Super Vision

1772 1772 The Sixth God Arrives

The Genesis City is as calm as ever, with different forms of ghost people moving in different areas.The city centers where the six regions meet also play a market role, where there are many different forms of ghost people engaged in commercial activities.

There are giants who walk slowly but take a long step, and they sell meat and meat products.

There are well-dressed, decent silver metal men.But they are not robots made up of parts, but life forms with metallic characteristics. They have souls and emotions.The metal with life, which only exists in science fiction and science fiction movies on earth, but the metal man here already has soul and emotion.They sell metal products, weapons and tools for different purposes.

There are very strong stone men whose physique is second only to giants. Of course, they are not real rocks, but life forms with the characteristics of rocks.They sell materials for building houses and cities, and have their unique architectural skills.

There are half-human and half-ape apes, they are also tall, strong, and have strong limbs and hair. They are good at climbing but not good at walking.They sell forest-related products, fruits and wood products.

There are winged people with huge membranes. Their bodies are thin and thin. The membrane wings on their backs are very similar to those of bats.There is a tall stone pillar on the roof of the house in the area where they live. Those stone pillars are the footing point for them to return home, and also the place where they worship the Six Gods.They sell knitwear, from clothes to exquisite armor.

There are also earth-diggers, who are short and have the talented earth-digging ability, but such "god-given" ability does not bring them the corresponding respect and status.Among the six different forms of ghost people, they are the most obscure and the weakest group.They sell different kinds of ore collected from underground.

This square is actually a streamlined miniature of ghost people's civilization. Different creators have created different forms of ghost people, and given different forms of ghost people different capabilities.This cooperative creation allows Genesis City to be self-sufficient and develop steadily even though it is in a closed and secret space.

Ghosts of different forms gather in the square in front of the pyramid for business activities. Without money, their transactions are the simplest but fairest barter.Although the scale is not large, the scene is very lively.

"Dad Liu Tusheng, have you dug anything good?" A metal man asked Liu Tusheng.

Liu Tusheng didn't seem to hear what the metal man said to him. He looked up at the top of the ladder and seemed to be expecting something.

The metal man was a little displeased. "What's so great about a digger? My three swords can't afford to talk to you. What are you talking about?"

Liu Tusheng recovered, and he hurriedly withdrew his gaze from the top of the dark blue ladder.He looked at the three swords with a disgruntled look, and his expression was a bit confused, "It turned out to be a big brother, what did you just say? Sorry, I didn't hear it."

"Humph!" The three swords snorted coldly, "What big man do you pretend to be? In the creation city, in addition to our gold men seeing you, who can see you? Oh wrong, you can't see inside, haha, you are too short ! "

The gold man needs the ore of the earth digger, so it seems polite to the earth digger, but once they annoy them, they are often arrogant and tend to despise the earth digger more than the other four forms of ghosts.

The satire of the Three Great Swords suddenly caused laughter from a group of gold traders in the market, and their laughter attracted other forms of ghosts to come and visit.Some of those ghosts were laughing, and some were full of contempt.The square market, which was originally lively enough, is even more lively now.

Liu Tusheng was guilty. He didn't expect that the three swords would get angry with him like this, and the words were so bitter and harsh.He was very angry in his heart, but he was accustomed to forbearance.

"What are you talking about?" A young earth-digger who followed Liu Tusheng said angrily: "Pay attention to your words! It is our patriarch who stands before you!"

The eyes of the three swords were full of disdain, "Patriarch? What about the patriarch? Everyone knows that you are superfluous in this city, and you don't need to exist at all."

"I warn you!" The young earth-digger pointed at the three swords. "From today, don't think about buying another piece of ore from our earth-digger!"

"Haha! It seems as though our gold man cannot leave you, we can mine ore without you. Also, the stone man can mine ore. You are not irreplaceable, we gold man is looking at you to dig earth The pitiful, so I only deal with you, but you guys dare to threaten us, who gives you the courage? "The three swords choked, and the words were still bitter and harsh.

The young earth-digger pointed at the three swords, and his fingers were shaking, "You ... Do you know that we are today ..."

Liu Tusheng suddenly grabbed the young soil digger's wrist and pressed his hand down, "Liuyaer, forget it, this kind of thing was not encountered on the first day, who will go."

"But ... the patriarch! They are too bullying!" The young earth-digger known as Liuyaer said angrily: "We are also the people of the Six Gods. Why do they look down upon us and bully us like this?"

"Shut up." Liu Tusheng scolded.

Liuyaer closed his mouth, but his face was full of stubbornness and humiliation.Young and vigorous, who has suffered such insults?

"Let me be fair." A brown stone figure came out of the crowd.

Liu Tusheng politely said: "It turned out to be the Wuyan patriarch, thank you for your justice."

The stone man known as Wuyan said: "I have seen the whole process. Six natives, you have something wrong with this. The three swords of others say hello to you, but you don't pay attention and show your patriarch. Value. In my opinion, you diggers really have nothing to show. "

This is the fair words of Wuyan.

The anger in Liu Tusheng's heart rose again, he could not feel a little fair, he felt full of maliciousness.

A lively wing man said: "It is said that when the Six Gods created us, the best materials and wisdom were used in giants, wing men, gold men, stone men, and ape men. There is no good material to the Six Gods. And there are very few inferior materials left, so the Six Gods just made a squeeze out of the earth digger, so the earth digger was so short. "

The onlookers laughed loudly.

Racial discrimination exists everywhere.On the earth, white people discriminate against people of color, such as black people and yellow people. Cultural discrimination does not have culture, rich people discriminate against money, and even people living in different places can discriminate against people in other places.This kind of bad habit obviously also exists in the genesis city. Because it is ugly, and its ability is enough, the digger naturally becomes the object of discrimination.

"I think you should really leave Genesis City and live in your Linyuan City. You shouldn't be back at first." Said a giant onlookers, his voice was very loud and could be heard from far away.

"Why can't we live here? We are also the people of the Six Gods!" Liuyaer couldn't control his emotions. "This city is given by the Six Gods, and each race has its own territory! And, we The Sixth God has returned, and you will pay for your arrogance and prejudice! "

"Liuyaer! You" Liu Tusheng slapped on Liuyaer's face with a slap, a snapping sound, and a few finger marks suddenly appeared on the face.

Liuyaer suddenly remembered what Xia Lei said. He panicked and knelt in front of Liutusheng. "The patriarch I was wrong, I was wrong. I forgot the sixth voice, I ... Damn it!"

Liu Tusheng raised his arm again, but the second slap did not draw, but just said angrily: "I will hand you over to the Sixth God!"

Liuyaer lowered his head and dared not speak.

"Hahaha! Are you performing?" Wu Yan said sarcastically: "But I have to say, you acted well."

"The ability of the earth-digger is not actually earth-digging, but performance." The three swords echoed.

"I think they are here to blaspheme the creation city, they should really be driven out of the creation city and let them go back to their Linyuan city." Giant said.

"But the digger's face is as thick as their scalp. They won't move away. Am I right? Six natives." The wingman said provocatively.

He didn't even call the patriarch, and the head of the earth-digger was still the same in his eyes, not to mention the ordinary earth-digger?

This is the status quo of the excavator created by the Sixth God.

"Six Natives, didn't your people say that the Sixth God is here? Where? I haven't seen it for a long time. Where is it? Where?" The three swords looked up at the sky while talking. , Silver's head dangled, as if looking for the sixth god.

"Hahaha ..." A voice of laughter.


There was a loud noise suddenly in the deep blue sky, like a thunder on a sunny day.

The noisy square bazaar was instantly quiet, and all the ghosts raised their heads and looked at the direction from the loud noise.


A group of colorful energy light blooms deep in the sky, and the light diffuses in all directions like the essence.In the center of Chen Yuanyuan's energy light, a figure is looming.He slowly descended with colorful energy, getting clearer and clearer.His skin was crystal clear and flawless.His face was blurry, and a faint blue light of energy appeared, like his eyes and his lips.

All the ghost people were stunned, forgot to breathe, forgot their heartbeat.

For the ghost people in the creation city, the Six Gods are actually very far away. No one has ever seen the real Six Gods.However, everything about the Six Gods in the Creation City has been completely preserved, including the story of the Six Gods creating this city and the six forms of ghosts, including the appearance of the Six Gods and so on.Therefore, when you see the presence of colorful falling from the sky, all the ghost people you see actually have a standard answer, that is, one of the six gods is born!

Ps: Thank you ZM Shanshui, that has been impure, 214487953qq friends reward, thank you. I have caught a cold these days and it has been bad. The update is a bit delayed. Please forgive me.

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