Super Vision

1883 Chapter 1882 Dirty Escape

Jingle bell...

The old man hit the clogged sewage pipe with a hammer, making a loud noise, but with little strength.In addition to creating an illusion that the sound it made was dealing with the problem, it was also a cover for Xia Lei and Yuenu II.

Under the leadership of Yuenu No. 2, Xia Lei followed it along a sewage pipe.

Yue Nu 2 stopped at a position, pointed to a sewage pipe that was bent at 90 degrees and went upwards and said: "This is the pipe, which leads to the black prison where the mother is imprisoned." Yue Nu 2 said.

After taking a closer look at the pipeline, Xia Lei frowned.It is not very large, it is only one meter in diameter, and it can be drilled by one person after being cut, but the sewage pipe leading to the black prison will definitely not be one meter in diameter, it must be a few centimeters and ten centimeters , It is impossible for him to climb up.But meeting with the mother is the most important part of the whole rescue plan. If he does not meet with the mother and is not sure about her situation, the probability of him rescuing the mother is almost zero!

"Master, this is the most likely successful way to save Mamma that I can analyze, except for this, there is no such thing." Yue Nu 2 said.

Xia Lei believed the results of its analysis, because according to the situation he had just seen, the two-month nuclear warrior standing at the door of the black jail, as well as a dozen fully armed combat robots, could not be managed by him.There is only this way, how should we proceed?

Xia Lei raised his head and looked overhead, and a metal ceiling came into his sight.Suddenly he thought of something, and he followed with his foot on the floor under his foot.

Clang, clang!

There was the sound of metal being hit on the floor.

This cross talk confirmed the inspiration that Xia Lei had just captured. His face also showed an excited smile, and his heart secretly said: "My habitual thinking almost hurt me. I habitually think that the bathroom is underneath. The concrete is very thick and thick, but this is not the earth, nor the star of hope, but the blue moon. There is no soil here at all, the floor is all metal, and the dark bottom is no exception. I just need to cut Open the sewer, go in, get close to the dark floor, and then cut the floor, I can see the mother, figure out her current situation, and then plan what to do next!"

"Master?" Yuenu No.2's voice.

Xia Lei then retracted his gaze from the metal ceiling on the floor above his head, "Yuenu No. 2, cut the sewage pipe."

"Yes, master." Yuenu opened its toolbox on the 2nd, took out a portable cutting gun from it, and started cutting the sewage pipe.


Muddy and foul-smelling sewage came out of the sewage pipe.

Moon Slave 2 was poured thoroughly.

The sewage blocked in the sewage pipe was quickly discharged, but there was still some residue on the pipe, and the smell was unpleasant.

Xia Lei said, "Go in and cut open the connection part of the black drain pipe. I will personally come the rest."

"Yes, Master." Yuenu 2 climbed into the sewage pipe, and soon there was the sound of cutting alloy.

About ten minutes later, Yuenu 2 climbed out of the pipeline and handed the portable cutting gun to Xia Lei, "Master, I have already cut the part of the black sewer pipe that connects the main pipe according to your instructions. , The rest is up to you."

"Go to the entrance and guard and provide cover for the old man." Xia Lei explained this sentence and climbed into the main sewage pipe.

Although the sewage in the main sewage pipe is discharged, the dirt remaining on the pipe is still disgusting.Xia Lei crawled in, and his overalls got stuck a lot, and it smelled like he wanted to vomit.But even if it was dirty and smelly, he still bite the bullet and climbed up.

The cut of Yuenu No. 2 reached the bottom of the black prison, and the sewage pipe of the black prison was not damaged.There is an interlayer between the black prison floor and the main sewage pipe, just enough to allow Xia Lei to climb in and lie down on the black prison floor above the cutting head.

Zi Zi Zi...

The sound of cutting sounded in the narrow space, and the sparks of metal cutting fell on Xia Lei's body, and his hair and his work clothes were scorched in many places.

"Damn, I worked so hard to save you, if you don't help me deal with Shenyueruyi, then I will kill you!" Xia Lei said to himself.

He said so, but if Mama didn't help him deal with Shenyueruyi, would he really kill her?In fact, he didn't know the answer to this question.

The black alloy floor is at least one meter thick, and it is almost impossible to cut it with a portable cutting gun. However, Xia Lei chose a convenient bathroom for her mother. If the bathroom is a bathroom, there will be a design that must have sewage, such as toilets. The buried part of the trough.The Blue Moon people don't have the habit of sitting on the toilet, and the ones installed in their bathrooms are similar to human squatting urinals.

Some things can't be changed no matter how technology develops, the toilet is an example.

Cut off the sewage pipe and then cut it up along the hole of the sewage pipe. Xia Lei only took a quarter of an hour to drive the channel to the bottom of the toilet trough, and he also cut the welding part around the alloy toilet nest. Now he only needs to go up and he can open up a passage to get into the black bathroom.

The person imprisoning the dark horse refuses to put an energy barrier on the toilet, right?In that case, how can people hush and pull Xiangxiang?

"Mother, we are going to meet soon." Xia Leiqiang endured the excitement in his heart, and slowly slid under the toilet bowl, reached out his hand to the alloy toilet nest, and prepared to gently push it up.

Suddenly there was the sound of footsteps overhead.

Xia Lei's heart suddenly became tense, and secretly said: "Will it be the mother? If it weren't for me to push it up, it would be bad..."

The footsteps stopped overhead, and then there was a sound of rustling cloth rubbing.

"Damn!" Xia Lei suddenly realized that something was about to happen. He subconsciously wanted to move to the side to dodge, but when this idea just came out, he was forcibly suppressed.

Through the gap of the sewage outlet, he could actually see a little bit of the above situation, and it was for this reason that he forced him to stay.This is an opportunity to judge whether the person above is a mother or not.

"I'm not that kind of person, this is just to save you." Xia Lei said to himself again in his heart.

When the light above his head dimmed, Xia Lei's hair got wet.

"This is not my hair, this is Dans's hair..." Xia Lei comforted himself in this way, and forced himself to stare at the situation above the gap with wide eyes.

The person above was the mother, he was finally determined, but he paid a painful price.

There was a rustling voice above her head again, and the mother was about to leave.

Xia Lei hesitated, then summoned the courage to make a voice, "Hey!"

The mother, who had already made a step by step, was silent. She obviously heard the sound made by Xia Lei and seemed to be looking for the source of the sound.

"Hey!" Xia Lei made another voice, "It's me, you sent the message, and now I am here, you should know who I am."

Momma stepped back and hesitated for a while before speaking, "Is it you?"

"it's me."

"Why is this voice?" Mother Ma's voice.

Xia Lei said: "I am living with a blue moon person. I will explain to you when I go out. Don't ask any more. Now tell me the situation above."

"Repeat the content of that message." Mother Ma's voice, she still decided to confirm.

Xia Lei repeated the content of the message.

"It's really you, you..." After the confirmation, the mother was unable to keep her calm, "I hardly hope, but why are you still here?"

"Now is not the time to ask this kind of question!" Xia Lei urged, "Tell me the situation above!"

"This bathroom has only this toilet and no energy barrier, and there are other places. I am wearing an energy yoke, and Goodo imprisoned me twice." Mother's voice said.

Xia Lei secretly rejoiced that the analysis just now was correct. It is impossible for the person holding Mamma to put an energy barrier on the toilet. Even if she is a death row prisoner, she still needs to solve some basic physiological needs.And if he is holding the cutting gun to cut other places, he may have touched the energy barrier and been discovered at this moment, and the whole plan will fail.

"Tell me, what can I do to rescue you from here?" Xia Lei said.

"I never thought that you would save me in this way..."

"Say it!"

"You can cut this urinal and I can leave the black prison, and then find a way to open the energy shackles on me." Mother Ma said.

Xia Lei picked up the portable cutter and started cutting the upper urinal. The hole he opened became bigger and bigger, and the water droplets dripped drop by drop. This time it was not wet his hair anymore, his face was also Spattered a lot.Only he knew what he felt in his heart.

The toilet trough was cut off, and the mother's tall body and delicate face completely entered Xia Lei's sight.She was wearing the clothes worn by prisoners, and she wore a pair of energy handcuffs on her hands. There was an energy chain at the lower end of the energy handcuffs, which were put on her ankles.

The energy chain is not an iron chain. She doesn't make a sound when she walks, but it confines the dark death energy in her body.

Behind the mother is a dark wall with a dazzling energy barrier.This is the same situation described by Mumma, the entire black prison is only in places convenient for her without energy barriers, and there are other places.

"What did you see just now?" With her eyes facing each other, the mother asked an embarrassing question.

Xia Lei followed and shook his head, "I didn't see anything." After a pause, he said, "I'm here to save you. This is the only way I can think of."

The mother did not continue to ask, she took a closer look at the toilet, "I am a bit big, this hole is a bit small, it will be a little difficult for me to drill down."

Xia Lei said, "You can still come down from a squeeze. You have to squeeze it down even if you wear off a layer of skin. This is your only way to escape."

"Well, I'm coming down from here. When I got stuck, you grabbed my leg and dragged me down." As she said, she dropped a foot into the hole in the poop, ready to get in. .

But at this moment, Xia Lei reached out and grabbed her foot, and pressed it hard, otherwise she would make the next move.

Momma frowned, "What do you mean?"

Xia Lei said: "I risked my life to save you. I have a question I want to figure out. Give me the answer and I will take you away from Blue Moon."

Mother Ma was silent for a while and said, "Do you want me to help you deal with Shenyue Ruyi, Guduo and Lanyue?"

Xia Lei said: "You are an extremely smart woman. You don't need to tell me what I want. Now that you know everything, then give me an answer."

The mother suddenly raised her foot, and then said: "Go, I won't tell you that you have been to Blue Moon, if you leave now, you still have time and opportunity to leave Blue Moon."

Xia Lei laughed furiously, "I knew you were answering this way, I wouldn't have taken such a big risk to come to Lanyue. You really deserve me. But I don't regret it, you are the second person to make me feel good. The blue moon people, your existence makes me believe that not all blue moon people are bad."

A complicated look flashed in Mamma's eyes, and her mood was extremely complicated at this moment.

Xia Lei said: "I know you are not a person who is afraid of death, but you still want to live. Not afraid of death and alive are two concepts. You may evolve to a higher level, and you also want to get a higher evolution. So, You sent that message to my robot butler with a trace of wish to survive, and I came too. But we are not friends, you and I are even enemies. You think you give me nothing, I will risk such a big deal Risk to save you?"

One of his unspoken words is that you don’t give me anything, and I will save you. What the hell do I think of you?Is your butt big?

Mamma hesitated, "I can tell you everything, but I can only give you this promise. I am from the Blue Moon. Although the Moon King is unfair to me, I don't want to betray her."

PS: Sorry that today’s third is so late, because I am in Pingwu Mountain and there is no signal. I didn’t find the signal until now, and open the hot spot update.

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