Super Vision

1747 Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1747

The golden light on Xia Lei's body suddenly fell to the ground, instantly forming a golden aperture on the sand.

A highly decayed person pounced up, spreading his teeth and dancing claws, very fierce.


When his body just stepped through the golden aperture, the golden aperture shuddered suddenly, just in a flash.His body instantly turned into a black ash and disappeared.

Boom ...

There were constantly "dead people" rushing up, and the golden aperture was trembling, like a wall blocking Xialei and Tiasama, and all the "dead people" that had crossed the golden aperture were shattered in an instant. Turn into fly ash.

Xia Lei did not believe that there were gods and gods in this world, but he didn't realize that he was like a god at the moment, shining with golden light, and used the Dharma to dispel the demon soldiers from hell.

There has never been anything out of thin air in this world, including gods and gods.Xia Lei at the moment seems to be a proof, or example, of the existence of a deity.After thousands of years, who can be sure that the people on the Star of Hope will not shape him as a god or a Buddha?

With the constant impact of the "dead", the golden energy aperture is getting darker and darker, and may collapse at any time.

The mysterious golden light in the brand of the body suddenly dispatched, and the golden energy aperture instantly turned into a golden flame.


A not-so-loud explosion sounded a golden flame suddenly exploded and spread out in all directions.


All the "magic generals" and "magic soldiers" disappeared wherever the golden flame passed, and black fly ash was floating in the miserable green void.A cloudy wind blew through, all the fly ash disappeared, and nothing was left.

Is all this an illusion?

Perhaps yes, Xia Lei could not confirm this after the experience, because this "illusion" is so realistic that it makes people think it is real.But if it is true, who believes that the dead person has a high degree of decay, but can still run like a professional athlete?

However, after defeating the "Dead Tide", the body imprint on Xia Lei's body suddenly stopped, and the mysterious golden energy remained still.

Tiasama opened her eyes, and she just saw the golden flame spread and destroy the "dead" tide.At this moment, not only was Xia Lei shining in her eyes, but also Xia Lei in her heart, shining like a god.

Women have always had a plot to worship heroes, and Xia Lei has exceeded the scope of heroes.

Xia Lei loosened her, then shook it and nearly fell.

"Ray, what's wrong with you?" Tiasama hurriedly supported Xia Lei.

"I'm fine, just ... feeling a little tired." Xia Lei said.He did feel very tired. He has always relied on eternal energy to resist the poisonous gas in the Abyss of Desolation. Just now he spent a lot of eternal energy to defeat the "death crowd". Now he can still persevere. This is not easy. Things are up.

"Why don't we sit down and have a rest." Tiasama said.

Xia Lei nodded, then sat down on the blue sand.Just when he sat down, his skin suddenly started to ulcerate.The severe pain spread from the skin instantly, from the outside to the inside, he felt like a piece of iron soaked in sulfuric acid, and it fell apart under the erosion of sulfuric acid every moment!

"Humph ..." Xia Lei's nostrils pierced an uncomfortable hum.He can feel that his branding power is resisting the attack of toxins, but even this cannot stop the toxins from invading his body, because his branding power is dominating the internal immune system, and the toxins in this space start from the outside Eroding his body, no matter how powerful his body is in detoxification and immunity, he is in a passive situation.And his branding power dare not go out at all, because his branding power is also limited, not unlimited, but the ability field and toxin of this space are endless, comparable to infinite!

A very simple example is this person who buried his face in the washbasin. As long as he drinks the water in the washbasin, he will not suffocate and die.But if he is a man who buries his face in the sea, no matter how strong he or who is, he can't drink the water of a sea into his stomach.Xia Lei is facing the situation now, his branding power is indeed very strong, but the toxic energy has an infinite amount!

"Ray? You ..." Tiasama said anxiously: "What's wrong with you? Wasn't it good? What happened? Tell me, can I do something for you?"

Xia Lei was so painful that he could not speak, and an unprecedented sense of crisis also appeared in his heart. He secretly said: "Oops, my eternal power is already very weak, and I just spent it just now. So much, toxins start to erode my body, what should I do? Will I die here? "

Suddenly, the imprint of the body in the body suddenly rotated slowly, and the still mysterious golden energy moved again.The golden light permeated through his body again, and the poisonous gas and poisonous energy that corroded him were instantly bounced away.His decayed skin was repaired quickly, as smooth as ever, with no scars.

"Ray, you ..." Tiasama stunned.

Xia Lei was also surprised, speechless.But he knew exactly what was happening. Just now he clearly felt that the mysterious golden energy was drawn from his body, or from the very deep of the body, a lot of eternal energy was extracted!

Strange is strange here, his eternal energy has not been strong, even so weak, that the energy flame he can release is at best stronger than a lighter.But just now, at that moment, he seemed to have opened a gate, and he originally had a reservoir of eternal energy!

"This is ..." Xia Lei suddenly understood, "This is the eternal energy I absorbed in Yingling Bay!"

He was in Ying Ling Bay, and the mysterious golden energy swept almost the eternal energy in Ying Ling Bay. He almost died in the endless sea for this reason.The mysterious golden energy absorbed the eternal energy of the entire Ying Ling Bay, but then disappeared and he could not use it.This time, also because of the mysterious golden energy, he opened the energy reservoir gathered by the eternal energy hidden in the imprint of his body!


A strong energy fluctuation was released from Xia Lei's body, and the golden eternal energy spread in all directions. A hemispherical golden energy field with a 500-meter radius was squeezed out of his front body, left body, and right body.Within the scope of this energy field, all the poisonous gas and highly toxic energy are gone!

Xia Lei, who had no clothes on him, shone with golden light, and spotted energy runes appeared faintly in the golden light.At this moment, I am afraid that he has seen it himself, and he will also think that he is a god Buddha believed by the Chinese!

Tiasama was stunned first, and then knelt on the ground again, his head against the blue sand, his hands flat on the sand, his ass tilted high, and his tail tilted high.In this posture, the slender waist appears to be more slender and soft, and the plump buttocks are enlarged. The more rounded and fatter, the more attractive.

"Great Tiapolo, I am your most devout people. Please forgive my sins and guide me in the right direction. You are a benevolent great and shining true God, I praise everything to you ..." Kneel There are words in Tiasama's mouth on the ground.

Xia Lei's gaze moved to Tiasama's body. All her beauty was shown in his eyes from different angles. It was beautiful and attractive, but it also gave him a sense of absurdity.Hearing the words of God Shinto in the mouth of Tiasama, he could not help but end, "Tia, do you regard me as the great Tiapolo?"

Hearing Xia Lei's voice, Tiasama froze a little, then raised his head to look at Xia Lei, but just glanced at it and put his head on the sand again. The beautiful body shivered gently, that feeling It seemed that he had blasphemed the gods and was extremely panicked.

Xia Lei realized what was the reason, his thoughts moved, and the Universe Brand followed his instructions.The golden energy field was instantly recovered and disappeared, but only a layer of golden shimmer left on his skin, forming a protective layer on his body like a skin coat.

There are three "nucleuses" in his body and soul, and the cosmic brand is the most important one. Both the body brand and the rune yin and yang fish are under his control.This is actually a relationship between "headquarters" and "divisions". "Headquarters" issues orders, and "divisions" execute orders.

However, the reason why he withdrew the golden energy field was not because Tiasama regarded him as Tiapolo, but in this environment it would cause a huge consumption, and this consumption is worthless, he only needs one Ding Dian ’s eternal energy is enough to protect the body from toxins, and there is no need to fight the energy field of the entire Abyss.What's more, he is not an opponent even if he wants to fight him.The reason is simple. If he is likened to a lamp, then the Abyss of Death is a city, and a lamp cannot illuminate the entire city shrouded in darkness.

Putting away the golden energy field, Xia Lei reached out to grab Tiasama's arm and lifted her up.

Tiasama dared to look at Xia Lei, but her eyes were still full of awe and believer-like piety, and she dared not speak.Her tail wobbled gently behind her ass, which seemed to be a well-behaved gesture.

There was a smile on the corner of Xia Lei's mouth, "Tia, I'm not the great Tia Polo, I'm just his apostle. You don't have to do this, you just need to get along with me normally."

Tiasama shook her head, but after seeing Xia Lei's mouth curled up, she nodded again.

Xia Lei said with a smile: "Then let's move on, last time you were sent here, this is the deepest point you reached, right?"

Tiasama said: "Yes, this is where I stumbled into the Abyss of Death, and then I was sent out, but I don't know what happened."

Xia Lei's eyes moved to the distance, "Maybe we can find the answer, let's go."

"Hmm!" Tiasama responded forcefully.

The two went on.

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