Super Vision

1656 Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1656

Two hours ago.

Arms warehouse of the Black Market Grand Union Army Factory.

Boxes of boxes of explosives and explosive devices were loaded into trucks, and the whole warehouse was busy.

After arranging the personnel of the Branded Legion, Suya walked to Xia Lei's side, with a hint of surprise in her voice. Devices, if they are detonated, they can blow up half of the holy dungeon. "

Xia Leiwei smiled a bit, "The Martyrs have done something good for so many years. These nuclear explosive devices are all left by the Martyrs. This time it was just used. It is also a bit of the Martyrs' atonement . "

"Leader, are you really going to blow up this dungeon?"

Xia Lei said: "The Holy Underground City has a history of 1,000 years, and it is also an ancient city. It has special meaning and value to the entire human race. If there is another option, I will not decide to blow it up. This is a very rare opportunity to hit the Blue Moon people. This opportunity does not appear every time. Believe me, it is a wise decision for us to blow up the Holy Underground City. "

Su Ya nodded, "Well! Leader, no matter what decision you make, I will support you. No matter what you say, I will believe you. I am your person, and I will follow you forever!"

Xia Lei froze for a moment.

Su Ya's face was slightly red, but she actually reacted. There was a misunderstanding in her sentence.

"That, after installing explosives and explosive devices, you let the soldiers put them in these places." Xia Lei turned on a projection instrument in front of him, and a holographic projection suddenly appeared.

That is the holographic projection of the Holy Underground City. In this holographic projection, some buildings and roads are marked with red dots, and some rock walls supporting the top are also marked with red dots.Especially in Hope Square, the whole square is full of red dots and densely packed.

Seeing this holographic map and the red dots on the holographic map, Su Ya seemed to understand what she said: "Leader, are those red dot marks the places where explosives and energy explosive devices are to be placed?"

Xia Lei said: "Yes, every place I marked must put explosives or explosive devices." A sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth, "So many blue moon people come to the Holy Dungeon as a guest, how can we Do n’t prepare more gifts for them? "

A smile appeared on the corner of Su Ya's mouth, "Well! Leader, I will immediately send the explosives and explosive devices to the predetermined place, and then set up."

"Go, after the explosives and explosive devices are placed, let the explosion expert set it up. I need a remote control to detonate them." Xia Lei said.

"Okay, this is no problem. Some of our branded legion are such talents." Su Ya said with a smile, she took the projection instrument when she left.

Layers of explosives and explosive devices were transported out of the arsenal and then headed in different directions.

Xia Lei walked out of the arsenal.

A blue phantom flew from the direction of the Resistance Army headquarters building, and came to Xia Lei in the air.

This blue phantom is a rock spirit from the resting forest, Shan Pu.

"Shanpu, what is your situation?" Xia Lei said directly in Yanling language.

Shanpu also said in Yanling language: "Boss, Huaxia and Hope are ready and ready to respond to the withdrawal of human warriors."

"Very well, now I have nothing to worry about." Xia Lei's mood completely relaxed.

"Let me stay and fight with you, I don't want to face the stupidity of the good side." Shan Pu said.

"Well, I just wanted to ask you to do me a favor." Xia Lei said.

He followed him for such a long time, but he knew very well that he was definitely not his men, it was the child of the Queen of Rest.In the future, if the Queen of Rest is no longer a friend, but an enemy, it will also become his enemy, not a friend.It has a sincere loyalty, but that heart belongs only to the queen of rest, no one can get it, including him.Therefore, he used the word "please" instead of the kind of command from superior to subordinate.

Shanpu said, "Boss, why would you be kind to me? You can tell me what you want me to do."

"Okay." Xia Lei smiled a little. "I turned this dungeon into a dynamite bucket. This is my gift to the Blue Moon Man. I want you to take the role of tearing the gift. When you heard me calling you, you opened this gift, how? "

"It's that simple?" Shan Pu was surprised.

Xia Lei smiled, "It's that simple."

After two hours.

right now--

"Shanpu!" Xia Lei shouted: "It is now!"

His voice was like a thunderstorm in the summer, rolling over the dark dungeon.

At this moment, Marma suddenly realized something, and her heart suddenly became tense.But without waiting for her to say a word, let alone understand what was going on, the whole square suddenly shivered violently.


In the violent explosion, the ground of the entire square was lifted up, paved with the slabs of the square, and the rocks of the earth exploded at the moment of the explosion.The blasting fire burst away from the dark imprisonment, and the shaking ground overturned the Blue Moon energy tank, chariot, and huge destroyer fighter armor, as well as combat robots.

It was also during this sudden explosion that Blue Moon ’s army soldiers were either pierced by rock fragments or buried alive in the mud that was rolled up by the waves.Some are directly blown to pieces and burned to ashes by flames!This is the anger of the earth. There is no scientific and technological force to resist. Although Blue Moon ’s soldiers have advanced equipment and are armed to their teeth, they have no effect before such devastating natural forces. Their equipment cannot give them They have a chance to live.


Not only did the explosions in the square continue, but there were also violent explosions in other places.The holy underground city with a thousand years of history collapsed in the rumbling explosion and was destroyed in the flames of darkness.The energy released by the explosion caused new damage to the originally damaged crust, and the soil and rocks fell like a waterfall from the top of the head.There are even more plates of the earth's crust than Dashan, they weigh tens of millions of tons or even hundreds of millions of tons!The fighter planes and troop carriers that hovered in the sky disappeared in half a second, and were buried in the ground by rocks and mud.

This is the power of natural punishment. Who can resist it?

Xia Lei can't, neither can Marma, let alone ordinary Blue Moon soldiers and war weapons.

Before this devastating force, no Blue Moon people remembered their mission, and the desire to survive overwhelmed everything.They threw away the weapon in their hands and ran wildly to a place that had not collapsed.However, the speed at which they fled was childish and ridiculous in front of the speed of the earth's collapse. Many Blue Moon Army fighters were just a few steps away and were buried by rocks and mud poured by the waterfall, or smashed into meat sauce.

"No--" Marma's roaring voice.

The earth trembles with waves under her feet, but fails to shake her.Beside her, the 24 Evil Moon Warriors are not as powerful as her. Some of them were lifted into the air, some were torn into pieces by the explosive energy shock wave, and some were toppled by the undulating mud Buried.After all, Hope Square is a place that Xia Lei "key planned", and the amount of buried drugs is several times and ten times that of other places. It would be strange if they were safe and sound.

The wounds of the nuclear soldiers who died in the twenty-four months, the prison cages they formed disappeared when the explosion occurred.The Blue Moon Sky has infinite energy, and Xia Lei can't be shaken at all, but he loses these Moon Nuclear Warriors who receive energy, and its energy can't make Xia Lei even powerful.

Marma has created a trap for Xia Lei. In terms of Xia Lei's current strength, it seems to her that no matter what he thinks, he can't escape.She counted to the beginning, but she did not count to the end.Now, Xia Lei not only escaped from the cage of dark energy, but also destroyed her army!

The Blue Moon people are dying, and not one or two, but thousands!

"I said, I have to charge a little interest today for the crimes you committed on humans and the blood debts you owe." Xia Lei said, his face full of smiles.

But this smile was a vicious satire for Marma, a knife that hit her heart.Her heart was bleeding, and anger was burning in every blood vessel and even every cell of her!

She has never been as eager to kill someone as she is now, looking at Xia Lei with a contemptuous smile, and his confident and proud eyes, she ca n’t wait to throw him to the ground, and then bite him with her teeth Swallowed all of his flesh into her belly!

"Do you want to kill me? Then come on." Xia Lei said with a smile.

"You're going to die!" The mother suddenly rushed to Xia Lei. Before the person arrived, the three-meter long metal rod energy weapon in her hand stabbed in front of Xia Lei.

Xia Lei went up with a knife.


Under the collision of two very different energies, it was another violent explosion.

Xia Lei's body flew backwards, but the next second his body suddenly changed the trajectory of the flew, swooping to the entrance of the tunnel that was blown up by the destroyer gunboat.

The two fighter planes roared from the left and right sides, the energy machine guns were fully open, and the energy machine shells with flames took the line and flew to Xia Lei.


The sound of an explosion that broke through the sound barrier rang at Xia Lei's feet. Xia Lei jumped into the sky from the interwoven fire net of two fighters.The energy machine shells fired by the two armours collided under him.

Bang!Bang ...

The exploded shrapnel failed to harm Xia Lei, but accidentally wounded two fighters eager to intercept Xia Lei.They were hit by shrapnel, then lost control, collided in the air, and turned into two fireballs.

"Xia Lei!" Marma shouted at the sky, "I'm going to kill you!"

Xia Lei's voice came from the sky, "Mumma, I'm waiting for you on top. I've prepared another gift for you. Come and unpack the gift."

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