Super Vision

1860 Chapter 1859 A big chess

With an energy great axe on his head and a mother on the side, Xia Lei's situation became dangerous and passive in a second.It is not a problem for him to accept Marma's attack, or Gudo's attack, but the problem is that the two attacked him together. He is not strong enough to face two Blue Moon top powerhouses at the same time.

Without hesitation, Xia Lei smashed the Flame Emblem Shield to the ground, and a piece of golden energy light was immediately released from the Flame Emblem Shield.In an instant, a golden energy fire wall appeared on the ground.

As soon as this wall of energy appeared, Guduo and Maima "broke" their bodies almost at the same time.Eternal energy is the nemesis of death energy, even beings like Mamma and Gudo dare not touch it easily.Especially Mother Ma, she was almost burned to death by Xia Lei's eternal energy fire just now, and that was just a little bit of eternal energy fire, and now it is a wall of fire!

As soon as Mama and Gu Duosa stopped, Xia Lei's legs kicked on the ground, and his whole body soared into the sky like a rocket.

"Want to escape?" Guduo grinned. "Naive, why do you think I delayed until now to show up?"


For hundreds of months, the nuclear warriors suddenly raised the energy weapons in their hands, and each energy weapon established contact with Blue Moon and received energy injection from Blue Moon.At that moment, a huge black energy pillar fell from the sky, and then divided into hundreds of strands and injected them into the energy weapons in the hands of nuclear warriors every month.A huge energy prison suddenly appeared in the sky, blocking Xia Lei's escape from the sky.

Xia Lei stopped abruptly, almost hitting the energy cage that was born suddenly.

"Jie Jie Jie..." Guduo laughed again, this strange laughter could be his signature, and the recognition rate was extremely high.

Mother Ma looked up at Xia Lei who was hovering in the sky, and a sneer appeared at the corner of her mouth, "I said, you have lost the chance to escape. You will die in you because of your arrogance. Take it seriously. I thought this military base existed because of the destruction of mankind and the resting forest. Can you just sprinkle it once and leave without incident?"

This is a mockery. Xia Lei pulled out Lan Sidi's pants before and slapped Lan Sidi's ass, but now she retaliated.

"Ha ha ha..." Xia Lei smiled in desperation.

"What are you laughing at?" Goodo's voice was extremely cold.At this point, Xia Lei could still laugh. He really didn't understand this and was curious.

"He's just bluffing!" Mother Ma said in a deep voice, "Guduo, let's do it!"

Guduo nodded this time.

"Three." Xia Lei suddenly counted.

Gudo, who was about to do it, said suspiciously: "You fellow, what are you doing counting three?"

"Two." Xia Lei counted again.

This time even the mother became nervous inexplicably, she subconsciously glanced around, but she didn't see anything unusual.

"One." Xia Lei lost the third number.

Nothing happened.

"Hahaha..." This time the person who laughed out loud was actually the mother. She trembled with laughter, and the little girl was generally happy.

Goodo looked at his mother and said sarcastically, "Are you and him crazy?"

The mother is still laughing, "Hahaha... Xia Lei, Xia Lei, do you have to do this every time? Create something unexpected in the desperate situation, and then look for opportunities to get out. I've been on yours But why do you think I will be fooled by you? Do you really think you are the smartest person in the world? Also, we are stupid?"

Xia Lei said: "I am not the smartest person in the world, and you are not a fool. But this time I still want to tell you that I can come and leave if I want to go to this military base. No one can keep me. ."

Mother Ma's expression turned gloomy.

The aura of dark energy on Guduo's body quickly increased.

This is a signal that you are about to do it.

Xia Lei suddenly opened his mouth wide, and then let out a voice, "Boom!"

Still nothing happened.

"Jie Jie Jie..." Guduo couldn't help but smile. "Although you are about to die in my hands, I still want to tell you that you are the most interesting guy I have ever killed, hahaha... "

However, before Gu Duo heard his voice, the ground under his feet suddenly shook violently.

This shaking is also a signal.

Immediately after--


An earth-shaking explosion suddenly rushed out of the ground, and the earth suddenly rushed to the sky.All the people, robots, weapons of war, and buildings on the ground were overturned and buried instantly!


After the violent explosion, the whole earth was bumped up, overturning everything, and the explosive energy shock wave rising from the ground destroyed everything that resisted them!In just a blink of an eye, the entire base was swallowed by the flames of the explosion and suffered heavy losses!

On the battlefield, those lunar nuclear warriors who surrounded Xia Lei in a circle and built an energy cage with the assistance of Blue Moon had no possibility to stand firm under the tsunami-like mud and rock waves and fierce explosion shock waves and maintain their formation .At least one third of the Lunar Nuclear Soldiers were overthrown to the ground and then buried in mud and rocks.Although they were not going to die, the energy cage they constructed broke down.

How can a cage that has broken two walls hold prisoners?Let alone a prisoner like Xia Lei!


A sound that broke through the sound barrier suddenly exploded from under Xia Lei's feet, and his body instantly broke through the speed of sound and flew towards the Forest of Rest.

"No—" Mother Ma hissed.

But Xia Lei didn't look back.


The ammunition warehouse was destroyed, and the explosion at that moment seemed to blow up the entire world.The scorching glare and the unparalleled energy shock wave destroyed everything unscrupulously.

Ma and Guduo were also swept by the energy shock wave generated by the explosion, but they were like huge rocks in a mountain torrent, motionless.The dark death energy on them propped up a shield for them to prevent them from being injured.But ordinary Blue Moon soldiers, combat robots, and Blue Moon’s heavy war weapons do not have their capabilities. They become fragments in the fire, and then turn from fragments into coke or powder.

The energy shock wave disappeared, and the base in the field of vision was in a mess, with broken limbs and metal fragments everywhere.

Mother Ma tore off the energy shield on her body and looked at the base that had been bombed beyond recognition.Although the explosion failed to destroy the entire base, the loss it suffered absolutely exceeded the loss it would have in a head-on fight with humans and the beasts in the Resting Forest!

"This is your responsibility!" Guduo yelled at her.

"My mother never shied away from responsibility." Mother said, she walked to the place where the fire was burning hardest.A piece of black ice was born under her feet, and then quickly spread.Wherever Black Ice passed, the fire was extinguished.

"Huh! Self-righteous woman." Goodo looked at the back of his mother with cold eyes and disdain.


The ground cracked, and nuclear fighters emerged from the mud for a month.Then, the buried Lunar Nuclear Soldiers emerged one after another from the mud.They came behind Guduo and stood quietly, no one said a word.

"You are too weak! You don't deserve to be my subordinates!" Guduo said overcastly.

All the moon nuclear fighters suddenly knelt down, bowed their heads, afraid to look at Gu Duo.

"Useless waste." Guduo didn't want to look at his men any more, he walked to a destroyer fighter armor.

The Destroyer Fighter Armor was very lucky. It saved the most important part from the explosion, which is the cockpit part.At this time the door of the cockpit was opened, and a mecha fighter climbed out of the cockpit that was smoking thick smoke.One of his legs was broken, and blue blood kept flowing out from the broken leg. A blue blood stain was dragged out from the cockpit of the mecha and the ground, which was very eye-catching.

"Help me...I need a treatment cabin..." the wounded mecha warrior pleaded.

"What you need is relief, you are too painful, I will help you." Guduo said.

"What do you... mean?"

Guduo suddenly stretched out his hand, and his hand plunged into the head of the wounded mecha warrior without damping.

"Ah..." the mecha warrior screamed, but without the strength to struggle, his head quickly turned black and then shrivelled.

All the Lunar Nuclear Warriors did not even dare to take a mouthful of the atmosphere, and no one dared to look at Gu Duo.

At the same time, Xia Lei swooped down from the sky and plunged into the dense forest.

"The leader is back!" Su Ya was the first to find Xia Lei.

There was a cheering sound in the forest.

Xia Lei landed on the ground, but his feet shook slightly and almost fell to the ground.

"Leader? Are you injured?" Su Ya rushed up anxiously and supported Xia Lei.

There were no scars on Xia Lei's body, but he was very uncomfortable at the moment.He passed through Guduo's body. Guduo seemed to have left something on his body. At that time, he was in a state of fighting, but he just suppressed those "things" and did not eradicate it.Escape the base, relax, and those "things" are revealed.It felt like a virus to him, and it was a virus against the soul.

"That guy is very evil!" Xia Lei said.

"Who?" Shu Ya asked.

"Guduo." Xia Lei said: "Tell everyone that the Blue Moon Moon Nuclear Legion ushered in their new commander, a guy named Guduo. He has no body, but a pure energy body. I don't know God. How did Yue Ruyi get this guy out, but this guy is terrible, so be careful in the future."

Su Ya nodded, "Guduo, I will let everyone know about the existence of this character." Then she said with concern: "Leader, are you injured because of him?"

Xia Lei smiled, "Joke, how could I be injured? That Gudo and Marma joined forces to fight me, and I beat the two guys to run around. If it weren't for your safety, I wouldn't necessarily kill it. Two guys."

"That's right, commander of the legion, our leader is a man like a god, how could we get hurt?" The honest Xing Yao said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, our leader is an invincible hero, who can defeat him?" someone said.

"As for the gods and the moon, she dare not even show her face, she must be afraid of our leader!" someone said.

There was a compliment, and the little tension disappeared in the blink of an eye.

This is certainly not the truth. Is it good for these branded fighters to know the truth?No, if Xia Lei said that he was beaten away by his mother and Gudo, all he could get was the result of morale.In an all-out war, the key is the group, and morale is the key to victory or defeat. How dare he tell the truth?

"You retreat first, I am responsible for the break." Xia Lei said.

Su Ya said: "Leader, let's go back together..."

Xia Lei interrupted her, "Su Ya, this is an order!"

"Yes!" Su Ya immediately stood up and saluted, and then said: "Retreat!"

Xia Lei sat on the grass after Su Ya left with the branded warrior, then took out a small alloy milk bottle, unscrewed the lid, and poured it into his mouth.

What he drank was Bai Ling's fragrant milk, which is the milk that nourishes the soul and heals.After Bailing started the evolutionary path, after acquiring the healing power, the efficacy of her milk was far beyond the previous one.For him, Bailing's milk is the best medicine in the world, which can cure all diseases.

After a bottle of fragrant milk, the cosmic imprint begins to absorb the magical energy contained in the fragrant milk, then nourishes the soul and gets rid of the things left in the soul by Guduo.

A trace of black air emerged from the top of Xia Lei's head, and the uncomfortable feeling of being caught by the soul virus quickly eased.Xia Lei looked at the black air above his head, feeling amazed in his heart.He couldn't perceive the energy nature of those black qi, but he was sure that they were actually a kind of energy, but he still couldn't interpret it.

"Could it be..." Xia Lei suddenly thought of a place, "He came from the world of death? This black energy is a kind of energy in the world of death? If it is, then it is troublesome..."

Although he had blown up Lanyue's frontier base in an unrecognizable manner, he was not happy at all.He gave him a feeling that these tactics and military actions were just the lower level, and Shenyue Ruyi was in the next big game!

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