Super Vision

1665 1665 Go forward, the skateboard of urine!

"Lei." Contunana put on her pants. Xia Lei did not look back at her. She was quite satisfied with Xia Lei's performance. The tone of her speech was also natural and soft. Xia Lei had a movement of turning her head. She followed and said, "You can't turn around. You can just give me your coat."

"You have put on your pants, can't I turn it around?" Xia Lei said.

"How did you know that I put on my pants without peeking? Did you just peek?" Kantunana was not at all polite.

Xia Lei smiled bitterly, and then took off his coat without even looking back, and handed back to Kantunana.

Kantunana took the coat that Xia Lei handed her, and she threw it on the ground, covering the wet place with her urine, and sat down in a comfortable position.

Xia Lei looked back at her, and it felt as if a group of alpaca had ran across Huan'er from his heart.

Kantuna Nana looked at him seriously, and said seriously: "You can't let me sit in the urine? You are a man, you give me your coat to sit, is there anything wrong?"

Is there something wrong?

There is nothing wrong with her sentence, but Xia Lei feels that everything is wrong and can't say it.

There was silence between the two, and the atmosphere became awkward.

Xia Lei packed up the messy mood and continued to observe and think.

Kantunana continued to look at Xia Lei, the blush on her face was still obvious, but it slowly subsided.

Time flows away a little bit.

At the beginning, Kantunana was able to sit honestly, but when her own urine was back dipped into Xia Lei's coat, she could not sit still when the coat became wet.She moved her ass, feeling uncomfortable and then moved again.

The movement she made caught Xia Lei's attention, and he turned to look at her.That's what he saw, his eyes suddenly burst into excitement and excitement.

Nothing else, just because of Contunana's ass.

Kantuna Nana's buttocks have moved to places where her feet had not been stepped on before, that is, not being "locked".However, the island hanging above the head did not fall!

"You ... what do you look at me like this?" Kantunana rose inexplicably, "What do you want to do?"

"Your ass!"


"No, your butt has shifted!" Xia Lei said excitedly: "But the island above us didn't move!"

Contunana reacted, and she hurriedly looked down at her ass.Indeed, her ass is no longer in the original "locked" position.If it was the case before, let alone the whole island fell, the mountain overhanging her head would definitely poke her head!

"This ..." Contunana stunned, speechless in surprise.

Xia Lei's eyes moved from her ass to his jacket, and then from his jacket to the sand wetted by Kantuna's urine.At this moment, a flash of light flashed through his brain, and he said excitedly: "I think I have found a solution to the problem!"

"any solution?"

"Your urine."

"Ah?" Kantunana's face suddenly turned red again.

Xia Lei said: "Did you not find it? Your ass left the original position, but the island hanging above our head did not move, which shows what your urine touched."

"What touched?"

"I don't know for the time being, but I think it's probably an energy sensor." Xia Leiyue said more and more excited. "If you look closely, your buttocks have left your original position, but they are still in your urine. Among. "

"I still don't understand ... Also, don't pee and piss, can you change individual words? Water, just talk about water." Contunana was embarrassed to death.

The woman's thinking is so strange. This is the dilemma of life and death. Even if it is not good, even the small life is explained here, but she still cares so much about a word that will bring her embarrassment.

Xia Lei felt a little speechless, but he still followed Kantunana's wishes, he changed his mouth and said, "Okay, your running water ..."

Before he finished speaking, Kantunana sipped, "Rogue!"

Xia Lei looked at her with innocent eyes, "What's wrong with you?"

There are no more red spots on Kantunana's face, "You are running water, I have no running water!"

Xia Lei shrugged. "What are you streaming?"

"Urine! I urinate!"

Xia Lei didn't know how to communicate.

"Damn ... whatever you want, tell me what you think of?" Kantunana compromised.

"You flowing water ... do you mind if I say this?"

"Say!" Kantunana whispered again, "Rogue!"

Xia Lei pretended not to hear, "Well, the water you flow is the water of the spirit of the fish. Suppose there is the existence of perceptual energy in this space, and the water you flow just touches this existence, and it agrees with your fish. The identity of the spirit, so the island hanging above our heads did not fall. "

Contunana heard a daze.

"You stand up and try a step." Xia Lei said.

Kantunana stood up, carefully stepped on Xia Lei's coat, and then stepped on the place wet by urine.

This step is also not the previous "locked" position, but the small island hanging above the head is still still.

"Haha! It's really okay!" Contunana said excitedly.

Xia Lei said: "You try one more step, this is where you step on the place where there is no running water."

Kantuna Nana glared at Xia Lei, but this time she did not care about Xia Lei. She raised her foot and walked to a place where she was not wet by urine.But this time her toes had just been stained with dry sand, and suddenly there was a "booming" sound above her head, and then the whole island sank.

"Ah--" Kantuna Nana hurriedly lowered her head, retracted her protruding foot, and squatted in a place wet with urine.

Very strange, the small island hanging over his head stopped again.

Xia Lei suddenly remembered something, and he stood up and walked into the place where Kantuna was wet.

The small island hanging overhead didn't move.

"You lied, did you ever think of a way?" Kantunana was scared.

Xia Lei said: "I understand."

"What do you understand?"

"Do you remember? Your ancestor Yu Ling Kou Dong said that only Yu Ling can come to this place. Even Sheng Lei couldn't take the stone of the world from here. That's not without reason. The Holy King of the Ashimis is an extremely powerful existence, but he also fell here. The examples of these two people are enough to illustrate the strangeness and danger here. "

"You have said so much, are you trying to tell me that we are trapped here and we are not wrong?" Kantunana's emotions are a little out of control. "Come on and think of a way! It doesn't matter if I die here. You are an inexorable existence for the entire human race. You are carrying the fate of the entire human race. You must not die here! "

"I said, I'll take you safely out of here, and I will definitely be able to do it." Xia Lei's mouth showed a confident smile, "Because I have found a solution to the problem."

"What way? Tell me quickly!"

Xia Lei said: "Continue to pee."

"You let me ..." Kantunana opened her mouth wide. "Do you mean to make me pee a way to survive?"

Xia Lei nodded, his expression serious, and he didn't make any jokes.

"You ... well, even if this is the way you think of, do you think I have so much urine? Who can use urine to pour out a way to survive? I can't do it, I can't make urine."

Xia Lei said: "I know you can't let water flow out, but I have a way to solve this problem."

His voice fell, and the rune Yin and Yang fish in the brand of the universe shuddered and began to perceive and gather energy.

A miracle happened.

Drops of water suspended from the sand, including the wet coat, which dries quickly, and the water in the cloth also detached and re-condensed into water droplets.

Covering water is difficult to collect, this is a natural law that cannot be violated, but in Xia Lei, the urine that is excreted here can also be recovered!

"You ..." Kantunana looked at Xia Lei in surprise, and there were water droplets emerging from the void, so startled that she could not speak.

"Quick! Go back to the locked position!" Xia Lei reminded.

Contunana followed up and returned to her original locked position.There were her footprints there, and she recognized them at a glance.

Xia Lei also returned to the original locked position, and just after that, a large pool of water had condensed between him and Contunana.If you use a bowl to install it, probably install four bowls.

"You really can flow, so much water." Xia Lei's mouth showed a bad smile.

"Go to you!" Kantunana thumped over with a punch, "I held it all night, of course more! And, you perverted the water that drained me ... No, what did my urine collect? "

Xia Lei said with a smile: "Be a skateboard?"

Contunana, "..."

But when she was stunned, the urine suspended in the void suddenly froze into ice, and then landed gently on the sand.

He really did a skateboard.

Stepping on the place where the urine is wet will not touch the punishment of "mirror world", or killing, then of course, you can move freely on the skateboard where the urine condenses.Kantuna finally understood it, but her heart collapsed.She was forced to urinate next to Xia Lei, which was what made her selfless.Now Xia Lei has collected her urine on the sand and made it into a skateboard. Can she feel good about such a thing?

Xia Lei stood on the urine ice skateboard, bent over with gentlemanly demeanor, reached out, and said mildly, "Miss Nana, please get in the car, the sightseeing scooter is about to leave."

"Ah--" This was Contunana's response, screaming.

But after venting for a while, she reached out and let Xia Lei hold the urine ice skateboard.

"Go!" Xia Lei sipped.

The urine ice skateboard glides forward.

The sand particles have abrasion on the urine ice, but that kind of abrasion will be repaired by Xia Lei in an instant.Therefore, the seemingly fragile urine ice skateboard carried two people sliding on the rough sand but always maintained stability.

"Have you ... made a mistake?" Kantunana suddenly recovered, she found that Xia Lei did not slide in the direction of leaving Yingling Bay, but instead glide deep into Yingling Bay.

Xia Lei said with a smile: "Since it's here, how can it be abandoned halfway? Wait a minute for you to run a little more water, I will make the skateboard bigger and firmer."

"You are going to die!" Contunana's voice flew in "Mirror World".

Go to hell!

Go to hell……

The world is echoing.

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