Super Vision

1809 1809 Going to the Doomsday City Again

The sky outside the window unwittingly darkened, and the night was coming.But this is not a real night, but a night simulated by the weather system of the Sun City.Xia Lei, sitting in front of the window thinking about the problem, couldn't help but think, when will he be able to return to the earth and return to the Star of Hope to experience the real night?

The homesickness of this homesickness is constantly cut, and the reason is chaotic.

Undead Firebird Burning Flame has promised him, and he will be carried by him to the end capital of the imperial capital.It would be anxious to go to the City of Doom immediately, naturally there will be no hesitation.But his heart was full of anxiety and pressure.

But even under pressure, he had to go. He had no choice and no way out.

All the arrangements have been arranged. After he left, the think tank Amido will control the city of the sun to dig the king stone in the wild land, and expand the city of the sun, in order to solve the increasing demand for land.Shenyue Ruyi will also train the rebels to increase their fighting power.There are others, and he has arranged everything else.

Other people and other things are still easy to handle and arrange. Only his six wives and his family affairs are difficult to arrange and handle.

The door opened, two of the three wives came in, and one flew in.

Entering the house were three aboriginal wives, night watcher woman nightingale, black-winged woman Heini, and butterfly woman Cai Ling.The three aboriginal wives were dressed in white, and they were set against a transparent skin, which was white and delicate.A pair of black clothes, with a pair of huge black wings, and a pair of super long legs, are as mysterious and attractive as fallen angels.A young girl who is full of small flowers and dressed in youthful and lively youth, don't have a tempting taste.

When the three aboriginal wives came, Xia Lei's worries and pressure were blown away by the wind.He stood up with a smile, "Love your wives, you are here."

"I heard that you are going to the Doomsday City?" The nightingale opened the door straight away.

Xia Lei nodded his head. He wanted to tell them in person, but he didn't expect that they had heard the news.

But this is also good, avoiding the embarrassment of opening.You should always face it, and you ca n’t escape it.

"I'm going with you." Nightingale said.

"I'm going too." Heini said.

Cai Ling sat on Xia Lei's shoulder, but hugged Xia Lei's neck. "Don't you want to leave me."

Xia Lei couldn't help crying. He told Da Qiao Xiao Qiao and Diao Chan this was the case, and now he has to face it again.

When they had enough trouble, Xia Lei said, "I'm going to be very dangerous this time. I won't take you, because I don't want to lose you."

The three women are not stupid, Xia Lei said so, can they still not understand the danger of going here?They also knew that if the strength of the three of them went with Xia Lei, they would not only be able to help, but also become a burden for Xia Lei.It is clear that the truth is one thing, letting him leave is another.

"Husband, I ..." The nightingale stopped talking, her blue eyes full of fascination and reluctance.

Heine and CRBT are the same.

Xia Lei said with a smile: "What are you doing? I'm not going to die, what are you doing with sorrow? Don't be like this, we have more important things to do."

"What's important?" Heini was a real woman after all, and didn't expect to go anywhere else.

Xia Lei said: "Don't you want children?"

The Nightingale snorted softly, "There is a beard with a beard, hum!"

"What agent? Where?" Heine looked around, her face confused.

"Hahaha ..." Nightingale smiled around Heini.

Cai Ling suddenly understood what, a charming little face was full of colorful halo, "Ouch, good or bad you, I will not play with you!"

"Hahaha!" Xia Lei also smiled, and then caught her.

"Sister Nightingale save me, Sister Heini save me!" Cailing kicked a pair of long legs and exaggeratedly called for help, "I'm going to die, I'm going to die!"

"I think you are beautiful, right?" Heini gave Cailing a white eye.

The nightingale simply said, "Husband, magnify the beard agent!"

Xia Lei, "..."

If the woman is let go, the man can't eat it, so the city doesn't lie.

What happened should happen that way, and the most beautiful and wonderful words in the world are beyond description.

This is the parting he wants.

Xia Lei left the city of the sun the next morning and flew in the direction of the city of apocalypse in an undead firebird burning flame.This time he was forced to go to Doomsday City, but he only brought two helpers, one dragon and one Medesa.However, these two helpers will not go with him, but will escort the city of the sun to the barren land before rushing to the outskirts of the apocalypse.After all, the two archaic creatures were too "personalized" to enter the city, otherwise the city's black-day camp spies would never find them impossible.

The wind screamed in my ears, and the gray-black earth stretched endlessly in the field of vision. Occasionally a city appeared in the field of vision, but it was also fleeting.Undead Firebird Burning Flame's desire to rush back to the City of Doom has been pressing to the point that it can't be increased, even if it is not willing to delay for a second.

Princess Yongye is not its child, but in her heart, she obviously regards Princess Yongye as its daughter.Poor parents in the world, parents do not even want to kill their children, this kind of feeling is obviously also rooted in it.

"Flame, do you have any plans?" After a long journey, Xia Lei broke the silence between him and the undead Firebird.

"Plan?" The immortal flamingo's flaming figure flickered slightly. "No, I have no plan."

Xia Lei was a little speechless, "You are so anxious to fly to Doom City without a plan?"

"I ... I haven't really thought about it, I just want to go back quickly, see my child, and tell her the truth." Undead Flamingo said.

Animals are animals, and they have always lacked a bit of effort compared with humans.The undead firebird burning flames is not even as good as the dragon and Medesar in playing the scheming. You know that the dragon and Medesa almost fooled him into the cheap dragons and turtles in their mouths.

"You don't think we just flew into the Doomsday City, and then the Dark Sun Emperor kindly let you see Princess Yongye?" Xia Lei said: "You don't think he let you chase down with the death god Diarro. I, actually exiled you and Diablo, the god of death? He did n’t even want you to go back! You died, and the secret will rot in the mud with you. That ’s what he really wants! "

Undead Firebird Burning Flame suddenly froze for a moment. Xia Lei said that it seemed to understand something, and his bloody eyes also burned bloody energy anger!

Xia Lei continued, "We cannot go into Doom City blatantly, we have to dive in, and then find a way to approach Princess Yongye. You have to believe me, all actions are under my command, you cannot act alone, otherwise You will kill both of us. "

"You are not my master!" Undead Firebird Burning Flame said angrily.

Xia Lei said, "When can you change your hot temper? Did I tell you that I am your master? Just your bird head, just rammed into it, let alone save Yongmei Princess, you I can't even see her face! "

"Then ... what do you do?" The undead Flamingo Burning Flame finally got soft.

"You answer me first, are you willing to listen to my command?" Xia Lei said.

"I will! You guys!" Undead Firebird added another sentence, "But you have to remember that things between me and you won't be the case, I will settle the account with you when the fire is rescued. ! "


"That's my baby's name! She has only one name in my heart, that is Huoer, not Princess Yongye, nor Diyin!" The emotion of the undead firebird burning flames is always so easy to be excited.

Xia Lei sighed, "Do you think of her as a child, but will she treat you as a mother? We are going to the Imperial City Doomsday City, we have to face not only the strong enemy like the Black Sun Emperor, but also Princess Yongmei , Which is your fire. Have you ever thought, will she accept you? Will she still believe you? Will she follow you? "

"I ..." Undead Firebird Burning Flames couldn't tell, it only found that it thought the problem too simple.

Xia Lei said: "No matter what, let's find a way to mix into Doomsday City." He paused and said, "When we reach the outskirts of Doomsday City, we have to stop. I will contact my men. He is a butterfly, He must get us into the city again. I will let him bring you some clothes and make-up materials. I will make up your makeup. Even if you enter the Doom City in human form, your skin is also a huge flaw ... "

Xia Lei said, the undead Flamingo nodded incessantly.

at the same time.

The capital city of Doomsday returns to Soul Island.

Princess Yongye let the entourage retreat, and a man came to the mountainside of Burning Flame Mountain, and then entered the cave where he had been held for a long time.

The cave is quiet, the light is dim, and the strange patterns and lines carved on the rock wall all day long are still there.Can come here to see the patterns and lines that can be seen on the rock wall in a day, but what she thinks of is not the dead day, but another person, the dragon.

Xia Lei's appearance emerged from her mind, the handsome face, and the confident and free-spirited smile that often hung in the corners of her mouth, and sometimes even that bad smile ...

"Damn it! How can I think of him? I should hate him! My burning flame went to kill him, until now no news came back, burning flame, where are you now?" She suddenly clenched her teeth, "Dragon, if you dare to hurt my burning flame, I swear, no matter who you are, no matter where you are hiding, I will kill you!"

There is no unreasonable hatred and no unreasonable love in this world.

Walking out of the cave, she wanted to go down, but she didn't know why she climbed to the top of the hill.Seven days later, Dikun, the king of the town, and Di Jiuyou, the king of the town, will compete on the top of Burning Mountain, and the winner will become her husband.But she knew that she did not love any of the two princes at all, and she was even afraid of them ...

"Is this my destiny? What should I do?" She repeated this sentence in her heart.

No one gave her the answer.

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