Super Vision

1712 1712 The sky's roar

Bridge of the Blade.

In the holographic projection, the troop carrier spacecraft returning from the ground of the Fifth Fleet was instantly frozen, and then the hail generally fell to the ground.The fighter jets and troop carriers that fell to the ground were wrapped in thick blue ice, with a well-preserved structure. Only a few broke.But even the well-preserved fighter planes or troop carriers, the indicator lights showing the life characteristics of the pilots are off.

There was an extreme atmosphere in the bridge of the Blade, and it was so quiet that the needle fell.Before the Fifth Fleet finished the abuse of human warriors, there was no shortage of laughter in this bridge, and men's indecent remarks about human women.After the Extinct Moon Star Carrier appeared, the laughter and those words in this space disappeared, and it was terrible still.

"This is impossible!" Hesa ​​suddenly broke the silence on the bridge, he roared: "What the hell is going on?"

No one can answer his question, and no one knows the answer.

It was already a winning game. It only took a little time to win the industrial base, but it became like this in a blink of an eye.It felt like suddenly falling from the sky into the ice cellar, making people unable to adapt.

The silence in the bridge was broken, and immediately an officer said aloud: "Captain! We must let our fighters retreat, or they will be all gone!"

Kursa roared: "What is panic? The Moon Nuclear Corps is still on the ground! It's just a battleship, we are a fleet!"

Indeed, Moon Destroyer is only a battleship, but the Fifth Fleet has five frigates and a Star Wars carrier, and it has a crushing advantage in number!

"I order--" Blacksa shouted: "All fighters continue to attack, all warships attack!"

"Destroy that battleship!" An officer shouted.

"Wait!" Lan Sidi said suddenly: "We should go back to space and avoid that weird warship! We haven't even figured out the origin of that warship, nor do we know if Xia Lei is in that warship. Above all, rash contact and fighting will be very dangerous. "

"Minister Lansidi!" Kursa snorted coldly, "You better know your identity and authority! The Fifth Fleet is not your evil moon army, you don't have any command authority!"

"I'm not commanding, I'm just giving you a correct suggestion." Lan Sidi said: "That warship and Xia Lei can not defeat this fleet! Our goal should be to contain Xia Lei, trap him On Star of Hope, and prevent him from building an industrial base on Ice Star. He is now coming to our fleet, he is not afraid of our fleet at all, is his purpose not obvious? If he is in that weird ship Above the battleship, he was eager to fight with him! "

In fact, this problem does not need any kind of analysis. Excluding the problem that Xia Lei is not on that strange warship. If Xia Lei is afraid of the fifth fleet, will he still drive his warship to the fleet?

But Blacksa was blinded by anger. He shouted at Lansti: "Our task is to recapture the industrial base and the batch of black gold. This is the order given by the commander-in-chief! You are just a person who collects intelligence. Why should I listen to your advice? You have lost the trust of the Ministry of Military Affairs! So, in my eyes, you are nothing, you better not interfere in my orders, and pay attention to your words and deeds, otherwise I will treat you You are welcome!"

"You ..." Lansti suddenly froze on the spot.

She was also present when Commander Marma gave the order. She didn't even hear Commander Marma just asked her to gather intelligence.In this military operation against Bingxin, she actually has the authority after Hesa.But now Hesa ​​didn't take him seriously, and in Lanyue, the position of the minister of intelligence was higher than that of Kusa!

If there is no defeat in the Holy Underground City, without losing the trust and reliance of the military department, would Hesha dare to talk to her like this?He dared not give him two guts!

But now, what can she do besides forbearance?During this expedition to the Heart of Ice, the military did not even let her use the Xieyue Legion and Xieyue.Her own people are unavailable. She is alone in the Fifth Fleet, which is actually a sign of loss of power.

"Fifth Fleet, ready to fight!" Kusa's voice rang in the bridge of the Blade.

A large group of officers rushed to their posts like blood of chicken.

The instant holograms of the commanders of the five frigates also immediately appeared in the bridge, at five different locations around the podium.

The five commanders each represent a battleship. Once a fleet air combat situation occurs, a real-time image of the commanders of the five frigates will appear in the bridge of the Blade, accepting the command of Kursa.

This is a very advanced command system for the Blue Moon Star Fleet.It allows the command of the fleet commander to be communicated to one commander without hindrance and delay. At the same time, other battleship commanders also know the combat intention of the fleet commander and can cooperate with the execution of the command of the fleet commander.

"Holy Moon entered the first-level battle state!"

"Twilight enters the first-level combat state!"

"Black Wind enters the first-level battle state!"

"Destroyer enters first-level combat!"

"God of War enters first-level combat!"

Black Sa's attack command was issued, and the commanders of the five escort warships responded almost at the same time.

"Holy Moon and Twilight attack on the right wing!" Kusa followed the definite combat instructions. "Black Wind and Destroyer attacked from the right wing, God of War guarded the blade, and attacked from the middle!"

"Yes!" The commanders of the five frigates responded uniformly.

The six warships ended their hovering state at the same time, and divided into three directions from left to right to dive down to the Moon Carrier.

In the sky, the Moon Rock Star Carrier carried the bow of the ship, and shot at the Fifth Fleet like an arrow.That momentum was like an ancient warrior rushing towards its six modern special forces soldiers with its cold weapons.Compared with the ridiculously old "artillery" naval gun and Blue Moon's advanced energy naval gun and energy missile launch system in the battleship, the picture really looks like a comparison of cold weapons and hot weapons.The impression is that as long as the Fifth Fleet launches a round of attack, it will be blown into pieces!

Star Moon Carrier Bridge.

At this time, the bridge was no longer empty. Hundreds of ancient Ahemis robots appeared in various positions.Some control naval guns, some detect energy systems, and some gather information, a busy scene.

There are several holographic projections of battlefield monitoring on the bridge, there are battlefields in the sky and ground battlefields.

Xia Lei ’s eyes were locked on a holographic projection on a ground battlefield. He did n’t see the Moon Nuclear Warrior, but he saw a black mist of energy.

No need to see it with his own eyes, he also knew that it was the battlefield fog created by the Moon Nuclear Corps.If there are some concerns in his heart, then it is not on the sky battlefield, but on the ground battlefield.

"Master Ghost, this time I won't let you go back, this will be your bone burial ground." Xia Lei said secretly.He didn't see Master Ghost, but he had a very strong intuition that Master Ghost was in that dark mist of energy.

Lan Ji'er is concerned about the holographic projection of the sky battlefield.In that holographic projection, at least three hundred fighters were bombarding the energy shield of the Moon Carrier.The trembling of the energy shield of the Moon Moon Star Rock Carrier has not stopped for a moment.What makes her more nervous is that the five escort warships and the first-hand Star Wars Hangmu Zhengbing dive down from the left to the right to the Moon Rock Star Carrier in three ways. The aircraft carrier fired, and that was almost a hundred guns of all sizes!Not to mention the powerful missile system!

"Husband ..." Lan Ji'er still couldn't keep up, and said nervously: "Shall we rush up like this?"

Xia Lei nodded, "Of course, we have no escape route. If we retreat, the people in the industrial base will become the targets of massacre."

"But ..." Lan Ji'er was still nervous.

Xia Lei suddenly reached out and grabbed Lan Ji'er's waist. "Don't be nervous, your husband, I will never fight my battle."

Lan Ji'er's eyes moved to the holographic projection again, looking at the warships swooping down at high speed, and the fighter jets flying like swarms, but her heart was still full of tension and worry.

"Report to the commander that the energy storage of the naval gun has been completed." Said an ancient robot.

"We have been locked by the opposing ship's gun, and the expected time of being bombarded is ten seconds." Said an ancient robot.

Xia Lei suddenly said: "The shield above the hull does not touch, open the naval gun, avoid the industrial base, and bombard the blue moon ground troops!"

"The command is being executed ..." Several ancient robots operating the naval gun responded at the same time, "Execute the command!"


Before waiting for the warships of the Fifth Fleet to fire, the Moon Carrier Star Rock fired at the moon's ground.

Several blue energy shells whistled towards the ground, and the energy shock wave of the explosion that touched the ground in a flash like a tide diffused in all directions, and everything passed by was frozen.The Blue Moon Army soldiers became ice sculptures directly from freezing. Fighting robots and destroyer fighter armor were no exception. They were all frozen and unable to move.All living targets are actually dead when they are hit by an explosive energy shock wave.

The area of ​​the fog of war propped up by the Moon Nuclear Corps was also frozen, but the black energy fog still did not dissipate, still covering the area.The monitoring system of Star Moon Carrier Moonstrike is still unable to capture the inside of the black energy mist.

However, even if it is impossible to see the situation of the Moon Nuclear Legion in the dark energy mist, the kind of induction in Xia Lei's heart is still very strong, that is-the people of the Moon Nuclear Legion have not been destroyed!

The Moon Nuclear Corps, Blue Moon ’s strongest fighter, cannot be eliminated with just a few energy shells.Not only do they have super personal combat capabilities, they also have team combat skills for teamwork and energy sharing.For decades, nuclear warriors have concentrated their energies together, and it is not surprising that the bombardment of the ship destroying the Moon Star Star Carrier is nothing strange.

boom!boom!Boom ...

The Fifth Fleet fired.

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