Super Vision

1855 Chapter 1854 Two big fish

The rain was torrential and a thick layer of water collected on the ground.Xia Lei's feet were stepping on the stagnant water on the ground, but there was no sound or splash under his feet. He seemed to be part of the stagnant water on the ground.

The battlefield experiment center in the military base is right in front of you, with two blue moon guards standing at the door, as well as ten fully armed combat robots.The one-to-five combination of humans and robots is very common in Blue Moon’s military system.The gate is equipped with a scanning device and an energy sensing system, and slight energy fluctuations may be reflected on the instrument.

Xia Lei bypassed the door and came under a window on the side wall.

The windows are super-strength tempered glass that can prevent shells from attacking, and the strength is comparable to alloy.But even the alloy can't resist the energy flame formed by Xia Lei's eternal energy.

Xia Lei floated his body to a height parallel to the tempered glass, and then attached the ten fingers of his right hand to the tempered glass.The golden energy flame, which was compressed to the size of a needle, was released from his fingertips, and then quickly cut a circle on the tempered glass with his fingers.Finally, with a light jab with his finger, the piece of tempered glass fell into the window.But it didn't crash and fell to the ground, but slowly sank and placed it gently on the ground.The whole process is like a hydraulic lifting platform supporting it to sink.

With the three cores in a unified mode, Xia Lei has greatly improved his use of various energies and abilities.What was impossible before, now he can easily do it.

Xia Lei's feet fell on the ground inside the battlefield experiment center when the cut of tempered glass sank to the ground.

This is a consumable storage room, which stores many experimental consumables.Xia Lei had no interest in these things at all, his sight penetrated the wall to observe the situation outside.

Outside is a huge experimental area with a comprehensive laboratory, and there are more than a dozen small laboratories surrounding the comprehensive laboratory.Even in this heavy rain late at night, many Blue Moon researchers are still doing experiments and conducting scientific research.

Xia Lei's sight suddenly stopped in a small laboratory. He saw several Blue Moon scientific research workers and a Sun Clan in the small laboratory.There was some curiosity in his heart, and his gaze stayed in the small laboratory.

A Blue Moon scientific researcher used a blood sampling device to collect blood samples from the Sun Clan member, and then a Blue Moon worker cut a small piece of skin from the Sun Clan member.

The Japanese tribe man seemed a little nervous. He said in Japanese tribe language: "My lord, what are you doing? I am here to participate in the holy war. What are you doing with my blood and cutting my flesh? I am a soldier, no, I am Warrior of the Sunset Horde, I should fight on the battlefield, not here!"

No one paid attention to him.

The Blue Moon scientific researcher who collected blood samples said: "This guy's blood is terrible, and his blood is corroding my blood collection device. But his blood components have come out. Only this little blood can be made into a gas bomb. Kill at least a hundred humans!"

Another Blue Moon scientific researcher who used a scalpel to cut off the Sun Warrior also showed a shocked expression, "It's terrible, my alloy scalpel is also being corroded, and the blade is blunt!"

"This is already the fifth subject. I don't think we need to collect samples for primary research anymore. Wait for the results of the first subject."

The soldier of the Sun Clan said: "My lord, when can I leave? I want to see my patriarch."

No one cares about him.

Through perspective interpretation, Xia Lei already understood what happened in that little experiment. A soft, cold snort came from his nostrils, "In the Great Maha Desert, Xiezha led him The clansmen bow down to the Blue Moon people and want to follow the Blue Moon people to participate in the holy war to purify the world, but they didn't expect that the Blue Moon people would not regard them as allies at all. They were just experimenting with guinea pigs. This is really self-inflicted.

Xia Lei's sight left the small laboratory and continued to see through other areas.It was this next perspective that made him angry.

In a small laboratory, a Blue Moon scientific researcher wearing an anti-bacterial coat injected blood collected from a Japanese tribe into a human youth. The youth screamed and died within two seconds.Even if he died, his body was still decayed, and a mixture of green and black poisonous blood flowed from the seven orifices. The blood looked like juice from a rotten pustule, extremely viscous.

In another small laboratory, a Blue Moon scientific researcher took blood drawn from the Sun Clan and injected it into an injured blue dragon. The blue dragon wailed in the energy beast cage. Died after three seconds.Its corpse is the same as that of the human youth.

The experiment videos of all the small laboratories are simultaneously presented in the holographic projection of the central experiment.

An elderly Blue Moon Blue Moon man was looking at the holographic projections, and several assistants around him were collecting and processing experimental reports and timely data from various small laboratories.

Xia Lei's eyes were locked on the elder Blue Moon man. He had a hunch that this guy was a big man.

Just as Xia Lei was guessing the specific identity of the older Blue Moon man, an assistant came to the older Blue Moon man and said: "My Lord Minister, we already have a preliminary research result. We can’t Synthesize the highly toxic toxins in the bodies of Sun Clan people."

The elder Blue Moon suddenly frowned, "Unable to synthesize? Then how do we accomplish our task?"

The assistant said: "There is a simple and effective solution, I don't know..."

"Say." The elder Blue Moon urged.

The assistant said: "According to the current statistical research data, we don’t need to work hard to synthesize the toxic toxins in the body of the Sun Clan. We only need to draw blood from the Sun Clan to create a powerful one. Gas bombs. This kind of bombs are easy to make. Once put into battle, humans, the Ahimis and the beasts of the Resting Forest will pay a heavy price.

The elder Lan Yueren was silent for a while and said: "This matter is not our Ministry of Science in charge, but Lan Sidi is in charge. I have to discuss this with her. After all, these stupid Japanese people are us. Followers, let Lan Sidi decide what to do with them."

"Sir, do you need me to contact Lord Lan Sidi?" the assistant said.

"No, it's better for me. She is a face-saving woman. I will talk to her personally about such things, otherwise she will be offended." The elder Blue Moon took out a communicator and then sent a request for communication. signal of.

His identity has actually come out. He is the Minister of Blue Moon's Science Department.

The communication was quickly accepted.

"Miss Lan Sidi, we already have a preliminary research result and preliminary judgment. We have a very important suggestion to tell you, can you come and have a look?" said the older Lan Yueren.

Xia Lei did not hear the sound inside the communicator. If he used the power of branding to detect, he could eavesdrop the faint sound from the communicator, but after all, this place was located in a deserted military base. To do so was very risky for him, so he gave up on weighing the pros and cons.

"Okay, I am waiting for the adults in the experimental center." The elder Lanyue said politely, then put away his communicator.

Although he did not hear the voice in the communicator, Xia Lei still got the result he wanted, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, "Lan Sidi, I didn't expect you to be here, in Ji I was unable to kill you in the Abyss of Destruction. If I let you live this time, I will not forgive myself."

In the Abyss of Annihilation, it was not he who released Lan Sidi, but Shenyue appeared to rescue Lan Sidi.But even so, it is difficult for him to forgive himself, because he had too many chances to kill Lan Sidi before Shenyue Ruyi appeared.

Two big fish, one is already in the net, and the other is on the way to cast the net.

Xia Lei was not idle while waiting. He searched the consumables room and found several important lists that needed the minister's signature.The name of the Minister of Science of Blue Moon is Sardin.

Xia Lei found a set of anti-bacterial clothing in the consumables room, and he put it on his body.This anti-bacterial suit covered his head, body, and limbs. From the outside, it was impossible to tell whether he was a Blue Moon or a human.In this experimental center, there are many Blue Moon scientific researchers wearing this kind of anti-bacterial clothing. He can remove the natural energy camouflage and enter the experimental center in a natural state without energy fluctuations.

Within a few minutes, Lan Sidi entered the experimental center surrounded by a group of evil moon fighters.

Just when Lan Sidi appeared, Xia Lei ended his fluoroscopy and pushed open the door of the consumables room and walked out.He also held a box of experimental consumables in his hand, and walked to the central laboratory where Sardin was located.

In the Central Laboratory, Sardin brought a few of his assistants to greet him, "Miss Lansidi, I didn’t expect you to come here so soon. I was just wondering if I should come and find you in person, but you obviously Not willing to give me this opportunity to visit you."

A smile appeared on Lan Sidi's face, "Minister Shading, you are a respected old scientist, I dare not let you go there in person. It is a war period, and the purification plan is very important to us. This is the Moon King. I didn’t dare to neglect the tasks I personally arranged, so I came over as soon as I received your communication."

"Then I won't talk nonsense." Sardin said: "We have done a lot of experiments on dozens of experimental individuals, and we have obtained a preliminary research result, that is, the poison in the body of the Japanese people. Toxins cannot be synthesized."

"Can't be synthesized?" Lan Sidi looked a little surprised, "How is this possible? Our technology is so advanced, even we can't synthesize it?"

"Yes, it cannot be synthesized." Sardin said: "The specific reason may take a long time to find the reason, but now I have a simpler solution to achieve the goal we want."

"What's the plan? Tell me quickly." Lan Sidi said anxiously.

"Draw directly from the blood of the Japanese people to create a gas bomb." Sardin said.

"This..." Lan Sidi did not continue.

"The Japanese people are our allies. They come here to fight for us, but if we treat them like this..." Sardin didn't say anything, he watched Lan Sidi's reaction from the corner of his eye.

"Then draw their blood." Lan Sidi's hesitation was only the time when Sardin said half a sentence. Her tone was very firm, "Everything must be based on the interests of our Blue Moon. The Japanese people are not yelling. Are you going to purify the world? Then use their blood to achieve this sacred purpose."

"Ha ha ha..." Sardin laughed.

An Xie Yue warrior suddenly moved his gaze to one direction, and said in a cold voice, "Stop!"

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