Super Vision

1678 1678 Golden Juice

In the golden energy light, the darker golden flame can be seen faintly, and Xia Lei can clearly feel the compelling temperature.Kantuna's right hand holding the rock was at least one meter away from Xia Lei, but he had a terrible feeling of being close to the furnace!

The golden flame burned quietly, and the stone melted quickly in her hand.

Soon, a few drops of magma dripped from her fingers into the beggar spring, and a few strands of water vapor quickly rose.

Xia Lei's mouth widened.

The most powerful person he has seen with fire energy is Suya, who can instantly burn an evil moon warrior to ashes.But her flame is obviously unable to melt a stone into magma compared to Kantuna, and the time is so short!

This is an incredible miracle, but it is reasonable to think about it carefully.

The Yulings claim to be descendants of the Eternal Day, and Tiapolo, the symbol of the Eternal Day, is also the only god they believe in.The energy held by the Yulings is also called eternal energy, and this energy is obviously also related to the eternal day.And Eternal Day is a star shining in this world, its energy attribute is the most advanced fire attribute!

Everything is high or low, some are at the low end of the food chain, and some are at the high end of the food chain.There are high and low points in the world of energy, and low-level energy is not worth mentioning in front of high-level energy!

Shuya and Kantunana are an example. They are also fire-like energy. However, the energy flame released by Suya is obviously not as powerful as Kantunana, but Kantunana is a new recruit who just has eternal energy. "Those who can!

In the surprise of Xia Lei, Kantunana put away the golden flame and pressed her left fist into the stone that was about to be completely melted.

There was no smell of burnt flesh or water vapor, but a normal flame came out of the gap between her fist and the stone.This kind of flame is like the flame from the hammer hitting the red iron ingot.

Kantuna pressed her fist hard, and then put the stone into the begging spring.

A cloud of steam rose from the spring pond.

Kantuna took the stone from the water and handed it to Xia Lei.

The stone slightly larger than the fist suddenly turned into a "fist bowl", and a pit left after the fist was embedded in the stone appeared.On the inner wall of the cooled stone, fine fish scales are clearly visible, like a fish fossil fished in the deep sea.

Xia Lei looked dumbfounded at the "stone bowl" that Kantunana handed to him. The mouth she had opened when she saw the golden energy flame had not been closed until now.

"Isn't there a bowl?" Kantunana's mouth was filled with a smile, and Xia Lei was so stunned because of her ability. She was very proud.

Xia Lei recovered, but said nothing about the bowl. "Wife, how can you control the flame with such a high temperature? What if you get burned by it?"

Kantuna said: "The fish spirit is the descendant of the eternal god Tiapolo. He holds the energy of the eternal day. As long as the fish scale that opened the path of evolution can use it, of course I can control it. But I do n’t worry about being burned by it, because the scales on my body will be isolated from the high temperature. This is a gift from the eternal god Tiapolo. I can even bathe in a river of magma. "

Xia Lei, "..."

This is the level of species.

The starting point of humanity is really too low, whether it is compared with the Blue Moon people, compared with the Ashimis, or compared with the Yuling.Humans are actually species at the bottom of the food chain.The Blue Moon people have dark energy, the Ashimis have psionic energy, and the Fish Spirits have eternal energy. What do humans have?

If we have to arrange an energy for human beings, it may be only petrochemical and electrical energy, but that is only low-level energy in nature, and it cannot be compared with the energy possessed by the Blue Moon people, the Ashimis, and Yuling.

Such a cruel reality gave Xia Lei a faint sorrow in his heart, but he soon relieved himself.The civilization of the Yulings has a history of tens of thousands of years, so why are the Ashimis and Blue Moons?It is only a few thousand years since mankind established civilization, that is still human beings on earth.Humans in this world have a history of more than a thousand years, and they are completely a new race.Human beings have also been exploring their own evolutionary path, and human adaptability and reproduction ability are far stronger than these three races.With this momentum going on, who can be sure that humans will not master a higher level of energy and become a powerful race at the top of the food chain after tens of thousands of years?

"Husband, what's wrong with you?" Kantunana's eyes were curious and suspicious.

"Nothing, that ..." Xia Lei's mouth smiled, "Since there is a bowl, then you squeeze a bowl for me."

Contunana suddenly froze, "How much?"

Xia Lei extended a finger, "a bowl."

Kantuna Nana threw a golden powder fist at Xia Lei, "You think I'm a cow, you need a bowl!"

"Then half a bowl, no less." Xia Lei added another sentence, "Who made you make the bowl so big?"

Contunana, "..."

"Come on, my good wife, I can't wait any longer." Xia Lei kept his lips pursed with his tongue, the greedy look was like a cat who saw dried fish.

"Perverted." Kantunana mumbled, then turned away.

Xia Lei stared at her back, but he could only see her right arm trembling slightly, and could not see the process.There was a strong impulse in his heart to go around her front, but it still suppressed.He will soon have a miraculous moment, he doesn't want to provoke his mouth, and then he has nothing to do.

Kantunana's back is more like a mermaid. Her back and hips are covered with fine golden fish scales, but does it affect her graceful curve as a human woman.Coupled with the long fish tail in the water, her whole body exudes a fantasy beauty.

Three minutes later, Kantunana turned around, holding the stone bowl in both hands and handed it to Xia Lei.

Xia Lei was dumbfounded again.

The stone bowl contained a small half of the milk squeezed by Kantuna, but it was not milky, but golden yellow, which looked like golden juice.

Gold milk, with a touch of fishy smell.But this taste does not affect anything, but it tempts the appetite.But what is even more amazing is that Xia Lei hasn't even drunk in his mouth, he has already felt a touch of energy.Kantuna Nana ’s golden milk actually contained energy, and it was so obvious that even the three wives in the family could n’t compare.

However, Xia Lei did not want to compare Contourana ’s golden milk with the three wife ’s fragrant milk, pure milk, and Princess Achim ’s blue milk. The milk of each wife is also extremely important and indispensable.

"Hold it, drink it quickly, and it won't taste good when it's cold." Contunana urged, she seemed to care about the quality and taste of her milk.

Xia Lei recovered, and hurriedly reached for the stone bowl.The tentacles were hot, and the temperature of the stone bowl reached 50 or 60 degrees!He said in surprise: "Have you heated the stone bowl?"

"No, it's ... it's already so hot." Although Kantunana couldn't see the blush, she was obviously shy.

It can melt rocks with one hand, and the milk that is squeezed has a temperature of 50 or 60 degrees. If you can warm it up again, wouldn't it change to boiling water?

But this is not what Xia Lei is most worried about. What he is worried about is that when he brought her back to a safe house, if she could not help but suddenly warm up a little while she was in the same room with her, then ...

He didn't dare to imagine putting steel ingots into the steel-making furnace. He really didn't dare.

"Drink." Kantunana urged again.

Xia Lei stopped thinking about it. He picked up the hot stone bowl and poured a golden milk into his mouth as soon as he lifted his neck.The mouth is slippery, and the taste is not much different from normal human milk, just a little more flavor of seaweed soup.But this is the usual taste. The mouth of the golden milk, his esophagus and stomach are like being ignited, hot!I feel not a sip of milk, but a sip of the strongest wine!

"Ah--" Xia Lei called.

"What's wrong?" Kantunana said nervously. "Is it too hot? Or ... poisonous?"

Xia Lei laughed and said: "Cool!"

"Frighten me, really!" Kantunana flicked Xia Lei's golden eyes and said again: "How does it compare with the milk of those three women?"

"More amazing." Xia Lei said.

This is the truth, second only to the temperature of boiling water, the taste of spirits, this is the most miraculous milk he drink to today.

"How does that help your evolution?" Contunana is eager to know the answer to this question, because it is related to the status dispute between her and his three other wives!

"I'll tell you the answer later," Xia Lei said, and he drank all the remaining golden milk.

However, a small bowl of golden milk was drunk into the stomach, but the cosmic brand and rune fish kept calm, no obvious movements, and even did not take the initiative to absorb the energy carried in the golden milk.

Xia Lei was amazed and disappointed in his heart. "Is this golden fish spirit milk just a magical taste, which is not helpful to my evolution? If so, then it is really ..."

Just when he was thinking this way, his belly suddenly felt hot, and then a severe pain came.

The pain was as if someone had stabbed him into the lower abdomen with a knife, and then twisted hard.For a second, just a second, he squatted into the spring pond while covering his lower abdomen.The stone bowl in his hand also fell off, and sank to the bottom.

"Husband?" Kantunana hurryed to help Xia Lei, and his expression was so intense that "My milk ... is it really poisonous?"

"Don't touch me!" Xia Lei said suddenly.

"You ..." Contunana froze, not knowing how to do it.

Just then, the severe pain disappeared, and an existence ignored by Xia Lei emerged.

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