Super Vision

1675 1675 I'm Your King

In the emotional war between Kantuna and Xia Lei, she has always been the strong side, and Xia Lei is the passive defense side.She was also used to taking the initiative, and now Xia Lei turned into a strong party in turn, forcing her to follow, but she was embarrassed and uncomfortable.

Such a situation is like two quarreling people. One person yelled at you for beating me, and you beating me. As a result, people slapped me together and he was suddenly stunned.

Xia Lei grabbed Kantunana's hand, which pinched his neck. "Don't you like me? I'm ready, what are you waiting for?"

Xia Lei grabbed her hands, and Kantuna couldn't break free. She suddenly leaned over and bit Xia Lei's ear.

She seems to have become accustomed to biting Xia Lei's ear, and this time she did not bite lightly, but bit a bit harder.

Of course, she couldn't bite Xia Lei's ear, not to mention that she didn't want to really bit Xia Lei.She just showed Xia Lei her attitude-love to want to bite!


There was a crunch in the temple of Tiapolo.

Kantuna Nana's fat ball suddenly made a beautiful ripple, which felt like a jelly shaken.

Kantunana's body suddenly froze. She still bit Xia Lei's ear, but she didn't dare to work hard.


There was another crisp sound in Tiapolo's temple, and the beautiful group rippled again.Qian Yi has not disappeared, Hou Yi has risen again, the scene is beautiful and attractive.

"You ..." Kantunana's mouth biting Xia Lei's ear was released, and the Meituan was slapped twice, she didn't dare to bite Xia Lei's ear really hard, she stared at Xia Lei shamefully. , A red cloud on his face.She also knocked over a five-flavor bottle in her heart.

"What am I?" Xia Lei's mouth had a wicked smile. "What's wrong with me hitting twice? You don't dare to bite me hard. This shows that you feel bad for me. You love me, you love me, since Why do n’t you marry me? This is what your ancestors wanted. The best of both worlds, the best of all, what else can you hesitate? "

"You want to be beautiful!" Kantunana said shamefully: "I am the commander-in-chief of the rebel army, I am the descendant of the fish spirit aristocrat Kou Dong and Sheng Lei, I am the fish spirit, and once ruled the powerful planet Race, no matter what identity I will not marry you casually! "


Xia Lei slaps his hand and shoots it again on Kantuna Nana's group.

The soft and beautiful ripples are rippling, and Contunana's heart is also rippling.

"You ..." She glared at Xia Lei, her eyes dripping, but the expression was eager to bite Xia Lei.

Xia Lei said: "That's just your excuse, you're never a woman of fate. You help civilians, you fight for civilians, this is the evidence. Such a big and obvious evidence is in front of me, you still want to cheat me?"

"Then I will not marry you!"

"Then why are you willing to marry me?"

Kantunana bit her lip, but she still had the courage to say it, "Unless you divorce your three wives in your family!"

Xia Lei shook his head, "I will not let them down, and I will not abandon any women who have followed me. If I abandon the three of them for you, I will abandon you for other women. I Xia Lei Not a man like that. "

"You are so passionate and dedicated!" Kantunana's face was full of disdain, "You are really shameless, you are not separated, you still want me to marry you, you marry four by yourself Woman, are you king? "

Xia Lei nodded, "I am the king, the king of mankind, your king."

"You ..." Contunana suddenly died on the spot.

"What is it for a man like me to marry four women? As long as I want, I think, I can take forty or more casually. I only marry four, which shows that I am passionate, not fancy. the man."

Kantunana gave a soft sip, "Having seen shameless, never seen you so shameless."

"Do you want to play emotional games with me?" Xia Lei said: "I rejected you at first, that was my fault, but at that time, I really didn't want to talk to a woman with a love, let alone think about this Marry and have children in the world. "

Kantunana blurted out, "Then why did you marry the three of them?"

Xia Lei said: "I need their milk, and I need your milk."

"Don't you marry them because you fell in love with them?"

"Love, of course I love them. I need their milk, and I love them again, so I married them." Xia Lei added another sentence, "I love you too, and I need your milk, so I To marry you, and you must marry me. "

"You ... too domineering!" Kantunana's neck was red. This was the first time she heard Xia Lei say "I love you". The attack power of these three words on a woman is in tons. computational.

Xia Lei opened his arms and his face was covered with a gentle smile, "Come on, join my love family, let us work hard to breed Yuling children. Marry me, I will love you forever I. "

It was such a nice sweet talk, Kantunana's body shivered a little, she shook for a moment, and wanted to walk into Xia Lei's arms, but in a blink of an eye she dispelled that tempting thought again.She stood motionless in front of Xia Lei, with a firm tone, "No!"

Xia Lei shrugged his shoulders, "Well, I'm gone. You can tell your ancestors yourself." He said go and walked, and turned around without hesitation.

"You ... you stop!" Contunana didn't expect Xia Lei to leave, and was anxious.

Xia Lei's footsteps didn't even stop, "I'm not a man no one wants, I beg you like this, I have said what I should say, you just don't agree."

In this sentence, he had reached the gate of the Temple of Tiapolo.

A plump shapely figure suddenly caught up from behind and cut in front of him, blocking his way of leaving.

Xia Lei looked at her, "You don't agree, but still stop me, what do you want to do?"

"You ... you guys!" Kantunana said exhaled angrily: "It's so gentle to the three women, it's so fierce to me!"

"They are good, you are not good." This is Xia Lei's answer, and continue to breathe Kantuna to death, "Okay, let me go, I'm going. I don't have time to play emotional games with you. , You know, Shenyue Ruyi can be resurrected at any time. The day he will be resurrected will face the most severe test. It will be a difficult time. If we ca n’t get through it, we will play everything. But if it ’s a peaceful time, I Will definitely pursue you, let you taste the taste of not obsessive pursuit, and then marry me willingly. "

"I ..." Kantunana bit her lip again, "I promise you."

"Haha!" Xia Lei suddenly laughed, he hugged Kantuna Nana excitedly, and said with a smile: "I know you will promise me, I know! We are perfect in heaven and earth. A couple! "

After he finished speaking, he leaned over to her and kissed her.

Contunana suddenly reached out to cover Xia Lei's mouth, his face full of tension and blush, "I agreed, but I have a condition."

"What conditions?" Xia Lei said with a smile: "Don't say one, I will promise you one hundred."

"I can marry you here, but you can't touch me." Kantunana said: "I'm going back to the base of the kingdom of heaven, you're going to take me to a peaceful residence, and in the presence of those three women, declare that I am you Wife, then I will give you my body in Ping An. "

Is this a condition?

This is actually not a condition. Since she married him, it was a natural thing to enter his house.If none of these conditions can satisfy her, what kind of couple is it?

Although her request made Xia Lei have a headache, he said at the first time without hesitation: "You can rest assured that after I go back, I will take you home. I announced in front of them that we were married. . "

"Aren't you afraid that they will make trouble with you?" Contunana stared at Xia Lei's eyes, as if she wanted to see through his mind.

Xia Lei's eyes are full of joy and tenderness, and there is also a clear love, "I am not afraid of them, they are useless. We are married here, we cook raw rice, what else can they do?" "

"If they push me out and bully me?" Kantunana asked.

"I won't let them exclude you from bullying you." Xia Lei's head had already started to hurt.

"What if I bullied them?" Contunana asked again.

Xia Lei, "..."

"You talk, what will you do?" Contunana urged.

Xia Lei suddenly leaned over and moved a hand holding her waist to the back of her head, then pushed towards him in front of him, he and her lips were immediately connected together.

What nonsense?

This way of speaking means that tomorrow morning may not be able to untie the knot in her heart, nor can she resolve the worry in her heart, it might as well be practical.

"Hmm ..." Kantunana struggled for a moment. She wanted to tilt her head back, but Xia Lei's hand pressed her head and forcibly kissed, she couldn't escape.

But her struggle lasted only a little while and then disappeared. She closed her eyes, and her whole heart was drunk in Xia Lei's kiss, and the whole person softened in Xia Lei's arms.

It took a long time before Xia Lei released her.

Kantuna Nana suddenly stretched out her mouth, and was about to put on Xia Lei's ear.But this time, the bite was lighter, and there was also a voice, "I would not be reconciled to marry you. If you are not good to me, I will bite your ear!"

Xia Lei's voice is very gentle, "Give me some time to prove it, I will make you the happiest woman in the world."

Kantuna Nana loosened Xia Lei's ear. The place she had bitten was wet, and her mouth was full of saliva.

"Well, I promised you were fine, but ..." Xia Lei paused and said, "I need your milk, can you give it to me?"

Kantuna Nana glared at Xia Lei. "I knew you would say this. I'm all yours. Of course it's okay, but I only give one."

"What does one mean?"

"One is one."

Xia Lei smiled, his eyes fell on the two kinds of granaries that would belong to him. "Then I will take a good look tonight and choose the big one."

Contunana, "..."

This is the rogue character.

"Hmm, cough!" Kou Tian's voice came, "Don't you two know where this is?"

Xia Lei and Contunana hurriedly separated.

"Come with me, I will preside over a simple ceremony for you, and then you can do whatever you want, but it won't work here." Still Kou Tian's voice, but he didn't come here.

He controls everything here.

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