Super Vision

1858 Chapter 1857 Peerless Battle

Evolving to this realm, fighting is actually a competition of abilities, the capacity of the body.Whoever has the stronger energy, who is more able to resist, can defeat the opponent.


Amid the dull impact, the mother's chest sank, and her body flew back like a kite.

Xia Lei's chest was also sunken, but the degree of bone crystallization increased, and the extent of his chest sunkenness was not very obvious.Under the impact of death energy, his body flew out like a cannonball.The experiment that had not completely collapsed completely collapsed under the impact of his back, and the energy shock roll with the fragments of the building overturned a large piece of combat robots and destroyer fighter armor.

Xia Lei stood up from the ruins, his throat was sweet, and he almost vomited a mouthful of blood, but he endured it.The slightly sunken chest slowly bulged, and it felt like a damaged car was pulling the skin in a repair shop.

This kind of bone recovery ability and speed was actually surprised even Xia Lei himself. He couldn't help but think of a figure who reached the extreme in this regard, the sacred thunder whose bones were completely crystallized, and the sacred thunder's body's self-repair and resistance It goes without saying how strong it is.Although he has an amazing evolution, his body's self-repair and anti-strike ability is obviously not as good as Sheng Lei and cannot be compared with it.

Mother Ma also stood up from a group of fighters who had been broken up by her. Her chest was high on one side and low on the other. The lower side was obviously the one that Xia Lei had punched.There was a trace of blue blood hanging from the corner of her mouth, very fresh traces, obviously just flowing out.However, there was not even a trace of pain on her face, her eyes were still firm and fearless, and it was not her chest that Xia Lei had knocked, but someone else's.

Her sunken chest was quickly recovering, and she stood up a little bit.Her body's ability to repair wounds is also very strong, even better than Xia Lei.

Lance got up from among the fragments of combat robots, and looked at Xia Lei in horror.His hands were raised high again.

The mother's gaze suddenly moved to Lance's body, "Retreat."

"Commander-in-Chief..." Lance couldn't believe that Mother Ma actually gave such an order.

There was an irresistible majesty in her voice, "He is not an enemy you can deal with, don't die in vain!"

"Yes!" Lance yelled, "Back—back!"

The combat robots surrounding Xia Lei, the Destroyer Fighter Armor, and the Blue Moon soldiers generally receded back, and even the combat aircraft circling in the sky moved back.

A huge open space paved by ruins appeared, and it would become a battlefield for two people.

The mother walked to Xia Lei, step by step, not fast, and with a strong sense of rhythm.Black death energy enveloped her body again, the end of her hammer energy weapon dragged on the ground, and a plowed dent appeared on the hard ground!This time, it seems to be a behemoth with hundreds of tons. Once it leaves the ground, it will transform into the most terrifying monster and devil, destroying all people and things that dare to stop it!


The sound of the canopy movement.

The black energy descends from the sky, continuously giving energy to the mother.

At this time, Xia Lei's sight shifted to another direction, which was an apron.When he came, he saw an ancient spaceship without a serial number and logo, but until now he hadn't seen anyone coming out of that spaceship.Such a huge spaceship, wouldn't it be a ship of air from Blue Moon?

But when he was curious, a door on the side of the spaceship opened, and lights poured out from the door.A group of people rushed out of the spaceship, but they did not come directly here, but moved quickly from the left and right sides.

His rune Yin Yang fish suddenly trembled, and it had captured a large amount of dark death energy.Based on this characteristic alone, it is not difficult for him to judge who the spacecraft was carrying down-the reconstructed Lunar Nuclear Corps!

Maybe there is still a god-like moon.

His eyes locked on the hatch that opened suddenly, but he never saw anyone coming out of it, and he couldn't sense the existence of Shenyue.

"I killed all of them in her base and she didn't show up. She really calmed down, damn..." Xia Lei could not help cursing inwardly.

His mission is not to come here to destroy the Blue Moon people’s plan to use Sun Clan people to research gas bombs, nor is he here to kill combat robots and Blue Moon soldiers, because even if he destroys the laboratory here, Blue Moon still pays. There are more advanced laboratories that can study gas bombs.No matter how many combat robots he kills, the Blue Moon people can quickly produce more combat robots.This is useless at all. Some things are running on track and no one can stop them.

His task is "time".

This time is the time he himself needs.

With the help of Lan Sidi, Shenyue Ruyi madly captures humans and eats. She is rushing on the road to restore her peak state, and his evolution also takes time, but under the competition between recovery and evolution, he is passive. One of the conditions, his evolution cannot catch up with the speed of Shenyue Ruyi's recovery to its peak state.Shenyue Ruyi is not in a hurry now, but he can't help but worry.That’s why he sneaked into Blue Moon’s frontier military base with the elite of the Branding Legion. He wanted to lure Shenyue Ruyi to show up and fight her when she did not return to her peak state. Even if she could not be killed, he would delay her. Speed ​​to restore peak state.

However, Shenyue Ruyi did not show up.

Momma stopped, "You surprised me, can't give you any more time."

The hammer under her feet sank to the ground, and cracks appeared on the hard ground. It really seemed to be hundreds of thousands of tons, so that the ground under it had an "overload" reaction.

A scornful smile appeared at the corner of Xia Lei's mouth, "Where is the gods and the moon? I thought she would show up to fight me, but I didn't expect that she was a tortoise with a shrunken head, hiding from me."

Mother Ma coldly snorted, "Kill you, do you still use the Moon King to take action? During this time, your evolution has surprised me. You are indeed stronger than before, but in my opinion, you are not qualified to challenge the Moon. King. Challenge the Moon King and defeat me first!"

A azure sapphire metal sphere appeared above Xia Lei's head, exuding a clear blue brilliance.

In the first second, the parts of the God of War suit were released from the space of the metal ball.

In the second second, all the parts were perfectly integrated with his body, leaving no gaps from head to toe.The flame heraldic shield is in his left hand, and the frost blade is in his right hand.

After finishing the dress, the golden light suddenly transmitted from the armor, like the first day of the darkness before dawn.Was it his strongest form just now?No, it is now, like a sun god!

"Kill--ah!" With a sound of courage released, Ma Ma suddenly rose from the ground, carrying a black death energy mist, and rushed towards Xia Lei like a huge crow from hell.The hammer energy weapon in her hand, the hammer drew a dark arc in the air, and the black meteor generally slammed into Xia Lei.

For Xia Lei, Feilai was not a woman, nor a hammer, but the entire Blue Moon!

That energy, that kinetic energy, that aura-boundlessly powerful!

The golden light bloomed, and Xia Lei's body was completely swallowed by the golden light of eternal energy.

Darkness and light, two energies at different extremes, the distance between the two disappears in a blink of an eye.Darkness is devouring light, and light is dispelling darkness. The two are incompatible and consume quickly!

"Give me back!" Xia Lei pushed out the flame heraldic shield in his left hand.

Cang Dang!

Mother Ma’s hammer hit Xia Lei’s flame shield.


Shakugan's strong light was released from the point where the hammer hit the flame emblem shield, and the tide generally pushed in all directions.The ground trembled, and the thick cracks of the arms appeared, and the cobwebs were generally dense!

Without waiting for the mother to bounce off, Xia Lei swung the Frost Blade in his right hand and slashed towards the mother's waist.

Mother Ma pulled the chain in her hand to the side, blocking the Frost Blade's sneak attack.


Sparks are everywhere, and fireworks are generally dazzling.

This is just the prelude to a peerless battle.

The light of the knife shone, the hammer flew, and the two fought together, the speed of offense and defense was so fast that the naked eye could not catch it.In fact, the Blue Moon people on the periphery of the battlefield cannot see if they want to see it, because all they can see is the flickering of the golden and black energy light. The golden energy light suppresses the black energy light, and suddenly it turns black energy again. The light forced back the golden energy light.Every collision between the two of them will produce huge energy release, explosion sound, energy impact, the ground of the entire battlefield will not break and sink, giving people the feeling that the whole earth seems to collapse at any time!

Is this a close matchup?

Not really.

"Go back, let Shenyue Ruyi come!" After less than a minute of the duel, Xia Lei suddenly roared and slashed the mother's hammer with a knife, and slammed into her arms with a shield.

The mother's body is almost the size of his two. He is like a young boy in her arms, and the mother is already a very mature woman.His head was only flush with the mother's breast, and it was the same size as his head.At the moment when he cut into the mother's breast, his head slammed into the mother's chest.


A thorn on the helmet of the God of War plunged into the mother's chest fiercely, blue blood spurted out, and Xia Lei's head wearing the helmet was suddenly dyed blue.

At that moment, a trace of golden power was injected into the mother's body from the wound on her chest.

"Ah--" Mother Ma screamed, her extremely tall and burly body shells flying backwards.


The mother smashed to the ground, and the ground under her suddenly sank.Cracks emerged, like a rock hitting the surface of thin ice.The black death energy on her body generally returned to her body, but one of her towering chests always had a little gold shining existence.

That was the eternal energy that Xia Lei injected into her body, and for her, it was the deadliest virus!

"Ah..." Momma groaned in pain, this time she could not get up from the ground.She seems to be suffering from an incomprehensible pain and cannot escape.

Xia Lei carried the Frost Blade and walked towards the mother. At this time, he just waved his hand to kill the mother.

Xia Lei got closer and closer, but the mother's eyes moved to another direction, and she inexplicably said, "Are you waiting for him to kill me? Almost all the soldiers are here."

Xia Lei suddenly stopped and moved his eyes in that direction.

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