Super Vision

1851 Chapter 1850 The King's Secret

The rapidly falling Mieyue suddenly recovered its power, stabilized the hull after a violent tremor, and flew sideways.The golden energy light burst out from the hull again, and it was even stronger than before!

The Imperial bridge.

"Asshole!" Mother Ma yelled, she was almost mad.

If you can't kill Xia Lei like this, how can you kill him?

"Commander in chief, do you want to catch up?" an officer asked cautiously.

She didn't seem to hear his voice, she just stared at the Mieyue number in the holographic projection in a daze.

A communicator suddenly ran over, holding an egg-shaped communicator in both hands, "Commander-in-Chief, Moon King is calling."

Only then did the mother come to her senses, and she hurriedly answered the communication.

The figure of Shenyue Ruyi emerged from the void, like a human youth Liezheng.

On the bridge, all the officers and staff, except those who were operating the Imperial, knelt down and shouted Long live the Moon King.Including Mother Ma, her knees also knelt on the cold deck.

Shenyue Ruyi's voice was flat and icy, "Retreat to the deserted city."

"Yes, Moon King." Mother Ma hesitated for a moment, or bit the bullet and said it out," Moon King, when will you intervene in the war? We need you."

Shenyue Ruyi said: "At the right time."

This is not the answer that the mother wants, but she still respectfully said: "Yes."

Shenyue Ruyi said: "Don’t think about solving the battle once, Xia Lei is a person more difficult to deal with than Sheng Lei, and we have fought with Sheng Lei for several years. First retreat to the deserted city, build a base, and gradually Advance. Use the blue moon and the sky, use our air power."


"The Moon Nuclear Corps is on the way to the deserted city base, and there is also the army of the Sun Clan. I awakened Guduo. He is the new legion commander of the Moon Nuclear Corps. He will help you attack from the ground."

Mother was moved, "Guduo..."

"Yes, Goodo, the commander of the Lunar Nuclear Corps from the previous period." Shenyue Ruyi said: "I have rebuilt the Lunar Nuclear Corps. We have not lost our advantage, but we must be patient."

"Yes." Mother Ma lowered her head.

The image of Shenyue Ruyi disappeared.

Mother Ma stood up, and she didn't know why she didn't immediately execute the order of Shenyue Ruyi's retreat.

"Commander-in-chief, Goodo..." An officer said, "Isn't that a character thousands of years ago? I have heard his legend. It is said that he is a demon that even eats our own people. People died in battle, how come they are resurrected?"

Mother Ma moved her gaze to the officer's body, "If you die in battle and your body has extremely important value, Moon King will also resurrect you."

The officer suddenly closed his mouth.He couldn't understand how the Moon King did it, but he knew that he definitely didn't have such "extremely important value".

Mother Ma's eyes moved to the holographic projection of the largest surveillance battlefield, where the war was burning wild.A Blue Moon fighter exploded or fell, and the raptors and beasts of the Rest Forest were blown to pieces, blood staining the sky.It seems that the raptors and beasts of the Rest Forest die more, but their numbers are staggering.If this kind of battle continues, even if it takes control of the sky, there will not be much left of Blue Moon's battleship.That kind of air supremacy is equal to not having it, but it takes a long time to rebuild Blue Moon's fleet, which is obviously inconsistent with Blue Moon's current strategic interests.

What worries her even more is that the hateful rock battleship is rising rapidly, flying towards the densest area of ​​the Blue Moon battleship.What the guy wanted to do, she knew the answer without thinking about it.

"Retreat!" Mother Ma finally gave the order.

Blue Moon's fleet rose rapidly.


The sound of the canopy opening.

The "air force" of the Rest Forest stopped pursuing, and a beast roared in the sky.

Destroy the Moon Bridge.

Xia Lei stared at the Blue Moon fleet leaving the atmosphere in the holographic projection and quickly entered into space, and then said, "Return to home" after a two-second delay.

The battle is over, but this is only this time.

In the rest forest, in different places, people hiding in the refuge walked out, looked up at the sky, and then uttered cheers.But only those who are alive have the opportunity to cheer. Those who are killed are deprived of the right to breathe, and they will never make a sound.

This is war, cruel and merciless.

Mieyue landed in the Canyon of Origin, the hatch opened, and Xia Lei came out of Mieyue and walked towards the end of the valley.Entering the energy barrier of the Queen of Rest, the light and scenery in front of her have changed, completely different from the outside.The Queen of Rest came out of a blue energy light, in the form of a human woman.Although it is a pure energy body, it feels like a real woman, mature and sexy, extremely noble and glamorous.

"Thank you." Xia Lei's first words, he was sincere.The raptors and beasts that did not have the Rest Forest joined the war, and only relying on his Moon Destruction, he could not drive away the Blue Moon fleet.

The Queen of Rest said indifferently: "Don't thank me, my children are fighting for themselves. This is their home and the place where they live for generations. The Blue Moon people invade, of course they will resist."

"No matter what, I still have to thank you, thank you children." Xia Lei said.

The Queen of Rest said indifferently: "Your human feelings are really troublesome, and you also surprised me. You have evolved to such a high level, but your emotions are still like an ordinary person, and there is no obvious evolution. "

This seemed to be an unintentional sentence that was casually said, but it brought a touch to Xia Lei that he had never had before.Yes, he has evolved to a very high level, but his emotions are still the original, and there is no obvious evolution.

Will emotion affect the final evolution?

Such a question suddenly appeared in Xia Lei's heart. He hesitated for a while, and finally said it, "Dear Queen of Rest, are you suggesting something to me? I need to give up my emotions before I can reach higher. Is the level of evolution?"

The Queen of Peace said: "I can feel the confusion in your heart, but I cannot answer your question because I have no emotions."

A wry smile appeared at the corner of Xia Lei's mouth, and he realized that he had asked the wrong person.An emotional question, he asks a tree, what is the difference between asking a salted fish?

"In the previous battle, I have been waiting for Shenyueruyi to appear, but she did not appear." The Queen of Peace changed the subject, "She is more cunning than I thought. This war is just a temptation for her. The goal has been achieved, and she already knows our strength very well."

"Testing in this way?" Xia Lei said: "She is really willing. Lanyue's fleet has suffered a heavy loss. What else will she use to attack us next time? Can't win air supremacy. If we attack us from the ground, Lanyue's The loss will be even heavier."

"Hmm." The Queen of Peace paused slightly before saying, "That's because you don't know your opponent yet."

"What do you mean?"

The Queen of Rest did not immediately answer Xia Lei's question, but instead asked him a question, "My friend, what kind of existence do you think the Moon King is like in Blue Moon?"

"The ruler, the king of the Blue Moon people." Xia Lei said, he had always understood this way.

"That's only the most superficial understanding." The Queen of Rest said: "In my understanding, I would rather think of her as the queen bee in the hive."

Xia Lei seemed to understand something, and was a little anxious, "Tell me."

The Queen of Rest said: "Of course she is not the queen bee who produced the Blue Moon people, but her strongest ability is not in combat, but..."

"But what?" Xia Lei was even more anxious.

"I have collected some very old information, but it is not the same as the gods and the moon, but the information of the older kings of the Blue Moon people." The Queen of Rest continued, her voice carrying a bit of ancient time, "Those The king’s ability to resurrect a dead person forever, regardless of whether that person’s bones still exist, as long as those kings are willing to resurrect it."

Xia Lei was stunned for a moment, then suddenly smiled, "How is this possible? This is impossible."

The Queen of Rest said indifferently: "I used to think it was impossible, but I witnessed the destruction of the holy thunder with my own eyes, and after the destruction of your human civilization, I only believed that it was true. I also believe that you will soon witness the gods and the moon are one With this kind of ability, she didn't fear us when she was hiding this time. Besides trying to test our strength, she must have another purpose."

Xia Lei suddenly remembered the information from Yuenu II, "She... is eating frantically, is she going to restore her peak strength?"

The Queen of Rest nodded, "I think so too. On the surface, we won the victory and severely damaged the Blue Moon fleet, but next time you face the Blue Moon, you will find that they will be better than this. Stronger and crazier once."

Xia Lei's mood became heavy, and the joy and excitement of winning the victory were replaced by the pressure that followed.

The Queen of Rest said: "But you don't have to worry too much. To her, you are actually a terrible existence. Not only you have the eternal energy to restrain her, but also your uncertainty. In fact, I have It is impossible to predict how far you will evolve and what the final result will be."

Xia Lei said: "She won't give me that time."

"Then you go make time, I will help you delay the time for the Blue Moon people to win the war."

"Do you think the Blue Moon people will win?"

"Yes, if you continue to fight like this." The Queen of Rest said.

Xia Lei's mood became heavier. He didn't understand the basis for the Queen of Peace to make this judgment, but the Queen of Peace was a long-lived existence, and its judgments often had its own philosophy and could not go wrong. .

If the Blue Moon people win in the end, what is the point of the current struggle?

"Go, go and buy your time." The Queen of Peace said.

"I will, and I will definitely destroy Blue Moon and complete that mission." Leaving this sentence, Xia Lei turned and left.

He kept thinking about the words he had said when he met the Queen of Peace this time, over and over again.He also thought of his experience in the lunar core. He also heard a similar message when he sneaked into the lunar core that once the Moon King resurrected, the Lunar Nuclear Legion would be strengthened.And these thoughts made him more stressed and his mood worsened.

The Queen of Rest looked at Xia Lei's back, a strange smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

It said it had no emotion, but it laughed.

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