Super Vision

1812 1812 Sin City

The place mentioned by the grass festival is a slum. At the foot of the city wall of Xicheng District, the area is not very large, but it has gathered almost half a million poor people.A considerable portion of the 500,000 poor people are desperate men, criminals, and killers from all parts of the empire.These desperadoes, criminals and killers, whether or not you are in the Black Sun Camp, as long as you can afford the money, those people dare to kill even their parents, not to mention the agents of the Black Sun Camp?

The slums in Xicheng District also have a name, Sin City.

Normal people don't go to that kind of place, and people who go to that kind of place always have ulterior motives.

Two carriages drove into the area of ​​the Sin City. In the foremost car were Xia Lei and the undead firebird burning flame, as well as the grass sacrifice and green skin, and the three black winged people.In the car immediately behind was the slave bought from the slave market.

As the two carriages entered the area of ​​the Sin City, two trackers in casual clothes appeared from a corner, staring coldly at the two carriages.

"Go back and report to the lord, the serpent person actually entered the city of sin." One of them said.

"Just let them go?" Said the other.

"Let the adults take the idea, if we go in this place, those desperate men and killers will think that we are going to catch them, and we will also be in danger."

"Then let's go back. Lord Hebei also has a business in the Sin City. He wants to find the snake-skinned man easily."

After a brief exchange between the two Dark Sun agents, they left.

Two ghost carriages drove on the streets of the Sin City, and the sides of the street were full of unwilling eyes.

Under the guidance of the grass festival, two carriages came to a river.Both sides of the river are shabby shacks, and there are reed-like plants taller than people.This kind of grass is called reed grass, and relevant information quickly appeared in Xia Lei's mind.He has seen the description of this grass in a book, which is just a kind of wild grass and worthless.

"Adult, this is the place. Qingpi and I lived here before. It's easy to hide here." Cao Ji said.He didn't know Xia Lei's identity, but he knew that his life was in Xia Lei's hands, and he didn't dare to neglect and deceive him.

Xia Lei said: "Then let's get off here."

The two carriages put the people down and left afterwards, for fear of delaying for a second.

"Lead the way." Xia Lei said.

"Adult, please come with me." Cao Ji took the lead before leaving. After leaving the road, he plunged into the riverbed covered with reeds.

There was no road at all in the floodplain, and occasionally a rotten corpse was abandoned, which smelled sickening.

It took a while for the grass sacrifice and green skin to stop at one place, where a shabby shack was made, and the material used was also the gray reed grass everywhere seen here.

"Do you live in such a place?" Xia Lei asked. His eyes swept around, and no one was found to catch up, and no suspicious target was found.

The grass sacrifice and the green skin suddenly fell on their knees and fell to the ground.

"Sir, I asked boldly." Cao Ji carefully tentatively said: "Who are you? Why did you buy us?"

Xia Lei changed his voice and said in his original voice: "Can I still hear my voice?"

The grass festival and Qing Pi suddenly froze for a moment, eyes full of surprise and excitement.

"Dragon King ..." Qingpi couldn't help but called out.

The grass sacrifice covered Qingpi's mouth, and scolded: "Fool!"

After all, it is an experienced old rivers and lakes, the grass sacrifice is very clear in front of the form.

Xia Lei nodded slightly, "Don't be so cautious here, but don't make similar mistakes after leaving here."

"I was wrong, Master." Qingpi changed his name.

Xia Lei said: "Now it's not an apology to admit mistakes, tell me, how did the task I gave you complete?"

The grass offering glanced at the burning fire of the undead firebird standing beside Xia Lei, and then turned his attention to the group of slaves standing behind Xia Lei.

Xia Lei understood his intentions, and then said, "You wait behind."

Slaves bought from the slave market went backwards, and they all obeyed.

The slaves had left, but the grass sacrifice had not yet spoken.

Xia Lei said: "It's his own, let's talk."

Then the grass festival said: "Master, after you gave us that mission, we have been looking for a secret way to enter Guihun Island. The funds you gave us have been used up long ago, but we can't contact you, so ...... We had to raise our own funds, and we were caught by the agents of the Black Sun Camp. "

Qingpi said: "But we didn't reveal any secrets related to the owner, and the agents in the Black Sun Camp only regarded us as a tomb thief. They used to want to kill us, but later decided to send us to the slave market as a slave. If It ’s not the owner who bought us, we ’re afraid we will still be executed, they wo n’t waste food for us. ”

"So, you have no progress?" Xia Lei said.

"No," said the grass festival. "We found that on the first day of every black sun and moon, there will be a boat going to Guihun Island to deliver food and daily necessities to the island."

The first day of black sun and moon?

Xia Lei thought about it, and his brow furrowed.The first day of the black sun and moon of this month has passed, and the first day of the next black sun and moon is only ten days away, but he has only five days left.

Suddenly, Xia Lei remembered something, "Who is the owner of that ship?"

"It is a businessman named Heifeng. He is the uncle of Heibei commander of Heiyin Camp." Cao Ji said: "He also won this business because of Heibei's relationship. One day I sent ingredients and daily necessities to Guihun Island. That guy was very greedy. I and the grass festival and I were desperate to make money to make up for a sum of money that would allow him to move him to Guihun Island. "

Xia Lei moved, "Can he take people to the island?"

Cao Ji said: "Of course, someone on a ship must have moved up. I heard that he had done such a business, collected money, dressed that person as his employee, and entered the Black Sun Palace."

"Can you contact him?" Xia Lei asked.

The grass festival said: "Master, we know where he lives, but it will be ten days before the first day of the next black sun and moon."

The sight of the undead firebird burning flame also moved to Xia Lei, "I know that ship, it is indeed the first day of each black sun and moon to enter Guihun Island, but it is never advanced nor delayed. Now the distance There are ten days left on the first day of a black sun, but we do n’t have that much time. "

Xia Lei said: "It was usual, but now there is a special situation. Five days later, the two princes will face each other on the Burning Mountain, and the winner will marry the Princess Yongye. Such a grand event, it is impossible for the island to need no supplies, I It was determined that the ship would be on the island in these two days, and more than once. "

The prince marries the princess. This is a big event for the royal family of the Black Sun Empire, and even a big event for the entire Black Sun Empire. How could it be done quietly?In that case, what other face does the royal family have?

Xia Lei followed and said, "Qingpi, you take these slaves out of Doom City. Grass Festival, you take me to the residence of the merchant named Black Wind, but don't touch him first."

The green skin and the grass sacrifice took their lives together.

The crowd left the beach, Xia Lei gave the grass sacrifice a sum of money, and handed over all the slaves' deeds to the corresponding slaves.

"From now on, you are all free people. I have a request to leave Doomsday City, how far you go, and don't talk to anyone about what happened today." Xia Lei said.

A group of slaves was suddenly ignorant. They never thought that Xia Lei had spent so much money to buy them, but they just let them go and gave them a deed of sale, which was equivalent to returning them to freedom.

"Destroy your sales contract and leave here." Xia Lei said again: "Qingpi, I will give you a sum of money. If you have trouble along the way, you will spend money to solve it. After leaving the city, give them the rest."

"Yes, master." Qingpi responded.

A group of slaves recovered, and knelt one by one in front of Xia Lei, thanking them all.

"You all follow me." Qingpi took the money Xia Lei gave him and told the slaves to follow him.

The slave kneeling on the ground got up this time and followed Qingpi. Qingpi did not leave the beach and walked down the street, but walked down the beach.

The grass festival took Xia Lei and the undead flamingos to leave the beach, crossed a bridge, and walked to the center of Doom City from the other direction.

However, after crossing the bridge, a group of people rushed out of the shack area and blocked the road.This group of people all have weapons, swords, and energy weapons, most of them are night watchmen, and there are also black-winged orcs, all very fierce.

There are times when you do n’t want to cause trouble, but trouble will find you.

"Grass Festival, haven't you been caught? How come you are back?" Said a leading night watcher, but his eyes were looking at Xia Lei and the undead flaming bird, especially when he couldn't see the dead flaming bird. There was a greedy divine light in his eyes.

Some parts of the serpentine woman are cold, but some people just like the cold feeling.

"Big Earth Dragon, I ..." Cao Ji explained daringly, his face showing a pleasing smile, "That's a misunderstanding. I'm out now. I'll ask you to drink someday. Please give way."

"Damn it! You really thought you were a person for giving your face? Give way? You know the rules for giving way!" The night watchman, who is called the earth dragon, changed his face and pushed the grass sacrifice to the ground with one palm.

The grass festival was not so bad, but he just came out from the slave market. He was injured and didn't eat underground for almost two days. He had no strength to resist, so he was pushed down by the ground dragon.

Burning flames in the eyes of the undead Flamingo.

Xia Lei grabbed his hand and said, "Friend, I don't know the rules of giving way? We are here for the first time, we don't understand the rules. The grass sacrifice is my slave, and I hope you will show mercy to your men."

"Who are you?" Dilong stared at Xia Lei.

Xia Lei thought for a while, "I ’m from the Holy Blue Moon. My name is good snakeskin. I ’m looking for treasure for the head of the especially bald. I have been paying attention to the grass festival for a long time. He is a talent in this field, so I bought it. He, bring back the Holy Blue Moon. "After a pause, he added another sentence," Speak, how much do you want? "

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