Super Vision

1839 Chapter 1838

Origin Canyon.

The towering giant tree suddenly disappeared, transforming into a human woman in the brilliant energy photon, standing in front of Xia Lei's eyes.I don't know why, but this time I saw Xia Lei, Queen of the Rest, and felt that it had become younger.

"My friend, you are here." Queen of Peace walked over to Xia Lei, "I can feel the eternal energy in you, it is very powerful, congratulations."

As an existence evolved from a tree, the Queen of Sleep has the instinct to be close to the sun and the eternal energy, so it is normal for it to want to be close to Xia Lei.But just when it was about to approach Xia Lei, it suddenly backed away, and its expression was a little nervous. The look in Xia Lei's eyes was also full of alert.

Xia Lei suddenly understood. He smiled and said, "Dear Queen of Rest, I have no intention of offending you, it's just my woman's milk." After speaking, he took out a small alloy bottle.He unscrewed the lid and put the small alloy bottle on the ground so that the Queen of Peace could see the contents.

The Queen of Rest came over, and it saw a bottle full of green milk.After a little silence, it said: "The milk of the women of the Sun tribe, I know the existence of the men of the Sun tribe. They are sinners abandoned by the great Tiapolo and are always looking for a way of salvation."

Xia Lei said: "My woman is called Tiyasama, she is the patriarch of the sunrise tribe. Her is very poisonous, if it offends you because of this, I apologize to you."

The Queen of Peace loves sunlight and is close to eternal energy, but she hates and fears the poisonous milk of the women of the sun race.This once again shows that there is no absolutely powerful and invincible existence in this world, no matter how powerful the existence is, the world must definitely restrain its things.

This is not a conjecture but a fact, Tia Sama's poisonous milk can corrode even rocks, let alone a tree.

When he returned home, he concealed his relationship with Tia Sama from his four wives, but frankly told the Queen of Peace. The reason was simple. The Forest of Peace was an area under the absolute control of the Queen of Peace, and there were few secrets that could be concealed it.It's better to tell it yourself than to be found out by the channel.A very simple example is that if Tia Sama hides in a forest and milks him, the Queen of Peace can discover her secrets through the eyes of birds, insects, and beasts, even through the network of tree roots.In such an absolutely controlled environment, besides a little of his own secrets, what other secrets can he hide?

"Cover it," the Queen of Rest said.It didn't say that it hated or feared Tia Sama's poisonous milk, it even deliberately made peace in its expression and eyes.

Xia Lei saw in his eyes and understood in his heart, but he didn't say anything.He capped the small alloy baby bottle and put it back in his pocket.There is not only this small alloy baby bottle in his pocket, but also four small baby bottles of the same material and size, which contain the milk of four other wives.

"I think you should know?" Queen of Peace looked at Xia Lei.

Xia Lei nodded, "Shenyue Ruyi is resurrected. Not only did I know, I also fought her."

"What? You and Shenyue Ruyi have already fought each other?" The Queen of Peace looked surprised.It controls the resting forest, but the Great Maha Desert is not the place it controls.

Xia Lei said: "Yes, I didn't follow your advice either. I entered the Abyss of Annihilation, and then I ran into Shenyue Ruyi in the Abyss..."

He will talk about the experience of meeting Shenyue Ruyi and fighting twice.

After listening to Xia Lei, Queen of Rest said: "Shenyue Ruyi has not fully recovered yet, but this situation will not last long. You have to be prepared, I think Lanyue will start a new round of war. . If you fail, do you know the consequences?"

Xia Lei said: "I know that mankind will be destroyed, as well as the Ahimis, and even this world will be destroyed."

"Do you think you can lead the humans and the Ahimis to defeat the Shenyue Ruyi and the Blue Moon?"

The corner of Xia Lei's mouth has a bitter meaning, "To be honest, I only have a 30% certainty. My chances of failure are far greater than my chances of success. I can only do my best to fight Shenyue Ruyi. It’s up to people to make things and heaven to make things happen, so leave the results to heaven for decision."

"The help I can provide you is limited. Once the war begins, you can take away some rock spirits and blue tanks, as well as blue dragons, if they are willing to fight for you and humanity." Queen of Rest said.

Xia Lei was taken aback for a moment, "Thank you, dear Queen of Peace, but..."

"But what?"

"You said before that you would not intervene in the war between me and Shenyue Ruyi. Why have you changed your mind now?"

The Queen of Peace said: "Touch me."

Xia Lei froze again, looking a little dull.

The Queen of Rest said: "If you want to know the reason, you have to give something, right? I like the breath of eternal energy on your body, touch me."

Xia Lei bit his scalp and stretched out his hand, a piece of golden energy light emerged from his palms, and then he placed it on the shoulder of the Queen of Peace and gently stroked its skin.Although it is a pure energy body, his hands still have the feeling of smooth and delicate real skin.Moreover, he can feel the Queen of Peace absorbing his eternal energy.

"Ah! It's so comfortable, it's this kind of feeling, go down a bit." The voice of the Queen of Peace was full of excitement and joy.

Xia Lei had a headache, but he bit his head and said, "Dear Queen of Rest, tell me, I want to know the reason."

"The mission of Saint King Lan Ling ended in the Gulf of Valor, and the mission of Saint Thunder ended in the Great Maha Desert. Neither of them was able to enter the Abyss of Annihilation. But you went in and even fought with Shenyue Ruyi twice. You said that you can only accomplish that mission with a confidence of 30%, but I think this ratio should be reversed. It should be God and Moon as One, not you, who accounted for 30%," said the Queen of Rest.

Xia Lei's hands trembled.

The Queen of Rest continued: "No decision is unchangeable. The universe is constantly evolving. Everything flows with the flow. Evolution is everywhere, and change is everywhere. Sometimes there is a change when there is a change."

Xia Lei was silent for a while before saying: "I found a strange situation under the Great Maha Desert. Water containing poisonous and unknown energy is flowing under the desert."

"Unknown energy?" The Queen of Peace moved slightly.

"I suspect it is a higher level of death power, coming from the death world of the Blue Moon people. But this is just my guess, and I have no evidence to prove it."

The Queen of Rest said: "Defeat God Moon as One, destroy Blue Moon, complete that mission, and everything you worry about will disappear."

Xia Lei's heart moved, "Do you know the situation in the Great Maha Desert?"

The Queen of Rest looked at Xia Lei, her eyes were calm, "Yes, Holy Lei told me. But I don’t think you should be distracted by what is going on in the Great Maha Desert. What you should do now is to integrate. The power of all mankind, as well as the power of the Ahimis, will fight to the death with the Blue Moon under the leadership of Shenyue Ruyi. You have to overcome this difficulty before you can complete that mission. Think about the humans in this world, think Think of the humans on earth, and your wife and children in two worlds."

Xia Lei nodded, but inexplicably remembered what Shenyue Ruyi had said in his heart: But have you ever thought that once you gather all the pieces, and then put the box together, what will happen to your world? ?Suppose you succeed, but the result will not be what you want.

This is what Shenyue Ruyi said to him in the Abyss of Annihilation. He remembered every word. He even remembered Shenyue Ruyi's expression and even the slight changes in his eyes.

Along the way, I have gone through countless trials of life and death, and the end of that mission has also appeared. It seems that as long as you work hard one more time, you can complete the ultimate mission.But at this critical juncture, a problem that had never been thought of slowly emerged.After completing that mission, will everything really get better?Also, why does this mission exist, and who created it?

"What are you thinking?" The voice of the Queen of Peace.

"It's nothing." Xia Lei put away his thoughts, "I will integrate the power of all mankind and the Ahimis to fight the Shenyue Ruyi and Lanyue decisive battles. I need your help and Rest Forest. I am only one step away from completing that mission. Distance, so please help me and let me end that mission."

"Go, the great moment is approaching, just one last effort is needed. You will get the help you want, please remember that I am on your side." said the Queen of Rest.

The golden energy light in Xia Lei's hand disappeared, and he bowed slightly to the Queen of Peace, "I thank you on behalf of the humans and the Ahimis. I am leaving."

The Queen of Rest watched Xia Lei leave, and then it disappeared into the void.Under the sky full of energy light, a towering ancient tree appeared at the end of the canyon, and a piece of spiritual stone shone.

"The great moment is coming," it said.

Thousands of branches and leaves are shaking, rustling, rustling, with a unique rhythm.

This seems to be an ancient signal that cannot be interpreted.

In the sky, after flying away from the Origin Canyon, Xia Lei suppressed his figure, and landed on a mountain with a dive.He looked back, but all he saw was a mist of energetic energy, and he couldn't see the Queen of Peace at all.

The Sabbath Queen promised to help. If the beasts of the Sabbath Forest join the battle, the pressure of the war on the coalition of humans and the Ahimis will be reduced by at least half.This is definitely a great thing, but I don't know why he always feels a little bit outside of surprise, a little confused, a little confused.

"I got together the fragments of the world box, what was the result?" This question popped up in Xia Lei's mind again, and then it was the words Shenyue Ruyi had said in the Abyss of Annihilation.

But this seems to be the ultimate question, and there is no answer until that step.

After standing quietly for a while, Xia Lei shook his head vigorously, clearing out all the troublesome problems in this way.Then he took out the five small alloy baby bottles from his pocket and put them on the ground one by one.

The caps of the five bottles were unscrewed, and different milk fragrances immediately filled the air.

A smile appeared on the corner of Xia Lei's mouth.

The big thing, even if it is to save the world, it has to be filled with milk, right?

What will be the result of completing that mission? He can't know the answer to this question, but what will be obtained by mixing five kinds of premium milk, he will soon know the answer to this question.

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