Super Vision

1741 Chapter 1741: A Wave Is Unsettled

Night fell, the stars were starry, and the blue moon's light refracting the eternal day seemed insignificant here.But as long as you carefully distinguish the glory in the night, you can still find its existence.It is a nightmare in this world, accompanied by shadows.

Xia Lei landed on the top of a sand mountain, and there was a huge oasis in his vision.Although they are separated by a long distance, they can still see the dotted lights and the rudimentary buildings.An oval-shaped freshwater lake lies under the night sky and reflects the stars in the sky. The lake is lined with trees, and the picture is quiet and beautiful.

"There is the Sunset Tribe." Tiasama said: "There are more than 20,000 people, ten times our Sunset Tribe. After the Sunset Tribe, at your speed, we only need an hour to reach the Abyss of Death. . "

Xia Lei withdrew his gaze from the Sunset Tribe, "I'm a little tired. Let's sleep here overnight tonight."

Tiasama nodded, "It's been a whole day of flying, and you're tired too. Rest here tonight."

Xia Lei lay on the sand and looked up at the starry sky.He searched for the blue moon, but he saw nothing but the stars in the sky, and he secretly said in his heart: "Is the god moon like a resurrection? If it is resurrected, what will his first step do? The base of the kingdom of heaven, go directly The rest forest is destroyed, or go to a dungeon to devour humans and replenish his energy? Perhaps, he ca n’t wait to come to me? "

Either way, it is a very bad result for him, and what is worse is that he has no countermeasures.

"Can you give me some water?" Tiasama's voice.

"Huh." Xia Lei responded softly, then stretched out a hand.A second later, a fist-sized ice cube appeared in his hand, crystal clear.

"It's amazing, how did you do it?" Although Xia Lei was frozen with ice, she still felt amazing and surprised when she saw the ice in Xia Lei's hands.

Xia Lei said: "Natural energy, I have some natural energy."

"Like what?"

"Water-based energy, fire-based energy, and soil and wind, etc." Xia Lei said.

Tiasama took the ice cube from Charley's hand and took a small bite.The chapped lips and throat are moisturized with water, which feels more comfortable than anything.The corners of her mouth curled up to a beautiful extent, and her smile was as good as a crescent moon.She swallowed a piece of ice into her stomach before she smiled and said, "It's delicious. I've never eaten ice. Can you give me another piece?"

"You really are a greedy kitten." Although Tiasama was teased in this way, Xia Lei gave her a second ice cube.

Tiasama took the second ice cube, and the look looked like a little girl who got delicious candy.

Greedy kitten, because of her tail, this analogy is really appropriate.


Suddenly, the voice of the Sun Clan shouting at the salon came from afar, very loud.

Xia Lei and He climbed up from the sand and looked at it soundly.A dozen Sharons were rushing from the Sunset Tribe to this side, and each Sharon had a Sun Warrior on the back.It seemed to be a patrol team performing patrol missions.

Tiasama swallowed Xia Lei's second piece of ice into her mouth in a single bite. The small mouth was filled with ice, and the cheek was lifted up, rising high.But even so, she said anxiously: "It's the sunset tribe's patrol, have we been found?"

Xia Lei's eyes locked on the patrol, and the hearing of his ears instantly improved to the extreme.Soon, he listened to the voice of the soldiers of the sunset.

"Damn, let us come out to patrol so late, I still want to be intimate with my woman, unfortunate, really unlucky!"

"Who dares to disobey his orders as the patriarch explained?"

"The patriarch is also true, isn't he a human kid? How could he come to us from the Sunrise Tribe in three days?"

"Be careful, I heard that the human kid is very powerful and very evil."

"I don't think it's worth our nervousness. Hasn't the patriarch already contacted Blue Moon's special envoy? Cooperating with Blue Moon, even if the human kid is even more powerful, he will only be killed or the fate of making food."

"Yes, we will join forces with the Blue Moon people and hope that he will come here, so that we can join the Blue Moon people to kill him here!"

"I don't know when the Blue Moon people will come. The sooner they come, the more reassuring."

"It's probably tomorrow. The human kid is the blue enemy's number one enemy. The blue moon wants to kill him more than anyone else. They know that Xia Lei is here, will they not come?"

"Yeah, ha ha ha ... how can I forget this?"

A laugh came from the bottom of the sand hill, and dozens of salons rushed to the top of the hill against the sand.Sharon ’s abdomen has fine scales. The sand in the desert is for them ice peaks or snow slopes under the skates. A little impact can make them slide a long distance, and the speed is comparable. Express train on the rails.

"Oops, they came up." Tiasama said nervously: "We have to leave here quickly."

Xia Lei was not nervous at all. He said lightly: "Why should I leave here? I can kill Scorpion for you so that he cannot threaten your tribe."

"But we are not here to kill people." Tiasama said: "There are more than 20,000 people in the Sunset Tribe. If they are found, they will come out and kill us. Can you kill me and you? ? "

Xia Lei frowned slightly.Indeed, from his point of view, he was not afraid of anyone at sunset in Paris, and did not even take the sunset tribe into his eyes.But Tiasama is not him, she is not strong, and she will be very dangerous if she is caught in a battle with the entire sunset tribe.

The patrols were getting closer and closer, the top of the sand mountain was trembling violently, and the yellow and blue sand particles kept falling.

"Follow me!" Tiasama urged.

Xia Lei suddenly threw himself up and hugged her in his arms.

Tiasama's body suddenly froze, and the expression on his face was extremely strange.

"Hush." ​​Xia Lei said in her ear: "Don't worry, they can't see us, let them pass, we will be fine."

Tiasama suddenly remembered the battle between Xia Lei and the Sunset Tribe and Gath three days ago. In that battle, Xia Lei did not exist at first, and then suddenly appeared when she was about to be killed by Scorpion. Scorpion blasted his spear.

Wow wow wow ...

Sharon's voice gliding on the sand was very strong, and the vibration at the top of the sand mountain was getting stronger and stronger.The sunset tribe's patrol crossed the highest slope and came to the top of the sand hill.

Tiasama was so nervous that her body trembled gently in Xia Lei's arms.

Xia Lei was not nervous at all, but he was also nervous at this time.However, his tension has nothing to do with the sunset tribe's patrol, only Tiasama.The woman in her arms trembles, what is like jelly that has been shaken, the frequency is not fast or slow, the shock is not strong, but the stimulation it brings to him is strong.

Fortunately, he just hugged Tiasama from the front, did not hug her from the back, and touched her tail, otherwise he might not be able to bring her into the invisible state.

The sunset tribe's patrol rushed past Shalei and Tiasama in a blink of an eye.

No one found anything, all passed quickly.Not to mention the discovery of Xia Lei and Tiasama, there wasn't even anyone who looked at them more.

Tiasama's startled expression, "Ray, they ..."

She already knew the answer, but she couldn't help asking.Invisible, such a thing is always a fairy tale for her.

"Hush, don't make a noise." Xia Lei whispered in her ear.

Tiasama nodded slightly in Xia Lei's arms. She saw Xia Lei's eyes full of reverence, the same as she looked up at the golden Tia Polo before her kneeling Tia Polo. of.She did not realize that Xia Lei had become more and more "deified" in her heart.

At this moment, the patrol leader suddenly drank, "Stop!"

The soldiers of the patrols stopped the salons under them, and their movements were quite tidy, obviously a well-trained patrol.

"Did you hear anything just now?" The leader of the team looked at the direction of Xia Lei and Tiasama. He seemed to hear something, but he was not sure. When he saw that the place was empty, he also had some doubts. Will the sound you hear be an illusion.

"No, I didn't hear anything."

"I seem to hear something, but ... nothing?"

"Head, are you too nervous? There is nothing here."

"Shut up! If something goes wrong, it is our responsibility, we will face the punishment of the Scorpion Patriarch, and may even be executed!" The leader of the team leader scolded.

No one dared to question their leader.

The leader of the team took a closer look and determined that there were no suspicious marks or targets. He waved a spear in his hand and said, "Start, continue to patrol!"

The patrol rushed down the hill of Sand Mountain and sprinted down the slope of Sand Mountain.

It was only then that Tiasama took a long sigh of relief and looked at Xia Lei with both eyes shining brightly. The voice was also full of surprise and sigh. . You are like a mysterious book, I really want to read your book. "

Xia Lei loosened her. "Sometimes it is no better to know the answer than to not know it. Take a good rest. We will leave in four hours."

Tiasama nodded, her eyes flashed with a lost light.

Xia Lei lay down on the sand again. He really needed a good rest to ease the energy consumption caused by long and long-distance flight.

Tiasama lay on his side on the sand, a pair of green eyes staring straight at Xia Lei.In that case, she still had a poor linen skirt with little cloth, which could barely cover up.But in the world of Japanese women, apart from their tails, any part of their body is secondary, and they don't care about being seen at all.

"It's really open, can't I admit defeat?" Xia Lei was a little speechless in his heart, then he turned around and dared not go to see her.

Buzz ---

The sound of the sky opening suddenly came.

Xia Lei looked up, a huge star warfare frigate was quickly entering the atmosphere, and then landed in Paris at sunset.

The evil wolf had just left, but the tiger came again.

One wave was unsettled and another wave started again.

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