Super Vision

1922 Chapter 1922 Stone and Feet

The night sky without blue moon is clear, and the rest forest tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

There was a busy scene in the cave. Bailing was busy arranging the cave. The other four women were in charge of dinner, barbecue and wild fruits.Xia Lei is responsible for drinking milk. As the husband who returns triumphantly, women naturally won't be stingy with their milk.For Xia Lei, their milk is the best wine in the world.

Drinking the yin and yang divine milk, Xia Lei's body and mind slowly relaxed while watching the women busy themselves.

What is the world of dark death like?

What kind of existence is the supreme energy that dominates the dark world?

He didn't want to think about these issues, now he just wants to enjoy life.There is no enemy, no mission, only him and his woman.

Looking at the five busy women, Xia Lei couldn't help but show the faces of several other women, Long Bing, Tang Yuyan, Jiang Ruyi, Shentu Tianyin, Fan Fan, Liang Siyao...

"If I can complete that mission, how should I handle my relationship with the wives of the two worlds? Use the star gate to travel between the two worlds? Or bring the six wives of this world to the earth? Bailing, Lie Rushui and Kontunana are okay, but Diasama, Mamma and Lanjier..." Thinking of these three non-human wives, there is also Kontunana, a half-mermaid who turns into a fish spirit when exposed to water. , His head still couldn't help but aching, and he couldn't think of the best way to solve the problem.

It is not difficult to imagine what it would be like if there was a big tail, a blue-skinned Lan Jill and a mother who was almost two and a half meters tall walking on the streets of Kyoto.The crowd of onlookers might have to block from the gate of Reima Group to Kyoto International Airport, right?

Although he doesn't think about the supreme energy of the dark world and the mission, he still has things that bother him.

At this time, footsteps came from the path of the woods, quietly approaching here.

Xia Lei didn't need to look at it at all. He knew who the person was just by thinking about it. He smiled and said, "Brother Liang, what are you doing so lightly? Or, what do you want to do?"

"Haha! My good brother!" Liang Tao walked out of the woods in front of the cave with a smile on his face.He held a file bag in his hand, bulging, with a lot of stuff in it.

Xia Lei's scene passed, his gaze swept across the file bag, and the contents suddenly entered his sight.His brows were also slightly frowned. The document bag in Liang Tao's hand contained some aerial photos, which were also related to the lunar core.

How did Liang Tao know that Xia Lei had seen the contents of the file bag. He walked towards Xia Lei who was sitting at the entrance of the cave and said as he walked: "My good brother, I'm not here to spy, I'm not that kind of person ."

Xia Lei smiled, "I know exactly what you are thinking, you don't want to peek at something, why are you walking cripple?"

"That...hehe!" Liang Tao coughed awkwardly, then handed the file bag in Xia Lei's hand, "What do you think of me? I'm here to send you information."

Xia Lei pretended not to know, "Uh, what information is it?"

Liang Tao said: "We locked the lunar core when it fell. These photos were also taken by our fighter planes. It fell in the center of the Great Maha Desert. I sent someone to find it, but there was an area inaccessible to us. As soon as the fighter jet went in, it didn’t come out, and no lunar core came out.”

Although I had seen the photos in the file bag a long time ago, Xia Lei took out the photos from the file bag, pretending to look at it seriously.Those photos are indeed the photos taken by the falling of the lunar core captured by the fighter plane, but there are no photos of the falling to the ground.But he knew where it fell, or it shouldn't be said to be a fall, but to "go".

"My dear brother, I am going to send someone to search again, and send our best investigator to the area from the ground." Liang Tao said.

Xia Lei shook his head, "Stop searching for the lunar core."

"Huh?" Liang Tao looked at Xia Lei puzzledly, "Why?"

Xia Lei said: "The moon core is a metal refined with death energy. It is not something you can touch. The area in the center of the Maha Maha is not something you can enter. If you enter, you will not come back again. You understand me. Mean?"

"Liang Tao looked shocked, but he still nodded, expressing his understanding.

Xia Lei said: "Just leave it alone. The most important task now is to withdraw from the resting forest and lead mankind to rebuild their homeland."

"Are you really not a leader anymore?"

Xia Lei smiled, "Is this still fake? I announced it in front of so many people. Get ready, you are also eligible to participate in the leader election."

"Haha!" Liang Tao suddenly smiled, "Sure enough, I am a good brother who came here with us, you will recommend me and vote for me, right?"

Xia Lei shook his head, "No."

"Ah? What do you mean?" Liang Tao's smile suddenly froze on his face.

Xia Lei smiled and said, "Because I know that you are not a leader. It is a difficult task for mankind to walk out of the forest of rest and rebuild civilization. It must be a talented person who is selfless and willing to dedicate himself. You can't meet the most basic conditions. How could I vote for you."

Liang Tao shrugged, "Well, I also admit that I am not that piece of material, but Commander Kangtu is suitable, she also has enough prestige, you will not vote for her?"

Xia Lei didn't know how to answer this question. He wanted to take the wives of this world back to the earth world. If Kontunana became the leader of the human beings in this world, how could she go back with him?But Kontunana was really a very suitable candidate, which embarrassed him.

"Counselor Liang, don't confuse my husband, I am not a leader." Kangtunana's voice, she walked out of the cave.

Xia Lei stood up, stretched out his hand to wrap Kantunana's waist, and said with a smile: "Yes, she will be my wife."

Kontunana stretched her hand to her back and pinched Xia Lei's waist vigorously.

"I really don't understand your family." Liang Tao took a look into the cave, "It smells so good, is there mine?"

Kontunana shook her head, "No, you didn't tell me you were coming to eat."

Liang Tao shrugged, "Forget it, I'll go on a date with girls, I don't want to be your light bulb." It's true, even if Kontunana stays with him for dinner, he will still leave. Since the war begins It is rare for Xia Lei to get together with them once. Tonight is Victory Night. Xia Lei is reunited with his wives. Why is he embarrassed to get in?

Kangtunana moved her gaze to the file bag in Xia Lei's hand, "I just heard the conversation between you and Staff Officer Liang. The moon core fell into the Great Maha Desert and couldn't be found. Is the problem serious?"

Xia Lei said: "It's not serious, don't hang on the lunar nucleus, and enjoy life." Then he leaned into her ear, exhaled and said: "I have promised the ancestor of the mouth, I will give The fish spirits are added."

"Go, go, it's not serious, I haven't settled the account with you about Tia Sama." Kangtunana glared at Xia Lei, but there was not the slightest annoyance in her eyes, but some were tender and honey. meaning.

Xia Lei bit his scalp and said: "I know it's wrong to hide from you, but if I put it forward, you will definitely not agree to it, but I have to ask for Tia's milk. You know my situation, in order to defeat Shenyue Ruyi , I have no choice."

"Listening to you, I think you are so wronged." Kontunana said.

Xia Lei, "..."

Lie Rushui came out, "It's dinner, isn't it embarrassing to hug and hug?"

As soon as her words fell, Xia Lei's big hand stretched out and he wrapped Lie Rushui's waist in his arms, "Is this not ashamed?"

"Chuck..." Lie Rushui smiled, with a gentle and innocent smile.

Tia Sama was busy putting the cutlery on the table, and after setting it up he stood eagerly by the dining table.

Xia Lei smiled and said, "Why don't you sit down?"

Tia Sama glanced at the other four women, hesitant to speak.

Lan Jier sighed, "Sit down, Tia, we will be a family from now on, you are welcome to be a family."

Bailing also said: "Yes, come and sit next to me, we will be sisters in the future. However, your tableware is fixed, don't use other people's casually, okay?"

Kangtunana grinned, "Yes, otherwise you will be poisoned if you are not careful."

"Hmm!" Tia Sama bowed deeply, "Thank you sisters!"

Xia Lei put vegetables in the woman's bowl one by one, and said: "Wife, thank you for your understanding and support, you have suffered with this, you have worked hard, and I will compensate you in the future."

"It's fine if you know, you quickly let me..." Kangtunana glanced at her belly subconsciously. Although she didn't say it, her wish was obvious.

"And me!" Lie Rushui blushed.

"I won't say, but you know what I want." Lan Jill said.

Xia Lei reached out and clicked on Kontunana's belly, and then clicked on the belly of Lie Rushui and Lan Jier respectively.After that, the three women's lower abdomens immediately exudes a colorful glow of energy, it feels like there is something unique in their stomachs.

"This..." The three women with shining belly were surprised and confused.

Xia Lei smiled and said, "Your wish can be realized tonight."

"Really?" Kontunana was very excited.

Xia Lei nodded, "I have collected six kinds of milk, and I have evolved the energy to create life..."

"Wait!" Lan Jier interrupted Xia Lei's words suddenly, "husband, you just said how many kinds of milk you collected?"

Xia Lei froze suddenly, and at that moment he couldn't wait to slap himself!

Lie Rushui used her finger to point across the women in the cave, including herself, and then she showed a confused expression, "Husband, did you remember it wrong? We only have five people here."

"Idiot!" Bai Ling said suddenly: "He has a woman out there!"

"I understand!" Lan Jier glared at Xia Lei, "Is it a mother!"

Xia Lei's head drooped.He quickly said a "six" for a while, and the horse's feet were revealed.He didn’t need to tell the secrets between him and his mother. She once said that she didn’t need any status and was willing to keep a secret husband and wife relationship with him, but he didn’t expect him to pick up a stone and hit himself. Feet.

"When did you start?"

"She is so tall, can you all look at it?"

"Who else is there except her?"

"Are you talking?"

"Can you get through without speaking?"

The atmosphere in the cave suddenly changed. Except for Tia Sama, four other women whispered around him to ask questions, and his head became heavier and heavier, and the super brain was not super, like a pack of straw inside.

When the women were noisy enough, Xia Lei said softly, “I know I’m wrong, but what I want to tell you is that without the mother’s milk, I can’t evolve the energy to deal with the gods and the moon, you... If you want a baby, you have to thank her for her milk. Her milk is very important to me."

"You can't marry her either!" Lan Jill said.

Xia Lei smiled bitterly, "If I don't marry her, how can she give me milk? She is actually a very traditional woman. She has one condition. Only her husband can drink her milk."

Even for this reason, the four women still stared at him with grievances.

Xia Lei sighed, "I swear, there won't be a seventh."

The four women ignored him.

Xia Lei got up and walked in, "If you want to understand, come to me, I will fulfill your wishes."





Tia Sama closed her mouth tightly.

However, after a while, Kontunana got up and walked into the cave, "Um... I'll go see what he is doing."

Lan Jier and Lie Rushui also got up and walked inside. Lan Jier said, "I am the boss."

Kontunana, "..."

As strong as water, "..."

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