Super Vision

1797 Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1797

Perhaps it was too happy that the civilians and slaves of Takayama City had to drink all the wine, so that the drunken people were everywhere on the streets and squares of the city, as well as the people lying on the ground and crying for sleep.

All civilians will no longer have to pay taxes and military service, and all debts will be written off.Know that before Xia Lei's liberation of Gaoshan City, most of their income will be searched by the government and nobles, and the remaining little is even poor to maintain food and clothing.Now there is no tax, and the money owed to the government and nobles is also written off. How can they be unhappy?

For the slaves, it was a turning point of fate. Before Xia Lei's liberation of Takayama, they were so humble that they were inferior to animals. They did the most dirty and tiring work but could not eat enough of their stomachs. They were also bullied by their masters. If you are not careful, you will be slaughtered like a beast.Now that Xia Lei has liberated Takayama City, all the slaves have become free men and can start a new life. How can they be unhappy?

"Dragon King is our savior, I want to follow him, I want to join his army!"

"Although we are free, we do not have any property or work. If we want to eat, we have to find a job. Join the army of the Dragon King. Not only can we get enough food, but we can also get a salary!"

The city is full of civilians and slaves gathered in the main palace for this reason.

Is the war terrible?It must be terrible, but there is no fear of hunger in warfare. When the torture and fear of hunger reach the extreme, even people can eat it, or even eat it!

Therefore, even if it is known that joining the army of Xia Lei is against the entire Black Empire, it is likely to die on the battlefield, but there are still many civilians and slaves who want to join Xia Lei's army.

"Dragon King, there are a lot of slaves and civilians outside, and they want to join our army." The commander of the Zhenye Legion's Devil May Cry brought the situation outside.

Xia Lei said: "Accept, accept them. We set up a group army of civilians and slaves. Although they are very weak, they will become the army with the largest number of ghosts. We will liberate more cities, and there will be more in the future. More people join us. "

"Yes, I will deal with it immediately." Devil Cry said.

"Tell them that they joined the rebellious army of the ghost kingdom, and the commander-in-chief of their group army is ..." Xia Lei thought for a moment before saying, "Shenyueruyi."

Devil Cry nodded and turned away.

Regarding who will lead the rebel army in the dark world of death, Xia Lei just thought of several characters, the four members he chose, the father Xia Changhe, and even Medesa and the dragon.But in a blink of an eye, he denied these characters. The father and the four members of the Chinese zodiac team were intercepted by him to open their hearts. They let them enjoy life, not let them fight. Not to mention the war in this world. As far as they are concerned, they just can't help.As for Medesar and the dragon, the two powerful archaic creatures were even more inappropriate. He didn't want Medesa and the dragon to carry his rebel soldiers into their mouths.

As soon as Devil Cry went out to announce, there was a voice of cheering and praise in the whole square.

In the city's main palace, Xia Lei said to the ruler: "Amido, land the city of the sun, just hang in the air, don't crush the houses of Takayama City. In addition, prepare a temporary station, and have a lot of food for us Resistance soldiers. "

"Rebels?" Amido, the think tank, said with a little surprise.

Xia Lei said: "They are civilians and slaves in Takayama City, and they want to join us. You also need to have an armed plan to design and manufacture them with weapons suitable for their use. Even if they are civilians and slaves, I want to use them Fight to become a victorious army! "

"Yes, my master." Think tank Amido's voice.

The city of the sun then emerged from the void and then landed slowly, but instead of flattening the high mountain city, it hovered at a height of tens of meters.A troop-carrying spacecraft flew down from the lower city, ready to pick up civilians and slaves who joined the resistance.

The city of the sun appeared, and the troop-carrying spaceships were generally flying around. This scene is not spectacular.Seeing this dreamlike sky city is equivalent to seeing the strength of Xia Lei.Some people who are still hesitating no longer hesitate, but also shouted to join the resistance.

It can be predicted that as Xia Lei liberates more cities, the number of rebels belonging to the Sun City will increase.One million masters?That's just cardinal!

A true night knight who was responsible for searching the city's main palace came to report that he had found the secret treasure trove of the wild blue.Xia Lei let him lead the way and got up and left the city hall.Under the leadership of the True Night Knight, he came to the inner mansion and entered a corridor.He suddenly stopped when passing by a room, and then motioned the real night knight who led the way to wait.

The real night knight who led the way stopped and looked at Xia Lei curiously, but just looked away.Not everyone who dared to look directly at this terrifying man who killed Diablo, the god of death.

Xia Lei's eyes moved to a door on the side of the corridor, and his eyes penetrated silently.At this moment, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

There are two people in the room, Park Taiyong and Sarah Black.The two people looked at each other, and their eyes were different.Park Taiyong's eyes were full of excitement and desire, while Sarah Black's eyes were obviously seduced and teased.

Park Taiyong is fancy with Sarah Black. She also knows that Park Taiyong is the Dragon King's "good brother". If she can seize this opportunity, she can not only become the owner of Takayama Castle, but also get more and greater benefits!Therefore, while Xia Lei was still talking about things, Sarah blacked Pu Taiyong away, and then appeared in this room.

"What are you waiting for?" Sarah said: "I like you, and I fell in love with you the first time I saw it. You are a gift from the great Dark Lord. I want to be with you."

Park Taiyong obviously could n’t understand what Sarah was talking about. He took out a small electronic device from his trouser pocket and said to the electronic device: "This is the translator my boss gave me. I do n’t know if it ’s good or not. . "

The electronic translator in his hand then translated the sentence he had just spoken into the night watchman's language, and said it in a simulated voice.

This translator is not specially designed and manufactured by Xia Lei for the members of the four zodiac teams, as well as the father and the princess Yong Xuanyue, but designed and manufactured according to the requirements of Daqiao Xiaoqiao and Diao Chan.The three of them could n’t understand what the three aboriginal sisters Nightingale, Heini and Cai Ling said, but they always felt that the three aboriginal sisters were whispering about them behind their backs ... It ’s such a ridiculous reason. And made this translator, it can translate most languages ​​of the dark death world.

Sarah Hey understood what the translator translated, and she couldn't help but chuckled and laughed, "My man, what are you waiting for? I give you everything, you are a gift from the great Dark Lord."

The translator collected her voice and played it out.

Park Taiyong heard it and understood it. He couldn't wait to pounce.

Sarah fell to the ground with her arms around her, and she pulled down her pants while entangled ...

Five seconds, five seconds are over.

Park Taiyong gasped on Sarah Black's body, and Sarah Black's mouth gleamed with a smug smile.

Xia Lei smiled and shook his head, then left the door.

The secret treasury of Barbara is underground. It is a large basement filled with black gold, blood crystals, and various rare and precious treasures. The overall value is amazing.

"Dragon King, how to deal with these treasures?" The real night knight who searched the city's main palace complexly asked.

Xia Lei withdrew his eyes from the search. He thought there would be any special treasures, but they were not there.Of course, this is his own reason. In fact, there are still some valuable and precious treasures in this treasure trove, but his vision is really too high, and he ca n’t even look down on those treasures.It is also true, what other treasures in this world can compare with the Yin and Yang Rune Blood Crystal and the Crown of the True King?

In a short thought, Xia Lei said: "Move back to the city of the sun, you will leave one-tenth and reward all the soldiers who participated in the war."

"Thank you, Dragon King!" The true night knight who was responsible for searching the city's main palace knelt down excitedly, and could not thank the Dragon King for his generosity.

In the square, one troop-carrying spaceship flew to the city of the sun.

The riches and treasures in the wild blue treasury were also packed and sent to the city of the sun.Xia Lei has no interest in money, but asks soldiers to sell their lives and fight for him. He must have sent military pay.This mode of taking down a city and taking away the property of the city's owner and nobility must continue. This is not the long-term, but he does not need the long-term.His time has gone a long way from the time limit of 600 earth days to complete that mission.With 500 earth days left, he could not develop the farming economy, and then surrounded the city from the countryside, right?

Looting, making trouble, this is his strategy!

A colorful figure flew to Xia Lei, who had just walked out of the main palace, and was stopped by several real night knights.

"Dragon King! I ... I have something to tell you!" The colorful figure is a butterfly humanoid woman.

Xia Lei glanced at her, moved her heart, and said aloud, "Let her come."

Several real night knights let go, and the butterfly humanoid woman flew to Xia Lei's side.

Xia Lei saw it at a glance. She should be the person of Cai Jianren, the intelligence person of the Butterfly Clan. He was full of smiles, "My friend, what news did you bring me?"

The Dieren woman responded a little surprised, but then lowered her voice, "Report the Dragon King, we are looking for you one each. The Minister has heard from Doomsday City, and the Black Emperor is ready to choose between the two princes. One……"

"Heir to the throne?"

"No, just pick one to marry Princess Yongye."

"Ah?" Charley was stunned on the spot. Isn't that what it is?

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