Super Vision

1878 Chapter 1877 Diving into the Blue Moon

The border desert military base is right in front of you, and the energy separation wall extends to the left and right sides in the field of vision, with no end in sight.In the sky, huge warships circled the base, blocking the sky.Army reconnaissance aircraft cruised at low altitude, closely monitoring the situation from the resting forest.On the ground, a patrol consisting of armored tanks and combat robots, Destroyer fighters and Blue Moon soldiers patrolled the buffer zone between the deserted military base and the Rest Forest.

A patrol team searched the area where Xia Lei was.

Xia Lei took a deep breath, then thrust a saber in his hand toward his stomach.This was certainly not his own belly, but the belly of the Blue Moon Air Force colonel.The Blue Moon Air Force colonel is named Dans, he is unmarried, but he has a girlfriend named Hess.

These were not the information Xia Lei obtained when he killed his soul, but obtained from some things found on Dans's body, such as the officer's ID, the signed photo of his girlfriend, and so on.But he doesn't need to know too much about this Dans, he only needs to use his body to enter the blue moon.

The saber pierced into the lower abdomen, and a sharp pain hit him instantly. At that moment, it felt like he was dying, very painful.Although it is not his own body, his soul controls everything in this body, including every nerve, which means that his soul can feel the nerve stimulation.If there is no such "feel", then he can't control this body.

Under this severe pain, Xia Lei also had a clear understanding, that was that he had become an ordinary person now, and was no longer the omnipotent Xia Lei who flew into the sky and escaped.

After stabbing himself, Xia Lei wiped the blood from the knife and returned it to the scabbard, then picked up a stone and threw it on his head twice.Blue blood ran down his cheeks, and he looked very hideous.He clutched the wound on his lower abdomen and walked towards the direction of the light, limping, walking slowly and hard.

"Who is there? Stand there and don't move!" The sound of a loudspeaker was heard from the armored car driving in the forefront of the patrol, with a sense of questioning and vigilance.

Xia Lei raised a hand and said in Lan Yueyu: "I... Dans... Air Force Colonel..." His voice was very weak, and he fell to the ground after speaking.

The energy armored car stopped, and a few Blue Moon soldiers came over.

"It's our own people."

"It looks like an officer of the Air Force."

"He seems to be injured."

"Idiot, it's not like he is dying!"

"It must have been injured by the air raid on Rest Forest. Our fighter planes were shot down a lot. Take him back for treatment."

Several Blue Moon Army soldiers were talking babbledly, while lifting Xia Lei into the energy armored vehicle.

Lying on an emergency stretcher in the armored vehicle, Xia Lei opened his eyes and said weakly: "Send, send...Send me back to Lanyue...I have important information...I want, I want..."

He "fainted" again without finishing a sentence.

He didn't actually faint, just didn't want to talk to these blue moon people.If you talk too much, it is inevitable that flaws will be revealed sometimes.

The patrol returned to the base. The doctor in the area gave Xia Lei first aid, stopped the blood, and then sent him to a troop carrier.His injuries could have been dealt with by entering the medical cabin, but healing has become a secondary matter. He claimed that he had important information and asked to go to the Blue Moon. The patrol team was too low-level and did not dare to delay the military situation, so he simply sent away. It's up.As for what important information he had, and who to send the information to, the people from the patrol team treated him without even asking.

The troop carrier took off and flew towards the blue moon.


The sound of the opening of the canopy came from above his head. Although the energy shield of the canopy was not visible, Xia Lei could also feel a huge energy field in motion.He has been looking for a way to crack the sky, but he has not found a way so far.

"Mumma must know the secret of the sky curtain. As the top high-level figure of Blue Moon, she has been in control of Blue Moon until Shenyue Ruyi is resurrected. She should know everything I want to know. As long as I save her, I will I can find the answer from her." Xia Lei thought secretly in his heart.This is actually the reason why he is willing to venture into the blue moon to save his mother. The secret of the sky screen is related to the victory of the war, and the secret of the gods and the moon is related to the ultimate mission. Only the answers to these two secrets are produced. He can't resist the temptation.

The small troop carrier enters the space, and the huge blue moon is gradually approaching in the window. It brings an indescribable shock and visual impact.Although it was the second time I saw it, the feeling it gave Xia Lei did not change.

The small troop carrier entered Blue Moon and landed at Military Dock No. 1.Later, Xia Lei was transferred to a flying car and finally sent to a hospital.He received further treatment in the hospital, and he also experienced the feeling of a medical cabin for the first time.The biological welding gun sutured the internal organs and skin he had pierced, and after the treatment, there was not even the slightest scar left.However, after the treatment, the trauma still exists, and there is still a dull pain in the wound.

Not long after he stayed in the hospital, an officer came to the hospital, claiming to be an investigator of the military intelligence system, named Lan Rui.This person is tall and thin, with sharp eyes, and the whole person feels capable and cruel, which is difficult to cope with.

"Colonel Dans, where did your fighter crash?" After briefly asking about Xia Lei's physical condition, Lan Rui cut into the subject.

"On the edge of the Rest Forest, I encountered my combat brigade as soon as I entered the Rest Forest..." Xia Lei stopped talking, looking in a trance, as if caught in a painful memory that he didn't want to recall.

Lan Rui frowned, "What happened? Why don't you go on."

Xia Lei said: "He... he is terrible. If I had a choice, I would rather go and single out a hundred human fighters than meet him..."


"Xia Lei." Xia Lei said.The first time he described himself pretentiously, there was a strange feeling in his heart.

"Have you met Xia Lei?"

"Yes, I met Xia Lei, no, it was us... My combat group was destroyed by him." Xia Lei's emotions were a bit out of control, "We could have destroyed the mankind's strategic missile base, but it is the most important thing. At the moment Xia Lei appeared. He caught the missile we launched with his hand, and then rushed towards us..."

"Then you were shot down?" Lan Rui had always been calm, even when he heard the name "Xia Lei", his eyes flashed, and then there was no reaction.

"Yes." Xia Lei said with a trembling: "My teammates were killed on the spot, and my fighter was destroyed. But I was lucky. I activated the escape system before the fighter exploded and left with an escape capsule. Fighter."

"He didn't chase you down?"

"No." Xia Lei said.

"It's easy for him to find you, why didn't he come to hunt you?" Lan Rui said.

Xia Lei said excitedly: "How do I know? What do you mean? Do you have to die in his hands to make you feel normal? Are you satisfied?"

"No, Colonel Dans, please calm down. I just want to investigate the incident clearly in my routine." Lan Rui said.There was an apology on his mouth, but a hint of contempt flashed in his eyes, "Next, why do you think he didn't come to hunt you? How did you escape?"

Xia Lei snorted coldly, "When I ejected, it happened to be when a large army attacked the Rest Forest at night. A large number of fighters entered. Xia Lei probably went to deal with the fighters that were being taken, so he let me go. Let me go, but I was still caught by two human warriors. They caught me when I just crawled out of the life-saving capsule, ready to take me to their position. Go away For a while, I lied to be relieved, only one soldier from the Resistance was looking at me. I knocked him down, and then went to kill the second one, but he found me and I was shot in the fight. I escaped from the Forest of Rest , And then met our patrol team. This is how the whole incident happened. I didn't hide anything, and... why the hell should I hide it?"

"Don't get excited, Colonel Dans." Lan Rui said faintly, "I believe you. I said this is just a routine investigation. Now, tell me the information you mentioned. We have received a report from a deserted military base. Say you claim that you have important information to be sent to Blue Moon, what kind of information is that?"

Xia Lei was silent for a while before saying: "Humans have created a super laser weapon, which is said to be able to attack Blue Moon!"

"What?" Lan Rui couldn't keep his calm anymore.

"Super laser weapon." Xia Lei repeated.

"How can this be?"

"I don't know. I listened to the two resistance fighters. I understand Chinese, but they didn't know that I could understand them, so they talked about the super laser weapon on the road."

"Where is it?"

"I don't know the specific location, but I heard them say that once the time is right, their leader will activate that laser weapon to attack Blue Moon." Xia Lei said.

"you sure?"

"What am I sure about?"

"Are you sure this is true?"

"Where do I know?" Xia Lei said dissatisfiedly: "I just heard this by fluke, and then felt that the matter was important and should be reported. Is this information true? Shouldn't people like you investigate it?"

Lan Rui was silent for a while and said, "Colonel Dans, I have already figured out the matter. As for the information you provided, we will investigate. You don't have to worry about it, rest well, and then go to the battlefield. The general attack will begin. Up."

"Yeah." Xia Lei responded lukewarm.

Lan Rui got up and left without looking at Xia Lei again.

Such investigations are indeed only routine. What Lan Rui is most interested in is how Colonel Dans escaped from the Resting Forest. Xia Lei's answer was very strict and reasonable, and it was difficult for him to doubt anything.As for the intelligence of the super laser weapon, he himself didn't believe it, but he would report it regularly.This is just work, he has nothing to do with this Colonel Dans.

After Lan Rui left, Xia Lei got up from the hospital bed.He doesn't have much time, he doesn't want to lie in a hospital bed.Diving into the blue moon is only the first step, but it is also the easiest step.Next, he wants to sneak into the Blue Moon Central Prison and get in touch with Yue Slave 2.The third step is to save the mother and escape from the blue moon, this step is the most difficult.

The door of the ward suddenly opened and a woman walked in.

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