Super Vision

1816 1816 Escape from Doomsday City

Xia Lei shielded all the energy breath in his body, including breathing and even heartbeat.Everything is compressed and hidden in the deepest part of the body and the deepest part of the soul. At this moment, he is equivalent to an inanimate corpse. Unless he opened the quilt to see, he did n’t know that the quilt was still there. Hiding a man like him.

Although the Undead Firebird Burning Flame ca n’t achieve his level, its energy breath is the same as that of Princess Yongye, so it does n’t need to deliberately hide its energy breath, just stop breathing and heartbeat. , And this is not a difficult thing for it.

Xia Lei and the Undead Firebird had just shielded their breath, and a man's voice came from outside the house, "Di Yin, I'm here."

Princess Yongye said: "It turns out that it's the elder brother, but I'm already asleep, so please come back."

It really turned out to be the divine king of town.

"Sleep?" Dikun, the king of the town, said with a bit of dissatisfaction in his voice, "The day after tomorrow is the day of the duel between you and your second brother. I want to talk to you. Come out, I brought the wine, And your favorite pastry, let's have a good chat. "

"Brother, can't you." Princess Yongye said.

"Humph!" Zhentian Wang snorted coldly, "Di Yin, don't you give me this face?"

Princess Yongye said: "Brother, you and the second brother have not yet scored the victory, are you so anxious? If the second brother knows you come to me at this time, what will he think?"

"What does he think? I don't care at all! Don't you still understand my mind? From small to large, I am the big brother who loves you the most, and my heart only cares about you!" The voice of the king of the town, Di Kun.

"The second brother also told me that."

"Di Jiuyou? He has been here too?" The voice of Zhen Tian Di Kun was full of surprise.

Princess Yongye cleverly kept silent.

"Hahaha!" Suddenly came the laughter of King Dikun from the outside of the house. "Diyin, when did you learn to lie? I saw Di Jiuyou when I came. Why did he come here to tell you?" The same thing? "

"I ..." Princess Yongye is obviously not the opponent of Zhen Tian Dikun in this respect. When the other party said that, she didn't know how to continue.

"Come out, I'll come in if you don't come out again." The voice of Dikun, the king of Zhentian came.

Princess Yongle suddenly became nervous. Now in this case, Xia Lei and the Undead Firebird can barely hide, but if the king of the town, Di Kun, enters this room, then nothing can be hidden.

At this moment, Princess Yongye suddenly felt that someone was writing something on her back.The feeling was very sensitive, and her nerves tightened suddenly.

The person who wrote on her back was Xia Lei, with very light movements and accurate strokes.

Princess Yongye reacted quickly. It was not Xia Lei taking advantage of her, but was asking her.

Xia Lei's finger wrote a short sentence on the back of Princess Yongmei, "The Great Emperor Hei Ri will not let you meet".

Princess Yongmei said, "Brother, if you break into my room, you will make a big mistake."

"what are you saying?"

Princess Yongmei said: "Okay, let me tell you the truth. My father wouldn't let me meet you. I can't see my eldest brother nor my second elder brother until you win or lose."

"Why did your father tell you this?" King Di Kun of the town obviously didn't believe it.

Xia Lei used her finger to write new content on Princess Yongmei's back.

Princess Yongmei said, "This is related to the prophecy. Are we meeting two days later, or are you breaking into my room now, make your own decision. But I want to remind you how important that prophecy is. You know? Annoying my father is definitely not a wise choice. "

Outside the courtyard, Di Kun hesitated and turned to leave.

In the bed, Princess Yongye breathed a long sigh of relief.She did not realize that the white clothes on her body had been wet with sweat.

Outside the courtyard, Di Kun suddenly turned around and took a step towards Princess Yongye's room.


The bloody energy was released from Princess Yongye's body, and the entire courtyard was shrouded in a bloody energy.

Di Kun stopped and said coldly, "Di Yin, what do you mean?"

"Brother!" Princess Yongye's voice was angry, "I should have finished speaking, if you want to break into my room, then we will fight here!"

"Hahaha ... Isn't that just a meeting? Are you like this? Well, I'm not in a hurry for two days anyway, Di Jiuyou is not my opponent, you are mine!" Di Kun left with a laugh .

Xia Lei's mouth breathed out after a long time.

Princess Yongye lifted the quilt, her body was sweaty and the curve was hazy.She stared at Xia Lei resentfully and said angrily: "Just ... you dare to touch my body!"

Xia Lei spread his hand, "Do you want me to speak aloud?"

"Don't argue, we have to leave here quickly ... Poof!" Undead Firebird Burning Flame suddenly blew out a blood.

It awakened the chaotic memory of Princess Yongye with vitality, and just experienced the death of life and death just now.

"Go, I will be able to treat your mother after leaving here." Xia Lei reached out to hug the flaming bird.

"Take away your stinky hands!" Princess Yongye Xia Lei took the undead firebird in flames in one step.

Xia Lei smiled bitterly and withdrew his hand.

Undead Firebird Burning Flame said, "Fire, no, I can go. When I get to the pier, I have to show my face to the Dragon King. You hid on the boat."

"Then go." Princess Yongye went to open the door.

Xia Lei and Undead Flamingo Burning Flame followed Princess Yongye to leave Burning Flame Residence and marched from the forest to the pier.Perhaps the appearance of Zhen Tian Wang Di Kun was the last bad luck, and no other troubles were encountered along the way.

The knights of the Uranus Legion on the pier also left, and the workers of the earth dragon began to move the goods again.

Xia Lei and Undead Flamingo returned to the pier from the land, and Princess Yongye dived from the lake to the cargo ship, then climbed on the cargo ship to hide.

"How do you feel?" Dilong asked Xia Lei and Undead Firebird Burning Flame and returned casually.After all, it is the big gold master, his tone seems very polite.

"It's terrible." Xia Lei said: "My wife is unwell. I want to take her to the doctor. When will we leave?"

The earth dragon glanced at the goods piled on the dock and frowned slightly. "I'm afraid it will take a while."

Xia Lei was anxious, but said calmly: "You make those workers hurry, I can give them some money. My wife is sick, and I am not in a mood to visit the Black Sun Palace anymore. "

The earth dragon said: "Well, then I will let them hurry, but the money ..."

Xia Lei said: "I'll give you ten thousand black gold on the shore."

"Hahaha, that's the way to go." Dilong shouted at the workers. "Damn, what are you doing? Hurry up! Everyone takes double the goods, and they will give you extra meals when they return! "

"Good Lat!" The workers responded in a hurry, speeding up.

Xia Lei and Undead Flamingo returned to the cabin, waiting for the cargo ship to return.This time is the most difficult time, every second is suffering.But they can't do anything except wait for them.

After a while, the court guards returned to the pier with the female slaves.One by one, they were very happy, obviously the slave girls on board were comforting them.

The earth dragon chatted with them a few words, and the workers on the dock also finished carrying the goods and returned to the cargo ship one after another.The earth dragon did not delay, and then boarded the boat and left the dock.

The energy shield of Guihun Island opened, and the cargo ship sailed to the other side.

Xia Lei looked back from the cabin, Guihun Island was going away quickly, but the thousand-meter-high Black Sun Palace that soared into the sky still gave him the feeling of shock and coercion.

"Someday I will kill back and tear down the Black Sun Palace!" Xia Lei said secretly.

Princess Yongye crawled out of the bed in the cabin. She also looked at Guihun Island through the cabin. Her blue eyes were covered with mist.She left the place where she grew up. Before tonight she was the princess of the empire, but now she has become a fugitive of the empire.The truth that Undead Firebird Burning Flame and Xia Lei brought her was too cruel, and she still can't accept it until now.

"Where are we going?" Princess Yongye looked half-soundingly before saying something.

Xia Lei said: "Leave the Doomsday City at once.

"I won't go to your flying city." Princess Yongye said: "I want to go to the undead island, I want to see where I was born."

Xia Lei said with a deep voice: "The place you want to go to is the place that can be thought of by the Sun Emperor and his two sons. Can you calm down? It's not a good place to go, why do you have to go to Undead Island?"

"You don't care about my things!" Princess Yongye said coldly: "Don't think I don't know, you don't want to save me at all, you are just afraid that I will become a sacrifice, and resurrect the dark master, Medas, in that case you No chance to complete your mission! Right? "

Xia Lei said: "If it wasn't for this reason, I would come back to Soul Island to save you! I risked my life to save you. You're good, you don't have a word of thanks, and you are so fierce to me. Do n’t you feel grateful? "

"Okay, don't argue, go to Undead Island." Undead Firebird Burning Flame looked at Xia Lei, "I also want to go back to my hometown to see it, Dragon King, you have to protect her, otherwise everything we have experienced tonight All in vain. "

"You ..." Xia Lei was so angry that he was speechless.

Knowing that there is danger, why do you want to go to danger?

What's in a woman's head and a bird's head?

Princess Yongye's eyes moved to Guihun Island again, and she didn't move for a long time.

Xia Lei secretly said: "Her heart must be uncomfortable at this moment? Forget it, anyway, the expansion of the city of the sun in the wilderness, that is not something that can be done in a day or two, and I also took advantage of this time to give up milk , Looking for the reasons for the stagnation of evolution. "Thinking about it, he nodded." Well, we go to the Undead Island, but we can only stay for one day. "

"I promise you." Princess Yongye said, her voice looked exhausted.

Overnight, she realized that all she had was nothing, and those affections were all fake.She is not a princess of any empire, but a "sacrificial offering" in captivity. How can she not be sad when faced with these?

The cargo ship docked, and Princess Yongye left the cargo ship while Xia Lei gave the earth dragon money.Subsequently, Xia Lei and Undead Flamingo left the cargo ship, and after meeting with Princess Yongye, they left Doom City at the fastest speed.


Just when Xia Lei, Princess Yongye and Undead Flamingo just left Doomsday City, a thunderous roar suddenly sounded in Doomsday City.

"Di Yin! Are you going to betray me?" This is the voice of the Dark Sun Emperor, with a raging anger.

The black clouds rolled in the sky, the light disappeared, and the whole doomsday city shrouded in the darkness where the fingers could not be reached.

"Go!" Xia Lei shouted, grabbed the hands of the undead Firebird Burning Flame and Princess Yongye, and flew into the sky.

With this leap, the sky is wide, the bird is flying!

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