Super Vision

1694 Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1694


A blue moon man kicked his legs alive by Xia Lei and collapsed on the snow beside the ice cave.He was not the only one whose legs were kicked by Xia Lei, and his companion was lying side by side with him, each of which was kicked off by Xia Lei and then thrown beside the ice hole.

Just now they trampled on human life, and now Xia Lei trampled on their life, without any mercy, and even without humanity.

Xia Lei walked towards a blue-legged man with a broken leg, his eyes indifferent.

"No, no--" The member of the search team crawled back with his hands on the ice. The big eyes unique to the Blue Moon were full of fear. He crawled and begged for mercy. Kill me ... you can take whatever you want ... "

Before he could finish the sentence, Xia Lei raised his foot and kicked it on his chest.


Ribs broken.

The Blue Moon who begged for mercy screamed and flew into the ice cave. The blue blood spewing out of his mouth stained a piece of ice, and the color was very bright.


The Blue Moon who had been kicked by Xia Lei just fell into the sea, and the white monster came out again and swallowed it in one bite.

This time Xia Lei's eyes locked on the sea below the ice cave, and did not miss a detail.This time he finally found out that the light around him did change a bit when the monster appeared.The natural light cast from the mouth of the ice cave, as well as the light from the lighting fixtures installed by the blue moon man on the wall of the ice cave.The moment the white monster appeared, he found that the light had a sign of being distorted.

When the light is twisted, it is accompanied by energy fluctuations, but the nature of that energy is very strange to him.Before he could use the rune yin and yang fish to interpret the energy code, the white monster disappeared and the energy fluctuation disappeared.The whole process took less than a second from the time it happened to the end. This time is too short to be enough for him to do something.

The water below the ice cave quickly recovered calm, and even if there were no ripples, it seemed like nothing had happened.

Xia Lei's eyes met Lan Ji'er, "What do you think it is?"

Lan Ji'er shook his head, "I don't know, I have never heard of such monsters, and I have never seen any description of such monsters in any books. Going back I asked my father, he might know Something. "

She is also the first time to come to Ice Star, it is normal to not know.

Xia Lei said: "Don't ask him anymore, we can't wait that long, I still use my own way." After he finished, he walked towards a broken-legged blue moon man.

"Don't, don't kill me ... I, I don't want to die!" Seeing Xia Lei approaching to himself, the emotion of the Blue Moon person instantly went out of control, and tears and snotting urine came out of different places.

The universe created death, and all fears of death are the same.

But Xia Lei had no trace of mercy and kindness. He walked to the Blue Moon Man who begged for mercy, reached for his hair, grabbed him, and walked to the ice cave.The blue moon man had been begging him, but he didn't even touch at all.He has no sympathy for Lanyue.

A Blue Moon climbed backwards. Although this struggle for survival was in vain, he still tried desperately.

A blue moon man sneaked out of the communicator, ready to activate.

A blue moon man reached out to grab the energy pistol that Xia Lei had just shot to the ground.

"Death!" Lan Ji'er reached out and grabbed, the energy pistol on the ground flew up from the ground, and fell into her hand.

Xia Lei can do it from the air, and she can do it now.This is just a technique of energy use, not complicated.

After getting the energy pistol, her other one also grabbed the air. The Blue Moon who had just pulled out the communicator to activate it also lost his communicator. .With a confident smile on her face, she said with a conspicuous nature: "Her husband, how are you?"

"Not bad." Xia Lei did not mean his praise.

Lan Ji'er smiled, "Cough, I'm your wife, of course, the most powerful."

But just when her words fell, Xia Lei's hand waved, and no matter how far they were from the blue moon people lying on the ground, they all slid towards him.Just a blink of an eye, he was surrounded by blue moon people.

The same is for picking things up from the air, but Xia Lei is a master, Lan Ji'er is only an entry level, and the gap is huge.

"You ..." Lan Ji'er glared at Xia Lei. "I'm your wife, don't you know that it made me a little?"

Xia Lei smiled at Lan Ji'er, "What do you want me to do?"

Lan Ji'er looked back, and suddenly his face turned blue, "Bah! Dirty."

Several Blue Moon people are enduring the pain of broken legs and the threat of death, but these dogs and men say such indecent words in front of them!Although they do not understand Chinese, from the expressions of the dogs and men, it can be seen that they are flirting in front of them.This is undoubtedly spreading salt on their wounds and putting feet on their heads!

But their nightmare was far from waking up, just after Lan Ji'er's "Bah", Xia Lei's arm suddenly waved again.


This time it was not a scream, but a scream.

Several Blue Moon people who had been kicked off their legs were all swept into the ice cave by Xia Lei's arm sweeping garbage.

The sound of heavy objects falling into the water was also heard.


The white monster appeared again, opened his mouth and began to devour the Blue Moon Man.But this time it was not a blue moon person, but several.It can't complete its "cleaning up" in an instant, this time it didn't disappear after it popped out.

And this is why Xia Lei kicked off all the Blue Moon people's legs, and then pushed them down again. He needed more time to observe the monster.

This time Xia Lei not only used his super vision, but the power of Rune Yin Yang Fish and Branding were dispatched to capture and sense the energy attributes of that monster.

This time, he finally had a harvest, but this harvest made him stunned.

"It ... turned out to be really a mass of energy, not a real monster, and the attribute of this energy turned out to be ... Star Stone Energy! I'm afraid it's not just the king's tomb of Holy King Blue Spirit?" Xia Lei's heart A shock.

Lan Ji'er also saw this process, but she was obviously not as clear as Xia Lei.She just saw the energy monster clearly, and the terrifying power and grim form made her nervous.

After a few seconds, the energy monster engulfed all the blue moon people and then disappeared.

The water surface under the ice cave was calm again, without even a trace of ripples. What had just happened was like a terrifying illusion.

Xia Lei looked away, "Jill, you stay here waiting for me."

"What are you going to do?" Lan Ji'er seemed to realize what Xia Lei wanted to do. She suddenly became nervous. "No, we haven't figured out what that is. You can't go on."

Xia Lei said: "This is the only way to solve the problem. I have decided. Don't worry about me. Since I made this decision, I will solve the problem with confidence."

"But ..." Lan Ji'er knew Xia Lei's strength, but she couldn't avoid a wife's concern for her husband.

Xia Lei came to her side, hugged her in her arms, and said in a very gentle voice: "I know you care about me, rest assured, I will be fine, I can't bear you."

"What time is it, do you still have the mood to say this? I'm worried about dying you." Lan Ji'er gave Xia Lei a white eye, but it was warm and sweet.

"If you're really worried about me, you can squeeze me a little bit. I drank your milk before I had the strength to fight." This is what he really wanted to say.

Lan Ji'er, "..."

This is the difference between a woman and a man. When flowers and stars, bright moon, and bamboo forest appear in the head of a woman, what appears in the head of the man is often under the moon, how to bring the woman around to the bamboo forest. What is next to what.

But a few seconds later, Lan Jier unzipped the jacket ...

It was enough reason to let her man be full on the battlefield, so that she could calmly face Xia Lei's mischievous mouth.

With enough food and drink, Xia Lei burped. "Jir, you take care of the people in the station, give them some clothes and food, and by the way, look at the records left by those guys. There may be gains. "

"I want to see you fight that monster." Lan Jier said.

"You can't see it, go." Before Lan Ji'er agreed, Xia Lei suddenly jumped up, and his head and feet shot like a shell at the sea below the ice cave.


There was a huge noise in the ice cave.

Xia Lei's body plunged into the sea with almost no pause, and ran directly into the hole at the bottom of the sea.His body not only carries the impact of jumping from the ground of a few hundred meters, but also has powerful natural energy.The resistance of the sea water was almost insignificant to him, and he couldn't slow him down!

Without waiting for him to enter the seabed cave, a white shadow suddenly emerged from the hole and broke through to him in an instant.

It was the white energy monster. Without any hesitation, he opened his mouth and bit at Xia Lei's head.Its head like a python's head is three times the size of a human head. This one is a super blood basin with a big mouth, let alone a "thin" human like Xia Lei, even an elephant can swallow it. !

Xia Lei's body suddenly stopped underwater, his hands pushed forward, and a white ice suddenly appeared, blocking it in front of him.

Although natural energy is the lowest level of energy he possesses, it is available everywhere and at any time.He fought in the sea water, all around him was sea water, and the energy of water naturally became the best choice.And icing with water is a piece of cake for him!


The big mouth of the energy monster hit the hard ice that Xia Lei instantly condensed. Its mouth is big enough to swallow the elephant in one bite, but Xia Lei's ice cube is bigger than the house, it can't swallow it at all!

"Stop me!" Xia Lei's hands pushed forward, the ice suddenly extended forward, and the frozen area appeared from behind, on and under the energy monster, and quickly closed!

In just one second, the energy monster was frozen!

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