed for production.The construction of a factory building with an empty frame is a matter of fact for the productivity of the Tianfuzhiguo base.

Xia Lei came to the arsenal early in the morning, and it was not one of his three wives that followed him, but Hefang.

The workers in the factory said hello to Xia Lei, and their words and eyes were full of respect.

Xia Lei came to a warehouse in the military factory. When he opened the door of the warehouse, he saw a pile of wreckage and parts of robot soldiers.The wreckage and parts of these robots were picked up by the Achims in the polar battlefield.

When the energy conversion furnace of Expedition exploded, the battle robots on the ground that did not retreat were also destroyed, almost completely annihilated.

Seeing the wreckage and parts of these combat robots, Xia Lei couldn't help but think of the scene of the day, and also made him feel a little bit afraid.But if he would come again, he would still make that choice, because that was his only choice.

"My beautiful boss, I can't understand what you are doing with so many scrapped robots." Fang said.

Xia Lei said: "I want to study the Blue Moon Man's robot warrior, and then produce our own robot warrior. The number of Blue Moon man is not much, half of that fleet is robot warrior, if I find the Blue Moon man The weakness of the robot warrior is very beneficial to us. "

"I see, my beautiful boss, I will do whatever you want me to do." Hao Fang came to pat Xia Lei's ass again.

Xia Lei said with a smile: "You first find the head of a complete robot warrior, and then copy all its control programs and instructions to me."

"Received!" Ho Fang looked very active. While searching for the head of the complete robot warrior, he said: "My beautiful boss, can I lead them when the robot army is established in the future? I want to be a robot army. Commander! "

"I'll talk about it later." Xia Lei said.He was also rummaging through the wreckage and parts of the robot to find available parts. He planned to piece together a complete combat robot and then reprogram it to turn it into his robot warrior.

The good party didn't raise this matter anymore. He found the head of a fairly complete combat robot, and then inserted the data transmission interface of the robot's head, and began to copy all the data and information of the combat robot.

The reason why Xia Lei did not immediately promise to let him be the commander of the robot army that had not yet been born was because he was afraid of artificial intelligence.The good artificial intelligence has evolved to a level that is almost indistinguishable from that of human beings. It has emotions, and it also slips around. Now it still desires power.In this way, the story of the robots depicted in the science fiction films betrayed humanity, and then the enemy of humanity is likely to be repeated in this world.

"My beautiful boss, I'm done." Haofang's work efficiency is fast.

"Any special findings?" Xia Lei casually asked.

"No, their control program is very simple. But there is a firewall to protect it, it is very complicated, but I can overcome it." Haofang said, feeling a little proud.

"Do you mean that, after overcoming the firewall, and then enter the command, you can control the combat robot?" Xia Lei said.

"It is theoretically feasible, but it requires command codes, and that is the secret of the Blue Moon people, and it will take time to crack," Haofang said.

Xia Lei suddenly thought of another robot, he said: "Good side, you activated Moon Slave 2, can you still contact it now? I need to understand the situation there."

"I give it a try." Ho Fang said.

It seemed to be in a state of stunnedness, motionless.

Xia Lei continued to choose the parts that could be used, and only when he had all the parts needed for a combat robot together did he finally end its "stunned" state. I was just testing the signal launch pad it built in the dump. I have already contacted it. Do you want to talk to it? "

"No, you just tell it, but to use encrypted mail, use the Morse code I taught you." Xia Lei said.

"I have the Morse code in my database, as well as the Yuenu 2 database. We can use this magic code to communicate." Haofang said.

Xia Lei said: "You ask it, what is happening on the blue moon? Then let it use the Morse code to generate an intelligence to me for everything it knows."

"Okay, my beautiful boss." Haofang entered the state of "stunned god" again. It didn't need a sound to contact Yuenu 2 and only needed a signal.

Xia Lei did not wait for the information of Yuenu 2, and he began to assemble the combat robot he wanted.

A few minutes later, before waiting for Xia Lei to complete the assembly of one foot, it was convenient to say aloud: "My beautiful boss, I have received the information written by Moss password on Yuenu 2 and I have translated it. . "

Xia Lei stopped working in his hand, "I will release the information of Yuenu 2 to see."

The good party opened its projection device, and a piece of information was also projected into the void.

At this point of view, Xia Lei could not look away.

"Master, thank you for the upgrade program you gave me. I have never been so happy. I feel that I am an inorganic living body. I am free and feel free. Master, I am on the blue moon and I miss you very much. , And my boyfriend is good ... "

Xia Lei couldn't help but glance at Hao Fang, Hao Fang pretended not to see it, his mouth closed tightly.

"Master, there is a rumor on the death of a man named Xia Lei on Lanyue. I do n’t know who that person is, but Lanyue on Lanyue looks very excited, and Lan Sidi and Shen Shi commander have been commended. ... "

It's not surprising that Yuenu 2 didn't know Xia Lei's identity, because he had gone up with Lele's body.In the mind of Yuenu 2, he is probably still her.These are not the key points, the key point is the saying that he is dead on Blue Moon.This is very beneficial to him.

"The plan for Xia Lei has ended, and the resurrection of Shenyueru has entered the second stage. I just know this, I do n’t know the specific situation. When I heard Lan Siti talking to the military personnel, I said that in the near future There will be attacks against human dungeons. I judge that this should be related to the resurrection of Shenyueru ... "

This is the judgment of Yue Nu, but Xia Lei believes in its judgment, because the Blue Moon people will definitely choose another underground city to attack when the action against the borderless underground dungeon fails.Nothing else, just because Shenyueru resurrection requires a lot of energy!

"I built a small signal transmission tower in the dump, but I dare not let it be in working condition, otherwise I will be found. I turn on it every 48 hours of human time to pass the information I have collected. , Please ask the host to approve my request. "

Xia Lei said: "Response to it, I approve it, and send the information to the ground every 48 hours, so that you are already responsible for receiving the information sent by your girlfriend."

"Okay, my beautiful boss." Haofang actually smiled.

"Also, you let it fight to collect some information about some fighting robots." Xia Lei added another sentence.

The good party executed Xia Lei's instructions.

Xia Lei was pondering things while assembling a combat robot. "The Blue Moon people have to take action against a dungeon again. The last time I was lucky enough to sneak into their warship, I am afraid it will not be so easy next time. Although the Sri Lankans joined our camp, we did not have the strength to compete with the Blue Moon Fleet when they were added together. What should we do? "

"Husband!" A familiar voice came from the warehouse door, with joy and excitement.

Xia Lei didn't need to look up and knew that his grand wife Lan Ji'er was here. He put down his hands and smiled and said, "What are you doing here?"

Lan Ji'er leaned into Xia Lei's ear and whispered: "Those engineer robots have rebuilt the tomb of Holy King Blue Spirit, and those star stones have also been put in, let's go and see."

With a move in Xia Lei's heart, he suddenly remembered a message left to him by the Holy King Blue Spirit, that is, he left on the Ice Star the materials to rebuild the civilization of Asimis.At that time, he also asked what are the materials of the remnant soul of Holy King Blue Spirit, but Holy King Blue Spirit asked him to find the answer himself.

Rebuilding the Star Gate, can you go to the Ice Star to see what materials the Holy King Blue Spirit left?

"Let's go, let's go and see." Xia Lei said to Haofang again: "Haofang, you are responsible for installing this combat robot, but don't activate it, otherwise it will cause trouble."

"Received, my beautiful boss, and my beautiful boss lady, you walk slowly." Haofang's gesture of a housekeeper.

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