Super Vision

1828 Chapter 1827 The old patriarch of listening to the door

It's dawn, and the refuge is slowly becoming lively.

Ruisama strolled in the refuge, with a smile on his face, and he seemed to be in a good mood.

"Old patriarch, when shall we leave here?" someone asked.

"No hurry, no hurry." Ruisama said: "Master Apostle will help us rebuild the tribe. Don't worry, our tomorrow will be better than today."

"Is it your son-in-law?" someone said with a smile.

"Hahaha..." Ruisama waved her hand, "You can't say that, you can't say that."

"Oh, what are you hiding from the old patriarch? The patriarch shouted so loudly last night, making me sleepless for a long time. With such a big movement, the apostle and the patriarch are desperately trying to make you a grandfather. "Someone jokingly said.

Ruisama's old face blushed slightly, "I'm not sure yet, don't talk nonsense."

"Old patriarch, I'll ask the patriarch and the apostle to speak out, okay? Is it right? Just ask it." Someone said.

"Don't go!" Ruisama hurriedly stopped, "Don't bother Master Apostle, I will break your leg if the good thing of my daughter is broken!"


There was laughter in the refuge.

Ruisama glared at the troublemakers, and then walked to the room.

"The old patriarch is going to guard the gate."

"This is a good thing, why should it be covered up?"

"Why? I must be afraid that my daughter will take away Master Apostle. My daughter is very beautiful."

"Your daughter? Can your daughter stand up to the apostle's favor? I slept in the lane next to the stone gate last night, and I sweated for our patriarch."

"A bunch of nasty guys, the Apostle is a man who has gained the power of the great Diablo, can it be great?"

"Yes, yeah, a human being can clean up our patriarch so miserably, how can it be done without divine power?"

In such a mess of discussions, Ruisama came to the stone gate.He glanced back and made sure that no one was looking at him before he moved his head to the edge of the door and tapped the sound inside.


A crisp voice suddenly came from the crack of the door, and got into Ruisama's ears.The sound shocked him, and he secretly said in his heart: "So powerful?"


It was the same voice again, crisp and loud, and it felt like it was out of normal range, like a spanking with a leather whip.

Ruisama's mouth couldn't help but twitched, and a few fine green sweat appeared on his forehead, "My poor daughter, can she...can it?"

At this moment, Tia Sama's voice came from the crack of the door, "Wow my day, do you really want to get in? It's too hot."

"My Gini, of course, I can't wait." Xia Lei said.

Although my heart was full of worries, Ruisama couldn't help but smile upon hearing the address between his daughter and Xia Lei.Both his daughter and the apostle are worthy of Rivazhni. Isn't this the certainty of the relationship between husband and wife?

"Gini, are you ready? I'm going in when I'm ready."

"Well, I'm ready, I'm not afraid."



In this weird and huge noise, the ground trembled slightly.

Next to the stone gate, Rui Sama was frightened and almost fell to the ground.After stabilizing his figure, he pushed open Shimen eagerly and rushed in.

In the stone room space, under the altar, Xia Lei and Diasama stood side by side.There were several broken rock tiles and a hole in the ground beside them.When Ruisama's gaze moved to the hole, he could no longer move away, and his mouth opened wide and couldn't close.

That hole was not drilled by Sharon, but burned out.On the edge of the cave, there are still red-red things resembling magma, as well as flames and burning blue smoke.But it was not just this hole that frightened him, but also Xia Lei's palm. A golden flame was burning on Xia Lei's palm, and the light emitted by that flame was even more dazzling than the sunlight of the eternal day.

The sights of Xia Lei and Tia Sama moved to Rui Sama's body.

"Father, what are you running in for?" Tia Sama looked a little unhappy.She wore white animal skins, which were clothes sewed by Xia Lei for her.By marrying Xia Lei, she can no longer not pay attention to "privacy" as before.

"Um... I'll come over and take a look." Ruisama was a little embarrassed, but still bite the bullet and walked over, "What are you doing?"

Xia Lei said, "There is a poisonous spring in this underground. I wanted to go down and take a look, so I punched this hole."

Ruisama stopped at the edge of the cave, then looked into the cave, and then took a step back.He saw a dark and deep hole. He couldn't see the bottom at a glance. He didn't see any poisonous spring at all. His heart was full of worry, "My Apostle, don't go down anymore. It's too deep. Stable, it’s dangerous."

"My day, I think I should call my salon and let it take us down." Tiasama obviously has the same concern.

"No, I'll go down first. You stay on top and wait for me. If the cave collapses, you will come and rescue me with your salon." Xia Lei said.

"No, I'll go down with you." Tia Sama said.

"Be obedient, stay here and wait for me." Xia Lei jumped into the cave without waiting for Tia Sama to say something.

Tia Sama reached out to pull him subconsciously, but caught a hole.When she was about to jump down after chasing Xia Lei, her arm was caught by Ruisama.

"Tia!" Ruisama's expression was serious, "He is your day. He asked you to stay on top and wait for him. You must stay on top and wait for him. You can't defy his will, let alone he is great. The Apostle of Tia Sama."

"But..." Tia Sama hesitated to speak and stopped, full of worry.

Ruisama's face showed a smile, very confident and proud, "My daughter, you are married to a demigod, you should be happy."

"Demi god?"

"Yes, demigod, don't you see the golden flame in his hand? That is the legendary eternal fire, the fire of the great Tiapolo." After a pause, Ruisama The words turned, "This hole was burned by the apostle with eternal fire, right?"

Tia Sama nodded, "Well, it has been burned several times."

"That's right, he will not be in danger, don't worry, don't go down, you will cause him trouble if you go down." Ruisama said.

Tia Sama relaxed now.

"My daughter, tell me, did you mate?" Ruisama lowered her voice.

Tiasama glared at Ruisama, "Father! Don't you feel embarrassed to ask your daughter about this kind of thing?"

"Haha..." Rui Sama laughed loudly, "Is married to Master Apostle, even the customs have been changed to human customs? Tell me quickly, I just want to know."

Tia Sama gave Ruisama a white look, but nodded.

"Then have you mate in the human way?" Ruisama asked another question.


"My dear daughter, tell me quickly."

Tia Sama gave Ruisama another look, and then nodded again.

"Hahaha! I am going to be a grandpa!" Ruisama's voice echoed in the quiet space.

Compared with the boring situation in the cave, Xia Lei in the cave was highly nervous and did not dare to relax at all.The very poisonous green spring water was at the bottom of the cave, and the poisonous gas and energy filled the space in the cave, especially at the bottom.

Xia Lei slowly reduced the natural energy holding him under his feet, and then approached the poisonous green spring.This time he did not use natural energy to condense the energy film, but was directly exposed to highly toxic gas and toxic energy.


The toxic energy and gas corroded Xia Lei's skin, and the feeling of being corroded by sulfuric acid was still so strong that it was unbearable.But this time Xia Lei's skin didn't fester, and it remained intact.In fact, as early as when his skin reacted to highly toxic energy and poisonous gas, his main body imprint was activated, running like a detoxifying engine.The mysterious energy that evolved into a golden orb also slowly rotated, decomposing and swallowing the poisonous energy that invaded his body, playing the role of an indispensable engine core.

"Sure enough, I already have the ability to understand poison, but it's not too strong. I have more exposure to this poisonous spring to strengthen my ability in this area." Xia Lei secretly said in his heart.

This is necessary because there is just a glance at the poison spring, but in the abyss of nirvana is a huge lake of the dead, obviously not on the same level in number and intensity.Without strengthening the ability to detoxify, it may not be a problem to enter the Abyss of Annihilation again, but it is obviously not enough to sneak into the Lake of the Dead to find the rock inserted into the World Stone.

The poisonous green spring surging slowly, spring water emerged, spreading its territory little by little.Wherever the terrible green passed, the sand particles were dissolved and condensed into new rocks.

Xia Lei removed the last bit of natural energy that lifted his body, and landed beside the poisonous green spring.His eyes locked on the slowly surging poisonous green spring, and then awakened the ability of perspective.He gave up after a minute, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't see the situation in the spring.

"Where is the source of this spring? Is it in the Lake of the Dead in the Abyss of Annihilation? If so, what is its depth? How long is the spring?" Xia Lei was wondering.

After a while, he put his palm on the sand next to the spring.A group of golden energy flames instantly released from his palm, the sand melted, and the direction his palm was facing was melted like a candle!

This is the harvest after drinking Tia Sama's poisonous milk, the evolution of the body imprint, the most direct benefit of the evolution of that mysterious golden energy is that his energy flame is more than ten times stronger than before!

PS: Thanks for listening to the wind upstairs, thank you!3 more at 9:30.

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