Super Vision

1618 1618 Absolute Control

Peaceful home, in Lan Ji'er's room.

"Asshole!" Lanjier slapped on the face of the young man of Ashemis. "Why did you kill the girl? Have you ever thought that we have just settled here, everything in front of us is for us It's a gift! Not only are you not grateful, you are also doing such bad things, your actions will make our entire ethnic group apparently passive, even in a dangerous situation! "

"I ..." The young man of Asimis fell to his knees and cried, "Princess, I ... I don't know what happened, I ... I love her ..."

"Then why did you kill her?" Lan Jier scolded.

"I ..." The young man of Achim could not explain it.

At this time, Xia Lei walked in from the door, holding a milk bottle in his hand, and said, "Don't scold him, he was hypnotized."

"Ah?" Lan Jier was shocked on the spot.

The young man of Ashimis also looked at Xia Lei with confused eyes. He obviously didn't know he was hypnotized.

Xia Lei walked to Lanjier and the young man, but did not explain how he discovered the hypnosis of the young man, but handed the baby bottle to Lanjier, "Jill , Without you, um, always feel the shortcomings, you can add a little. "

Lan Ji'er, "..."

But she took the bottle that Xia Lei handed her out.She is the princess of the Ashimis, and she will never milk Xia Lei in the presence of an Ashimis youth.

Going out the door, the sunlight fell on her body, but the warm eternal sun did not disperse the haze in her heart, Lan Ji'er's mood was still heavy.

Braun and blaze like water greeted us.

"Sister Lan, our husband is really ..." Braun made a breathing movement and stabilized his emotions before saying, "He really walked up in the sky?"

"He didn't fall down?" Li Ru-shui's expression of surprise and confusion, "Isn't Shanpu flying over him with a rope?"

"He holds the secrets of the spiritual power of our Ashimis. I guess he will still fly. My God, only the Holy King Blue Spirit can do it, and he can do it too. And overnight. , I can no longer describe his magic and greatness in words. Well, I ’ll milk him, this is what I can do for him. "Lan Ji'er spoke very fast, she said this sentence Having unbuttoned her clothes, she caught a blue Mulangma and squeezed the delicious food into the bottle that Chalet gave her.

Bai Ling and Li Ruru stared at Lan Ji'er's Blue Murangma, with a look of envy in her eyes.But it ’s not her size that is envied. What they envy is that after Xia Lei ’s personal taste last night, the question of whether Lan Ji’er ’s milk has become stronger because of her bloodline has been awakened. The milk has become stronger.

The two human wives are eager for strength, but they are more eager to make their own milk stronger, continue to nurture their men, and make their men stronger.

"What are you doing looking at me like this? Don't you feel embarrassed?" Lan Jier said.

Bailing and Lieru continued to stare in unison, "No embarrassment, you squeeze."

In the room, Xia Lei pulled up the young man who was kneeling on the ground, and then said in Ashimese: "I know you are hypnotized, but this does not mean that you can stay out of it, your hands after all Stained with the blood of the poor girl. "

Tears came from the corner of the young man's eyes, "I don't know anything, I ... I love her ..."

"I brought you here to prevent the situation from getting worse. I will shut you down for a while, and then let you go after the situation subsides. Will you?" Xia Lei said.

The young man of Achims bowed deeply to Xia Lei, "I will."

"Then so, wait for someone to take you to the rebel camp, you have to stay there for a while." After that, Xia Lei walked to the door.

"Great human leader, you are ... how did you know that I was hypnotized? And I didn't feel anything." The young man of Asimis always thought about Xia Lei, and he didn't gather courage until Xia Lei was leaving Asked.

"Some things you don't know are better for you." Xia Lei did not explain to him, he walked out of the room.

In the sunshine of the eternal day, the three wives looked at the men coming out of the door, including the princess Holy Ice, who was squeezing him delicious food.Her blue mulangma exposed in the sun is so tempting, and her blue milk of the princess Ashimis to perfection, it is the best delicacy in the world for him.

"Husband, is it solved?" Braun asked.

Xia Lei nodded, "Temporarily resolved."

"He was hypnotized by someone? Is that person in our base now?" Lan Jier asked.

Xia Lei said: "He is not so bold, but I suspect that he is near our base, I have to find him."

Lan Jier hurriedly returned her blue Murang Masai, she handed the bottle to Xia Lei, "Then I will go with you."

Xia Lei said: "No, you all have to stay at home. I will let Su Ya take someone to protect you. This person dares to sneak into our base, even the Queen of Rest does not care, you should be able to guess how he is. Powerful. Although you all started the path of evolution, but you are just a recruit, you have not yet the ability to fight that person. "

"But ..." Lan Ji'er was obviously not reconciled.

Xia Lei interrupted her words, "Jill, you stay at home. This family needs you to protect. The relationship between the Ashimis and humans also needs you to maintain. So, you also act against the holy city. Can't participate, I need you to stay at the base. "

Lan Ji'er nodded.

"There are you." Xia Lei looked at Bailing and Liru as water, "Linger, like water, you must also stay in the base. The battle in the Holy City will be a fierce battle. I cannot protect you in the war. But you Know how important you are to me, obedient, stay with Ji'er at the base and wait for me to come back. "

"Well." Bailing and Li Ruru responded softly.

Xia Lei embraced the three women in her arms, kissed their cheeks one by one, and then walked to the gate with the bottle.

The three women stared at his back, his heart full of worry and melancholy.

But just as they were going to tell him to be careful, their men suddenly turned around and said to them: "That, I'm going to leave early in the morning, you squeeze more delicious food for me, I eat on the road."

The three women had strange expressions on their faces.

After half disappeared, the origin of the canyon.

The Queen of Rest appeared in the form of a human woman in front of Xia Lei. She didn't have a little clothing to cover her body, but she looked so holy that she didn't dare to have the idea of ​​blasphemy.

"Dear Queen of Rest," Xia Lei said, "I am here to tell you that an uninvited guest has come from the Rest Forest. He is very powerful, I can't determine his location, I need your help, you can help me find it. him?"

The Queen of Rest rests, "Is this an unexpected guest from Blue Moon?"

Xia Lei nodded, "He is very strong, this is your site, but he is still here, don't you know?"

"No need to test me," said the Queen of Rest. "The rest of the forest is vast. I can't control every inch of the land. It's not difficult for him to sneak in. In fact, you can do this now, in my Enter the rest forest without realizing it. "

What I just said was indeed a temptation, because Xia Lei wanted to know whether the Queen of Rest had known the infiltrator early in the morning, and if he hadn't told him, it would have become more complicated.The rest of the Queen of Rest made him a little more relieved. He said, "I'm sorry, I just need to determine some things. Dear Queen of Rest, then can you help me find him?"

The Queen of Rest was silent for a while before saying, "I will try it. I need a little time."

"Thank you." Xia Lei said.

The energy body of the suffocating beautiful human woman of the Queen of Rest has disappeared, and an extremely huge towering ancient tree appeared at the end of the origin canyon.After that, an energy root fell from the canopy and plunged into the soil.

Xia Lei was also shrouded in energy roots and penetrated.At that moment, he had a strange feeling. He felt as if he had been invaded by the Queen of Rest, not only his body, but also his soul.

This feeling was very bad for Xia Lei. His thoughts moved, and the energy field of Brand Power was suddenly released, shocking the energy roots of the Queen of Rest, and then wrapping him like an eggshell.

"Only, my friend, you have become stronger." The voice of the Queen of Rest came from the void, "I am happy for you."

With a move in Xia Lei's heart, he could confirm that the Queen's behavior was intentional just by resting the Queen's sentence.He just tried it, and it is now trying him.However, on the surface, he did not respond, but said lightly: "For that mission, but you and I have to become stronger."

"Everything is for that mission." Queen Rest in the voice.

Xia Lei's feet left the ground, floating up without weight.As soon as his feet left, the rest of the Queen's energy roots spread and occupied the land.

The crown of the Queen of Rest swayed gently, and its voice was ethereal, "My children, open your eyes, let go of your perception, give me everything you see, give me everything you hear, give me Everything you feel ... "

This is how the Queen of Rest rests in control of the Rest Forest. All the trees and animals in this forest are its children, its eyes and ears, and its extension of perception.In this way, who else can escape its eyes and ears?As long as it wants to find someone, it will definitely find someone!

Xia Lei secretly said: "In this way, everything that happens in the base of the Kingdom of Heaven is under its control. When I crack the sky, I must develop a new base outside the rest forest. I cannot believe it completely Everything has to be left. "

After a few minutes, an image suddenly appeared on the "curtain" formed by the energy roots.

It was above a big mountain next to the Kingdom of Heaven, and the man stood under a tree, looking out in the direction of the origin canyon.

His face Xia Lei is no stranger.

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