Super Vision

1866 Chapter 1865 The Redemption of Blood

In the video broadcast by Ho Fang, a warrior of the Sunset Tribe is imprisoned on a silver metal bed.Several Blue Moon scientific research workers in anti-bacterial clothing were surrounding him. Some were drawing his blood, some were cutting his skin, and some were prying open his mouth to scrape the poisonous venom from his teeth.

"Let go of me! Let go of me..." The warrior of the Sunset Tribe struggled and said angrily: "I am a warrior of the Sunset Tribe. I am here to participate in the holy war. What are you doing? Let me go! I want to see us. Patriarch!"

"It's really annoying for this low-level Japanese people to be noisy. If it wasn't for you to have a little use value, it would have eaten you!" said a blue moon scientific researcher.He used the Blue Moon language, but Japanese subtitles appeared on the "screen".

In this way, the few literate Sun Tribe members of the Sun Tribe read the letters on the screen and spread among the crowd. As a result, they all knew what the Blue Moon worker was saying.What's more, because the Sunset Tribe has always been in contact with Blue Moon, some people also understand Blue Moon, so they are more sure that they are correct.

"What are you talking about? I want to see my patriarch!" The soldiers of the Sunset Tribe struggled, but they couldn't get rid of the alloy handcuffs and shackles.

"Asshole! Be quiet!" A Blue Moon scientific researcher slapped the face of the sunset tribe warrior.

There was a crisp sound.

The sound amplified by Hao Fang echoed throughout the tribe, and all the people in the Sunset tribe felt that they had been slapped in the face.

Camera switching.

In another laboratory, a soldier of the Sunset Tribe was taken into a closed room.After the Blue Moon scientific researcher exited the room, he lowered a cage from the roof.There were two blue dragons in the cage. After seeing the sunset tribe warrior in the room, he became frantic. He kept roaring at the sunset tribe warrior, and even hit the alloy cage with his head.

The warrior of the Sunset Tribe in the desert had no chance to see one of the four great beasts of the Rest Forest. He suddenly became nervous. He rushed to the wall and smashed the wall hard, while shouting: "Let me out! let me out!"

No one let him out, but the blue moon scientific researchers let out the two blue dragons.

The blue dragon pounced on the warrior. He fought desperately, but he couldn't defeat two blue dragons in a narrow space.He was bitten to pieces by two blue dragons, but the two blue dragons also died poisonously because of his poisonous blood...

Similar experiments appeared on the screen one after another.

One fact has been placed in front of all the people of the Sunset Tribe, that is, their fighters go to Lanyue not to participate in some holy war, but to be experimental mice.A soldier should die on the battlefield. Such a death is glorious. It is a soldier's home. It can be regarded as an experimental mouse and died in a laboratory. This kind of death is unacceptable.

Angry emotions quietly breed among the sunset tribe's crowd, quietly spreading and brewing.

Xia Lei’s voice was crushed again, with incomparable majesty and sacredness, “Have you all seen it? This is the holy war that your patriarch told you. He himself enjoys the treatment of Blue Moon as a guest of honor, but your children Tortured, even humiliated to die. Do you now know who is lying? It is your patriarch Xiezha!"

"You fart!" The burly tribal warrior shouted at Xia Lei: "These are just things you made to deceive us. We should trust our patriarch, not you!"

"Yes! Believe in the patriarch!" Another soldier said loudly: "This guy killed many of us in the Sunrise Tribe! He is our enemy, not our friend! Don't believe him!"

"Get out of our territory! This is not where you should be!"

"Go away! You are not welcome here!"

There was an angry voice.


A bone-made arrow suddenly flew towards Xia Lei from the crowd, and flew towards Xia Lei with the sound of breaking the air, and with a green poison.

Xia Lei did not dodge.


The bone-made arrow pierced his chest, but failed to penetrate his body. Instead, it bounced off by a counter shock, exploded in the air, and turned into a dusty powder.

At the door of Mieyue, Tia Sama made an exclamation sound, and she was relieved when she saw that the arrow bounced off and exploded into powder.

Ruisama, who was standing next to her, turned her head and said to the soldiers of the Sunrise tribe behind her: "Ready to fight!"

The warriors of the sunrise tribe have their swords unsheathed and their arrows wound.

"No, my Sunwa will take care of it." Tia Sama said: "My Sunwa told me that even he couldn't conquer the most powerful sunset tribe in this desert without bleeding."

"Patriarch!" A soldier of the Sunrise Tribe said excitedly: "We are ready to bleed! The Sunset Tribe has oppressed us for so many years, now is the time for them to pay back!"

Tia Sama shook her head, "My Sun Wah made it clear that it is not our blood to bleed, but the blood of the people of the Sunset Tribe. This tribe has betrayed the great Tia Sama and abandoned them. Faith, so they need to be redeemed in the fire and blood."

At this moment, Xia Lei suddenly fell from the sky.

He had done what he was supposed to do, but he didn't expect to be able to conquer the Sunset Tribe with a few words and put on a video.This tribe has been in contact with the Blue Moon for a long time, and some extreme thoughts have penetrated into their bones for a long time. If you want to get rid of the Blue Moon’s influence and control on them, then there is only-scraping the bones!

"Ready to fight!" The warrior of the extremely stalwart sunset tribe who first jumped out to fight against Xia Lei roared and drew his sword at the same time.


Someone fired a shot at Xia Lei. It was an energy rifle that the Blue Moon gave to the Sunset Tribe.

Xia Lei didn't dodge at all, the energy ammunition flying out of the energy rifle flew in front of him in an instant, hitting his lower abdomen.A violent explosion sounded, and all the explosion energy was captured and became part of Xia Lei's energy shield.It feels like he was not hit by an energy bullet, but a glowing firefly hit him.

"On behalf of the Diablo that I beat, I will give you divine punishment! Anyone who violates my will-kill!" Xia Lei's voice was extremely loud, crushed from the sky, shaking the eardrums of every sunset tribe .

"Come on! Kill him! For the holy war!" The extremely sturdy sunset tribe warrior led by Xia Lei charged up to the ground.

The power of religious belief can drive a person crazy, and death can't make him shrink or even fear.

Xia Lei snorted coldly. With a movement, he instantly moved to the leading sunset tribal warrior. He slammed a punch, and the leading sunset tribal warrior couldn't even make a scream. The whole body was in him. Under his fist, it turned into a mist of blood, just like kiwi juice made with a crusher!

A group of sunset tribal warriors who rushed over were immediately stunned, and their feet stopped uncontrollably.With one punch, the strongest and most prestigious person among them was beaten into meat sauce, and they were not affected by their toxins. Who would dare to go up with such a difference in strength?

"I represent the great Diablo to purify your contaminated souls!" Xia Lei hit the ground with a punch, the ground trembled, the dust was flying, and a golden flame of power suddenly burst from the ground.

A large group of fierce sunset tribe warriors were swallowed by the golden energy flame in no time. Before they fell down, their bodies were turned into ashes in the golden energy flame!

Xia Lei walked to another group of warriors of the Sunset Tribe with weapons, his body was burning with golden energy flames, and a fake Diablo statue was suspended above his head.At this moment, he was expressionless and his eyes flickered with golden light. If he was not a god, he might not even believe him.

The angry god, the god who destroys everything!

The pressure from Xia Lei is higher than the sky and heavier than the mountain!

Cang Dang!

A sunset tribe warrior threw away the shield and the saber in his hand, and knelt on the ground.He lowered his head, his body trembled, and his voice trembled, "Great Diablo, you are kind, please forgive our sins."

More Warriors of the Sunset Tribe also threw away their weapons and knelt down, bowed their heads, begging for forgiveness.

Xia Lei stopped, "From now on, there will be no scorpion in the Sunset Tribe. Your patriarch is Tia Sama!"

"What... how can this be?" A thin old man suddenly stood up from the crowd, "We are willing to surrender to you, but Xiezha is our patriarch, we can't abandon him."

Another young woman stood up and said, "The patriarch should be selected by our sunset tribe. This is our own business."

Xia Lei was immediately embarrassed. He could kill the soldiers of the Sunset Tribe with thunder, but in the face of the old man and the woman, he couldn't keep the cruel heart just now.At this time he hesitated.But just when he felt embarrassed and hesitant, a man in rags stood up and said loudly, "Great Apostle of Tia Sama, this old man is Xie Zha's father, and this woman is Xie Zha's wife. These two people cannot represent us!"

"You shut up!" the young woman yelled, and then stared fiercely at the ragged Sun Clan.

Xia Lei said, "Who are you?"

The ragged Sun Clan said: "The great Apostle of Tia Sama, I am a member of the Huangsha tribe. I was taken here by the sunset tribe. My identity here is a slave."

Xia Lei nodded, "I understand."

"Great Apostle of Tia Sama, I insist on my opinion." The young woman said, "You can't listen to a humble slave. We are willing to submit to you, but the patriarch cannot be Tia of the Sunrise tribe. Sama."

"Yes." said the elderly Japanese tribe: "We should choose from our tribe."

Xia Lei walked to the two of them and said indifferently: "But I think you should go to heaven."

"What?" The young woman and the old man stunned.

Xia Lei shot suddenly, and the two of them instantly turned into two fireballs.

No one dared to stand up for anything.

Xia Lei Zhensheng said: "The Sun Clan are the people of the great Diablo, and you deserve a unity. I now give you a choice. Those who are willing to stay and join the tribal alliance stay and are willing to follow the Blue Moon. The people in Xiezha can leave now."

Tribal alliance, this is the most important purpose of Xia Lei's visit to the Da Maha Desert.He returned with Tia Sama, and then he will return with a powerful Sun Clan army!

Several tribal warriors hesitated again and again, and finally stood up and left.Someone took the lead, and those who were still hesitating also stood up, and then left.

There are only dozens of people who choose to go to Blue Moon to follow Xie Zha, all of them are tribal warriors who Xie Zha stayed here.

Seeing them leave, a sneer appeared on the corner of Xia Lei's mouth.

In this case, it is naturally Xie Zha's loyal to leave.These people go to Blue Moon and will be enemies on the battlefield in the future.How could he keep them?

Xia Lei blew a whistle.

On Mieyue, Haofang walked to the Star Stone engine, folded his palms together, and said, "Summon the dragon, go and follow the boss's orders."

Turn off the sound of the control system of the Moon, "The whistle command is activated, execute the whistle command, and Xingqiu will attack!"

The energy monster Xingqiu emerged from the star-stone engine, and instantly passed through the rock hull, chasing the group of sunset tribal warriors and flew past.

Hao Fang spread out its short hands, "Your uncle, can't you just follow the boss's orders silently? Let me pretend to be forced, what's wrong with summoning Shenlong?"

"Fool." The voice of Mieyue's control system.

Good Fang, "..."

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