Super Vision

1749 Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1749

Tongque Temple.

In the holographic projection, the sky, which was still a little light, was being swallowed by darkness.Not only the sky, but the earth.The devouring darkness chased from behind, very fast.

In front, the black desert has reached the end, and mountains rising from the ground stand on the ground.The rolling mountains also gave a hint that the legendary desire goddess Medesa ’s territory, the abyss of desire, was not far in front.

"My master, that darkness is an energy." The think tank Amido's tone was slightly heavy. "It's very powerful. We may be in trouble."

"Which fool would it be?" Ho Fang's voice said, "No matter which fool I am, my most beautiful master, a loyal servant is willing to fight for you!"

"Fight you, that's Diarro, the death." Xia Lei said: "Are you still going to fight?"

Ok Fang closed his mouth tightly.

In fact, even if the other party is a soldier, it dare not play on behalf of the suspended city.The reason why it is fighting is only because of its broken mouth.

Xia Lei looked at the dark energy chased by the tail, and a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth, "It's really fast, even chasing here."

This also seems to explain a situation, as I have told him that Princess Yongye may know the existence of that mission, and only then can he come here.Princess Yongye once doubted it for a long time, and now obviously doubted him too.

The god of death Di Luo has already chased, will Princess Yongye be far behind?

A bloody light suddenly appeared in the holographic projection, it came out of the darkness, the flames raged.The flame ignited the dark sky, so striking.

The immortal flamingo is coming.

On its back, a black figure also appeared.Black gauze covers her face, never revealing her face.Princess Yong Ye in a black suit was so pure black, even the skin was not exposed.Sitting on the back of the blazing undead flamingo, she has a powerful momentum that dominates the entire dark world.

Immediately behind the undead flamingo, a dense knight appeared in the dark sky.All the dead beasts in the air roared, and the sound was like a ghost calling for death, which made people creepy.

"She is reminding me that she is here." Xia Lei said.

If you leave the base and fly at full speed, Princess Yongye and Diyaro cannot catch up with him.But it was delayed because of the wedding with Diao Chan, so that this passive situation now appears.But he didn't regret it at all. Between the first step and marrying Diao Chan, if he asked him to choose again, he would still choose the latter.

The Abyss of Desire enters both early and late, and Princess Yongye and Diarro have to face sooner or later, but marrying Diao Chan is the only time in his life.

"My master, are we going directly into the abyss of desire according to the original plan, or do we need to change?" Asked the think tank Amido.

Xia Lei thought for a moment and said, "First, fly over the abyss of desire, and do not enter for the time being, just observe the situation and talk about it."

The suspended city accelerated, and rolling hills flew back and forth.Behind it, darkness is oppressed as if the sky and earth were pouring, and the undead flamingo that lights the night sky is like a lighthouse in the world of death, summoning the dead souls beneath the scene.

On the back of the undead flaming bird burning flames, Princess Yongye's eyes locked in the direction of the abyss of desire, but she could not see the floating city flying at 1.5 micro-dimensions.

Ding Ding Ding ...

The rune blood crystals around the waist suddenly made a crisp sound, and the energy rune flashed.

Princess Yongye suddenly sneered, "You are here! This time, I see where you are going!"

Suspended city copper bird palace.

Xia Lei's eyes are also locked on Princess Yongye. In the surveillance video of the suspended city, the undead firebird and the flame of Yongye are a very small existence. Compared with the darkness that swallows the sky, the proportion is really small. However, in his sight, the undead Firebird Burning Flame and Princess Yongye are like in front of his eyes.The biscuit-sized rune blood crystal shuddered, the energy rune flickered, and what the Princess Yongye said to herself did not escape his eyes.

"Does that rune blood crystal have the ability to track? If so, then it's trouble." Xia Lei was surprised.

A large mountain suddenly appeared in front of the flying trajectory of the suspended city.

Xia Lei's mouth opened when he saw them, and he couldn't close it.

That is a real mountain, no matter which peak has a height of more than 100,000 meters, and the mountains flying over the city are almost 10,000 meters in height. Compared with these mountains, it is like a small pitiful soil. mound.

These mountains lie in front and stretch into a piece, giving people a feeling like the wall of this world.Inside the wall is the world of mortals, and behind the wall is the world of gods.

These strange huge mountains suddenly reminded Xia Lei of the serpentine grass sacrifice description of the abyss of desire. He said that there was a river in the abyss of desire, and the end of the river was the world of gods.Now these mountains have shaken his downright atheist, and some doubt whether there will be a river in the abyss of desire, and the end of the river is the world of gods?

"How come I have such a strange idea that the grass sacrifice obviously has not been to the abyss of desire, he said that the abyss of desire is on a plain, but there are such strange mountains here. He said that if there is a river, there is a river? What is the world of gods, and his statements are just from some legendary stories. "Xia Lei thought to himself.

The height of the floating city was raised, and it flew over the frontmost mountain.

There are no trees in these mountains, all black rocks.This is the forbidden place of life, without the slightest breath of life.

Suddenly, a huge crack appeared in the holographic projection for the mountain.From east to west, it can't see the end at a glance.It's width is also invisible.Xia Lei's first impression was that the earth suddenly came to an end. This endless crack is the end. Below it is the endless abyss where everything is buried!

However, a smaller proportion of holographic projections soon appeared in the holographic projection of the suspended city.In this holographic projection, the opposite side of the crack appeared. It was indeed a plain, a black plain, and looked forward endlessly.The dominating system of the Suspended City also gave an accurate number. The average width of the Abyss of Desire is 300 kilometers, and the length of the head and tail is more than 50,000 kilometers.

This length is longer than the equator of the earth.

Beep beep ...

The master system suddenly sounded a rapid alarm sound.

The think tank Amido was suddenly nervous, "Master, the unknown energy boundary wall was detected, we ..."

"Stop!" Xia Lei decisively ordered.

Everywhere this place reveals a strange breath, and there is a dangerous hunch in his heart.The abyss of desire is a more dangerous existence than chasing soldiers in the back.

Suspended city stopped, a little bit forward was the abyss of desire.Behind, the devouring darkness and undead flamingos and the Sky Knights are quickly chasing.There were unknown dangers before, and tigers afterwards, and the suspended city suddenly fell into a dilemma.

But stopping is not a way. The rune blood crystal on Princess Yongye is very likely to be able to detect the location of the floating city.Once that happens, if the death god Diarro covers the sky, turning this place into an absolute realm controlled by him, the floating city will once again fall into the dangerous situation when he first came to the dark world of death!

"My most beautiful master, that god of death ... coming soon!" Ho Fang stared at the rapidly spreading dark field in the holographic projection, nervous.

"Send scout robots and enter the abyss of desire." Xia Lei ordered.

"The order has been executed," said the think tank Amido.

The energy boundary wall of the floating city opened a gap, and a metal ball was launched.As soon as it flew out of the energy boundary wall, it opened immediately and transformed into a flying robot with wings.Even if the Cybertron civilization was created by the Ling people, how can the Suspended City develop without reconnaissance robots with transformation capabilities?In fact, think tank Amido has been researching and creating robots belonging to the suspended city, different types of robots.Now the Robot Corps of the Suspended City is no longer just an engineering robot and a robot loading vehicle, but also a deformable reconnaissance robot, a large aircraft robot that can fly, and a combat aircraft that can be deformed.

The opened reconnaissance robot plunged into the energy wall of the abyss of desire five seconds later.


An explosion sound shattered the absolute silence of the world.

The reconnaissance robot launched by Suspended City was squeezed and exploded at the moment of entering the energy boundary wall, and the extremely strong alloy body turned into powder!

The think tank Amido and Ho Fang also had dumbfounded expressions on their faces.

This abyss of desire is really a fierce place!

In such a situation, how can the suspended city rush into the energy boundary of the Desire Canyon?Hundreds of thousands of souls live in this sky city, as well as his six wives!

The blue figure suddenly appeared in the Tongque Palace.

"Open the energy boundary wall, I will lead them away." Shen Yueru said.

But in this dilemma, Xia Lei smiled, "Shenyue, it's enough to have you. How can such a thing be done by a woman, let me go."

Shenyueru frowned, "You want to go out alone?"

Xia Lei said, "Diablo, the Undead Firebird and its owner, Princess Yongye, are not much different from your energy attributes. If you go there is no help, I can restrain it. They, let me go. You can stay here and protect my wife. "

"Can you miss your woman?" Shen Yueru said.

Xia Lei said: "The think tank Amido, I now give you the right to control the floating city, act at your own pace!"

"Understood!" The think tank Amido responded in a deep voice.

"What about me?" Haofang stared at Xia Lei, who seemed to have a heart eager to fight.

Xia Lei walked past it and patted his square head. "Take your milk box and go to the husband to get milk. I'll come back and drink."

Good way, "..."

Xia Lei walked out of Tongque Temple, his feet stepped on the ground and flew into the sky.

If there is no retreat, then kill a way!

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