Super Vision

1769 1769 The Legendary Ghost People?

A city appeared in the gray and black plain. It appeared like a building block on a huge carpet, and it was rotting and moldy building block.

Suspended city copper bird palace.

"Master, that's what I call Linyuan City." Medesar pointed to the ruins of the ancient city in the holographic projection.

Xia Lei's eyes moved to the ancient city in the holographic projection, which was actually a ruin barely showing the outline of the city.It is very large, dozens of square kilometers, even if it is placed on the earth, this size is also a medium-sized city with a population of millions.

"Why did the night watchman destroy this city?" Xia Lei was a little curious. "Across the 40,000-kilometer-long abyss of desire, the ghost people can't threaten the night watcher's interests at all, but the night watchman has destroyed this place. Sha, do you know why? "

Medesa recalled, "A long time ago, I met a few ghosts who had escaped. At that time, I just ate so much that I didn't eat them when I saw them pitifully. I turned into a goddess and helped They solved a little trouble. Later, they talked about the story of the night watchman destroying Linyuan City, saying yes ... say yes ... "

She seems to have forgotten the important content, but remembers the "look of the goddess" very clearly.

Long said: "It's your mom, yes, do you really think you are a goddess?"

Medesar pointed to the dragon boy in the corner of her head and said, "Master, look at him."

Xia Lei, "..."

He felt that what he got was not two powerful ancient creatures, but an aunt who sold vegetables in the vegetable market and a butcher who killed pigs.

"Is there any ghost people living in this city?" Shen Yueru said.

"Unclear, don't you know if you look down?" Medesar said: "Master, let's take a look, I am familiar with it."

Xia Lei was a little emotional.There may be surviving ghosts living in the ruins of Linyuan City. He may also find out why the night watchman attacked and destroyed Linyuan City.Seeing the night watchman destroying Linyuan City at all does not need any reason at all, but he has an intuition, that is, the night watcher ’s aggressive war against the ghost people hides an unspeakable secret, and that secret is very likely. It's about the abyss of desire, about that mission.

The think tank Amido said: "Master, I do n’t recommend landing and exploring this ruined city. When we leave, that powerful dark energy is destroying the energy barrier when we leave, it can break the energy barrier on one side, that It can break the energy barrier on the other side. It is not far from the abyss of desire. Once we stay, the chasing soldiers of the Black Sun Empire may catch up with us. "

Xia Lei thought about it for a while, and then made a decision, "The Suspended City will continue to move forward. I will go into the city and look at it. Medesa and the dragon will go with me. You are responsible for protecting the Suspended City in Shenyue. Can come over and tell me as soon as possible. "

Under this decision, Suspended City continued to fly forward, and Xia Lei brought Medesa and Dragon to the ruins of Linyuan City.

Linyuan City built a wall, but most of it was destroyed.Although the "long and long" time has passed, walking at the foot of the city wall can still see traces of being blown away by dark energy or powerful dead beasts.

After passing through the ruins of a collapsed city wall, a street greeted us.The streets paved with slabs of stone were faintly recognizable, but there were gray wild grass in the cracks.The dense wild grass covered almost half of the slate, and walking on it had a soft feeling of walking on the grass.

Most of the buildings on both sides of the street collapsed, and the wood has been weathered clean, leaving only large and small square stone bricks.Occasionally, you can see a relatively complete house with a frame hole in the door and window, but there is nothing in the house.After all, "a long, long time" has passed, even the ceramics have weathered into sand.The reason why those stone bricks survived is that there is no obvious weathering phenomenon, that is because most of them are the stones of the past.

It is also because of the large number of past stones that there is a very special energy field.Walking in the ruins of Linyuan City, Xia Lei had the illusion of walking in the past.Sometimes he even had the illusion that he was walking home from school.Dad Xia Changhe has already prepared dinner, waiting for him to go home for dinner.However, this illusion is slight and can be easily eliminated.

One street after another was left behind, and the city square of Linyuan City appeared in front.It was a very large square, with an area of ​​almost a few square kilometers, which could accommodate millions of people, that is, the entire ghost town of Linyuan City could gather here.

Standing next to the square, Xia Lei couldn't help but secretly said: "Building such a large square can accommodate all the people in the city to gather here, can't there be no reason? Is it related to what faith?"

It is impossible to build such a large square for square dance or for a walk.I do n’t know why Xia Lei ’s mind popped up with a picture of the pilgrimage to Mecca on Earth. It was the largest religious pilgrimage on the planet. Pilgrimage, the scene is not spectacular.The square is obviously larger and can accommodate more people for religious activities similar to the pilgrimage of Mecca.

If ghost people worship a god here, who would it be?

"Medissa, what's the name of this square?" Xia Lei casually asked.

Medesah shook her head, "I don't know."

"Then do you know that ghost people have religious beliefs? If so, what gods do they believe in?" Xia Lei exchanged a question.

"Giggle ..." Medesa smiled innocently. "Of course it is the goddess of desire and love, it's me."

Xia Lei frowned slightly, he thought his question was superfluous.With such a presence in Medesas, how could it care about what a square in a ruin does?How is it possible to care what religious beliefs the ghost people have?

Xia Lei's eyes moved to the opposite side of the square, under the dim sky, where a pile of huge rocks stood, and a few huge stone columns stood.The stone pillars were incomplete, some were broken from them, and some were skewed, and could fall down at any time.

It seems to be a destroyed temple.

Xia Lei moved his heart and said, "Let's go and see."

It is indeed a temple. With the size of several huge stone pillars still standing, and the huge stones lying on the ground, it is not difficult to imagine what it used to be.

After a general observation, Xia Lei found no clue about the religious beliefs of the ghost people.There are no carvings related to religious beliefs, and no statues remain, just a huge pile of stones.And all are the past stones, but the quality is very low, the lowest past stones, the energy of the past attributes contained is extremely low.

Xia Lei's eyes moved to a pile of collapsed stones, he released a trace of fuzzy energy, and then plunged into the pile of mountainous stones.The perspective of the perspective will meet the obstacles of the stone in the past. Even if the perspective can be completed in the end, it is also a laborious thing, and it is far better than using energy detection.

That trace of fuzzy energy shuttles through the pile of stones, and then feeds him back the information inside the pile of stones, and his brain simulates the image of the inside of the pile of stones based on the information collected by the trace of blurry energy.He soon found several idols in the pile of stone, black idols, some male and female, some without head, some without hands, some without feet, and some of them broke to the ground.

A fairly well-preserved idol was completely constructed in his brain. At that moment, Xia Lei's breathing stopped, and his open mouth couldn't fit.

The first day of one of the six creators was simulated in his brain.

He has seen six creators in the image information stored in the rune blood crystal ball, remembering the characteristics of each of them, he remembers from the first day to the sixth day.Therefore, when the first day of the idol was constructed in his brain, he recognized it as the first day almost instantly.

"This ... the god of ghost worship and belief turned out to be the creator of the spirit people. What's going on?" Xia Lei was shocked in his heart, and he couldn't understand it.

Shock was shocked, but his brain did not stop building images of five other gods.In addition, images of the five statues were quickly constructed, and without exception they corresponded to the second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth days, respectively.

The emergence of six idols has given the answer. The gods believed by the ghost people are the six creators of the spirit tribe.This also shows that the six creators have really been to the world of darkness and death, and it is not just a trip, they have done a lot of things here.

Then he had a deeper association, "The six creators came to the world of darkness and death and performed their only mission. But they failed in the end, and the box of the world was shattered, so there was a mission to find fragments behind!"

What did the six creators do in the dark world of death?

Why do ghost people believe in the six creators?

He solved some confusion, but these two doubts.


The sound of breaking the sky came suddenly.

Not waiting for Xia Lei to move, the dragon cut across and punched him.


A huge bone spear instantly turned into powder.

But this is just the beginning.

Swish swish!

A bone spear and bone-made arrows flew from the ruins on the other side of the temple, with raindrops like secrets.

At this moment, Xia Lei also saw people throwing bone spears and arrows, perhaps not humans.Their bodies are very short, similar to the size of the Dieren, but without wings.They are all gray, and they are exactly the same as the gray main color of the Eternal Plain.They have a naked upper body and only a straw skirt around their waists. The naked upper body and thighs have terrible muscles.They also have a common feature, that is, without exception, they have very long and thick beards and bloody eyes.

This is the legendary ghost people?

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