Super Vision

1752 Chapter 1752 Desire Abyss, Real Dream!

The body fell like a meteorite, and the sense of weightlessness was very strong. Xia Lei wanted to prop up the energy wing, but in a panic, he was absorbed by the energy shield supported by the blood crystals of Yin and Yang Runes.In just a little while, his body crashed to the ground.What made him feel speechless was that the energy shield supported by the blood crystals of the Yin and Yang Runes did not disappear, always protecting him, so that when he fell to the ground, he bounced like an inflatable cushion for several times before stopping.

Surrounded by darkness where you can't see your fingers, it takes a little time for your eyes to adjust to this environment.During this process, his eyes began to shine, a bit of cat's eyes at night.

There was a gurgling sound of water in his ear, and his heart moved, and he suddenly remembered what the grass sacrifice said, "Is there really a river? At the end of the river is the world of gods?"

His eyes quickly adapted to the darkness and could clearly see the surrounding environment.He saw the murmur of the river clearly.It wasn't actually a river, but a small stream that passed by. It was about slap wide and the water was shallow.

He also discovered that he did not actually fall to the bottom of the abyss, but on a cliff, he was at least a few hundred meters above the bottom.

The stream beside him flowed down from the cliff, forming a miniature waterfall.

The home of the waterfall is a river, a big river, and the sound of the water coming from the bottom of the abyss can be heard faintly. The sound gives people a feeling of rapid flow.He stood up and looked up in the direction of the water. The river was thousands of meters long and meandering, and he could not see the end at a glance.

"According to Princess Yongye's statement, and my experience just now, it is almost impossible for anyone to come in this place, so how did the legend about the abyss of desire spread? I thought the grass sacrifice was wrong, but the One side is indeed a plain, and there is indeed a river here. "Xia Lei felt more and more suspicious.

The cliff under the cliff is ninety degrees vertical, the rock wall is smooth, there is no tree on the cliff, and a grass grows.There is no living creature in this space, but it is strange that there is a little vitality here.It makes people feel that there may be some creatures lurking in a dark corner, and they will rush out and choose people to eat.

After observing the environment, Xia Lei activated the energy brand among the masters, and then contacted the suspended city.In the past, this process was almost negligible. He could establish contact with the suspended city through the master, give orders, and even remotely control the suspended city.But this time it failed, he tried several times in a row and failed to establish contact with the suspended city!

This has never happened before.

He clearly remembered that when he was hit by the death god Diarro against the energy boundary wall of the abyss of desire, the blood crystals of the Yin and Yang runes tore a huge gap. At that time, his connection with the floating city was not broken, so he Knowing that the think tank Amido controlled the floating city into the abyss of desire.Now the energy wall of the Abyss of Desire was closed, but he could not reach the floating city.

This situation made him full of worry, even fear, in case of any accident in the suspended city, his six wives and hundreds of thousands of people were in it!

But he quickly calmed down, and then he lifted the energy shield supported by the Yin and Yang runes and blood crystals.He must try it. If there is nothing unusual about lifting the energy shield supported by the Yin and Yang runes and blood crystals for him, then it will not matter if the floating city comes in.Nothing else, just because the energy shield supported by the Yin and Yang runes and blood crystals for him is so strong that he cannot really understand the special environment of the abyss of desire.

The energy shield supported by the Yin and Yang runes and blood crystals disappeared, and the cold air crowded from all directions, instantly filling the space left by the energy shield.In an instant, Xia Lei felt like he had come to the tropical rain forest.The air here is humid and stuffy, and the skin will feel sticky when it comes in contact with it.There are toxins in the air, but the oxygen content is not low.He also sensed that there is an energy factor flowing in the air. It flows like the big river at the bottom of the abyss, flowing in the same direction to the depths of the abyss.

Except for this abnormality, everything else was normal, and the result relieved him.

"I walked forward to find it. At this time, the think tank Amido must also be anxious because I can't reach me. It said that it would not necessarily send a robot to search for me. When I find a robot that searches for me, I can find the suspension. City. "Xia Lei thought, and then jumped off the cliff.

After a few seconds, Xia Lei's feet stood on the ground at the bottom of the abyss.He was not far from the big river, and a tiny waterfall that had fallen down from the cliff hit the river, splashing flowers.A damp, rotten gust of wind suddenly blew across the river, across his face.

At that moment, Xia Lei's eyes suddenly shone a tremendous golden light, and the dark scene in front of him disappeared instantly, replaced by a beautiful scenery.The big river beside him was rippling, and every wave was rendered golden and golden by the sunlight.The beaches on both sides of the river are covered with grass, and there are beautiful flowers that have never been seen before.There is a villa not far away, blue bricks and gray tiles, antique and antique.The walls of the villa were covered with roses, and the red roses bloomed particularly luxuriantly, and the wall became a wall of flowers.

This is obviously not true. Xia Lei shook his head hard, trying to clear the illusion in front of him.However, the illusion in front of him that shook his head several times still existed, not only did not disappear, but more details.He saw a group of fish swimming in the big river. That is the Asian Koi he is familiar with. It is colorful and particularly eye-catching.Then he looked at the man standing in the front yard of the villa, with a tall and burly back, but unfortunately he could not see his face.

A boat came from behind him, with four people sitting on the boat.Seeing their faces, he was suddenly shocked on the spot.

The four people on the boat were strange to him. They were South Korean Park Tae-yong, American Marcus, English Amanda, and Congo's black Bagu.These four people are all members of the zodiac team that died in battle, and they are comrades in the earth period who can give life to his family.

How can dead people appear here?

Even hallucinations are not normal!

Xia Lei shook his head vigorously, but the boat still existed, and the four people on the boat were all there, and no one would be blurred when it disappeared.His shaking his head is actually a habitual movement. His brain has super self-protection and immunity. No matter what kind of illusion, a sober thought can be cleared, but this time it cannot be cleared.

"Hey! Boss!" Amanda punched Xia Lei, who was standing by the river, and was very happy. "Why are you here?"

"I ..." Xia Lei wanted to answer her, but his consciousness clearly told him that she didn't exist, she was only his illusion, if he talked to her, he would only get trapped in this illusion deep.It was at this time that he mobilized fuzzy energy into the brain to help the brain stay awake, and had driven out hallucinations.He hasn't done this for a long time, this time the illusion came so fierce, he had to use this tough method.

However, nothing has changed.

Park Taiyong picked up a twine with a looper at one end.He threw it away, and the looper was set on a rock by the river.The boat slipped a few meters and ten meters down the river and landed.

"Hey! Boss, you have turned white." Park Taiyong got off the boat and joked with Xia Lei, "Aren't you going to my hometown for beauty treatment?"

Xia Lei still had the urge to talk to him.

"Boss, what's wrong with you? Why don't you speak?" Bagu said, looking concerned.

Marcus habitually took out a cigar and lit it with a Zippo lighter.He smoked a cigar, then sprayed a smoke ring in the direction of Xia Lei, and said with a smile: "Boss, are you going to have a collector's edition of a Cuban cigar? This is fun, give me a Brazilian girl No change. "

The smoke ring of the cigar fell on Xia Lei's face, fragrant, with a bit of buttery butter that Americans often have.

If it is an illusion, will there be the smell of these smokes, or even the tone?

In an instant Xia Lei was shaken. He even suspected that they existed.

"What's wrong with you? You worry me." Amanda stepped up and embraced Xia Lei with open arms.

Xia Lei felt her body temperature clearly, as well as her soft and elastic chest, and even her breath that fell on his face, with a bit of chewing gum.Then the line of defense built in his heart collapsed.

"Why ... how are you here?" Xia Lei asked, and he began to suspect that the four of them were from the past, and that some powerful dark existence had drawn them from the past time and space.

"We? Haha!" Marcus said with a smile: "We don't know, but we like this place."

Amanda said: "We can't reach you, are you here to find us?"

"Don't talk, go back, the dad should prepare the meal, we can eat and chat at the table." Park Taiyong said.

The word "Dad" entered Xia Lei's ear, and the whole person shivered slightly, and his eyes moved to the villa.The tall and burly back was slowly turning around, and his face also entered his sight.His eyes were suddenly wet, and the man standing in the front yard was his father Xia Changhe.

"Lei Zi! Come here!" Xia Changhe waved his hand, and his voice was very loud.

With this sound of thunder, the only vigilance in Xia Lei's heart disappeared, and tears came out of his eyes.Although he has no blood relationship with Xia Changhe, in his heart Xia Changhe is his biological father.The most painful thing for ordinary people is Zi Zi's support and absence.At the beginning, he was unable to protect Xia Changhe, but now he has it, but Xia Changhe is not there.

"Go and go, or dad will scold people again." Bagu said.

Xia Lei followed the four of them to the villa.

The big river is still rippling, the sun is falling on the river, and a golden spot is floating, just like a dream.

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