Super Vision

1911 Chapter 1910 Prometheus, milk force!

The dawn of dawn dispelled the darkness, and a new day had arrived.

Xia Lei was lying on the sand all night, no one knew what happened to him.

Mama has been guarding by his side, never leaving.But all she saw was the man who burned his clothes, and the sand that froze and melted, nothing else.However, in her eyes, Xia Lei last night and Xia Lei at this moment are obviously different.His skin is more white, tender and delicate, seemingly normal skin, but it gives people a jade-like feeling.

And the breath emanating from him.Although he is just lying on the sand, just an ordinary human man, he feels like standing in front of a vigorous and vast virgin forest, and sometimes like standing in front of an endless sea. .How strong the vitality is in the forest and the sea, how strong is it!

A ray of golden sunlight stepped across a sandy mountain, and silently cast on Xia Lei's body.

A magical scene happened, the golden sunlight cast on Xia Lei's body was directly absorbed by Xia Lei's skin.A golden energy halo also appeared around his body, not very strong, but still clearly visible.

At this moment, Xia Lei opened his eyes and got up from the ground.

At this time, if human beings on the earth, especially Buddhists in Asia see it, they will kneel down and worship him.Because the faint golden halo on his body is like the light of Buddha, and he in the sacred golden halo is like a Buddha.

Mother Ma looked at Xia Lei dumbfounded, and took a step back subconsciously.She is an evolutionary character of dark death energy, and the golden halo released from Xia Lei's body made her instinctively afraid.

A smile appeared at the corner of Xia Lei's mouth, "Beloved wife, don't be nervous, this is not eternal energy."

"Not eternal energy?" Mamma asked in surprise: "Then what energy is it?"

"My energy." Xia Lei said with a smile, and then he waved his hand to the mother, and a golden light flew towards her.

The golden light flew over, and Mother Ma had no time to dodge, and was immediately enveloped by the golden light.If it is eternal energy, the dark death energy in her body will surely attack it, swallowing it and obliterating it, but this time the dark death energy in her body has no reaction at all.She was enveloped by the golden energy light, but she didn't feel the slightest uncomfortable feeling, on the contrary, it was a very pleasant and relaxing feeling.

"Tell me, what is it?" Mother Ma was even more curious, eager to know the answer.

But before Xia Lei could give her an answer, the golden light on her body turned into a colorful glow, still wrapping her, as if she was standing in a rainbow.She felt the presence of water, felt the light and warmth, and the breath of endless life.In this little time, she even had a feeling of gestating a new life!

"I... You made me pregnant?" This feeling shocked the mother.

Xia Lei snorted and laughed, "My beloved wife, I know your feelings and thoughts, but I'm not that boring yet, I waved to make you pregnant. I'm still happy to realize that kind of thing myself."

Mother Ma’s face was slightly blue, "Then why do I feel pregnant and want to have a baby? What kind of energy is this energy?"

"Let me tell you why you have this feeling first. It is my energy that makes you want to nurture life, and then you have that feeling because of your desire, or it is an illusion." After a pause, Xia Lei said again: "I will tell you what kind of energy it is. There are three kinds of energy in my body, brand power, eternal energy and birth milk energy. They are all different energies. The energy evolved during the evolutionary stage of yours. It is your milk that makes them merge into one. It not only has the attributes of these three kinds of energy, but also has its own attributes..."

"What attribute?" Xia Lei paused slightly, and the mother became anxious.

Xia Lei smiled, "The attributes of creating life."

"Create life?" Mother Ma was shocked on the spot, and her heart was confused.She actually understood the meaning of the word, and she didn't understand why the new energy generated by Xia Lei's integration of the three energies had such attributes.

Xia Lei nodded, "Yes, the attributes of creating life. Creating life cannot be explained in a few words, nor can it be created casually. There is a fairy tale in my hometown, in that fairy tale. There is a character named Prometheus..."

The mother interrupted Xia Lei again, "I am not interested in fairy tales. Tell me, do you really wave your hand or just look at me to make me pregnant?"

Xia Lei, "..."

"Tell me quickly, in a way I can understand!" Marma urged.

Xia Lei thought for a while, and then said: "Well, I will give you a demonstration."

Mother Ma stared at Xia Lei, her heart was still reminiscing about the feeling of being pregnant and wanting to have a baby.That feeling was very strange to her, even weird, but she liked it very subconsciously!

No woman does not want to be a mother, and she is no exception.

In the midst of Mother Ma's random thoughts, Xia Lei raised his hands, and then swirled in the void.His movements are very gentle, but just under this gentle movement, a breath of wind is born between his hands, rapidly strengthening and getting stronger.Within a few seconds, a tornado was born!

Xia Lei pushed the tornado to the ground with both hands, the tornado fell to the ground and hula rolled up countless grains of sand.The tornado grew bigger and bigger, moving slowly.All the sand on the ground rolled into the sky, exposing the covered earth.

In just a few minutes, a piece of land of about a few hundred square meters appeared, and the tornado disappeared.

In Xia Lei's hands, a ball of light exuding colorful energy was born, and he pushed the ball of light onto the ground cleared by the tornado.

It was a brown ground, dry and barren, without any vitality, and without any life.

wave!A ball of energy glowing with colorful glow fell on the dry and barren land, and a small ball of energy suddenly exploded. The colorful energy flow generally covered the entire land.

Miracle, no, the miracle was born at that moment.

Several green grasses and a small sapling grew on the dry and barren land.Green grass and small saplings grow at the same speed as the wind. The small grasses become strong grasses, and the small saplings also become shrubs taller than one person.In a blink of an eye, the grass withered yellow, and the grass seeds fell on the ground.The bush blossoms and bears fruit, and the fruit matures and falls to the ground.In a blink of an eye, the grass seeds took root and the fruits took root. More grass and shrubs appeared on the ground.

Also in just a few minutes, a piece of dry and barren land of several hundred square meters turned into a miniature oasis with grass and shrubs.

"You..." Mother Ma opened her mouth wide, she wanted to say but didn't say anything.

Xia Lei said: "This is its attribute, the attribute that creates life. But this is just a simple demonstration. I just created them based on the seeds in the soil. If you want to create seeds, you need more complicated conditions and longer. Time. I’m actually not sure if I can do it now, but it does have the properties of creating life."

That mysterious golden energy does not come from the eternal day, nor is it the divine power of any gods, but the eternal energy contained in the bones of thousands of fish spirits in the Gulf of Valor, plus the energy of the remnants of thousands of fish spirits. energy of.Therefore, at the beginning, it showed a trace of "thinking" characteristics.His brain defines it as a high-level eternal energy with spirituality.But now it has become part of his milk force and no longer exists alone.

And the unity of the ontology brand and the cosmic brand, his soul and body also have a terrifying improvement after being integrated into the body.Regardless of his terrifying brain, it is just the strength of his body and soul. I am afraid that Saint Thunder and Saint King Lan Ling are now joining forces to fight him, and they will not be his opponent!However, Saint Thunder and Saint King Lan Ling are representative figures of body evolution and soul evolution. They have both stayed at the top of the pyramid in these two areas!

"My husband, what are your plans next?" Mother Ma asked Xia Lei, gnawing on a wild fruit that could not even be named.

Xia Lei raised his head and looked at the sky, "It's time to end this. Come with me to the Rest Forest, and then we will go to the Blue Moon."

"Do you want me to go back to the Forest of Rest with you?" Mother Ma hesitated.

"My wife." Xia Lei said.

"Okay... I'll go to the Forest of Rest with you." Mother Ma said.

PS: It will be back to Earth soon, probably in May.It happens to be on the list in May, and I hope my friends will vote for me in May.I also apologize to the book friends here, saying that the good April explosion only broke three chapters.But please understand that it is not easy to stick to it three times a day.Okay, let me sum up the courage to talk about it, it will burst in May...

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